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I'm going out on a limb here & saying the Traitor is Mirage in the IDW newest TF comic,all hail megatron.

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Oct 20, 2008, 3:22:05 PM10/20/08
I'm going out on a limb here & saying the Traitor is Mirage in the IDW
newest TF comic,all hail megatron.

Why? Because there was a one spotlight TF comic with Mirage who
switched sides & was a decepticon.

Anyone agree that Mirage is the traitor in all hail megatron? anyone
disagree,if you disagree,who do you think the autobot traitor, "in all
hail megatron" comic series is?

Thunder Magnificent!

Oct 20, 2008, 10:30:16 PM10/20/08
I think the Mirage Spotlight was one of the worst in the series, honestly.



Oct 20, 2008, 10:49:33 PM10/20/08
Thunder wrote: "I think the Mirage Spotlight was one of the worst in
the series, honestly."

I like the fact that it turned out to be a dream at the end. It was a
nice homage & continuation of the TF DW/IDW Comic summer special which
had ratrap dreaming at the end.

At any rate I liked the mirror glass dimension. sort of a homage to
the marvel TF G-1 comic issue where Galvatron & megatron fight aboard
the autobot ark ship. the issue might have been #78.


Oct 20, 2008, 11:05:19 PM10/20/08

"Thunder Magnificent!" wrote

>I think the Mirage Spotlight was one of the worst in the series, honestly.

Arcee was far worse. Not only because of what they did to the character
(and reguardless of what one may think of female Transformers this has to go
in the listings of poorly treated female characters in comics
lately--there's a whole blog listing those women at ,but I don't know she's on there), but
while Mirage may turn out to be a throwaway spotlight, Arcee's is intrigal
to the Dead Universe story.

Also, I would wonder whether or not Beachcomber is the only Autobot
carting a cerebro-shell in his head. The traitor could also be Doubledealer
(since I'm not sure what traitor Deathy's referring to).


Oct 20, 2008, 11:58:28 PM10/20/08
Shadowing wrote: "since I'm not sure what traitor Deathy's referring

In the newest IDW TF Comic 12 part issue series called "ALL hail
Megatron". in the series,there's a autobot traitor that led to the
defeat of the autobots on cybertron & handed megatron his victory.

Hotrod found out doubledealer was a traitor & destroyed him in the
revelations #3 double dealer spotlight. Spotlight #4 sideswipe had
the autobots barely able to secure a win. the autobots were very
vulnerable to a attack & defeat if megatron found out there location.
needless to say,there's a autobot traitor responsible for the autobots
defeated situation & megatron's glorious victory in all hail

IDW TF issue 4 comming out this wednesday october 22,will reveal a
autrobot traitor. issue 6 & 7 are said to give back story of how it
all went down. while issues 8,9,10,11 & 12 will show a fight between
hopefully hotrod & his crew megatron. I'm hoping megatron stole
prime's matrix,hot gets matrix from megatron & becomes rodimus prime.


Oct 21, 2008, 3:49:37 AM10/21/08

>     Also, I would wonder whether or not Beachcomber is the only Autobot
> carting a cerebro-shell in his head. The traitor could also be Doubledealer
> (since I'm not sure what traitor Deathy's referring to).

That's a good point. It could be anybody.

I think it would having Mirage be the traitor would be an interesting
twist. He gets accused of it often enough...

I kinda like crazy-Arcee, but I'll be honest and say if she wasn't as
involved in the plot as she is, I might not so much. Also, I'm hoping
that she'll eventually get sick of re-killing Jhiaxus and go in for
some character development... I doubt it, but it's fun to dream.

I'm suspicious of Hot Rod. Not that I think he'd purposely betray the
Autobots, but if the 'Cons got that doohickey bauble off him after he
dug it up, they could claim that their victory was made possible by

Speculating is fun!


Thunder Magnificent!

Oct 21, 2008, 7:35:44 AM10/21/08
ShadowWing wrote:
> Arcee was far worse.

Unfortunately (fortunately?), I missed that one...



Oct 21, 2008, 3:50:59 PM10/21/08

"Thunder Magnificent!" wrote

> ShadowWing wrote:
>> Arcee was far worse.
> Unfortunately (fortunately?), I missed that one...


ver 1.01
some assembly required
I have interesting stuff in mind
hopefully, it will all start next year.
stay tuned
and wish me luck

In Spotlight: Arcee, we learn that the only reason Arcee has a female
design is because Jhiaxus wanted to create female robots for some strange
reason. So rather than come up with a plausable reason for female
Transformers, Furman decided to simply make her the result of a forced sex
change operation. Do I really need to list all the reasons that's wrong?

This is why I want Budiansky back. Or Brad/James and Adam.

Gustavo Wombat

Oct 21, 2008, 7:10:38 PM10/21/08
On Oct 20, 8:05 pm, "ShadowWing" <> wrote:
> "Thunder Magnificent!" wrote
> >I think the Mirage Spotlight was one of the worst in the series, honestly.
>     Arcee was far worse. Not only because of what they did to the character
> (and reguardless of what one may think of female Transformers this has to go
> in the listings of poorly treated female characters in comics
> lately--there's a whole blog listing those women at,but I don't know she's on there), but

> while Mirage may turn out to be a throwaway spotlight, Arcee's is intrigal
> to the Dead Universe story.

It answered the question of why there is a female Transformer, and
this is the only continuity that has an answer to that. The fact that
she's filled with rage seems to make sense under the circumstances,
well, either rage or crawling into herself and avoiding contact with
anyone else.

All-in-all, I like it.

The idea of a female robot is dumb on the surface. But, if you were
experimenting with adding organic traits to robots (which is what
Jhiaxus was doing, at least in part), at some point gender is going to
come into it.

>     Also, I would wonder whether or not Beachcomber is the only Autobot
> carting a cerebro-shell in his head. The traitor could also be Doubledealer
> (since I'm not sure what traitor Deathy's referring to).

It will turn out they all do.


Kil - Michael McCarthy

Oct 23, 2008, 2:07:53 PM10/23/08
"Thunder Magnificent!" <> wrote in message

>I think the Mirage Spotlight was one of the worst in the series, honestly.

It was fairly incomprehensible, but I rate both the boring as hell
Spotlight: Shockwave (sorry, but logic boy does nothing for me) and the
all-around AWFUL Spotlight: Arcee as worse installments.



Oct 23, 2008, 9:24:23 PM10/23/08
On Oct 24, 4:07 am, "Kil - Michael McCarthy" <>
> "Thunder Magnificent!" <> wrote in message

I really don't get why everyone doesn't like the Arcee Spotlight. I
liked the fight scenes and artwork, and it moved the plot along. It
introduced Garrus(sp) 9, explained its purpose, had a teaser with
Jhiaxus, and gave air-time to Ultra Magnus, Fort Max, and the
Combaticons, among others.

Arcee obviously has trauma and issues, but she's fun to see in a fight
scene. She's so creepy, and I like the fresh take. I LIKE how kick-
ass she is. She really knows how to use her speed and flexibility to
her advantage in a fight. I enjoyed reading (and re-reading) her

What exactly is so awful about Arcee's Spotlight?



Oct 23, 2008, 9:31:16 PM10/23/08
Now that I read issue 4 yesterday. I think the traitor might be
Grimlock. Ironhide said he can't believe he followed him once & said
he admired his young attitude long,long ago.

Gustavo Wombat

Oct 24, 2008, 12:00:21 AM10/24/08

It's probably someone who has one of the cerebro-shells in their head.


Oct 25, 2008, 12:57:56 PM10/25/08

"Victoryleo" wrote

> Now that I read issue 4 yesterday. I think the traitor might be
> Grimlock. Ironhide said he can't believe he followed him once & said
> he admired his young attitude long,long ago.

I thought Ironhide was talking about Prime, who is currently near death
due to whatever happened that we haven't been told about yet.


Oct 25, 2008, 1:04:41 PM10/25/08

"tomorrow4eva" wrote

>What exactly is so awful about Arcee's Spotlight?

Speaking for myself, it's the fact that instead of coming up with an
interesting purpose for female Transformers within Autobot society/culture,
possibly in connection with whatever Primus had in mind (it's not a
Furmanverse without Primus and Unicron--and Grimlock and Galvatron), we get
a cop-out that spits on the very concept, and is another poor use of female
characters in a history full of poor treatment in the comic industry. lists a whole bunch of them.

Instead we get Jhiaxus with some creepy plan that doesn't seem to be
thought out very well (by either Jhiaxus or Furman) to create female
Transformers for kicks or whatever, and so forces Arcee to undergo a sex
change. Since this is what leads Arcee to become an otherwise interesting
character (and not even close to previous takes on the character), it
invalidates too much of the coolness factor for me, and just makes me
dislike Furman's stories even more.

On the other hand, Shane is doing a good job with All Hail Megatron now
that he's pulling back from the action a bit and showing us the aftermath.

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