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General Opinions of Image's GI Joe series?

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Jun 13, 2002, 3:25:02 PM6/13/02
I personally like it. I grew up TOTALLY with Transformers, and
watched/read GI Joe a little off-and-on, so I don't know it that well.
All I've really seen, besides all the Image series' issues and Battle
Files, is a few episodes of the Sunbow cartoon, the movie, about 10-20
issues of the Marvel comic, and the current GI Joe CGI cartoon
commercial. It's all starting to grow on me, but I'm still somewhat
of a newbie, even after all these years.

BTW, I'm still trying to get the Sunbow RAH fanfic episode
continuation thing going for the Phoenix Virtual Television fanfic
group. Should happen sometime before the end of the year, I'm
estimating. Just to help people understand, it continues the Sunbow
80's series after the movie, in a "virtual season 3", with fan-written
text episodes. I'm not the biggest Joe fan, so I'll just be
moderating. If you'd like to contribute, please e-mail me.

Phoenix Virtual Television:



Jun 13, 2002, 4:54:14 PM6/13/02
My opinion??

Its consistent with the previous Marvel series, consistent in the sense that
its no more stellar then that series was. The new comic neither stands out
greatly, not sucks terribly. Its NOT very exciting, nor clever......but it's
not boring either.
Its trying and succeeding to NOT be dumb........its very steeped in its own
internal logic and mythos. I've read 90% of the Marvel run, seen most of the
animated all the incarnations, from DC to Dark horse to

On another point, please be careful with the Fanfic stuff. Recent rulings
and efforts by copyright holders have really put the kibosh on alot of
sincere fanfic attempts and there's a strong climate that copyright holders
will be more zealous in protecting their licenses in the future. Keep any
fanfic stuff low-key and quiet and it'll thrive on its own, but advertise it
too much and Hasbro will exercise its "rights".


"Rodimus2316" <> wrote in message


Jun 13, 2002, 7:51:32 PM6/13/02
> On another point, please be careful with the Fanfic stuff. Recent rulings
> and efforts by copyright holders have really put the kibosh on alot of
> sincere fanfic attempts and there's a strong climate that copyright
> will be more zealous in protecting their licenses in the future. Keep any
> fanfic stuff low-key and quiet and it'll thrive on its own, but advertise
> too much and Hasbro will exercise its "rights".

Maybe I am missing something, but this makes no sence to me. All the fanfic
I have seen was free to read. (Because who would buy a GIJoe story from Joe
Blow?) So what is the point on busting down on these people for writing a
story based off of a trademarked/copywrited item? They are not profiting any
from it and it seems to me that it only supports the original item. Things
like these could actually boost sales of GIJoes.



Jun 13, 2002, 11:17:25 PM6/13/02
All I've read of the Marvel series are issues 1-10 (thanks to the
TPB), but I have all the Image stuff so far (except for the newest
issue), and I haven't seen any of the old cartoon, so take my opinion
for what it's worth.

I love the new comic. There are a few parts I don't fully understand,
but I think after reading the main Marvel run they will start to piece
together. I didn't exactly grow up with G.I. Joe; I mostly played with
my brothers' old broken figures. The cartoon wasn't on when I was
younger and I couldn'r afford comics.

Thank you, DD and Image; you are letting me live the childhood I
wasn't able to before.



Jun 14, 2002, 1:37:07 AM6/14/02

"FireFox" <> wrote in message

> Maybe I am missing something, but this makes no sence to me. All the
> I have seen was free to read. (Because who would buy a GIJoe story from
> Blow?) So what is the point on busting down on these people for writing a
> story based off of a trademarked/copywrited item? They are not profiting
> from it and it seems to me that it only supports the original item. Things
> like these could actually boost sales of GIJoes.
> --
> FireFox

Well if you read it on-line, its NOT free to or someone else
paid for the ISP, and that is the issue a company like Hasbro can take to
court. Additionally, even if the fanfic is not distributed for profit, the
copyright holder still retains rights to contest because THEY have the
privilege to distribute the material and to determine how their characters
are presented to the public.
Great example: the Phantom Edit. Lucas had that shut down because even
though it was well done and actually made the movie "better' in many minds ,
Lucas wanted HIS vision to prevail.
The copyright/trademark holder has that right where their stuff is being
distributed widely and freely by others in a unauthorized way.
Keywords here: widely and freely. If its just going to your friends and not
accessible by anyone else--little harm, thus no foul. If its posted on a web
site that anyone can access: then you can have harm/foul.

There's a well-known case with a 12' GIJOE customzier that bought figures
and significantly modified them then re-sold them to others. It was his
property, bought fair and square, but Hasbro had enough issue with it to
order a cease and desist. Personally, I doubt Hasbro's merits in this case,
but the point remains....the alterations and the use of the character name
in sales and reference to the altered product infringed on their rights--add
to it that some of the customizers alterations were of a suggestive and
adult nature and it made the thing a hotbed. The fellow was a victim of his
own sucess really--as his work was and still is in high demand and he sadly
retired from doing anymore of these customs.

I've loved some of the fanfic and such stuff myself--and some is quite well
done--most is only so-so. heck, I've even done and planned some of my own.
I'm just offering a caution about it, is all.



Jun 14, 2002, 4:06:02 AM6/14/02
"FireFox" <> wrote in message news:<8eaO8.147440$>...

its hard to believe that they could do anything! or why they would
even try then they would have to go after anyone w/a gijoe website
that has fanfiction,dio-stories,customs if the fans are nolonger able
to write about there favorite copyrighted charactors they may as well
shutdown the internet!

that is all



Jun 14, 2002, 12:37:31 PM6/14/02

"toiletmonkey" <> wrote in message

> its hard to believe that they could do anything! or why they would
> even try then they would have to go after anyone w/a gijoe website
> that has fanfiction,dio-stories,customs if the fans are nolonger able
> to write about there favorite copyrighted charactors they may as well
> shutdown the internet!
> that is all
> toiletmonkey

Actually, that's happened before too.

The record companies versus Napster.
I think the gauge here is how prominent and how the fanfic is being
presented.......that would determine the response.
If the stuff was just tasteful continuations of stories then there would
likely never be a response. If the stories were all detailed accounts about
lesbian trysts between Cobra and GIJOE women, or Dreadnoks sodomizing GIJOE
prisoners then I think you'd see some action against
them............especially if they became widespread.
Most fan customs and such never raise an eyebrow--and they shouldn't because
that stuff fosters the hobby, GIJOE porn doesn't, IMO. ( but that's just me)
Fans are totally free to create whatever material regarding their favourite
characters in whatever ways they want, but widely diseminating that material
is the thing that can get some folks in trouble.
That's it all in a nutshell.

Another quick example of something considered safe ( from what I know of ):
a message forum that you have to sign up for and be approved to access can
be a way to share stuff without problems. As I understand it, because the
audience is restricted and isolated then anything goes. Unchallenged access
is the thing that often irks a trademark holder..........again its why
something like Napster drew fire.



Jun 14, 2002, 5:31:41 PM6/14/02
to (toiletmonkey) wrote in message news:<>...

I agree. I've been involved with fanfic for a long time, and from
talking to other fanfic writers (mainly those involved with Marvel/DC
fanfiction), they said that while it IS illegal to do fanfic, there's
too much of it, and it's too much of a hassle for the copyright owners
to get after, and might give them bad PR (something like that); so
your safe doing just text stories and maybe one or two original
pictures, but once you start doing stuff like fan-comics, or, worse,
SELLING your stuff, or if there's ANY money involved in any way, THEN
you're in trouble. I'm not sure about how this fits with Hasbro's
copyright to Transformers, since there are TONS of online fancomics of
it, like at, or DPrime's Macromasters. Maybe Hasbro is
more linent with TFs?

Well, I think that's how it is. I could be wrong, in some parts. I
got this info from people at the heroesfanfic Yahoo Groups e-list:

Again, what I'M trying to do here is continue the original Sunbow GI
Joe cartoon from where it left off (the movie or season 2, maybe), and
continue doing original stories and (I'm hoping) to be able to
continue introducing all the next logical toy characters, as the real
show would have if it hadn't died, and retcon the DiC cartoon from
ever happening.

I'd also like to start a RAH Vs. Cobra cartoon fanfic series, if
people are interested.


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