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NOMINATION: Ms A.T. Rookie (fwd)

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Dec 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/13/98
Here's a sample of her stuff. (I think she's a her.) In
any case, I'd like to nominate her for Best Female Rookie,
if she is one.



On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 12:51:31 GMT, (The Vyrdolak)

>>does anyone here work for a McChucks or Splurger King? I've heard
>>that the material they use in their thickshakes and ice-cream is a
>>form of processed chicken fat.. is this true?
>I always heard it was some kind of semi-digestible wax.

Hmm, most waxes are flammable, as are most fats, which could lead to
some interesting possibilities. But I think youve got it right,
SEMI-digestable is quite right. :-P

ObT: A candle made of earwax...

Lenore Levine

Dec 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/14/98
to (The Vyrdolak) writes:

>x-no-archive: yes

>Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>>Here's a sample of her stuff. (I think she's a her.) In
>>any case, I'd like to nominate her for Best Female Rookie,
>>if she is one.

>>On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 12:51:31 GMT,
>>(The Vyrdolak) wrote:

>None of the above, Auntie Lenore. Male, and a poster under various
>accounts since 1994. (Not that I don't appreciate the nom...)

Actually, the sample was from "Lincard 1000," in which he or
she quoted you. Not that you don't write good stuff, Mr. Vyrdolak,
but I know you're a guy and you've been around forever.

Lenore Levine

"Oh, this is a well-marbled steak of peeves, shot through with
artery-clogging deposits of rage." -- The Exploding Frog

Dec 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/14/98
Lenore wrote:

> The Vyrdolak writes:

(re: Lenore's hazy Ms. Rookie nomination)

> > None of the above, Auntie Lenore. Male, and a

> > poster under various accounts since 1994 ...

> Actually, the sample was from "Lincard 1000," ....

Who's also a male -- as someone pointed out in a
long-past thread.


I have a little request to make. When you kids nom,
do you think you could make clear who it is you're
nomming -- and maybe even include the article head-
ers for the voters (and the judge) -- many of whom
are not psychics?

It'd also be nice if you did even a shred of home-
work to determine whether your candidate is male/
female, rookie/veteran, etc (i.e. Rob nomming Fujii
as both Nr. A.T. and Mr. Rookie -- both of which
have been tossed out until Rob takes it upon him-
self to clarify what the fuck he's nomming).

Future incomplete (or otherwise incompetent) nom-
inations of this sort will be ignored.

I'll post an up-to-date nom list shortly so that
everyone can see where we officially stand.

Fair enough?

Off To The Pharmacy

"Science may have found a cure for most evils;
but it has found no remedy for the worst of
them all: the apathy of human beings."

-- Helen Keller, 'My Religion'


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Lenore Levine

Dec 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/14/98
to writes:

>Lenore wrote:

>> The Vyrdolak writes:

>(re: Lenore's hazy Ms. Rookie nomination)

>> > None of the above, Auntie Lenore. Male, and a
>> > poster under various accounts since 1994 ...

>> Actually, the sample was from "Lincard 1000," ....

>Who's also a male -- as someone pointed out in a
>long-past thread.

As wasn't known at the time I passed this post on to Mike
Weber -- several months ago. I'm also pretty sure I put
"LINCARD 1000" in the "Subject" line.

>Off To The Pharmacy

Just went. Don't try, Barf-Boy. The way this day is
going, it's not going to help.


Dec 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/15/98
On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:27:53 GMT, wrote:
>It'd also be nice if you did even a shred of home-
>work to determine whether your candidate is male/
>female, rookie/veteran, etc (i.e. Rob nomming Fujii
>as both Nr. A.T. and Mr. Rookie -- both of which
>have been tossed out until Rob takes it upon him-
>self to clarify what the fuck he's nomming).

Mea culpa. Kazuo for Mr. Rookie; and if he doesn't qualify and
doesn't disqualify himself in time for that to be amended, it's his
own damn fault.

ObT: A nice little documentary on CBC News re: the identification
process for the victims of that Swissair crash. 200-odd victims, and
one, count 'em, one intact body.


From the messy desk of RobNorth 62 27 N 114 22 W (give or take) Politics
is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. (Orwell)
Man is that he might have joy--not guilt trips. (Elder Russell M. Nelson)
A flip dark chill winter bastard though dry. (Burgess, A Clockwork Orange)

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