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Troblems of young people in Georgia

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Oct 19, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/19/98
I am from Georgia. It situates near the Black sea. It used to be the part of
the former Soviet Union. But nowdays it is an independant country. Gerogia is
famous with its folk-songs, wines,hospitality, beautifull nature(it has
nearly all climates, and all natura scenes-sea, desert, mild climate...) We
are a traditional nation and we appriciate them too much. For example,a girl
cannot have any close relation with a man untill ther marriage. My close
friends who are divorced feel themselves very uncomportable sometimes. as
soon as the boys find out that they are divorced immidiatly they change thier
attitude towards them. Of course there are people who don't care about these
things, they don't regard them even as problems, but they form minority of my
nation. I fell in loce with a canadian. He is totally different. Because he
knows how to treat a woman. But he is juish and I am an orthodox. I know many
people will never be able to understand me, but still I feel myself vert
happy and proud of my feelings. We went together to the sae-side, when he was
in Georgia. We were so close, but still I remebered about my tradtions, our
customs. He understood me, though I am sure its very difficult for a
foreigner from the west to understand this. How do you thing will our
mantality ever change?

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