Anyone want to improve the delivery of this joke?
Old joke: Q: What do you call a black prostitute with braces?
A: A Black & Decker pecker wrecker.
Yes. This was told at my graduation(the guys going to MIT and Harvard were
pissed) by the keynote speaker.....
A young man, obviously a student, gets into the express line at a grocery store
with 13 items. The clerk looks at the guy, then looks at the sign that says
"10 items or less", then looks back at the guy, then looks back at the sign,
then finally say to the guy "Is it that you are from Harvard and can't count,
or from MIT and can't read?"
Arnt they two of the bigest ASS HOLES you have ever seen!?!?!?!
>Anyone want to improve the delivery of this joke?
-. .-
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What do you call a Ph.D. from Berkeley?
(Snap fingers) Waiter!
Joel: | "Luke, you done gone too
All opinions expressed are | far when you mess wit'
those o<fnord>f MIT. | the man wit' no eyes."
:*) | --Cool Hand Luke