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TK Story: The Babysitter (F/M)

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Oct 22, 2002, 1:02:11 AM10/22/02
The following story is fictional and any resemblances to actual people
and/or events are purely accidental. This story does contain material that I
classify to be of "adult nature" and may be viewed as "sexually suggestive"
material and was written for an "adult audience". Therefore I must require
that you be of "legal age" to continue reading. If you are not yet of "legal
age", if you are offended by "adult content", and/or if you are in an area
that forbids you to posses or have access to "adult material" read no
further than this point. Different areas have different laws covering “legal
age” and “adult material” and you are responsible for knowing what the laws
are in your respective areas. By reading the story you do affirm that you
are of “legal age” as defined by your local laws and your local laws do not
forbid those of “legal age” to view and have access “adult material” and
agree the author should be and is free from any and all liability.

The author copyrights the following story and claims that it shall not,
under any circumstances, be sold, traded, marketed, or bartered in any way,
shape, or form, without the author's prior expressed approval (and this
includes pay-internet sites, too). The author does allow you to re-publish
this story, free of royalty or compensation, provided that no payment or
profit of any kind is generated or collected, the story and disclaimer
remain intact and not edited in any way, and the author receives credit for
the story. You may re-publish this story via email, message boards (free
sites only), newsgroups (Usenet) and personal web pages (free sites only).

Enough of the legal mumbo jumbo, enjoy the story!!!!
The Babysitter
"A Babysitter"?, Shawn cried out in disbelief, "I am 18 years old and DO NOT
need a babysitter!" Shawn's father looked up from the Sherlock Holmes novel
he was reading, in his study, put his pipe on his large oak desk and said,
"Don't raise your tone with me, son. You ask your mother and I to treat you
as an adult, but when you decide to toilet paper the neighbor's tree, you
prove that you are not capable of behaving like an adult. You behave like a
child and you will be treated as such, and a child needs a baby-sitter. Also
I might add that little prank you pulled was not only childish, but illegal
as well. The law has a word for that, son. It's called vandalism". "Then why
can't I just ask David or Ben to come over then", Shawn whined. "Because",
Shawn's father replied as he returned his book to the bookshelf, "You are
still grounded for 2 more weeks and during that time, no friends, TV, or
computer. Your life for the next 2 weeks will consist of going to school and
coming home. This subject is now closed and is not open for further
Shawn turned to his mother, who was in the kitchen and said "Please mom, I
do not need a babysitter. I will do anything you ask, for as long as you
want.. Anything at all, but please no babysitter. What would the guys say if
they ever found out"? His mother looked sympathetic and said "It won't be
that bad, sweetie. Honestly. Amanda Morris will be here in about another
hour. You remember Amanda, right honey? Her mother and I are on the Church
bowling team". How could Shawn *NOT* remember Amanda? She used to baby-sit
him when he was younger and he always had a huge crush on her. She was 5 yrs
older than he was and would not give him the time of day. To make matters
worse, when she used to baby-sit him, she was very pushy, bossy, and bratty
and would sit on top of Shawn and relentlessly tickle him when he would not
give in to her demands and whims. Shawn went up to his room to ponder on the
situation. If the guys ever found out he had to have a babysitter at 18 yrs
old, they would never let him forget it. He did not have long to think about
it, because about 45 minutes later the doorbell rang.
Shawn and his mother went to answer it and invited Amanda and her mother
inside. "Shawn, you remember Mrs. Morris and Amanda, right sweetie"?,
Shawn's mother asked. Shawn greeted them and saw that Amanda had grown even
more beautiful than the last time he saw her. She was wearing cut-off
shorts, sandals that displayed her perfectly manicured feet and her flawless
long, brown hair was neatly kept in a ponytail, and was wearing sunglasses
and a San Francisco 49'ers t-shirt. "Amanda", her mother said, "Take off
your sunglasses indoors, dear. It's rude". Amanda removed her sunglasses and
placed them on the fireplace mantle. Shawn's mother called out "Jason, we
better get going if we are going to beat the traffic". Mrs. Morris said "I
cannot believe that you were able to get 1st row seats to the Phantom of the
Opera. It's been sold out for months". Shawn's father entered the room,
adjusting his tie and handed Amanda a piece of paper and said "Here is the
number of Angelo's Restraunt, we have reservations there at 5 o'clock and
here is the number of the theater and the show will be from 8 o'clock until
11 o'clock and we will be back around midnight or so. Also Shawn is grounded
and is not allowed to have friends over, use the computer or watch TV".
Amanda replied, "Not a problem Mr. Anderson".
Shawn's parents and Amada's mother left for the theatre and Amanda ordered
them a pizza from a local pizza parlor. Then Amanda pulled out one of her
novels and while she was engrossed in her book, Shawn snuck down to his
father's study and turned the computer on and started to e-mail some friends
and about 5 minutes later, Amanda came to the room to borrow one of the many
Sherlock Holmes novels that Shawn's father had. "Shawn", Amanda scolded,
"You were told that you are not allowed to use the computer while you are
being grounded. Why don't you start your homework or something". She turned
off the computer and escorted Shawn out of the study. Shawn opened one of
his textbooks and started doing his homework but about 15 minutes later, he
snuck down to his father's study once again, making sure Amanda was nowhere
in sight and started sending email again. About 30 minutes later Amanda came
back to the study, to return the book she borrowed and said "Ok Shawn,
that's it. Off the computer now and get your shower and get ready for bed".
Shawn sulked all the way to the bathroom and got his shower and dried off.
Shawn, walked from the bathroom to his room, wearing just his underwear and
when he opened the door to his room, Amanda jumped him from behind and
tossed him onto the bed and took some handcuffs and securely fastened wrists
and ankles to the bedposts. After making sure that Shawn was tightly secure,
Amanda dangled her hands over Shawn, displaying her long fingernails and
said "Shawn, you have been a very bad boy. You were told not to use the
computer, not once but twice and you did anyway. You are a very bad boy, and
we know what happens to bad boys, don't we"? She gave Shawn a few moments to
think about the situation as she teasingly dangled her fingernails all over
Shawn's body, as Shawn cringed and tried to break free of the handcuffs. "I
don't know where you think you're going", Amanda teased, "but *I* don't
think you're going anywhere, anytime soon. Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, you are
indeed a very bad boy, and I have to punish you".
Once again Amanda dangled her long fingernails over Shawn's body and on a
few occasions, acted like she was going to lunge for him, but pulled away at
the last second, laughing at Shawn's plight, as Shawn tried to break free
but could not. Amanda once again lunged at Shawn and dug her fingernails
into Shawn's feet as Shawn shrieked and started and tried to break free, but
could not. Amanda used a feather she found to work in between Shawn's toes
and used the tip of the feather and raked up and down Shawn's soles
Amanda continued to torture poor Shawn's feet for several minutes more and
Shawn felt like he was going to explode with laughter, but Amanda would
refuse to let up
Amanda worked her way up to Shawn's kneecaps and legs and poor Shawn was
thrashing about, in a valient effort to free himself, but could not. "Shawn
if you were not always such a bad boy, we would not have to do this", Amanda
taunted as she continued to work on Shawn's legs and kneecaps and Shawn
thought if this kept up much longer, he would go insane
Amanda gave Shawn a few seconds to catch his breath as well as give her
fingers a rest, then she sat on top of Shawn and teasingly ran a finger down
Shawn's stomach as Shawn shuddered and said "Please no more. I will be good,
I promise you". Amanda replied "Well, I am not convinced as of yet that you
mean this". Amanda then started to tickle, rub and massage his stomach and
ribs as Shawn was laughing so hard it hurt HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
By this time, Amanda could not help but notice a rising buldge in Shawn's
underwear. "Well well well", Amanda teased, "It seems that we really HAVE
grown up now, haven't we, or has that always been there". Shawn's face
turned as red as a beet. "Well, what should we do about that, Shawn"? Amanda
asked. Shawn was turning redder by the second. "I know that you have always
had a crush on me, and I must admit that you are pretty cute, especailly
when you are tied up and defenseless, like that", Amanda said. "I know what
you have been wanting for quite some time now", she added. Shawn could not
believe what he was hearing.....or seeing as Amanda had Shawn raise up and
she ever-so-gently pulled Shawn's underwear down to his ankles took off her
own shirt and bra. Amanda started to massage Shawn's inner thigh area and
was about to reach for his hard, throbbing cock when a car door slammed
shut. Amanda peeked thru the blinds and saw her mother and Shawn's parents
talking and laughing outside as they were making their way to the house.
"Fuck", Amanda cursed as she quickly released Shawn from the handcuffs and
thru him a pair of pajamas and quickly got her own bra and shirt back on and
rushed to the study, pretending to be reading a book as Shawn pretended to
be fast asleep. A few minutes later he heard Mrs Morris and Amanda leave the
house and he peeked out the blinds and saw Amanda smile at him and give him
a wink. Shawn's mother knocked softly on Shawn's door "Come in" Shawn
replied. "So", Shawn's mother said, "Was it as bad as you thought it would
be". Shawn replied "Nah, it was kinda cool really". Shawn's mother replied
"That's great sweetie, because Mrs. Morris invited us to go off with her and
her sister next week to Las Vegas. We will be gone the entire week and
Amanda said she would love to baby-sit...oops I mean stay with you while we
are gone and she will sleep in the guest room. Shawn said "That sounds great
and I am looking forward to it, Mom".

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