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USA federal government Violates Habeus Corpus and Injects Chemicals Into Innocent FDIC Bank Examiner Crimes Informant

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Saint Ram Bone

Aug 13, 2009, 10:01:53 AM8/13/09
Today's Post from Mobile Audit Club, is
below. by Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone

And some of my videos are at saintrambone videos

Daily Foreword August 12, 2009: Recently I heard my family's voice.
It came through the voice of a man I had heard at Neturei Karta, a
controversial Orthodox Jewish group who in my opinion, embody the true
nature of God in man, in that they do not allow greed or fear to
override their beliefs in their (our) written codes. I say that with
reservation because I am not a Rabbi and I have not read the entire
Torah and Talmud, nor do I intend to, not in this life span, not most

The voice of the Rabbi who sounded like Rabbi Dovid Weiss of Neturei
Karta said, "........was denied his rights under Habeus Corpus".

Habeus Corpus is defined at this URL.

The voice that sounded like Rabbi Weiss also said, "He should have
been brought to a jury before he was forcibly injected."

My name is Kurt Brown, American Holocaust Number X 017 911 84 since
2001, former FDIC bank examiner and investigative journalist. I was
forcibly injected with chemicals in Los Angeles on 4-23-2001 at the VA
federal facility at around 3 a.m. by a federal agent. Later I was
forced a medical procedure or procedures. I do not know. They had me
lay on a table. Then I was threatened many times and then chained,
jailed, lied to, and taken to court. I would have signed anything, and
on this day, the death warrant of those who violated Habeus Corpus.
Perhaps 9-11-2001 was indicative someone was listening in through
unconscious and drugged eyes.

My crime was no crime because I had survived an attempt on my life
after doing investigative journalistic work at the FDIC in California
and the Alabama Sheriff who was a food funds thief, Jack Tillman. The
federal government had not responded to my attempts to reach them, so
I armed myself with my legally owned gun. Their constitution allows
it if you are killing the innocent who they hate and want to rob of
everything. They expect us to lay down and die while they devour the
Earth. I think that will not happen. They have weaknesses, like an
ameteur fighter in a ring of gladiators, we are all that way really.

I am a follower of Neturei Karta because we seem to speak the same
language, but they appear to be more experienced at it, as they have
not trusted the sociopaths in power in the USA as I have in the past.
Sadly the same people or things are in power on much of the Earth
where many are tortured and killed and downgraded to nothing more than
a lesser man. We have no rights, no human rights, no habeus corpus,
no constitution, and little hope on this planet under the design of
the sociopathic mass in power.

My father told me once that I would meet my brother. My father told
me once that I should have been an attorney. My father told me once
that the USA was the greatest nation on Earth. That was then, this is
now. Mankind is being downgraded, as in the past and likely in the

I am the remnant of that man that was injected in 2001 and forced
before a court and a hanging judge of the Los Angeles Superior Courts
under the hand of the federal magistrate of war criminals tugging at
the FDIC war criminal puppet, those who I was placed against at my
last employer. The world is a vampire under their design.. My career
has ended. I respect all good men, whether from my end of the Earth
or the other. We know that some do not behave as any thing above a
lower animal. We all carry that illness in varying degrees and it is
a not a problem until those with the sickness at its worst dominate
the Earth. It is a sickness. It is a blessing in times of war and
famine, as then the insane men are the only ones who do not starve.

Habeus Corpus. I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, want my job back
at the FDIC, but this time in Washington D.C. to have free travel in
auditing the FDIC inner sect, in particular those who murdered the
innocent regional director in San Francisco in the early 1990's and
who tried to kill me in 2001. If not re-hired and paid back pay, then
I do not want an FDIC or a Treasury to boot. It does not matter if
currency is wiped out, as then we get to visit Albert Camus at the
grocer and eat our bread from the three finger hand.

Today's Post from Mobile Audit Club, is
below. by Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone

And some of my videos are at saintrambone videos

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