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Transformers Glu Mobile Phone game text

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Derik 'Inessi' Smith

Oct 27, 2007, 11:27:40 AM10/27/07
Archiving again.
This is the text from the GLU 2007 Mobile Phone game. The individual
speakers are unattributed (sorry) but it's not hard to figure out.
Prime, Bumblebee, Frenzy and Megatron have 3d talking heads. Jazz,
Ratchet, Ironhide, and Barricade also have speaking roles.

Incoming transmission....
The reformatting process is complete ... your primitive mobile device
can now accept and send Cybertronian transmissions at will.
Looks like I'm forgetting my manners.
My name is Bumblebee.

My fellow Autobots are trying to save your planet from the evil
Decepticons. They're after the Allspark, a Cybertronian object of
unlimited power!
Upon arrival, our leader Optimus Prime was damaged and the rest of my
teammates and I have been separated here on Earth. Presently, he is
stranded at the Hoover Dam.
We can't risk sending an undisguised signal for help. That means using
your 'phone' is the only way we can keep our transmissions a
secret ... and it'll be up to you to help Prime until he's back to
full power.
The race for the Allspark will be dangerous, but it might be the only
way to save the universe. I knew I could count on you!

This little device is a Remote Transmission Module, or 'RTM' for
short. We use these to keep in contact during field missions.

Activating one will plug you directly into my internal communicators.
I can then provide you with intel for your mission.

Decepticons! We've got to take 'em on!

Prime's blaster is configured to automatically lock onto Decepticon
energy signatures. All you need to do is press 'OK' to enter combat
mode. He'll take care of the rest.
When you're finished blasting, press 'OK' again to holster your gun.
Tap 'DOWN' to transform into Truck Mode. You should then be able to
cruise by underneath.

Then tap 'UP' to return to Robot Mode.

Press 'OK' while firing to turn the weapon off. Otherwise it'll
overheat. Don't worry, it only takes a few seconds to recalibrate.
Keep your optics on the red meter below. It'll let you know when to
give your trigger finger a rest. MWhen multiple targets come in range,
press '7' or '9' to switch between them. If Prime gets in close while
in combat mode, he will automatically use hand-to-hand techniques.
When his fists glow, press '1' or '3' to let an uppercut rip!

Prime is the strongest of us Autobots, so close quarters combat is the
best way to really wreck those mechs!

The Earth isn't a shooting gallery, so you don't need to walk around
with guns a'blazing all the time. Also, when not fighting, Prime will
automatically block attacks. Just hit 'OK' to exit combat mode.

You can use this ramp to make it out of here. Now, transform and roll

There're more powerful 'Cons here -- but there's no need to panic.
Just get in close, block their punches when they first strike, and
then -- pow! -- let 'em have it while they're open!

Activate a Dash Attack by double tapping in the direction of the 'Con
you want to attack.
You can also dodge attacks by double tapping in the opposite direction
of your attacker.

You can plow through Decepticons as a truck, but remember that you
might have to wait for them to let their guard down before you bash
into 'em!

Don't forget that you can have Prime charge up his blaster for a power
shot! Just press '1' or '3' while firing to activate the power
blast ... you can even use it while jumping over an enemy for an extra

Good work.
This is your Overworld Map. I was able to hack into several Earth
satellites to create a simulation of the locations you'll be guiding
Optimus through. Each area has several nodes that you'll have to
access -- question marks represent transmission points where you can
contact us, while blue ones are Decepticon activity zones for Prime to
tackle. Speaking of whom...
My name is Optimus Prime and I am the leader of the Autobots.
I must thank you. My arrival on Earth left my internal systems in
shambles, but they are slowly regenerating due to your efforts.
I cannot praise you enough for your courage in accepting this task,
because the road ahead is fraught with danger. Decepticons dead
Prepare to engage the enemy.
Are you ready? Little activity in this sector. We make a great
Sensors indicate that there are blockades in this area coated with the
Cybertronian alloy Electrum. Unfortunately, it's pretty much

Your best bet is the Autobot weapon specialist, Ironhide. His chemical
cache should do the trick, but you'll need to clear the area of all
drones first.
One dose of my nova spray should render that stuff as brittle as
rusted scrap.

Radar indicates that there's another pathway here, but it's behind one
of those obstacles. Maybe we should call back Ironhide.
It'll have to wait. I'm more concerned about the Decepticons. This is
bigger than just a band of rogue drones. Someone else is calling the
shots here ... someone far more dangerous.

Stop right there, Prime!
Barricade -- I thought my olfactory sensors recognized your rusted
Now ... now ... flattery will get you nothing--
--Except a one-way trip to deactivation!

Looks like you're past your 'Prime,' Autobot!

Lucky shot, but you're already too late. This was just a diversion.
A diversion...
...For what?
You'll find out soon enough...

I just ran into an old friend ... Barricade.
He's not alone -- I'm picking up major Decepticon activity in a large
human city west of here.
We need to hurry ... but how can we get there in time?
I may have figured a way around that. I've found a rudimentary matter
transporter. It's unstable, but can be hotwired for short distances.
Unfortunately, I have to remain here to operate it.
Then what are we waiting for?
All right.

Next stop: Tranquility! It worked!
Like I said, this place is swarming with Decepticons.

Also, be on the lookout for the moving symbols in the Overworld.
They're mobile tracker units. I'm not sure who's commanding them, but
avoid them at all costs or you'll be drawn immediately into
--And distracted from the real threat.

What's shakin', Prime?!
Jazz, is that you?
The one and only.
What's your mission status?
I picked up a bunch of Decepticon energy signatures and decided to
take care of business.
I'm currently chasin' down the last of 'em. They're headed east,
toward Hoover Dam.
The Hoover Dam.
I'll meet you there.

Back so soon?
Jazz is in pursuit of a group of Decepticons headed this way.
See what else you can divulge from the Earthlings' computers. I'm
going to find Barricade.
But Prime...
No buts, Bumblebee.
Yes, sir!

You should know that I discovered a way to look ahead on these
Overworld Maps allowing you to keep track of the Decepticon patrols
ahead! Press the star key to toggle on and off free-cam mode.

I didn't think hiding was your style, Barricade.
Prime! Time to send you back to the junkyard once and for all!
I'd like to see you try.

Ha! Seems like your fuel tank's stuck on empty, Auto-wreck.

It's over, Barricade. Tell me -- ahhhh!
Prime, are you all right?
...I'll be fine ... still trying to adjust to Earth conditions ...
that's all.
You better check in with our medical officer, Ratchet.
I'm on it.
Incoming signal? Ratchet, is that you?
Guess again!
Frenzy? How...?

Optimus! It looks like you could use a recharge.
I've deployed several RTMs in the field, so just give me a ring when
you're low on juice.
You're the doctor.

Prime -- bad news. I found something in the humans' computers...
What is it?
How could this be?
Years ago, after fleeing Cybertron, he must have somehow crash-landed
here. The humans located him in a region known as the Arctic. I think
they mean to bring him here, but it's hard to tell ... something has
damaged a lot of the files.
Set the transporter's coordinates for the Arctic.
I was afraid you'd say that. Be careful. The harsh conditions of this
environment are unlike anything back on Cybertron.
If Megatron is here on Earth, that's the least of our worries.

What the--?!
Looks like this one's too tough -- even fer me. I'm gonna need more
raw petrochemicals for my internal synthesizer to upgrade my nova

An abandoned fuel depot -- will this do the job, Ironhide?
That'll work.

Now I can take down that blockade, no sweat!
Just what I feared ... no sign of Megatron.
But that painful sensation I felt earlier ... it's the bond that we
share, and the proof that he still functions.
It feels like I'm forever trying to right the wrongs left in his wake.
No more. I must put an end to his evil ... once and for all.

You find anything?
Well, I have good news ... kind of. I think I've figured out where the
Decepticons are heading... back to Tranquility.
All those people...

There's no time to waste. Let's roll out!
What's up, Auto-chump?!
Hit the road, scraplet! I'm in no mood for your games. Hfff!
Well, I just wanted to let you know that I'm about to pay that mini-
buddy of yours a little visit.
You do, and I'll--
You'll what?! Right now, you've got bigger problems than proto-sitting
that tin-plated twerp. Catch ya later, Obsolete Prime!
Bumblebee...? Frenzy is headed your way.

Blast! It's no use.
Bumblebee! You're breaking up.

I need to access a stronger transmission point. Bumblebee?
I'm okay.
What about Frenzy?
He was incredibly tough, but I was eventually able to get the drop on
him. Luckily...
...Good to hear.

I sense that Megatron is near... Prime, out!

Greetings, noble Optimus Prime.
Megatron! What are you doing on Earth?!
Why, Prime ... is that how you greet your brother after all these eons
State your business, Megatron.
Oh, you know why I'm here, Prime. The Allspark is finally mine.
These human insects have been hiding it. Once I tear it from their
pathetic little hands, this primitive rock and the rest of the
universe are mine for the taking!
We shall see, Prime. We shall see...

It's over, Prime...
Stand down, Megatron. You've lost.
Not so fast, Prime. You may be strong, but I know your greatest
weakness: your sickening compassion for the weak. Better hurry and
rescue those miserable flesh creatures before that damaged building
crushes them.
Those humans... I have no choice--

What are you looking at, scrap-let?!
Ahem -- Prime! I've got a lock on Megatron! He's heading back to the
Why would he go back there? I don't sense--
Look, we don't have time for the third degree. If you don't get there
right away, you can kiss this mudball goodbye!
All right. Set the coordinates.

Prime, now that your systems are recovered, I'll need this upgraded
equipment to keep you running tip-top.

Ha! I knew you were a chump! You fell right into my little trap.
No scrap, brain-bot!
Where's Bumblebee?!
Worry about yourself first!

Hey, Barricade -- blast this over-stuffed 'bot, already!
This time there's no escape. Prepare to be wrecked!
You picked the wrong Transformer, Barricade.

Next stop: the recycling bin!

Face it, Barricade, this just isn't your cycle.

Now, onto Frenzy... and Megatron!

You there? Jazz, Bumblebee--
Don't stress; the little guy's safe and sound.
What about Frenzy?
Let's just say that half-pint has been reprogrammed.
Right now, I'm more concerned about his boss.
Megatron is there?! Quickly, have Bumblebee activate the transporter.
Don't engage Megatron until I arrive.
And let you have all the fun? C'mon, Prime.
Jazz, Megatron is no laughing matter... Jazz--?!

... Gotta get to Hoover Dam fast! Bumblebee! Are you all right?
I'll function. I'm sorry, Prime. Frenzy caught me off-guard.
It's not your fault. The important thing is that you're okay. Where's
He took out Frenzy and then followed Megatron to that hidden pathway
in the upper section of the Hoover Dam Core. Megatron had some sort
of key to it. Jazz ducked in before it closed back up.
Yes. I can sense him there...

But how do we open it?
You just get me to that door. I've got one more trick up my sleeve.

With this new solution, my nova spray's set for maximum meltdown!
This final upgrade should give you all the strength you need to go toe-
to-toe with that maniac Megatron.

Be sure to head back to the upper section of the Hoover Dam Core.

Jazz, no!
...H-hey, Prime. G-guess I should'a waited, huh...?
Jazz, hold on ... let me...
It's no use, Prime ... I'm a goner. This way leads to the Allspark.
You need to stop Megatron before he gets it, or it's game over for the
Autobots, the Earth, the entire universe...

End of the line, Megatron! Ah, Prime. Impressive as ever. Even I
didn't think you'd make it this far. How utterly poetic ... the fate
of the entire universe in the hands of two brothers. One shall stand.
One shall fall.
Decepticons forever!

Even though we haven't eliminated all of the Decepticons, we have
managed to stop Megatron's mad schemes and save this small blue world.
If only Jazz could be here--
Prime ... look out! Incoming!
What the--? Starscream!! So, he was the Decepticon in charge of the
mobile units!

He's got the Allspark and he's--
Gone ... just like our chances of reviving Jazz.
Blast! If only we had tried harder ... done more! Maybe then we
could'a held onto it and saved him!
Sometimes the price of victory is high, my friend ... terribly high.
We can never rest until the remaining Decepticon menace has been
removed! Next time we will not lose the race.

We've managed to stop Megatron's mad schemes and clear out all of the
Decepticons in order to save this small blue world. If only Jazz could
be here...
But Prime ... with our human friend's help, you managed to recover the
Allspark! Can't we use it somehow?
He's right, Prime ... with my medical skills and its power, there's
still a chance that we could save Jazz!
Then do it!
Whoa ... who turned the lights on?
Yeah, Jazz is back!

We owe you big time!
Bumblebee is right, our human friend. Without your bravery and
perseverance, we could never have saved your world. We -- and the
entire universe -- owe you an incalculable debt of gratitude!
You lose, brother.

The universe is finally free of your tyranny. You lose, brother.

The universe is finally free of your tyranny.


Oct 28, 2007, 5:11:52 PM10/28/07
Wow, you're bored.
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