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If the sheboon keeps bothering me than I will then make more trouble

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Lexi Brown

Mar 23, 2009, 9:56:09 PM3/23/09
If the sheboon is unable to control her violent impulses to dominate,
and display her chimpanzee "gifts" from nature to a "human" and she
continues to assert these "superior" "gifts" that she is very proud of
on me with her moronic sub imbecilic yapping (the ability to attack and
savage a non primate with niggerbabble and threat of physical violence
looming always in the background) then the "shit" will start. It will be
low carbohydrate diet city. I sometimes enjoy taking a gander at the
troops, and her friend and the sheboon herself started in with me about
a few unpleasant matters including the hep and the cancer. I will not do
a stand up act like the last time as I have learned my lesson as it is
pointless, but I do not wish to feel the typical white persons fear of
unrestrained and savage violence that is beyond the control of a savage
baboon. There will be plenty of time to receive a babboon job up the as
from a savage primate who using the mounting from the rear method to
display his male dominance in prison when the time comes. Currently
nothing is supposed to be happening excpet for a nice quiet covert
mission with some sublimal clues to drive the subject insane and
hopefully to suicide which just is not happening.

Suzette X

Mar 24, 2009, 10:05:57 AM3/24/09
Time to take well needed piss

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