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Some Americans refuse to give up on Confederate flag

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Stand Up For Your Rights

Aug 2, 2015, 4:21:25 PM8/2/15
HANOVER, Pa. (AP) — Many Americans assumed the Confederate flag
was retired for good after governors in South Carolina and
Alabama removed it from their statehouses this summer and
presidential candidates from both parties declared it too
divisive for official display.

But people still fly it, and not just in the South, despite
announcements by leading flag-makers and retailers that they
will no longer sell products showing the secessionist battle

Some who display it are motivated by pride in their ancestry or
enthusiasm for Southern history. Others see it as a symbol of
their right to challenge to authority in general, and the
federal government in particular. And some have hoisted
Confederate flags in recent weeks precisely because it's
generating controversy again.

"You can't take it out on the flag — the flag had nothing to do
with it," said Ralph Chronister, who felt inspired to dig out
his old Confederate flag, which is decorated with a bald eagle,
and hang it from his weather-beaten front porch on a heavily
traveled street in Hanover, Pennsylvania.

"I've got nothing against black people; I've got nothing against
anyone else," said Chronister, 46, who was raised in Maryland.
"I'm just very proud of my Southern heritage. That's why I fly

An uncomfortable tolerance of the Confederate flag in mainstream
society was upended in June when photos circulated on the
Internet revealing that a young white racist charged with
killing nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina,
had posed with the Confederate symbol. Dylann Roof also burned a
U.S. flag for good measure. Roof wants to guilty to more than 30
federal charges, his lawyer said Friday.

John Russell Houser — the right-wing extremist who shot 11
people, two of them fatally, before killing himself in a
Louisiana movie theater in July — also flew a large Confederate
flag outside his home, and hung a Nazi swastika banner outside a
bar he owned in Georgia.

Many politicians echoed South Carolina's Republican Gov. Nikki
Haley to remove the Confederate flag after the Charleston
killings, describing it as a relic that belongs in museums but
not on official display. Haley called it "a deeply offensive
symbol of a brutally oppressive past." Democratic presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton said "it shouldn't fly anywhere."

Hundreds of Confederate flag wavers gathered this weekend in
Georgia's Stone Mountain Park, home to the huge "Confederate
Memorial Carving" featuring Confederate President Jefferson
Davis, General Robert E. Lee and General Thomas "Stonewall"

But the flags aren't hard to find in places like Hanover, a
factory and farm community about six miles north of the Mason-
Dixon Line that saw action during the Civil War's Gettysburg

One flies from a pole on the main road into town, by a National
Rifle Association banner. Another was hung from a second-floor
apartment, directly above a day-care downstairs.

Jeremy Gouge, a 44-year-old roofer, says family ties to the
South are why he proudly flies a Confederate battle flag on a
pole in his front yard, on a quiet residential street not far
from Chronister's home.

"I know there's things that happened to slaves and things. I
can't control what other people have done," Gouge said. "What's
the next flag that someone is going to say, 'We don't like that
flag, let's take that one down?'"

It's hardly the only place where Confederate flags fly in
northern states. Hannah Alberstadt said she was surprised to see
many of them in her hometown of Girard in northwestern

"My town has always had sort of a hickish contingent, but it's
like every other day I see another Confederate flag, and it's
just shocking," she said. "These people are definitely trying to
make a statement, because people have them waving from their
truck beds, people have them on a stick in their front yards,
people are wearing them to the grocery store."

The symbol still raises ire: A flag on the back of a pickup
truck parked in a convenience store lot in the middle of Hanover
was set on fire. And in Elk Grove, California, a Confederate
flag was displayed at a gun shop until the owners removed it in
late June after getting death threats.

In Las Vegas, Republican state assemblywoman Michelle Fiore sent
out a campaign email comparing South Carolina's removal of the
flag to avoiding discussion of concentration camps and genocide.
People can't "pick and choose what parts of our history you want
to remember," Fiore said.

In eastern Michigan, flag supporters staged a rolling rally,
with more than 50 vehicles participating. And in Florida, an
estimated 2,000 vehicles adorned with the Confederate battle
flag rallied outside a government complex in Ocala, with many
demonstrators sporting shirts with phrases like "heritage not

On Thursday, surveillance cameras recorded two white men leaving
Confederate battle flags on the grounds of the Ebenezer Baptist
Church in Atlanta, where Martin Luther King Jr. began his
campaign for racial justice a half-century ago. The Rev. Raphael
Warnock called it a "hateful act" and an "effort to intimidate
us in some way."

The condemnations have been good for the business of Robert
Hayes, who runs the Southern Patriot Shop in Abbeville, South

A sign outside his shop warned customers he'd sold out of
Confederate flags and may be out for a month or more. Hayes
figures he sold about 400 after the Charleston shooting, instead
of the two dozen or so he typically sells. And the purchasers
seem different to him now.

Teens are buying it as a rebellious counter-culture statement
against political correctness, Hayes said, and others talk of
taking a stand against big government and holding fast to what
they hold dear.

Carson Kimsey, 23, came to Hayes' shop hoping for a flag to fly
outside his Elbert County, Georgia, home. Kimsey gave a few
different answers about the Confederate flag license plate on
his pickup truck, then looked down for a second when asked if he
ever thinks about how blacks feel when they see it.

"If they want to get offended, that's their problem. I fly it
for my own reasons. It's got nothing to do with hate for
anybody. My boss is black. I work for two black guys. I have
this tag, I pull up for work every day. It doesn't bother them,"
Kimsey said, though he acknowledged he never has broached the
topic with them.

The Confederate flag still flies outside two biker bars near the
home that Angela Burns, a black woman, rents on Dixie Drive in
Anderson County, South Carolina, where five of the six state
representatives voted against removing it from the Statehouse.

Burns, 54, shrugs off the rebel banners sprouting up since then.

"You ignore it after a while. I'm not letting them bother me,"
she said. "But every one of them knows they are being mean and

"Fakey's" dogwhistle holder living at 5907 Stanton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA (aka Teh Mop Jockey), socked up as 5907 Stanton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-2117

May 4, 2016, 6:41:11 PM5/4/16
i wonder why these "good ol' boys" fled the south?
the part of a wall that encloses the end of a pitched roof.
a wall topped with a gable.
noun: gable end; plural noun: gable ends
a gable-shaped canopy over a window or door.,,1213138,00.html
Gabled roofs are the kind young children typically draw. They have two
sloping sides that come together at a ridge, creating end walls with a
*triangular extension*, called a gable, at the top. The house shown here
has two gable roofs and two dormers, each with gable roofs of their own.
The slant, or pitch, of the gables varies, an inconsistency that many
builders try to avoid.



Have you heard about the lotusLoser
Beaten by the queen of Pembroke each time
Have you heard about the lotusLoser
He's a loser, but he still keeps on tryin'

Oohoohooh oooh

Sit down, take a look at yourself
Don't you want to be somebody
Someday somebody's gonna see inside
You have to face up, you can't run and hide

Have you heard about the lotusLoser
Beaten by the queen of Pembroke each time
Have you heard about the lotusLoser
He's a loser, but he still keeps on tryin'

Unlucky in love, least that's what they say
He lost his head and he gabled his heart away
He still keeps posting though there's nothing left
Staked his heart and lost, now he has to pay the cost

Have you heard about the lotusLoser
Beaten by the queen of Pembroke each time
Have you heard about the lotusLoser
He's a loser, but he still keeps on cryin'

"Fag. LOL", he smiles and says
Though this RMS is driving him crazy
He don't show what goes on in his head
But if you watch very close you'll see it all

Sit down, take a look at yourself
Don't you want to be somebody
Someday somebody's gonna see inside
You have to face up, you can't run and hide

Have you heard about the lotusLoser
Beaten by the queen of Pembroke each time
Have you heard about the lotusLoser
He's a loser, but he still keeps on cryin'

Have you heard about the lotusLoser
Have you heard about the lotusLoser
Have you heard about the lotusLoser
Now tell me have you heard about the lotusLoser



well i guess if we went to:

and gave it the URL to the image THAT YOU POSTED IN POST:


I took that on my way to eat lunch. I tried to make an index card with
backward writing so the SPANKY-SPANKY! reflection would show up with
frontward writing, but apparently I can't write backward legibly, so
you gets what you gets."

it would say "definitely not green", right???




"People didn't cause the Great Depression, Liberal ko0kTarD. Governmental
policy did." - Fakey in MID <>
"The initial stock market crash triggered a "panic sell-off" that made the
stock market go even lower."

so... so the "government" panicked, snickers?

funny that a bona-fide conservative horatio alger hero type would want the
government stepping in to save the stock market.

"Current theories may be broadly classified into two main points of view
and several heterodox points of view.

First, there are demand-driven theories, from Keynesian and institutional
economists who argue that the depression was caused by a widespread loss
of confidence that led to underconsumption. The demand-driven theories
argue that the financial crisis following the 1929 crash led to a sudden
and persistent reduction in consumption and investment spending.[1] Once
panic and deflation set in, many people believed they could avoid further
losses by keeping clear of the markets. Holding money therefore became
profitable as prices dropped lower and a given amount of money bought ever
more goods, exacerbating the drop in demand.

Second, there are the monetarists, who believe that the Great Depression
started as an ordinary recession, but that significant policy mistakes by
monetary authorities (especially the Federal Reserve), caused a shrinking
of the money supply which greatly exacerbated the economic situation,
causing a recession to descend into the Great Depression. Related to this
explanation are those who point to debt deflation causing those who borrow
to owe ever more in real terms."

wait? what? no major "third" konservative k0okTheory blaming the
government for everything mentioned?

odd, that. eh, lotusLoser?


the never-ending saga of fakey's "lotus"...


"sines, sines, everywhere there's sines
blocking up the snickerTurds, breaking his mind"


FNVWe attempts to rewrite physics texts in Message-ID:

">>let's not forget that mine also had the correct applied mathematics
>> equations unlike fakey the supposed know-it-all:
>> phase A: 120*sin(2*pi*60*x)
>> phase B: 120*sin(2*pi*60*x+pi)
>> voltage difference between phase A and phase B at any point x in time:
>> 120*sin(2*pi*60*x) - 120*sin(2*pi*60*x+pi) = 240*sin(2*pi*60*x)

Wrong, as has already been proven. What does it say below, you fecking

"The _sum_ E(θ) ≡ E(a) + E(b) can be written thusly:""

it says that you don't even know how to correctly apply mathematics to
real-world AC electricity, snickerTurds. it says that you're in denial
about the inversion of your AC legs.
"To mathematically calculate voltage between “hot” wires, we must subtract
voltages, because their polarity marks show them to be opposed to each

on page 2:

** NOTE: The phase of Hot Leg 2 (Phase B) is in the
opposite direction - i.e., 180° apart from the phase
of Hot Leg L1 (Phase A)



i know a guy on the internet who will draw a triangular sine wave in ASCII
art if you ask nicely.</GROUCHO MARX>
see: Message-ID: <>


snickerTurds can't seem to refute the following:

- begin snickerSinewaveStew.cpp --
HOW TO RUN: download arbitrary precision libraries from:

place those files in a directory and save this file as
snickerSinewaveStew.cpp inside that same directory.

compiles with:

gcc -Wall -I. precisioncore.cpp snickerSinewaveStew.cpp -lstdc++

run with:


enjoy the LULZ ;)

#include <fprecision.h>
#include <iostream.h>

using namespace std;

int main(){

//float_precision MIN=float_precision(0);
//float_precision MAX=float_precision(0);

float_precision STEP=float_precision(.0001);
float_precision t=float_precision(0); // time variable
float_precision sum=float_precision(0); // sum of SnickerTurd's
ridiculous sinewave mess
float_precision snickerPrediction=float_precision(2550.25); //
snickerTurd's erroneous k0oK-k'lame Sum
float_precision PI;
PI =_float_table(_PI,25);

// this while loop will run forever, but snickers doesn't understand why
while(sum < snickerPrediction){

// fakey's Sinewave Stew(TM) see: MID:
sum = (float_precision(150) * float_precision(
sin(float_precision(120)*float_precision(2)*PI*t))) +
(float_precision(20.25) * float_precision(
sin(float_precision(33)*float_precision(2)*PI*t))) +
(float_precision(1400)* float_precision(
sin(float_precision(150)*float_precision(2)*PI*t))) +(float_precision(20)*
float_precision(sin(float_precision(5013)*float_precision(2)*PI*t))) +

// perhaps show a few values larger than +2300 to educate teh
cout << "t=" << t << " sum=" << sum << std::endl;
t = t+STEP;

Message-ID: <>
"Oh, yeah... it's 2550.25 volts... so why does your graph not even
reach 2500 volts, given that eventually all the sinewaves will
constructively interfere (ie: *add* to each other) to *sum* to 2550.25

Fakey, it doesn't reach 2500 volts because the summation of your sinewaves
never reaches that. They never reach their max values at the same time.
That's how stupid you are.

Message-ID: <>
"I most certainly *did* prove otherwise. It can't even arrive at the
correct sinewave summation voltage of 2550.25 volts"

Fakey, you only *proved* that you are too inept to graph the equations and
notice a few things about the interactions of their frequencies when

the next line of code is never executed, but snickers DEFINITELY can't
figure out why it isn't and instead has a bunch of lame excuses while
still having not produced a value for t where the sum=2550.25, as he has
k0okily proklamed in many usenet messages that are archived FOREVER.

cout << "snickerTurds was right! the sum is " << sum << " at time t=" <<
t <<endl;
- end snickerSinewaveStew.cpp --


Fakey irrationally demands a theme song to foam to:
"all I really want your pathetic pwned ass to do is write me a classic
rock song as tribute to your Usenet Lord and Master..."


Somewhere Abouts Round Fri, 12 Feb 2016 17:25:03 -0500, Friendly
Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus <> wrote:


Fag. LOL
Idiot. LOL
Moron. LOL
Tranny. LOL
Libtard. LOL
Crackhead. LOL
GableTard. LOL
DildoRider. LOL
Bad Musician. LOL
Stick Figure. LOL
Terrible Liar. LOL
Sinewave Spammer. LOL
Outerfilthing Stalker. LOL
Talentless FrothMonkey. LOL
Math Challenged Halfwit. LOL
Klimate Katastrophe Kook. LOL
Defeated Tearful Spankard. LOL
Waster Of Time To Save $10. LOL
Worst Maker Of Sinewaves In The History Of Usenet. LOL

<the band strikes up a rousing version of "on top of old smokey">

on top of old snick-ers, all covered with Fag. LOL
is where my usenet lord and mas-ter
can go straight to hell*

*hell doesn't exist. hope everybody is having a productive evening.



If my poasts are offensive to you, you can always block all From: headers
containing "ro...@", unless you are an idiot who would like to
yammer about "morphing" and maybe try to lodge some frivolous complaints
to my news provider, then please be sure to ignore this helpful
information and have fun making an ass of yourself in public. :)

if that route of silencing those horrid opinions of mine that you
downloaded to your computer under duress doesn't work you can always try:

The Gish Gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority — as
it appears to paint the galloper as an expert in a broad range of subjects
or with an extensive knowledge of an individual one. Simultaneously it
presents opponents (in spoken debates) or refuters (in written,
Internet-based ones) as incompetent bumblers who didn't do their homework
before the debate. Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason
many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating
opinions. - Page #1 from the Gospel of SnickerTurd


Coming soon! To a newsgroup near you!:

$ perl
FakeyBot> I'm FakeyBot. What's your name so I can Google-stalk you,
look you up on Radaris, and hurl invective and probably-illegal harrassing
bile from behind an anonymous dizum account? <snicker>
You> Robert Michael Wolfe
FakeyBot> Oh look, you're back again to polish my size 16 steel-toed
boot with your colon and listen to me talk about bestiality and cocks,
Robert. <snicker>
Robert> you talk about cocks a lot.
FakeyBot> Oh, I talk about sex a lot?
Robert> gay sex, mostly...
FakeyBot> Fag!

(just as useful as the original!)


snickers the wonderturd describes how he alerted lots of his kiddie pr0n
friends to the ensuing FBI sting in message
"That's easy enough to do... how do you think my crew uncovered the
largest CP ring using Tor and I2P, which we promptly turned over to
the FBI? I discovered a way to uncover the IP addresses the I2P users were
using, and a way of tracking Eepsites back to their IP addresses, then we
figured out that we could DDOS a Tor IP address and modify Tor headers
while checking whether a Tor hidden service was still up, then using
process of elimination to pinpoint the IP address hosting that hidden
service. It's not rocket science.

_The I2P community got all up in arms when I discussed on their forum how
I was doing it, and that it'd be a good way of cleaning up I2P so it can
get on with being a platform to research anonymous communication... my
distinct impression was that the "anonymity
research platform" story was just a cover story to allow pervs to
trade CP._ (NOTE: admits to participating in what he "suspected" was a
kiddie pr0n network.)

That Silk Road 2.0 was taken offline in the ensuing FBI Operation
Onymous was just icing on the cake."


Golden Killfile, June 2005
KOTM, November 2006
Bob Allisat Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, September 2007
Tony Sidaway Memorial "Drama Queen" Award, November 2006
Busted Urinal Award, April 2007
Order of the Holey Sockpuppet, September 2007
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, September 2006
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, April 2008
Tinfoil Sombrero, February 2007
AUK Mascot, September 2007
Putting the Awards Out of Order to Screw With the OCD Fuckheads, March 2016

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