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Death of Hawke

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Nov 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/12/00
There was a discussion a while back regarding the death of Stringfellow
Hawke. I have a little post script to add to it!

I was watching Airwolf (the syndicated version with BVD) today. St.John was
walking down a hill with a lady who asked him did he have any family. He
replied "yes, I have a brother. He's always looking out for me." or
something along those lines. All I know is his brother was referred to in
present tense. The episode was called "Flowers of the Mountain."


Or is there some other explanation?


Nov 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/12/00
I remember that myself, I always wondered where he took Hawke he removed him
from the hospital, and returns with the lady...

"Silverwolf" <> wrote in message


Nov 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/13/00
And what was Stringfellow doing wherever he was? Do we have any theories?

Mark V. Russo

Dec 15, 2000, 12:17:42 AM12/15/00
You know, I remember String telling his brother in the hospital that he
didn't want to die there.

Jason Firestorm

Dec 15, 2000, 4:28:05 AM12/15/00
No, he's dead.
What St. John meant by that line (which was "He's always looking out for me,
in his own way"), is that Stringfellow sort of watches over him now, like a
sort of guardian angel.

Mark V. Russo <> wrote in message


Dec 15, 2000, 2:30:40 PM12/15/00
But how can you say that with such certainty? Did they mention it in
another episode?

Jason Firestorm

Dec 16, 2000, 12:42:32 PM12/16/00
Well, its one of those smart things that was never actually confirmed, but
pretty much is to be assumed.
If you look at the official synopsis for the episode (which a few web-sites
have adapted as episode guides) it says, at the end of 'Blackjack' that
String dies upon being re-united with his brother, and St.John burries him
outside his mountain retreat home Neither of which (particularily the
location of burial) was ever really confirmed on-screen, but it's pretty
much taken for granted that ol' String is a gonner.
Else, he would have at least been mentioned more ("I'll call String", "I
asked String", etc.); he was always mentioned in the *past* tense.
(I think there was a few "String used to"s, etc. in there, though to be fair
I can't really pick out particular episodes for example - I never paid close
enough attention to the 4th season for that!)

It's a kewl subject to debate, tho.


Silverwolf <> wrote in message



Dec 16, 2000, 8:15:13 PM12/16/00
On that note... I read a fanfict from someone who started their story in the
early 90's with "Half Pint" living with String in the cabin . This was a story
to "rebirth" Airwolf the series. They were in the cabin and "Half Pint" was
reading a helicopter magazine with a futuristic helicopter in it.. I am
searching for the story... It was actually pretty good. But it was interesting
how they continued from the "not really dead" plot.

"You didnt come up here to talk about art... You came up here to #@!$ me!!!!."

Deb Drake

Dec 17, 2000, 12:41:02 AM12/17/00
RedWolf wrote:
> On that note... I read a fanfict from someone who started their story in the
> early 90's with "Half Pint" living with String in the cabin . This was a story
> to "rebirth" Airwolf the series. They were in the cabin and "Half Pint" was
> reading a helicopter magazine with a futuristic helicopter in it.. I am
> searching for the story... It was actually pretty good. But it was interesting
> how they continued from the "not really dead" plot.

IMHO... while we were lead to believe that String was dead, they left
some "wiggle room" in case they ever decided to bring him back.

Personally - *IF* I ever get back to working on it - I'm writing a
fanfic novel of my own in which String is, in fact, still alive.
However, in my version - watching Dom die (and being helpless to prevent
it) was enough to finally push String over the edge of sanity - which is
in part why St John decides it's in everyone's best interest to let the
world think his brother is dead.



Dec 17, 2000, 11:16:52 AM12/17/00
So really, it could be said that it's a matter that's open to personal
interpretation despite the fact that it would be natural to assume that
Stringfellow did die.

I did actually assume he was dead until I saw Flowers of the Mountain,
despite the fact that nothing had been mentioned about it since Blackjack.

Peter Burfoot

Dec 17, 2000, 12:12:09 PM12/17/00
Basically, there were a whole lot of open ends left open from the old series
premise; most of which just had to be completely forgotten about if the
newer version is to have any amount of credibility.... which it did'nt
anyway!! =P

Another thing I was never sure of; did St. John go to live in String's
montain cabin? It was kind of not really stated, until in a few episodes
later down the season, (in, lemme think... I think 'The Key' is the most we
get to see of this), when we see St. John's home, seemingly a stone & wood
structure, with a load of old paintings in the background...
is it to be assumed St.John now lives in the cabin?
Another of the things we never really were explained sufficiently. I think
most pointers on this one indicate 'yes'.

And, geez, spending so much of my thinkin' power over the terrible 4th
season. Acting straight out of ThunderBirds, continuity inconsistancies
galore, and they did'nt even have the bloody helicopter really in the sky
ONCE (totally stock footage; all they had was a model of Airwolf for ground
scenes, and a great heap of arial footage from the original 3 seasons).

Only two episodes approaching anywhere NEAR decent from the whole season, in
my opinion. 'Salvage' (basically a 'Firestorm' re-hash with 'Airwolf II'
tacked on), and 'Malduke', which should have played as the last episode,
IMO; as it has St.John saying he's considering retiring, and one of the very
few decent villians / overall plot of the whole season.

Anyone else like to add?


"Silverwolf" <> wrote in message


Jason Firestorm

Dec 17, 2000, 12:20:30 PM12/17/00
And uh, yeah, this last message WAS from me.

Somehow I managed to sign on under my dad's name. Ooopsy! =P

"Peter Burfoot" <> wrote in message


Dec 17, 2000, 9:33:51 PM12/17/00
There was an episode from the 4th season that had Jason Preistley in it. The
clips of the "Lady" were so fake......they didnt even look real.... I had to
laugh.. how can that get passed the editor unless they were there to make the
season a failure in an attempt to end the series.

It was all a conspiracy.

Jason Firestorm

Dec 18, 2000, 7:00:36 AM12/18/00
My favourite Season 4 crap Airwolf moment, or rather, in this case, Airwolf
II (Redwolf):
In 'Salvage', St. John and the Red Indian guy are inside the bad guys lair
in the side of the mountain. They spot Airwolf II (or 'The Scorpion' as it
is supposedly in this ep), and there's a shot looking down on it. I swear
when they made the episode, they just got a couple of guys to walk around on
the ground, and then stuck a cardboard cut-out over the shot. The thing
looks so pathetic; it does'nt even have a shadow. It does'nt look convicing
for even a split second.

There were several other cases (such as in 'Windows') where I think they
musta just got a toy model of Airwolf and hung it from the ceiling over some
model set.

Hmm... new subject - 'favourite bad moments of Airwolf S4'?
And again, so much time being spent on this terrible season. Kinda funny
really. =)


(BTW, the episode with Jason Preistley in was 'A Piece Of Cake', one of the
weakest eps of the already weak season IMO).

"RedWolf" <> wrote in message


Dec 19, 2000, 11:38:52 PM12/19/00
How did season 4.... end?????????

Jason Firestorm

Dec 23, 2000, 8:59:19 AM12/23/00
As far as I know (we're just coming up to the final episodes of it on LWT /
Meridian now, though I think Meridian may have actually skipped an episode
and finished), it just kinda ended, with a standard episode. Nothing to hint
it like 'the season's close' or anything.

(Which I why I personally think 'Malduke' should have been shown last;
St.John's comments about planning to retire round things off)

Not very surprising this version of Airwolf never get re-commisioned for
another season really.


"RedWolf" <> wrote in message


Dec 23, 2000, 11:04:56 AM12/23/00
If it was my decision...and my show ....first it wouldnt get that bad... But I
would advertise the hell out of the fact that something drastic and suspensful
was gonna happen.

Then I would make all of the cast get murdered of buy an unknown person:

"a healed hawke" or "half Pint". which would be the chance to bring back
hawke...with a vengence of being left alone in the cabin.. yes he lived the
life of a hermit but still....

or...Half Pint himself... grow up will and taking over the lady. and then
ending it on that note until I figured ou what the hell I was gonna do.

Jason Firestorm

Dec 23, 2000, 5:01:38 PM12/23/00
If it were my show, I'd be like "at least give me the bloody helicopter of
the title or I refuse to do it!" =)

I'd make it more consistant with the old series at least, there were so many
things changed for no apparent reason. Example: the Firm, suddenly called
'the Company' instead. Why? Who knows

I'd stop just about everyone being able to fly Airwolf - in 'Blackjack',
Mike, Jason and Jo find Airwolf, and are suddenly able to fly it? like..

If Airwolf was ever to come back... if the 4th season was akgnowledged at
all, I think it should be explained away. Maybe as a sort of 'Echoes From
The Past' thing. What actually happened was that Stringfellow was captured
by enermy agents, (maybe after being sent into a deep coma after being
caught in the explosion in 'Blackjack'), who have put him though a complex
brain-washing plot, causing him to 'dream' the entire 4th season; they're
all images which trigger off thoughts from his deep sub-concious (mixed in
with memories - which is why Airwolf in action looks so suspiciously like
footage we've seen before ;-) )!

Okay, I think that would give the classic Bobby (or whoever it was) in
Dallas 'spending the season in the shower' a run for its money! =)

Course, if there ever is a new Airwolf, it'll more than likely be a new cast
anyway (Ernest Borgine's probably getting on a bit too much now; Jan Michael
Vincent - film it during release days? =) Though I'd like to maybe at least
see Archangel back).


"RedWolf" <> wrote in message

Aug 19, 2016, 7:11:26 PM8/19/16
Hawk didnt die his brother hid him or the people who make the show sold it and so out wiyh the old and in with the new. Stringfellow in real life was having a lot of personal issues and it was time to let him go.

Aug 19, 2016, 7:18:12 PM8/19/16
A new production company, director, and filming location. Everything was moved to Canada, all the new actors were from Cananda. Ratings were low, the world had changed, no more #AirWolf, #KnightRider, #Viper or #BlueThunder but i seriously hope they remake'em all.

Jul 29, 2017, 9:25:52 PM7/29/17
I believe he's retired to his lakeside cabin , Hemit, CA... playing his Cello.Dog by his side.

Aug 3, 2018, 3:29:02 PM8/3/18
I was pissed to see that Season 4 was done half ass. Picture quality and speed was choppy. They used most of the flying scenes from most of the other seasons. They forgot to cut in time and showed Airwolf 2 in a couple of scenes, when he was fighting a completely different helicopter. The film was very grainy. I was disappointed as a long time fan that they cut major cost...
WTF happened to Kaitlin? Did String die, Did his brother drop him off at his cabin? Since his brother wasnt there at the grave site, the grave stone was Dominic...???? So one was stoned when they wrote this episode....

On Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 12:00:00 AM UTC-8, Silverwolf wrote:
> There was a discussion a while back regarding the death of Stringfellow
> Hawke. I have a little post script to add to it!

> I was watching Airwolf (the syndicated version with BVD) today. St.John was
> walking down a hill with a lady who asked him did he have any family. He
> replied "yes, I have a brother. He's always looking out for me." or
> something along those lines. All I know is his brother was referred to in
> present tense. The episode was called "Flowers of the Mountain."
> Or is there some other explanation?

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Aug 5, 2018, 10:55:10 AM8/5/18

On Friday, 3 August 2018 20:29:02 UTC+1, wrote:
> I was pissed to see that Season 4 was done half ass. Picture quality and speed was choppy. They used most of the flying scenes from most of the other seasons. They forgot to cut in time and showed Airwolf 2 in a couple of scenes, when he was fighting a completely different helicopter. The film was very grainy. I was disappointed as a long time fan that they cut major cost...
> WTF happened to Kaitlin? Did String die, Did his brother drop him off at his cabin? Since his brother wasnt there at the grave site, the grave stone was Dominic...???? So one was stoned when they wrote this episode....
> On Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 12:00:00 AM UTC-8, Silverwolf wrote:
> > There was a discussion a while back regarding the death of Stringfellow
> > Hawke. I have a little post script to add to it!
> >
> > I was watching Airwolf (the syndicated version with BVD) today. St.John was
> > walking down a hill with a lady who asked him did he have any family. He
> > replied "yes, I have a brother. He's always looking out for me." or
> > something along those lines. All I know is his brother was referred to in
> > present tense. The episode was called "Flowers of the Mountain."
> >
> >
> > Or is there some other explanation?

Every now and then, this post resurfaces and reminds me of my continuing frustration with the lack of care put into transitioning to an entirely new cast and storyline! I think the studios were far too focused on making money out of a franchise and not the fans that actually appreciated the show. So, I agree... the person coming up with the concept and delivery was definitely on something when they came up with the episode!

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