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The truth hurts, but only if it ought to: Apartheid Israel

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William Gigantus

May 18, 2014, 8:08:51 AM5/18/14

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
(unless it's true). -- Big Willy

An Unprecedented Campaign

Israel is currently facing an unprecedented campaign of
delegitimization. The boycott, sanctions and divestment (BDS) movement
is at the forefront of a concerted effort by western pro-Palestinian
activists, radical trade unionists, neo-Marxist groups, mainline
Christian denominations to combat the perceived US political bias
towards Israel. ...

An Existential Threat

At the heart of the delegitimization campaign is the assumption that
the founding of the State of Israel was a historic 'mistake' that
needs to be corrected. There is a belief that Israel is a racist,
apartheid entity that can be dismantled in favor of a single
bi-national democratic state of Jews and Arabs living together in
'peace'. Once 'Israel' - as a Jewish national homeland - is
discredited by comparison with Apartheid South Africa then she can be
demonized as the primary obstacle to peace in the Middle East. Once it
can be demonstrated that her existence is a violation of international
law, any action she takes to defend herself can itself be deemed
illegal. ...


Israel's Special Relationship with South Africa's Apartheid Regime
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Recently Israel has increasingly come under fire for the similarity
of it's policies to those of South African Apartheid. These
similarities are even more ironic when one considers Israel's past
relations with South Africa. It also highlights Israel's now forgotten
role in stepping in to help those regimes that because of
international pressure the United States could no longer openly
support. Perhaps it will build some solidarity with the Palestinian
people when the world realizes that like it's allies the US, Britain,
and France and the rest of NATO Israel is an imperial power that
oppresses people all over the world. This article will examine the
Israeli role in Southern Africa. It should be noted that the US, UK,
and France were also allies of the Apartheid regime who only cut aid
because of strong organized domestic opposition. However Regan and
Thatcher were strong supporters of Apartheid. This is appropriate
after all the US Jim Crow laws helped inspire Apartheid. UK and France
founded colonies all over the world where the local inhabitants were
second class citizens in their own lands. Still they went through a
process of decolonization. Subtler forms of oppression were installed
Neo-Colonialism. Israel is the last bastion of the old style
Colonialist mentality in it's overt form. A state where by law all
people are unequal. Hopefully once again an organized movement by the
public can force an end to the racist and oppressive regime in Israel.

There are many similarities between Israel and the Apartheid
regime. The Afrikaners were what we would call today fundamentalist
Christians and like the pilgrims in America identified with the old
Testament seeing themselves as a righteous people surrounded by
Heathens ie their less fanatical countrymen. Once in Africa also like
the American Pilgrims they demonized the African inhabitants. This
demonization process seems to be increasing at an alarming pace in
Israel. Unreported in the western Media angry Israeli mobs launch
daily attacks on Palestinians often targeting schoolchildren in scenes
reminiscent of the American South in the 1950' s. Recently these
attacks have spread to assaults on Israel's African Migrant workers.
Besides vehement racism both countries must deny equal rights to their
populations to maintain control. An explicit system of discrimination
with Jewish only areas and Jewish only roads has been established.
Palestinians spend hours crossing various arbitrary checkpoints. It is
illegal for them to build homes in order that Israel can regularly
demolish homes in Palestinian areas under legal cover. South Africa
attempted to set up so called bantustans a false form of independence.
Blacks were given fake independence under black puppet regimes such as
that of Buthelezi Brutal ruler of KwaZulu who was invited to Israel
for a state visit where he was lauded as a moderate reformer. Israel
has taken a similar strategy with the illegitimate Palestinian puppet
Abbas. The chief similarity however is that both states wage a brutal
endless counterinsurgency war on the native population. Arbitrary
arrests, beatings and systematic torture these are what the
palestinians deal with in periods of relative calm. That and both
random and selective murder. Periodically they are subjected to all
the horrors of invasion with bombs, tanks, and machine guns. In
addition both states were hated by their neighbors for their
oppressive policies and responded with aggressive wars.

A little known fact is that the State of Israel might have been
built in Africa in Uganda a large Jewish Colony was founded. Israeli
business interests are major players in the modern genocide in the
Congo (10 million dead so far) Along with european, american, Canadian
and asian corporations. Israel has also been involved with
destabilizing Sudan since the 1950's along with the British. Thus
there is a little mentioned but extensive Israeli role in the
exploitation of Africa. Israel trained Mobutu's personal security, it
also put Idi Amin in power. In South Africa after diamonds were
discovered along with a large number of british settlers a number of
jewish settlers arrived. This south african jewish community became
enthusiastic supporters of the idea of a state of Israel long before
jewish communities in Europe or America. Thus Israel's special
relationship with South Africa began because of the importance of
their south African supporters. The south African president Jan Smuts
was a strong advocate of the Balfour declaration. On the South
african side the elites there identified with the situation of Israel
outnumbered and surrounded by Arab States with their own surrounded
with Africans. The paranoia of invaders. Israel's military success
impressed them. However because Israel had it's own plans in Africa it
kept the unpopular south African regime at arms length. However the
Israel's 1967 war changed things. First it turned the newly
independent African states against Israel. More importantly it led
France to halt an important weapons shipment to Israel. Israel decided
it needed to vastly expand it's arms industry. To defray costs it
needed to start exporting weapons. Since this was the cold war most
countries weapons were suppled by Nato countries or the Eastern bloc.
Israel decided to sell to the countries no one wanted to supply
because they were too controversial mostly Latin American, African and
Asian dictators. In addition they provided advisers to train the
security forces of these dictators. Yacov Meridor the chief economic
coordinator in the Israeli cabinet explained

"We are going to say to the American's "Don't compete with us in
South Africa don't compete with us in the Caribbean or in any other
country where you can't operate in the open" Let us do it. I even use
the expression "You sell the ammunition and equipment by proxy. Israel
will be your Proxy" and this would be worked out with a certain
agreement with the United States where we will have certain
markets...which will be left for us." (Hunter P.16)

South Africa because of it's unpopularity worldwide became a major
client for Israel. Israel would supply weapons and advisers. The
techniques they used in occupied Palestine they taught to South Africa
so it could refine it's Apartheid. In addition they could use places
like South Africa or Guatemala as giant laboratories for testing the
science of counterinsurgency and even in the case of Guatemala
Genocide. This support was under tacit American approval.

South Africa provided Israel with Diamonds, an important Israeli
export bought indirectly through London diamond exchanges. South
african coal was important for the Israeli power industry. Also south
Africa provided Uranium for Israel's massive secret nuclear program.
Israel provided weapons and technical knowhow. They sold them stolen
American technology so they could get around sanctions. They helped
south Africa build fighter planes, tanks, and even nuclear devices. In
1979 they held a joint atomic test on a remote island belonging to
South Africa. They helped South Africa create a defense electronics
industry. Infamously South Africa used sophisticated electronics in
the assassination of Mozambique's internationally revered president
Samora Machel. They were able to send out false signals that led the
plane off course and caused it to crash. Ironically weapons embargoes
led South Africa to expand it's weapons production and just like
Israel it became a major worldwide arms dealer.

Not only did Israel help South Africa technologically advance, it
also provided important military advisers. One senior South african
officer said to Uri Dan an aide to then defense minister Ariel Sharon
"Don't underestimate the influence that the example of the Israeli
army as a fighting army has on us" Uri Dan was so impressed by the
similarities that he claimed he expected the South African officers to
"begin giving orders in hebrew" From Israeli foreign policy South
Africa and Central America by Jane Hunter (the source for most of the
information in this article) p.56. 100s of Israeli advisers were
active in training South African Forces "in the arts of suppressing a
captive population and keeping hostile neighbors off balance" in the
words of Jane Hunter. Israel was also actively involved in helping
South Africa's attack it's neighbors supplying arms and training to
US/South African Proxy armies like UNITA in Angola or MNR in
Mozambique. Like it's Patron the united states Israel has allied with
some of the most brutal death squads in the world.

Israeli guidance and influence was not only tactical but
strategic. According to Jane Hunter A strange mirroring effect between
the two nations foreign policy took place. Israeli actions would be
mirrored by South Africa. Israel's invasion of Lebanon inspired South
Africa to attack Mozambique and Angola. Israel's attack on the PLO in
Tunisia inspired South Africa to attack Zambia, Botswana, and
Zimbabwe. They even claimed to be attacking international terrorism in
imitation of Israel. Like Israel, NATO, and the US they blew up
hospitals and schools they falsely labeled terror training camps.

Politically Israel helped South Africa as well. For instance it set
up a system to train "moderate" activists to undermine the genuine
opposition of groups like the ANC and the UDF. It gave legitimacy to
South Africa's Bantustans. When the state department was about to open
contact with the ANC Nelson Mandela's party, while pressure was
building for Mandela's release, Israel had it's allies in the ADL
circulate information on capital hill pointing out the ANC alliance
with communists. The ADL was also caught spying on the anti-apartheid
movement in the US. Israel helped South Africa funnel money to defeat
certain American politicians who were Anti-Apartheid. When sanctions
threatened South African exports Israel found a loophole whereby it
would finish assembling south African goods and sell them as Made in
Israel in the US Tariff free. Israeli athletes and entertainers were
among the few not to boycott South Africa.

Thus not only is the Israeli system similar to apartheid, Israel
was vital in aiding, shaping and protecting the South African
Apartheid regime. Israel's crimes are far more international in scope
then is commonly realized. Like it's allies the US, UK, and NATO
Israel is an imperial power. South Africa was an Apartheid state,
Israel still is. Unfortunately the fall of the Apartheid was not
accompanied by the necessary radical economic change. Like the MPLA in
Angola and SWAPO in Namibia the ANC in South Africa betrayed it's
promise of economic liberation. Injustice remains. Poverty is
widespread. Something for Palestinians to keep in mind if by some
miracle they should ever achieve liberation. Neocolonialism is far
harder to throw off then colonialism.

For more information I recommend Jane Hunters excellent book Israeli
Foreign Policy: South Africa and Central America.
Posted by Hugo Turner at 7:38 PM

The Revd

May 18, 2014, 8:18:14 AM5/18/14
In article <>,
William Gigantus <> wrote:

> There is a belief that Israel is a racist, apartheid entity

Horseshit. The large majority of Arabs who are Israeli citizens
sternly refuse to become citizens of the Palestinian Authority,
run by their Muzzie "brothers".

> that can be dismantled in favor of a single bi-national democratic
> state of Jews and Arabs living together in 'peace'.

Are you a friggin' retard? Muzzies cannot even live in peace
among themselves -- just look at Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Gaza...
the only way to maintain order in a muzzie country is a
brutal dictatorship. They are just not mature enough for
anything else.

William Gigantus

May 18, 2014, 1:34:57 PM5/18/14
Those are not my thoughts.

I'm a friggin' retard so how could I know?

I copied it from an Israeli magazine.

Fuss at them about it.

"The truth is heavy, therefore few care to carry it."
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