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i hate vonda shepard

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Jan 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/13/99
I have to agree with Ariel. Vonda sings like she's got something caught in
her throat. It drives me crazy. I wish they'd get a different singer.



Jan 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/13/99

ArielJoy wrote in message <>...
>sorry, but i do. she sings a lot of good songs.. but she ruins them. i
>they should just play the original versions. i really just cant stand her
For a long time, I really liked her, but I think they're using her too much
and she seems to be a one-trick pony -- belting out all these songs in
basically the same way. Of course, she is trying to sing them in a way that
people can dance to them, so I guess that's an unfair criticism.

Don't get me wrong ... she's very good. I'm just kind of tired of her. She
shows up too many times in the show. I also would like to hear some of the
original songs played. They make me nostalgic.


Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99
sorry, but i do. she sings a lot of good songs.. but she ruins them. i think
they should just play the original versions. i really just cant stand her

"Its a beautiful day and i'm surrounded by beautiful women. hell, what could
be better? Makes you wish...everyone was naked" - Sarah McLachlan

Teresa W Ha

Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99
Kashka ( wrote:
: For a long time, I really liked her, but I think they're using her too

: much : and she seems to be a one-trick pony -- belting out all these
: songs in : basically the same way. Of course, she is trying to sing
: them in a way that : people can dance to them, so I guess that's an
: unfair criticism.

a question. do people really find that music danceable? i mean, dancing
for me means going to a club, bass pounding in my ears, losing myself in
a nice frenzy of flailing limbs. the spastic look is much more
pronounced when they play techno. ;)

i've always had a problem with the whole "dancing to vonda" thing they do
since they don't really look like they're doing much dancing. rather,
they seem to just sway their shoulders around. where's the beat?


Earl Fernandez

Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99

Teresa W Ha

>i've always had a problem

And admitting that you have one is
a step closer to recovery.

John Book

Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99
To me, she sounds like she's trying too hard to be someone else. Or
she's trying too hard to make a point. If they can play Barry White
every now and then, why not pay for the rights to play the originals.
Hell, it's FOX, they're owned by a billonaire aren't they?

-John Book

Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99
<> wrote:

> I have to agree with Ariel. Vonda sings like she's got something caught in
> her throat. It drives me crazy. I wish they'd get a different singer.

Apparently Fox has heard your pleas. Rumor has it that Vonda will be replaced
by Luciano Pavaratti in a few weeks. Just wait until you hear his version of
Walk Away Renee.

Amletto di Milano

It's a 24-hour service guaranteed to make you tell...

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99
to (Teresa W Ha) wrote:

> i've always had a problem with the whole "dancing to vonda" thing they do
> since they don't really look like they're doing much dancing. rather,
> they seem to just sway their shoulders around. where's the beat?

White folks will dance to anything. Even Lawrence Welk.

Laura Perry

Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99
You may hate Vonda's songs in the show,but she has no choice what to
sing. I have her CD's and they are really good

Nancy Quinn

Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99

Laura Perry wrote:
> You may hate Vonda's songs in the show,but she has no choice what to
> sing. I have her CD's and they are really good

Yes! I have all her CD's to date, and I play them often. It may
make some difference when you get to hear the entire song, not just
the snippet they use on the show. As for the dancing on AMcB,
this group would look a little strange trying to do the Continental
(that *was* the Continental last Monday, yes?) to Rhythm Nation
rap songs.

And thank you to all the folks who posted about lucid dreaming; I
learned something that truly enhanced my understanding of that
Delurking to defend a favorite singer,
Nancy Quinn

Dolores Neese

Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99
to wrote:
: I have to agree with Ariel. Vonda sings like she's got something caught in
: her throat. It drives me crazy. I wish they'd get a different singer.

Were you around when Janis Joplin was alive and singing?????
Dolores (alive in the 1960s)


Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99
>Were you around when Janis Joplin was alive and singing?????
>Dolores (alive in the 1960s)

I'm glad you are a Vonda fan, I truly respect you for that, but please do not
make that comparison. Janis was an original in every way and wrote much of the
music she was famous for. Her voice was the least of her strengths when
compared to her soul. It is annoying for the same reason comparing Oasis to
the Beatles is annoying. Anyway, off my soap box, no offence intended, I just
happen to love Janis Joplin.

Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99
In article <>,

I agree totally. She has a really phelgmy voice that I find annoying.


Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99
But if they found a different singer, the show would be sooooo different.
Sheperd's voice is essentially Ally's, and without it, it would not be the
same. I see Sheperd's voice like I see Ally's hair--it's a fetaure I either
like in one episode and hate in another, but I would never want to see her
shave it off.


Martin Kraus

Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99
Jammybrice wrote:
> >Were you around when Janis Joplin was alive and singing?????
> >Dolores (alive in the 1960s)
> >
> I'm glad you are a Vonda fan, I truly respect you for that, but please do not
> make that comparison. Janis was an original in every way and wrote much of the
> music she was famous for. Her voice was the least of her strengths when
> compared to her soul.

Actually Vonda Shepard is a great songwriter (listen to "It's good, Eve"
you ever have a chance to; all the songs were written by Vonda Shepard,
the music of some of them together with Michael Landau).
Some of the songs written by Vonda Shepard which you might know are:
"Searchin' my Soul", "Maryland", "Every Now and Then", "Looking for
"Will You Mary Me?", "100 Tears Away".

> It is annoying for the same reason comparing Oasis to
> the Beatles is annoying. Anyway, off my soap box, no offence intended, I just
> happen to love Janis Joplin.

The problem of a comparison between Shepard and Joplin is probably that
Joplin did become popular because of her songs and not because of her
appearance in a TV show. Thus, without knowing Shepards albums you
cannot judge this comparison.

Martin Kraus (who was not alive in the 60s)


Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99

Martin Kraus wrote in message

>Jammybrice wrote:
>> >Were you around when Janis Joplin was alive and singing?????
>> >Dolores (alive in the 1960s)
>> >
>> I'm glad you are a Vonda fan, I truly respect you for that, but please do
>> make that comparison. Janis was an original in every way and wrote much
of the
>> music she was famous for. Her voice was the least of her strengths when
>> compared to her soul.
>Actually Vonda Shepard is a great songwriter (listen to "It's good, Eve"
>you ever have a chance to; all the songs were written by Vonda Shepard,
>the music of some of them together with Michael Landau).

I think the music she did with Martin Landau was much better.

Mike Harris

Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99
On Thu, 14 Jan 1999 wrote:

| Apparently Fox has heard your pleas. Rumor has it that Vonda will be
| replaced by Luciano Pavaratti in a few weeks. Just wait until you hear
| his version of Walk Away Renee.

Hell, if he'll do duets with the Spice Girls, I wouldn't put it past him.

(No, unfortunately I'm *not* kidding.)

Mike Harris
Five days 'til the fate of the Internet's decided. (January 20th)
Visit to see what I mean.

Shawn Kresal

Jan 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/17/99
On 14 Jan 1999 02:37:30 GMT, (Teresa W Ha)
spewed forth:

>Kashka ( wrote:
>: For a long time, I really liked her, but I think they're using her too
>: much : and she seems to be a one-trick pony -- belting out all these
>: songs in : basically the same way. Of course, she is trying to sing
>: them in a way that : people can dance to them, so I guess that's an
>: unfair criticism.
>a question. do people really find that music danceable? i mean, dancing
>for me means going to a club, bass pounding in my ears, losing myself in
>a nice frenzy of flailing limbs. the spastic look is much more
>pronounced when they play techno. ;)

>i've always had a problem with the whole "dancing to vonda" thing they do
>since they don't really look like they're doing much dancing. rather,
>they seem to just sway their shoulders around. where's the beat?

It's danceable, sure, but not in a Saturday night special
shake-yer-boot-ay kinda way. More like: we're professional late 20's
and thirtysomethings trying to unwind after a long bygone-filled day
of not losing any cases.



Jan 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/17/99
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 11:33:26 GMT,
(Shawn Kresal) wrote:

>On 14 Jan 1999 02:37:30 GMT, (Teresa W Ha)
>spewed forth:

>>Kashka ( wrote:
>>: For a long time, I really liked her, but I think they're using her too
>>: much : and she seems to be a one-trick pony -- belting out all these
>>: songs in : basically the same way. Of course, she is trying to sing
>>: them in a way that : people can dance to them, so I guess that's an
>>: unfair criticism.

I just logged on to this group for the first time today, and
voraciously d/led this thread because it's my pet peeve of the show.
I sing for a living, and although her intonation is okay, it's that
hollow "bubble in the throat" tone that makes me want to press the
mute button.

>>a question. do people really find that music danceable? i mean, dancing
>>for me means going to a club, bass pounding in my ears, losing myself in
>>a nice frenzy of flailing limbs. the spastic look is much more
>>pronounced when they play techno. ;)

As far as this dance thing is concerned, here's the deal with folks
listening to the Saturday night stuff that you characterized here:
Unless the beat is "four on the floor pedestrian," you gen-x,y,z'ers
are lost. If you cannot interpret the space BETWEEN four bass drum
beats to the bar, then as a latter-day consumer of music, your frame
of reference, musically speaking, is atrophic.
This isn't even a comment about "the music of my generation is better
than yours" because Dave Matthews and Phish are STILL out there
trimming (read: dumbing)down Bill Bruford, Mahavishnu, and Gentle
Giant for the common man... This selection of music is the same as
Murphy Brown's as a patronizing device by David Kelley for some
cross-breeding skew market thing-and it might be mostly what lawyers
listen to? Who knows?

>>i've always had a problem with the whole "dancing to vonda" thing they do
>>since they don't really look like they're doing much dancing. rather,
>>they seem to just sway their shoulders around. where's the beat?

Where's the beat? Find it yourself between 1 and 3,(unless you're
listening to reggae) and get a different singer.

Gary McGill

Earl Fernandez

Jan 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/17/99

MUGSYŠ wrote:
>As far as this dance thing is concerned, here's the deal with folks
>listening to the Saturday night stuff that you characterized here:
>Unless the beat is "four on the floor pedestrian," you gen-x,y,z'ers
>are lost. If you cannot interpret the space BETWEEN four bass drum
>beats to the bar, then as a latter-day consumer of music, your frame
>of reference, musically speaking, is atrophic.
>Where's the beat? Find it yourself between 1 and 3,(unless you're
>listening to reggae) and get a different singer.


Teresa W Ha

Jan 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/17/99
MUGSY© ( wrote:
: >On 14 Jan 1999 02:37:30 GMT, (Teresa W Ha)
: >spewed forth:

: >>a question. do people really find that music danceable? i mean,

: >>dancing : >>for me means going to a club, bass pounding in my ears,
: >>losing myself in : >>a nice frenzy of flailing limbs. the spastic
: >>look is much more : >>pronounced when they play techno. ;)

: As far as this dance thing is concerned, here's the deal with folks

: listening to the Saturday night stuff that you characterized here:
: Unless the beat is "four on the floor pedestrian," you gen-x,y,z'ers
: are lost. If you cannot interpret the space BETWEEN four bass drum
: beats to the bar, then as a latter-day consumer of music, your frame
: of reference, musically speaking, is atrophic.

: This isn't even a comment about "the music of my generation is better

: than yours" because Dave Matthews and Phish are STILL out there
: trimming (read: dumbing)down Bill Bruford, Mahavishnu, and Gentle
: Giant for the common man... This selection of music is the same as
: Murphy Brown's as a patronizing device by David Kelley for some
: cross-breeding skew market thing-and it might be mostly what lawyers
: listen to? Who knows?

congratulations! for a first time post to, you've managed to
shine in the condescending and patronizing departments. usually it takes 3
or 4 posts for the average delightful person, but you are definitely of
the quick learner type. good job!

i think the crowning point of the argument, though, was defining modern
day music consumers as having no basis of reference for your so-called
true music. hm, i don't even know who bill bruford is. oh, the
atrophy! the horrific atrophy!

who is that mozart guy? and nina simone... didn't she do some
collaboration with celine dion? and wait, duke ellington. he died
with tupac, right?

if true dancing means being able to interpret music between an ever
decreasing number of beats, then i suppose only ballet dancers are "true"
dancers. that fred astaire and ginger rogers, they were just frauds,
listening to the beat and all.

ah, this thread belies my age. i still don't think i could dance to
vonda, although as either janet or cheryl mentioned, some could dance to
unwind. too bad my unwinding generally knocks some people senseless. ;)



Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
On 17 Jan 1999 20:59:23 GMT, (Teresa W Ha)

You obviously didn't get it.
In the end, you agreed with me, albeit coating your assertion with a
generational slant.
Wotta medium this is.

>ah, this thread belies my age. i still don't think i could dance to
>vonda, although as either janet or cheryl mentioned, some could dance to
>unwind. too bad my unwinding generally knocks some people senseless. ;)

Thanks for the warning.


Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 20:27:16 GMT, "Earl Fernandez"
<> wrote:

>MUGSY╘ wrote:
>>As far as this dance thing is concerned, here's the deal with folks
>>listening to the Saturday night stuff that you characterized here:
>>Unless the beat is "four on the floor pedestrian," you gen-x,y,z'ers
>>are lost. If you cannot interpret the space BETWEEN four bass drum
>>beats to the bar, then as a latter-day consumer of music, your frame
>>of reference, musically speaking, is atrophic.

>>Where's the beat? Find it yourself between 1 and 3,(unless you're
>>listening to reggae) and get a different singer.

Newsgroups are for "keepin' it to yourself?"

Teresa W Ha

Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
MUGSY© ( wrote:
: On 17 Jan 1999 20:59:23 GMT, (Teresa W Ha)
: wrote:

: >who is that mozart guy? and nina simone... didn't she do some

: >collaboration with celine dion? and wait, duke ellington. he died
: >with tupac, right?

: You obviously didn't get it.

: -but-
: In the end, you agreed with me, albeit coating your assertion with a
: generational slant.
: Wotta medium this is.

who's the current keeper of that "sarchasm" definition? i always seem to
be fumbling around for it for some reason...

(listening to "copacabana" right now - the cause of society's current
decrepit state of music knowledge)


Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
to wrote:

> White folks will dance to anything.

That was uncalled for.

Heather C

Jan 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/18/99
ME EITHER!!!! i feel your pain : )

Sometimes my dreams are so deep that I dream that I'm dreaming.

~Ray Charles

Earl Fernandez

Jan 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/19/99
Teresa wrote:
>who's the current keeper of that "sarchasm" definition? i always seem to
>be fumbling around for it for some reason...

Well, I believe our group's official Sarchasm keeper is CPG410. However, in
her absence I will assist.

Sar·chasm: (sär' kaz em), n. The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit
and the recipient who doesn't get it. [ < Gk. sarkasmos + chainein]


Jan 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/19/99

Eistren wrote in message <>...

> wrote:
>> White folks will dance to anything.
>That was uncalled for.

Actually I called for it. Amletto has a 1-900 newsgroup comment request
line. It was nice to finally see one of my requests come int....thanks.


Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
From the desk of "EK" <> comes this:

Is it still $1.99/minute, or is Amletto running one of those specials


"You see, it's true. If God steals a door, somewhere else he smashes in a window."

- Muriel, "The PJ's" - stop by and sign the guestbook!

Stuart O. Bronstein

Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
Tara Charnow <> wrote:

>Eistren <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> White folks will dance to anything.
>>That was uncalled for.
>And untrue.
>I can't dance.

Well, neither can Ally, and it doesn't stop *her* from getting out on the

Stu (delete * from email address)

There is no good arguing with the inevitible. The only argument available
with an east wind is to put on your overcoat.

-James Russell Lowell

duane voth

Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
"MUGSYŠ" wrote:
> I sing for a living, and although her intonation is okay, it's that
> hollow "bubble in the throat" tone that makes me want to press the
> mute button.

I'm not exactly a fan either, and I'm not a signer. But what bugs
me is this *prime-time* showcase they've provided for what appears
to be a relatively unknown artist. It really reaks of favoritism.



Jan 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/21/99
On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 07:50:04 GMT in "Earl
Fernandez" <> found the time to say:

| Well, I believe our group's official Sarchasm keeper is CPG410. However, in
| her absence I will assist.

| Sar?chasm: (sar' kaz em), n. The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit

| and the recipient who doesn't get it. [ < Gk. sarkasmos + chainein]

Is there any more to this derivation?

ARIAA <*> 8^> icq308592

"She was a large woman who seemed not so much dressed as
upholstered." - James Matthew Barrie

Win Joy

Jan 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/21/99
Remember, she was on from the pilot. Yes, she was an unknown, but so
was the star (for the most part).


Jan 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/21/99
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999 23:48:08 -0600, duane voth
<> wrote:

>"MUGSY╘" wrote:
>> I sing for a living, and although her intonation is okay, it's that
>> hollow "bubble in the throat" tone that makes me want to press the
>> mute button.
>I'm not exactly a fan either, and I'm not a signer. But what bugs
>me is this *prime-time* showcase they've provided for what appears
>to be a relatively unknown artist. It really reaks of favoritism.

- yeah-I wasn't going to say that, but you seem to be hitting it on
the head.
My complaining about it would only be deemed vitriolic-even moreso
than my rant to this point...arg.


Feb 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/1/99
From the desk of comes this:

>>>Why am I hearing the 'Footloose' soundtack in my head?
>I dunno. Seen "Wild Things" lately? Sure made *me* think of Kevin in
>those tight jeans, dancin' like a fool ... <WOOF>

That shower scene at the end was the only redeeming thing in that
otherwise horrid movie...


"You exist in your own universe, and I was referring to the
one the rest of us live in."

- Courtney Thorne-Smith, "Ally McBeal"

Mar 4, 2017, 6:27:03 AM3/4/17
Am Mittwoch, 13. Januar 1999 09:00:00 UTC+1 schrieb
> I have to agree with Ariel. Vonda sings like she's got something caught in
> her throat. It drives me crazy. I wish they'd get a different singer.

I love Ally Mc Beal but I hate Vondas music. I always fast forward when she sings, gives me the creeps

Scott Kenney

Jun 2, 2018, 11:49:12 PM6/2/18
I must disagree, Vonda Shepard added a special musical touch to the
series that made it what it was.

Scott Kenney >|<
"Let's exchange the experience" - KB

Aug 30, 2018, 2:14:42 PM8/30/18
On Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 8:00:00 AM UTC, wrote:
> I have to agree with Ariel. Vonda sings like she's got something caught in
> her throat. It drives me crazy. I wish they'd get a different singer.

She sings in that annoying "gospel" manner where all the vocal acrobatics totally ruin the melody of the song. In fact, I've heard a couple songs where she attempts to sing straight and she is unable to follow the melody. She also has a poor timbre to her voice, too nasally and flat. Very few 'belters' can sing melodically, Linda Rondstadt can, for instance. Ethel Merman cannot. Sheppard is also frequently off key and is incapable of holding a pure note without cheating using a quaver or a vibrato or eliding the note in some way. She can't just hold a pure tone in key. Hence the gymnastics. The only one on the show who is worse is the black girl, who cannot sing at all but the producers seem to think if you 'soul it up' enough it sounds great. That church singer with the baby voice is terrible as well. She doesn't even bother to state the melody before she goes off on the vocal pyrotechnics. Listen, if you have a range nothing is easier than singing off the melody up into the stratosphere: unfortunately it destroys the uniqueness of the song and makes everything you do sound the same, which is also Sheppard's problem. "Respect the melody and the lyric" are 2 things I read Sinatra said, and anything that man said about singing is the Bible as far as I'm concerned. Sheppard does neither, her enunciation is atrocious as well, too much mumbling and slurring, but that's all part of her 'style'.

She also had the head of a cow, and maybe that's a problem.

kay smith

Jul 14, 2022, 6:46:19 AM7/14/22
On Thursday, January 14, 1999 at 1:00:00 AM UTC-7, Laura Perry wrote:
> You may hate Vonda's songs in the show,but she has no choice what to
> sing. I have her CD's and they are really good
I love the songs she plays and sings but I absolutely hate her singing!! She does not have a good voice and forces it too much. She's screaming on some songs and if she tones it down a bit, it sounds a lot better. When she softens her singing, it is better but she is not gifted with a good voice, no mater the volume. She's otherwise a good musician and I like the song selection on the show. Looks like she plays piano and guitar. Those are good achievements and take a lot of dedication to master, so I have a lot of respect for anyone who plays piano that well. Someone also mentioned Ether Merman above - Ethel Merman also did NOT have a good voice but it was certainly loud!!!

kay smith

Jul 14, 2022, 6:51:50 AM7/14/22
On Friday, January 15, 1999 at 1:00:00 AM UTC-7, Jammybrice wrote:
> >Were you around when Janis Joplin was alive and singing?????
> >Dolores (alive in the 1960s)
> >
> I'm glad you are a Vonda fan, I truly respect you for that, but please do not
> make that comparison. Janis was an original in every way and wrote much of the
> music she was famous for. Her voice was the least of her strengths when
> compared to her soul. It is annoying for the same reason comparing Oasis to
> the Beatles is annoying. Anyway, off my soap box, no offence intended, I just
> happen to love Janis Joplin.
I was around when Janis Joplin was alive and I even went to one of her concerts. I loved her singing and choice of songs, but not sure she wrote anything herself. She had a lot of soul and was an original. But if you really listen to her, her voice was very strained and well on its way to damage beyond repair. That happens to people who belt out songs full volume but don't do warm-ups or scales to take care of their voices. Janis was also a good person, my impression. I identified with her because I was also bullied as a kid in my school for being different but I did not go onto fame and great music like Janis. RIP to a great original and wonderful musician. She died way too young.
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