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Transformers: Prime Episode 23!! [SPOILERS]

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I. R. Caughn

Aug 22, 2011, 12:07:08 AM8/22/11
Google Groups Spoiler Space (Copyright 2011 Mr. Death Saurus)





Hold crud!! This one does *not* disappoint. I'll write a synopsis, but
y'all really need to experience this first-hand as soon as the
Internet makes that possible... preferably on a >50" monitor...

TRANSFORMERS: PRIME EPISODE 23- <Name Unknown> Part 1 (I reckon this
is the first part of the multi-part season finale because the episode
ends with an explicit "To Be Continued..." title card)

Synopsis- The ep begins with Prime reciting a passage from the
"Covenant of Primus" (this time, thankfully, not represented by a CGI
leatherbound book... Prime just recites it from memory), detailing how
when a certain number of planets align, darkness will erupt from a
planet born in chaos. He and the Autobots argue about the validity of
the legend and Ratchet comments how he always thought the planet in
question was Cybertron, but he now thinks Earth is a much more likely
candidate. The planets mentioned in the Covenant will align in several
days or so, so Prime worries that Megatron thinks *he* is the
"darkness" mentioned in the ancient texts.

... Cutting to the Decepticon base, it's clear that Megatron totally
*does* think this. He's had Soundwave and others ransack several human
labs/military bases to assemble the components to build another space
bridge. Since the planetary alignment is rapidly approaching, he
decides to send a squad of roadster Vehicons to get the last
component, abandoning stealth altogether. The Autobots intercept and
catch the drones in the act, so Megatron decides to intervene
personally. En route, Megatron encounters Bumblebee (carrying Raf in
his muscle car mode) and blasts him with a Dark Energon bolt.
Bumblebee withstands the blast, but Raf is gravely injured...

Megatron arrives to assist his Vehicons and Prime, Arcee and Bulkhead
are still keen to stop the theft... until Bumblebee arrives on the
scene, carrying Raf (who is barely alive by this point). Noticeably
shaken, Prime orders Ratchet to bridge them back so that Raf can be
treated. Megatron and the Vehicons successfully complete their
mission. Unbeknownst to Megatron, Prime and Bulkhead have snuck on
board the Decepticon space cruiser while the other Autobots retreated
through the ground bridge.

As Ratchet struggles to figure out how to treat a human for Dark
Energon exposure, Jack insists on calling his mother (who, as you may
recall, is a nurse). Ratchet protests, but is forced to admit that he
is way out of his depth and that his stubborn pride prevented him from
actually bothering to learn human physiology. With June's help to
stabilize Raf, Ratchet cures the boy by infusing him with a dose of
standard Energon to counter the "anti-matter" that was burning through
his body.

While this way going on, Prime, stricken with grief and fearing that
he probably cost Raf his life, decides, with *great* trepidation, that
Megatron must be "destroyed". He invades the Decepticon space cruiser,
fighting his way through dozens of Vehicons. Unfortunately, Megatron
has already had a vision, claiming that the Dark Energon flowing
through his system allows him to see Unicron's thoughts and thus
predict the future. In this vision (which seems to contain a brief,
darkened flash of Unicron's face, though it *could* be somebody
else...), he sees a volcano on Earth. By the time Prime infiltrates
the space cruiser, Megatron has already found this volcano. He orders
his Decepticons to stand down and allow Prime to use the Decepticon
space bridge to travel to the volcano and join him...

An epic and brutal battle ensues and Prime ultimately wins. He
delivers the *killing* *blow* with his retractable arm-blade... but
Megatron *catches* the blade in his hands, seemingly empowered by some
energy source. As the volcano erupts, the source becomes clear. Dark
Energon is erupting from the volcano!!! (To Be Continued...)

So yeah, I'm still in shock as to how good that was. This show is
teetering dangerously close to outshining Beast Wars, in my eyes. For
one thing, the animation is *way* better (I'm sorry, but almost none
of the beast modes looked right... at least not until Season 2, but
then they were just slavish reproductions of the Transmetal toys,
which looked silly for different reasons) and the plot actually feels
like it was all plotted out in advance. As much as I loved Beast Wars,
it's fairly common knowledge (as evidenced by the interviews on the
Rhino DVDs) that Mr. Forward and Mr. DiTillio were making up a lot of
the overarching plot as they went along (i.e. the whole Vok plot feels
a lot like they sorta wrote themselves into a corner). Okay, this BW
comparison is starting to get a little flame-baity, so I'll digress...

It's funny how Prime vows to kill Megatron in this episode (and a
brutal battle occurs where he very nearly did), thus echoing the
events of "Dark of the Moon"... and yet, this version is totally *in-
character* for G1 Prime! Cullen really sells the idea that this
murderous rampage goes against everything Prime believes in, but his
guilt over letting Megatron run wild over Earth propels him forward.
It's just great stuff, and my description does not do it justice.

The revelation that Earth contains Dark Energon is quite
interesting... mostly because it so nicely echoes the events of IDW's
Spotlight: Shockwave. Ol' Blinky would, of course, be a highly logical
addition to the TF:P cast, what with his "major" role in DotM (hey,
maybe he'll even transform in this continuity!!), so I'm strongly
hoping that he might have something to do with the ectopic Dark
Energon deposit. OTOH, seeing as how it is purported to be "Unicron's
blood", the Chaos-bringer himself might be a more likely culprit...
hopefully we'll find out before the end of the season...

Quote of the ep- "Why leave matters to fate, if one can forge one's
own destiny?" - Megatron... Right on!! That's just perfect G1 Megatron
right there! This slagmaker ain't bowing to nobody... I can already
feel this Bayverse-Pretender-To-The-Throne fading from my memory
banks... yesssss...

J (oh gawd, did I just quote BW Megatron like a blithering David Kaye
fangirl...? This episode has clearly made me joyously delirious...)


Aug 22, 2011, 1:39:27 AM8/22/11
On Aug 22, 12:07 am, "I. R. Caughn" <> wrote:
> Google Groups Spoiler Space (Copyright 2011 Mr. Death Saurus)

I forgot this episode was airing today.

I.R CAUGHN,great review,I really love your TF cartoon reviews. their
brief,but get right to the point. you somehow manage to highlight all
the important stuff in as little words as possible.

As stated last week,I hate reading over thousands upon thousands of
words in a TF episode review. where the reviewer guy gets all
crazy,goes on his off topic rants & sounds like steve urkel from
family matters.

I.R CAUGHN if i had my way you'd be the main & only guy doing TF
cartoon reviews.

I.R CAUGHN,do you know if canada will air episode #25 next week & #26
next next week?

I. R. Caughn

Aug 22, 2011, 2:12:01 AM8/22/11
On Aug 22, 1:39 am, TigerMegatron <> wrote:
> I.R CAUGHN if i had my way you'd be the main & only guy doing TF
> cartoon reviews.

Well, that's awful nice of you to say, Mr. Saurus, but I heartily
encourage other folks to write their own reviews. Some people do
prefer reviews that go into more detail. For example, when it comes to
toy reviews, I tend to prefer reading stuff by Mr. Domelen, Mr. Vor or
Suspsy that delves into the matter at hand with a diligent eye for the
exact paint colours and intricacies of the transformation scheme...
more often than not, they pick up on stuff that I've completely

> I.R CAUGHN,do you know if canada will air episode #25 next week & #26
> next next week?

I believe I read somewhere- either on ATT or that
Teletoon has released a schedule stating that episode 24 will indeed
air next Sunday, and the rest of the season will air the following
weeks. That said, Teletoon does seem to change their mind on the fly
every once in a while, so I wouldn't be surprised if they re-air the
TF:Prime making-of documentary for the millionth time instead. I mean,
there's still a significant chance that the Hub will realize the folly
of letting them air this stuff weeks ahead of time and send a cease-
and-desist order or sumthin'...

J (stranger things have happened... if you believe everything you read
on the internet... which I, of course, do...)


Aug 22, 2011, 8:22:32 AM8/22/11
On Sun, 21 Aug 2011 21:07:08 -0700 (PDT), "I. R. Caughn"
<> wrote:

>So yeah, I'm still in shock as to how good that was.

Prime: "We must strive to act in peace and harmony with all beings in the
universe, no matter their origins -"

Omnes: "Megs just shot Raf."

Prime: "- and in conclusion, I must tear off Megatron's face and wear it
as a hat."


I. R. Caughn

Aug 22, 2011, 3:18:11 PM8/22/11
On Aug 22, 8:22 am, SteveD <> wrote:
> Omnes: "Megs just shot Raf."

... who the slag is "Omnes"...?

J (are you implying it's an unrealistic depiction of Prime's
personality? I suspect Ratchet's tirade in Episode 22 may also have
factored into his change of heart... Synth-En-fueled though it was,
Prime could still have been influenced by one of his oldest friends
calling him out for being reactionary and ineffectual)

Gustavo Wombat

Aug 22, 2011, 3:52:14 PM8/22/11
On Aug 22, 12:18 pm, "I. R. Caughn" <> wrote:
> On Aug 22, 8:22 am, SteveD <> wrote:
> > Omnes: "Megs just shot Raf."
> ... who the slag is "Omnes"...?

That was my first reaction as well, but I reckon it might be some high-
fallutin' fancy-pants way of saying "all".

Gustavo! (I had a boss who wore corduroy with the cords going
sideways, and the pockets were cut so you could see that they were
lined with some striped fabric -- he did not like that I called him
Mr. Fancy Pants, but how could he expect otherwise?)

Alden Bates

Aug 22, 2011, 8:16:19 PM8/22/11
> TRANSFORMERS: PRIME EPISODE 23- <Name Unknown> Part 1 (I reckon this
> is the first part of the multi-part season finale because the episode
> ends with an explicit "To Be Continued..." title card)

Not sure how many parts this is going to be. Teletoon is only playing
one more episode and then going back to Partners. S1 was said to be 26
episodes, but it would be a bit strange to stop two episodes short of
the end of the season.

If it *is* four parts, we might have to wait until the Hub catches up
to get the second half of the story!

...Also Known As Thunder

Aug 22, 2011, 8:29:22 PM8/22/11

I hate cliffhangers. ARGHH!!

Pretty good overall. I half expected Unicron to jump up out of the
volcano and say "boo!" but no such luck.

Megatron's eyes are he possessed or something?

The Covenant of Primus: while I appreciate some of the obscure
references in this show I would rather that they left that one alone.
Too fanwanky for my tastes.

"One shall stand, one shall fa--" ENOUGH WITH THAT, ALREADY! YEESH!

Looking forward to next time...


I. R. Caughn

Aug 23, 2011, 3:47:57 PM8/23/11
On Aug 22, 3:52 pm, Gustavo Wombat <> wrote:
> On Aug 22, 12:18 pm, "I. R. Caughn" <> wrote:
> > On Aug 22, 8:22 am, SteveD <> wrote:
> > > Omnes: "Megs just shot Raf."
> > ... who the slag is "Omnes"...?
> That was my first reaction as well, but I reckon it might be some high-
> fallutin' fancy-pants way of saying "all".

Ah, yes! Good show, Mr. D! I'm a staunch proponent of falluting, both
high and otherwise... <measured applause>

J (now that's falluting, mind you... not the other word... this is a
*family* show, y'all...)

I. R. Caughn

Aug 23, 2011, 4:18:19 PM8/23/11
On Aug 22, 8:29 pm, "...Also Known As Thunder" <>

Yeah, they coulda re-enacted the Satan scene in Fantasia (is that Gog
or some other slavic god? Meh... when I was a kid, I just assumed it
was Satan...). That would've been... well, kinda lame, but at least it
would have been *unexpected*...

> Megatron's eyes are he possessed or something?

Um, yes, I believe he is. The Dark Energon allows Unicron to control
him, no? Or at least influence him with visions. I like how Megatron
spent all this time building a second space bridge, and then totally
didn't even need it (like Airachnid and Knock Out point out, he's
totally "losing it"). I didn't notice the first time I watched, but
Bulkhead totally stole *back* the final space bridge component from
the Vehicons on the space cruiser before Prime went on his rampage...
that's a nice touch... really highlights that Megs is so tweaked-out
with his visions that he's barely even paying attention to reality
anymore (hmmm... feels a little early for him to become Galvatron, but
the ingredients are all there-- being controlled by Unicron,
escalating madness... 'twould be awesome to hear Welker do his Galvy
voice again...)

> The Covenant of Primus: while I appreciate some of the obscure
> references in this show I would rather that they left that one alone.
> Too fanwanky for my tastes.

Agreed. It does feel a bit like Hasbro's just hoarding every trademark
they possibly can. I also never liked the "Covenant of Primus" in the
first place... not every civilization needs a hallowed religious tome,
y'know (for one thing, the Matrix of Leadership would make such a
thing largely unnecessary... who needs books when you can speak
directly to dead souls?... </Ian Curtis>)

> "One shall stand, one shall fa--"  ENOUGH WITH THAT, ALREADY! YEESH!

At least they mixed it up a bit by having Megatron say the "fall"
part... adds an extra layer of menace. But yeah, I would have much
preferred the ol'...

MEGATRON: "Why throw away your life so recklessly?!"

OPTIMUS PRIME: "That's a question you should ask yourself,
Megatron..." <rises after throwing Dirge to the ground like a
consummate badass>

... it just fits their characters a lot better than the clunky "One
shall stand..." line, both then and now.

J (hmmm... I guess Breakdown would have had to stand in for Dirge...
he wasn't doing anything useful this ep, anyway)

I. R. Caughn

Aug 23, 2011, 4:21:08 PM8/23/11
On Aug 22, 8:16 pm, Alden Bates <> wrote:
> If it *is* four parts, we might have to wait until the Hub catches up
> to get the second half of the story!

Bollicks!!!! Ah well, I suppose it wasn't going to last forever. I
guess the Hub finally wised up...

If this *isn't* part of the season finale, what the slag is going to
happen in the *actual* finale?! They'd basically have to blow up the
Earth to top this ep...!



Aug 23, 2011, 6:43:17 PM8/23/11

Canada has received newer transformers episodes before america. like
in the beastwars & beastmachines years.

The episodes are done & made,So I don't think canada is in trouble nor
violating any rules.

Hasbro just likes to air newer TF episodes in america in peak dates &
times. the september month is called "sweeps" month in america.
perhaps hasbro is saving a bunch of newer TF Prime episods for the
september sweeps month. because hasbro figures others cartoons & shows
are also gonna be airing newer episodes in septembers sweeps month.
hasbro most likely figures they need newer TF prime episodes in
september to compete with it's competitors in septembers sweeps month.

Gustavo Wombat

Aug 23, 2011, 7:43:46 PM8/23/11
On Aug 22, 5:29 pm, "...Also Known As Thunder" <>

> "One shall stand, one shall fa--"  ENOUGH WITH THAT, ALREADY! YEESH!

If they were telling the prehistory of the Transforrmers with The Soon-
To-Be-Fallen fighting Some-Heroic-Prime-Who-Dies, so it twisted the
entire line around to be a moral stand and a moral fall, that would be
fine. Otherwise, I never want to hear that line again.


I. R. Caughn

Aug 23, 2011, 11:06:43 PM8/23/11
On Aug 23, 6:43 pm, TigerMegatron <> wrote:
> Hasbro just likes to air newer TF episodes in america in peak dates &
> times. the september month is called "sweeps"  month in america.
> perhaps hasbro is saving a bunch of newer TF Prime episods for the
> september sweeps month. because hasbro figures others cartoons & shows
> are also gonna be airing newer episodes in septembers sweeps month.
> hasbro most likely figures they need newer TF prime episodes in
> september to compete with it's competitors in septembers sweeps month.

You're probably right, but surely they must realize that the season
finale episodes will be less of a ratings draw if all of them have
already been uploaded to YouTube by the time The Hub actually airs

J (and don't worry, Canadians totally know what "sweeps" month/week
is... 95% of the TV we watch is American, after all...)

Ultra Magnotron

Aug 27, 2011, 12:04:26 PM8/27/11
I just finished watching this episode, finally, and I love it! Best
episode so far. I really wish they'd just show the rest of the episodes
and not put the final few on hold... that's a real bummer.

Anyway I guess that face was Unicron in the teaser, but I'm not sure how
I like the fact that he can fit inside a planet. He eats them... so...
it just seems lame. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how
things develop.

The fight scene between Megatron and Optimus was epic! I just wish they
hadn't used that "one shall stand" line. It was cool back in the 80's
but now they're running it into the ground with it's over-use.

An um... I guess that's it. Oh! No. Actually! I was fully expecting them
to reveal that Raf is actually a Cybertronian. I guess that will come later.
He's totally a Transformer. You all know it. I know it. They just need
to come out and say it already.

Yep. That covers it. Everyone pretty much said all that can be said.


Aug 27, 2011, 1:54:03 PM8/27/11

Where can american TF Fans find these TF Prime cartoons links on U-
tube for episodes #21 thru #25

Ultra Magnotron

Aug 27, 2011, 2:02:23 PM8/27/11
On Saturday, August 27, 2011 10:54:03 AM UTC-7, TigerMegatron wrote:
> Where can american TF Fans find these TF Prime cartoons links on U-
> tube for episodes #21 thru #25

I could give you links, but you can't see them... so...

Ultra Magnotron

Aug 27, 2011, 2:18:38 PM8/27/11
Oh! I just thought of something. Starscream seems to have completely
vanished. I'd like to know what he has planned. Guess I'll have to
wait for season 2?

...but... he does still have the dark energon, does he not? In the end
the Skyquake zombie episode he said he still had control.

...Also Known As Thunder

Aug 27, 2011, 4:17:19 PM8/27/11
TigerMegatron wrote:
> Where can american TF Fans find these TF Prime cartoons links on U-
> tube for episodes #21 thru #25

Just type in "Transformers Prime episode 22" (or whatever) and it brings
up links for them. They're not hard to find at all.



Aug 27, 2011, 5:03:27 PM8/27/11
On Aug 27, 4:17 pm, "...Also Known As Thunder" <>


Irrellius Spamticon king of the Potato people

Aug 27, 2011, 6:11:51 PM8/27/11
On Aug 27, 11:04 am, Ultra Magnotron <>

> I just finished watching this episode, finally, and I love it! Best
> episode so far. I really wish they'd just show the rest of the episodes
> and not put the final few on hold... that's a real bummer.
> Anyway I guess that face was Unicron in the teaser, but I'm not sure how
> I like the fact that he can fit inside a planet. He eats them... so...
> it just seems lame. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how
> things develop.

Actually, in this universe Unicron has been greatly exaggerated. He's
really about 10 feet tall, and his weapons are a fork, a knife, and a
lobster bib. He eats planets very slowly, taking thousands of years,
and at the end you are left with a giant ball of poo. We probably
wouldn't even notice the difference.

>Oh! I just thought of something. Starscream seems to have completely
>vanished. I'd like to know what he has planned. Guess I'll have to
>wait for season 2?

Unicron is Starscream with Dark Energon and a fancy new hat?

Sorry, I had high hopes for this series, but as soon as they introduce
Unicron into a series with only 5 Autobots, I have to stop and say
"this seems ridiculous"


Aug 27, 2011, 10:02:11 PM8/27/11
Irrellius Spamticon king of the Potato people <> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 11:04 am, Ultra Magnotron <>
> wrote:
>> I just finished watching this episode, finally, and I love it! Best
>> episode so far. I really wish they'd just show the rest of the episodes
>> and not put the final few on hold... that's a real bummer.
>> Anyway I guess that face was Unicron in the teaser, but I'm not sure how
>> I like the fact that he can fit inside a planet. He eats them... so...
>> it just seems lame. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how
>> things develop.
> Actually, in this universe Unicron has been greatly exaggerated. He's
> really about 10 feet tall, and his weapons are a fork, a knife, and a
> lobster bib. He eats planets very slowly, taking thousands of years,
> and at the end you are left with a giant ball of poo. We probably
> wouldn't even notice the difference.

+1 funny

I. R. Caughn

Aug 28, 2011, 12:16:14 AM8/28/11
On Aug 27, 12:04 pm, Ultra Magnotron <>

> Anyway I guess that face was Unicron in the teaser, but I'm not sure how
> I like the fact that he can fit inside a planet. He eats them... so...
> it just seems lame. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how
> things develop.

How do you know he's actually *inside* Earth? Just because Earth
contains deposits of Dark Energon doesn't mean Unicron himself is
actually contained within. Maybe he just seeds random planets with
Dark Energon to control their inhabitants... *and* maybe the legend
about the stuff being his blood is just a bunch of bullcrap...

> An um... I guess that's it. Oh! No. Actually! I was fully expecting them
> to reveal that Raf is actually a Cybertronian. I guess that will come later.
> He's totally a Transformer. You all know it. I know it. They just need
> to come out and say it already.

I *so* hope that isn't the case. It was initially kinda cool when that
happened with Sari in TF:Animated, but in retrospect... meh... maybe
if that storyline actually *went* somewhere!! (okay, I suppose that's
not really the fault of Mr. Wyatt et. al... they were clearly
expecting a Season 4...)

J (that said, I *do* want an explanation for how Raf can speak basic
Cybertronian... I've decided that's what TF:P Bumblebee speaks [in
addition to SunbowG1 Roller... it's an almost identical dialect!!!])

#ElectroclashWave: ... not to mention that they're both just
plagiarizing R2D2... I mean, *really*...

#IaclonusWarp: Who the slag is R2D2...?

#FrenzyWave: ... <facepalm>... how does this artard still outrank

I. R. Caughn

Aug 28, 2011, 12:23:05 AM8/28/11
On Aug 27, 6:11 pm, Irrellius Spamticon king of the Potato people

<> wrote:
> Sorry, I had high hopes for this series, but as soon as they introduce
> Unicron into a series with only 5 Autobots, I have to stop and say
> "this seems ridiculous"

Um... why?

Isn't that like saying it was ridiculous to introduce the Vok in
"Chain of Command", when there were only five Maximals?

J (and there are at least 8 Autobots... you forgot Cliffjumper,
Tailgate and Wheeljack... 9 if you count Perceptor...)

Gustavo Wombat

Aug 28, 2011, 12:31:05 AM8/28/11
On Aug 27, 9:16 pm, "I. R. Caughn" <> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 12:04 pm, Ultra Magnotron <>
> wrote:
> > Anyway I guess that face was Unicron in the teaser, but I'm not sure how
> > I like the fact that he can fit inside a planet. He eats them... so...
> > it just seems lame. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how
> > things develop.
> How do you know he's actually *inside* Earth? Just because Earth
> contains deposits of Dark Energon doesn't mean Unicron himself is
> actually contained within. Maybe he just seeds random planets with
> Dark Energon to control their inhabitants... *and* maybe the legend
> about the stuff being his blood is just a bunch of bullcrap...

Unicron as a universal force, hinted at, even mentioned, but never
actually shown, would be fine. Characters having visions of Unicron
would also be ok, but less so. Giant orange guy popping up and waving
hi from behind the moon... eh, not so much.

> > An um... I guess that's it. Oh! No. Actually! I was fully expecting them
> > to reveal that Raf is actually a Cybertronian. I guess that will come later.
> > He's totally a Transformer. You all know it. I know it. They just need
> > to come out and say it already.
> I *so* hope that isn't the case. It was initially kinda cool when that
> happened with Sari in TF:Animated, but in retrospect... meh... maybe
> if that storyline actually *went* somewhere!! (okay, I suppose that's
> not really the fault of Mr. Wyatt et. al... they were clearly
> expecting a Season 4...)

An ongoing TF:Animated comic, written by Mr. Wyatt et al, would get me
into Transformers comics again, and it would give them a chance to
flesh out some of the unfinished bits. IDW lost me with their NeoG1
when they pushed everything to the side for AHM, and than did the soft

> J (that said, I *do* want an explanation for how Raf can speak basic
> Cybertronian... I've decided that's what TF:P Bumblebee speaks [in
> addition to SunbowG1 Roller... it's an almost identical dialect!!!])

I want an explanation for why TF:Prime Bumblebee cannot or will not
speak English like the rest of the Autobots first. I still think he's
a pet, but if it turns out he's just a racist who refuses to speak
that filthy guttural language of apes, I would be ok with that.


Irrellius Spamticon king of the Potato people

Aug 28, 2011, 12:55:04 AM8/28/11
On Aug 27, 11:31 pm, Gustavo Wombat <> wrote:
> I want an explanation for why TF:Prime Bumblebee cannot or will not
> speak English like the rest of the Autobots first. I still think he's
> a pet, but if it turns out he's just a racist who refuses to speak
> that filthy guttural language of apes, I would be ok with that.
> Gustavo!

His auto translator dial is stuck midway between "sandpeople" and

Either that or he thinks he's R2-D2


Aug 28, 2011, 1:11:55 AM8/28/11
"I. R. Caughn" <> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 12:04 pm, Ultra Magnotron <>
> wrote:
>> Anyway I guess that face was Unicron in the teaser, but I'm not sure how
>> I like the fact that he can fit inside a planet. He eats them... so...
>> it just seems lame. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how
>> things develop.
> How do you know he's actually *inside* Earth? Just because Earth
> contains deposits of Dark Energon doesn't mean Unicron himself is
> actually contained within. Maybe he just seeds random planets with
> Dark Energon to control their inhabitants... *and* maybe the legend
> about the stuff being his blood is just a bunch of bullcrap...
> <shrugs>

This is beginning to sound like Earth/Universe/Paradise X, with Unicron
taking the role of the Celestials.

...Also Known As Thunder

Aug 28, 2011, 3:37:38 AM8/28/11
Gustavo Wombat wrote:
> I want an explanation for why TF:Prime Bumblebee cannot or will not
> speak English like the rest of the Autobots first. I still think he's
> a pet, but if it turns out he's just a racist who refuses to speak
> that filthy guttural language of apes, I would be ok with that.

He's...shall we say, "special". :)


Irrellius Spamticon king of the Potato people

Aug 28, 2011, 11:17:02 AM8/28/11
On Aug 27, 11:31 pm, Gustavo Wombat <> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 9:16 pm, "I. R. Caughn" <> wrote:
> > On Aug 27, 12:04 pm, Ultra Magnotron <>
> > wrote:
> > > Anyway I guess that face was Unicron in the teaser, but I'm not sure how
> > > I like the fact that he can fit inside a planet. He eats them... so...
> > > it just seems lame. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how
> > > things develop.
> > How do you know he's actually *inside* Earth? Just because Earth
> > contains deposits of Dark Energon doesn't mean Unicron himself is
> > actually contained within. Maybe he just seeds random planets with
> > Dark Energon to control their inhabitants... *and* maybe the legend
> > about the stuff being his blood is just a bunch of bullcrap...
> Unicron as a universal force, hinted at, even mentioned, but never
> actually shown, would be fine. Characters having visions of Unicron
> would also be ok, but less so. Giant orange guy popping up and waving
> hi from behind the moon... eh, not so much.
> Gustavo!

I actually had a dream about this because my brain is desperate to
reconcile this in a logical way.
So, in my dream.

A million or so years ago, Unicron comes for Cybertron, and only the
combined force of 1000 Autobots and 1000 Decepticons can stop him, but
they can't kill him, only delay him for awhile. The ancient
Cybertronians take Unicron apart and scatter pieces of him throughout
the Galaxy, so he can't convert planets into dark energon. Unicron's
last thing he says before he's dissected is that he'll be back when
the 47 planets align, and he will come for them all.

fast forward, the planets about to align, and Unicron's head re-
activates and he sees Earth, so he jumps on the nearest free wifi and
beams images into Megatron's brain. Megs goes a bit mad, and Optimus
beats him to a pulp. Unicron reformatts Megatron so Galvatron can be
his parts-hunting-slave. Galvatron spends S2 traveling the Galaxy for
Unicron parts, encountering various characters along the way (or maybe
he sends his drones), which he assembles behind the moon. Or behind
Mars. W/e, someplace the Autobots can't easily find but not too far
off. The Autobots take over the current Decepticon ship and follow,
because as the reformatted Galvatron, he doesn't need a ship...either
that or Unicron gives him a better ship.


Sep 5, 2011, 11:03:39 AM9/5/11

"Gustavo Wombat" <> wrote in message

>I want an explanation for why TF:Prime Bumblebee cannot or will not
>speak English like the rest of the Autobots first. I still think he's
>a pet, but if it turns out he's just a racist who refuses to speak
>that filthy guttural language of apes, I would be ok with that.

maybe he has no vocal chords

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