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Abo Joke and Nigger Joke

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Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96

Accent: aus

What are the 3 things you can't give to an Aborigine?

1. A white Face.

2. Straight Hair.

3. A Job.

Accent: usa

What are the 3 things you can't give to a Nigger?

1. A Black Eye.

2. A Fat Lip.

3. A Job.

Message has been deleted

Ravi Anamalay

Jan 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/16/96
Well, whoever posted that racist stuff - just remember :
(1) You feel inferior to blacks because your dick is under 6""
(2) Your sister & mother lost their virginity to blacks
(3) "" still prefer blacks
(4) You're girlfriend (or boyfriend) prefers blacks over you
(5) You're just a loser with nothing else to do

oh, by the way - tell you're mama I'm having someone else over tonite.
just though I'd try a slut over $5/blowjob for a change.


ps : is your mum ever going to get her dentures tightened ?

Ravi Anamalay
Dept. of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
University of Western Australia, WA 6970, AUSTRALIA.
email :

Valerie Hall

Jan 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/16/96
to (Fresh816) wrote:

>What a brave warrior you are, posting racist jokes anonymously.

>God, I admire you.

>A. Mathis

Boy I wish I'd thought of that one !!



Jan 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/17/96
What are 3 things a racist redneck can't get?
1) A steady job
2) An education
3) A good paint job on his oversized hillbilly truck or double-wide
trailer (you pick)

What are 3 things white trash can't get?
1) Enough cheap beer
2) A girlfriend over the legal age
3) Enough banjo music and good dentures

The south is as dead as your redneck grandfather's dick. Time to wake up
and smell the 90's Joe Bob, Billy Joe, or whatever you like to be called.

By the way, I *am* white.


Jan 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/17/96
On 15 Jan 1996 04:08:45 +0100, (Anonymous)

>Accent: aus
>What are the 3 things you can't give to an Aborigine?
>1. A white Face.
>2. Straight Hair.
>3. A Job.

Q. What's got two black eyes and fucks Abo's?

A. A double-barrelled shotgun...

Add the coon joke of your choice here:

Message has been deleted

Michael HART

Jan 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/19/96

One must post some jikes anonymously else one can find oneself on trouble with the
discriminatory anti-discrimination laws.

Jokes about race (Aboriginal), sex (women) etc can be considered harassment and
you can end up in court.

It doesn't matter that it is a 'jokes' forum.

One shouldn't have to be a 'brave warrior' to post a joke but the fact is one does
have to be.

In article <4dg817$>, (Fresh816) writes:
|> What a brave warrior you are, posting racist jokes anonymously.
|> God, I admire you.
|> A. Mathis

| Michael HART | "If you want a straight line take |
| Dept of Professional Studies | only two points." |
| University Of New South Wales | "If reproducibility is a problem |
| | do the experiment only once." |
| Michael HART | "If you want a straight line take |
| Dept of Professional Studies | only two points." |
| University Of New South Wales | "If reproducibility is a problem |


Jan 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/21/96
remember students, that all jokes (except puns and some of the surreal
stuff) have a victim.
It is a matter of where you draw then line.
Most of this stuff seems contrived to cause offence and wasn't
humourous anyway.

Shaun Dore

Jan 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/21/96
Scott Blencowe ( wrote:
: In article <4djhf1$>, says...
: >
: >Come on people! Black is beautiful!!!
: >
: >Then again, nigger is not a color.

: I can't believe that so many people get all uptight over this.

: It's a JOKE it's meant to be funny.. Now i'm not racist i have friends of all
: differen't creeds and cultures but i still found one of the jokes humerous.
: I mean even when i was 8years old there were Irish Jokes, and then Blond
: jokes, Abo jokes... If we can't laugh at ourselves, then we just can't laugh.

: Wake up and enjoy life, stop taking things so personally.

: Sly!

Couldnt agree more.

Paul J Robinson -
Geekcoke 3.0 GE d(++) s--:--- a-- C++++ UL+++>++++ US++(+++) P+ L+++(++)>+++++
E--- W+ N++(+++) w--- M-- V-- PS PE Y PGP(+) t+++ 5-- !X R tv++(+) b+++ D+++
G+(++) e>++ h++(+) r++>!r y?
People who like windows 95 havent used it enuf...

Mark Addinall

Jan 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/21/96
Michael HART (mh...@solar.csd.unsw.OZ.AU) wrote:

: One must post some jikes anonymously else one can find oneself on trouble with the
: discriminatory anti-discrimination laws.

So fucking what.

: Jokes about race (Aboriginal), sex (women) etc can be considered harassment and

: you can end up in court.

So any form of humour that deals with abo's or wimmin is banned heh?
What about kikes, slopes, wogs, spicks, paddies, seppos or pommies.

: It doesn't matter that it is a 'jokes' forum.

: One shouldn't have to be a 'brave warrior' to post a joke but the fact is one does
: have to be.

So this is what the society wants to become. Disgusting.

"What's the difference between your dog whinging at the
back door, and your missus whinging at the front door...

The bitch at the backdoor generally shuts up when you let
it in the house"

: In article <4dg817$>, (Fresh816) writes:
: |> What a brave warrior you are, posting racist jokes anonymously.
: |>
: |> God, I admire you.
: |>
: |> A. Mathis

: --
: +-------------------------------+------------------------------------+
: | Michael HART | "If you want a straight line take |
: | Dept of Professional Studies | only two points." |
: | University Of New South Wales | "If reproducibility is a problem |
: | | do the experiment only once." |
: +-------------------------------+------------------------------------+
: --
: +-------------------------------+------------------------------------+
: | Michael HART | "If you want a straight line take |
: | Dept of Professional Studies | only two points." |
: | University Of New South Wales | "If reproducibility is a problem |

And do try to get someone to explain how .sigs work
before you come in here again. Fucking idiot.

And what is a Department of Professional Studies anyway? Is
that like secretary school?


Avoid normal situations.

Jan 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/22/96
Can we all please stay on topic for once (e.g. actually post jokes to
a.t.j., et al.)?

Q: What are the "Toys R Us" franchises in black neighborhoods called?
A: We Be Toys.

alt.flame Special Forces: Carry on, and dread nought.


Jan 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/22/96
fake <na...@host.domain> wrote:

Actually it's not the joke it's the READING that does it.
Do your part and stamp out reading, start with yourself.

Not a student of yours.....

Herbert Rosmanith

Jan 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/22/96
JParham327 ( wrote:
: Come on people! Black is beautiful!!!
: Then again, nigger is not a color.

but "niger", from which "negroe" and thus "nigger" comes from, is
latin and means "black".

Lucien Lenoire

Jan 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/22/96
The Depoartment of Professional Studies, of course studies professional
scumbags. To wit, or half of same prof. Hart. not pro.Phart.

Michael HART

Jan 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/22/96

In article <4dgn1i$>, (Ravi Anamalay) writes:
|> Well, whoever posted that racist stuff - just remember :
|> (1) You feel inferior to blacks because your dick is under 6""
|> (2) Your sister & mother lost their virginity to blacks
|> (3) "" still prefer blacks
|> (4) You're girlfriend (or boyfriend) prefers blacks over you

Oh! I didn't know my girlfrient saw that black person over me. How kinky.

James Dominguez

Jan 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/22/96
Here I go again...

Please please please please please could somebody tell me a genuine
Australian joke? I really want to know at least one in my lifetime. I
have requested such a thing before, and all the replies I get are usually
just New Zealander / Irishman / Blonde jokes with the names changed to
protect the unfunny.


James Joseph Dominguez -=- Certifying Officer ASO1

Defence Science and Technology Organisation

Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory

All of the opinions expressed in this posting are mine alone

unless of course I plagiarised them, in which case they are

probably not shared by my employer.

I think it is safer not to speculate.



Jan 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/23/96
In article <4durkh$> James Dominguez <> writes:
>From: James Dominguez <>
>Subject: Re: Abo Joke and Nigger Joke
>Date: 22 Jan 1996 02:09:21 GMT

>Here I go again...

> Please please please please please could somebody tell me a genuine
>Australian joke? I really want to know at least one in my lifetime. I
>have requested such a thing before, and all the replies I get are usually
>just New Zealander / Irishman / Blonde jokes with the names changed to
>protect the unfunny.

Thought hard and this is the only one I couldcome up with (sorry)

Q. What was the swagman's name in "Waltzing Matilda"

A. Andy

Andy sang, Andy watched, Andy waited 'til his billy boiled . . .


evil Beavis

Jan 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/23/96
to Edward Van Halen
Edward Van Halen wrote:
> In article <4dr4us$>, wrote:
> > (Anonymous) wrote:What are the three things you
> > can't give to "anonymous"?
> >
> > Intelligence
> >
> > a Conscience
> >
> > a LIFE!
> I want to hear the joke. I like racialist jokes.
> --
> ________________________________
> | Join the National Socialists |
> | Ensure the Prosperity of the |
> |________Aryan Race____________|

You are a joke - calling yourself Edward Van Halen...


Jan 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/23/96
James Dominguez wrote:
> Here I go again...
> Please please please please please could somebody tell me a genuine
> Australian joke? I really want to know at least one in my lifetime. I
> have requested such a thing before, and all the replies I get are usually
> just New Zealander / Irishman / Blonde jokes with the names changed to
> protect the unfunny.
> ---------------------====================---------------------
> Ok you asked for it, it's clean unfortunately.

A guy is driving through Queensland, hot summer's day, 40 degrees and his
car breaks down. Hasn't seen any other traffic all day so has walk to the
nearest town (luckily only about 50 miles). Anyway sun is beating down, he's
dying of thirst but staggering along anyway. A car approaches and the driver
stops and says good afternoon:
Guy: 'Please, please can you give me a lift?'
Driver: 'No sorry mate but I can sell you a tie.'
Guy: 'I don't need a tie, have you got any water?'
Driver: 'No I just sell ties, sure you don't want one?'
Anyway the guy doesn't want a tie so he staggers off down the road and
eventually arrives at the small town of Woolamongaratta. Desperate for a drink,
there's no pub but there is a Returned Serviceman's Association so he drags
himself up to the door but the doorman stops him and says:
'Sorry mate, can't come in here without a tie'.

martin felling

Jan 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/24/96
to (meg sellers) wrote:

> (Anonymous) wrote:What are the three things you
>can't give to "anonymous"?


>a Conscience

>a LIFE!

Right on, Meg!

Mark Addinall

Jan 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/24/96
Edward Van Halen ( wrote:

: In article <4dr4us$>, wrote:

: > (Anonymous) wrote:What are the three things you
: > can't give to "anonymous"?
: >
: > Intelligence
: >
: > a Conscience
: >
: > a LIFE!

: I want to hear the joke. I like racialist jokes.

That's 'racist' my dear little world leader.

: --

: ________________________________
: | Join the National Socialists |
: | Ensure the Prosperity of the |
: |________Aryan Race____________|

You are a fucking joke.
X-posts trimmed, I wish all these insignificant cunts
would stop giving us the gift of international mirth :-(

Retarded cunt.


Keith Moore

Jan 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/24/96
In article <>, (Donna ) wrote:

> In article <4durkh$> James Dominguez
<> writes:
> >From: James Dominguez <>
> >Subject: Re: Abo Joke and Nigger Joke
> >Date: 22 Jan 1996 02:09:21 GMT

> >Here I go again...
> > Please please please please please could somebody tell me a genuine
> >Australian joke? I really want to know at least one in my lifetime. I
> >have requested such a thing before, and all the replies I get are usually
> >just New Zealander / Irishman / Blonde jokes with the names changed to
> >protect the unfunny.

> Thought hard and this is the only one I couldcome up with (sorry)
> Q. What was the swagman's name in "Waltzing Matilda"
> A. Andy
> Andy sang, Andy watched, Andy waited 'til his billy boiled . . .
> Donna


How about this one;

There were two fencers and they had just finished a big fencing contract
for a station owner out the back of New South Wales. It had kept them
going for months out in the heat and the dust. They had just been paid
handsomely and were sitting in the shade of a big tree swatting the flies
and discussing what they would do next.
One says to the other "What are you going to do now we finished the job mate"
The other replied "I thought I might go to Sydney for a spell"
"Oh, mate that's a long way from here. What route will you take"
"Well I thought I might take the wife 'cause she did stand by me all
through the drought"


Mark Addinall

Jan 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/24/96
BR ( wrote:
: In article <4ds3vh$>, (Mark Addinall) says:

See, what we have here is, either a retarded newbie, who can not
configure his mailer to (f)ollow-up correctly, or some smart-arse
sheep shagger who wants to change a thread intention (for some bizarre

: >

: >Michael HART (mh...@solar.csd.unsw.OZ.AU) wrote:
: >
: >: One must post some jikes anonymously else one can find oneself on trouble with the
: >: discriminatory anti-discrimination laws.

: >

This ^^^ is not me...

: >So fucking what.

That ^^^ was me.

: >
: >: Jokes about race (Aboriginal), sex (women) etc can be considered harassment and

: >: you can end up in court.

Again, not me...

: Look mate, fuck off. Your politically correct bullshit isn't appreciated around here,
: OK.

This dickhead.

: *****************************************************
: * *
: * proficiency at politics and electioneering *
: * *
: * is a sign of a misspent old age. *
: * *
: *****************************************************

Try harder you stupid cunt.


Mr Gerhard M F R Kutt

Jan 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/24/96
James Dominguez ( wrote:
: Here I go again...

: Please please please please please could somebody tell me a genuine
: Australian joke? I really want to know at least one in my lifetime. I
: have requested such a thing before, and all the replies I get are usually
: just New Zealander / Irishman / Blonde jokes with the names changed to
: protect the unfunny.

1st Australian joke:

3 men at a party discussing their wives and what it takes to get out of
trouble with their wives.

1. English - I go out and buy my wife a Versace outfit costing a few
hundred quid and a bottle of her favourite perfume. I can do no wrong
for 2 weeks.

2. American - I buy my wife a Karl Lagerfeld outfit costing US$10,000
and jewelry from Cartier, and I can do no wrong for more than a month.

3. Australian - I buy my wife a slinky red dress for 10 bucks and a
dildo - that does the job for me.

Puzzled the other two men looked surprised and ask what the two have to
do with each other.

"Simple mate, if she don't like the dress - she can go fuck herself!"

What is Australian Male Foreplay?
Sheila - are you awake?

What is Australian Women's Foreplay?
Is it hard?


Mr Gerhard M F R Kutt

Jan 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/24/96
Brenda Hall ( wrote:
: This goes to you and all your other redneck friends. There's nothing
: worse than you little racist bigots out there who think that you rule the
: world. Chances are the person who wrote this so called " joke" is
: probably a lazy fat @ss who can't get a job himself !!

Hey "Ms. Flame" this is like er "tasteless jokes" - piss on you - might
cure your "flame."


Douglas Stalker

Jan 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/24/96
to (Donna ) wrote:

>In article <4durkh$> James Dominguez <> writes:

>>Here I go again...

>> Please please please please please could somebody tell me a genuine
>>Australian joke?

>Thought hard and this is the only one I couldcome up with (sorry)

>Q. What was the swagman's name in "Waltzing Matilda"

I went through the entire Penguin Book of Aussie Jokes and the only
one I could find that was a real aussie joke as opposed to a generic
ethnic joke was the following:

Two men in a small country town shared a sizable lottery prize. When
asked what they would do with the money the first, a bussiness man,
replied that he would buy a car, take a trip around the world and then
set up a business.
The other, a farmer, said "I dunno. I think I'll just keep farming
untill it's all gone."

Billy Wheeler

Jan 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/25/96
How about:

Bruce & Blue are drivin' through the outback and they get to Alice
Springs (a little town). As they arrive at the gas station, Bruce
notices a new shop with a sign saying "Taxidermist". He asks Blue
"What the hell's a taxidermist?"
Blue says "I dunno - tell you what, I'll go fill up the Jeep, you go
ask the man about the shop."
Bruce wanders into the shop and a dapper little man comes out, says
"Can I help you?"
Bruce says "Yeah, I was just wonderin' what a taxidermist was."
The little bloke says "I stuff animals."
Bruce says "Oh."
The little bloke says "Yeah - for a livin'."
Bruce says "What kind of animals?"
Tlb says "Anything. Domestic animals, wild animals, the lot."
Bruce says "How about sheep?"
Tlb: "Yeah, hundreds."
B: "Cows, ever done cows?"
Tlb: "Oh, yeah, done a few of those."
B: "'Roos, ever stuffed a 'roo?"
Tlb: "One or two."
B: "How about an abo - you ever stuffed an abo?"
Tlb: "Nah - their skins are too tight."
So Bruce says "Well, thanks for your time mate - cheers."
Gets back in the jeep and Blue says "So, what's a taxidermist?"
"Ah, he's just a regular bloke like you or me!"

The gracious and admired (Keith Moore) spake


--How about this one;

--There were two fencers and they had just finished a big fencing
--for a station owner out the back of New South Wales. It had kept
--going for months out in the heat and the dust. They had just been
--handsomely and were sitting in the shade of a big tree swatting the
--and discussing what they would do next.
--One says to the other "What are you going to do now we finished the
job mate"
--The other replied "I thought I might go to Sydney for a spell"
--"Oh, mate that's a long way from here. What route will you take"
--"Well I thought I might take the wife 'cause she did stand by me all
--through the drought"





-- New, improved and shorter .sig!!

John Detombe

Jan 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/25/96
James Dominguez ( wrote:

: Please please please please please could somebody tell me a genuine
: Australian joke? I really want to know at least one in my lifetime. I
: have requested such a thing before, and all the replies I get are usually
: just New Zealander / Irishman / Blonde jokes with the names changed to
: protect the unfunny.

I did hear about that Australian experiment of crossbreeding kangaroos
and sheep in an effort to make woolen jumpers, is this true?
John Detombe (416) 751-4122

Dean Licheri

Jan 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/25/96

Fuckin asshole. Your joke stinks, if I catch your ass , i'll fuck it then fry it.


Jan 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/26/96
In article <4e5a7u$> (Mr Gerhard M F R Kutt) writes:
>From: (Mr Gerhard M F R Kutt)

>Subject: Re: Abo Joke and Nigger Joke
>Date: 24 Jan 1996 12:55:26 GMT

>James Dominguez ( wrote:
>: Here I go again...

>: Please please please please please could somebody tell me a genuine

>: Australian joke? I really want to know at least one in my lifetime. I
>: have requested such a thing before, and all the replies I get are usually
>: just New Zealander / Irishman / Blonde jokes with the names changed to
>: protect the unfunny.

This one is best told with the appropriate accents.

An Italian man, a French man and an Australian man were in a bar and boasting
about their sexual prowess.
The Italian man said "When I make love to my woman, I lightly tickle her all
over with a feather, and she rises one foot off the bed".
The French man said "When I make love to a woman, I cover her with cream and
when I lick it off, she rises three feet above the bed"
The Australian man says: "That's nuthin. When I make love to me missus, I
wipe me dick on the curtains and she hits the fuckin' roof"

Gary Gambino Sr.

Jan 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/26/96
On Thu, 25 Jan 1996, -Lurch- wrote:

> Date: Thu, 25 JAN 1996 03:36:22 GMT
> From: -Lurch- <>
> Newgroups: alt.tasteless.jokes

> Subject: Re: Abo Joke and Nigger Joke

> The gracious words of were:

> >>> (Brenda Hall) wrote:
> >>>>This goes to you and all your other redneck friends. There's nothing
> >>>>worse than you little racist bigots out there who think that you rule the
> >>>>world. Chances are the person who wrote this so called " joke" is
> >>>>probably a lazy fat @ss who can't get a job himself !!

> >>>Well smell her! Ms. Uppity Bitch!
> >>>Bitch- can you say "tasteless"? good.. now go look it up!
> What do you expect from an AOL wannabe?
...with chronic PMS who hasn't had any in a long time...

> ========================================
> | Thou mayst obtain mine attention at: |
> | home: |
> | work: |
> | My webserver: |
> ========================================

Gary Gambino Sr.

Tom Osborn

Jan 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/30/96
mh...@solar.csd.unsw.OZ.AU (Michael HART) writes:

>One must post some jikes anonymously else one can find oneself on trouble with the
>discriminatory anti-discrimination laws.

>Jokes about race (Aboriginal), sex (women) etc can be considered harassment and

>you can end up in court.

>It doesn't matter that it is a 'jokes' forum.

>One shouldn't have to be a 'brave warrior' to post a joke but the fact is one does
>have to be.

>In article <4dg817$>, (Fresh816) writes:

>|> What a brave warrior you are, posting racist jokes anonymously.
>|> God, I admire you.
>|> A. Mathis

By "brave warrior", I presume these people mean 'bellicose prick'.

Tom Osborn - who acknowledges that people who 'stir possum' *almost*
*always* have a hidden agenda (and a really fucked up psyche).

Aston Webb 1 Cluster

Feb 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/1/96
In article <>, Dean Licheri <> says:
>Fuckin asshole. Your joke stinks, if I catch your ass , i'll fuck it then fry it.
well well well. a queer in our midst

Edward Van Halen

Feb 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/2/96
It is better for you to say nothing.

> By "brave warrior", I presume these people mean 'bellicose prick'.
> Tom Osborn - who acknowledges that people who 'stir possum' *almost*
> *always* have a hidden agenda (and a really fucked up psyche).



Feb 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/2/96

On Mon, 22 Jan 1996, Edward Van Halen wrote:

> --
> ________________________________
> | Join the National Socialists |
> | Ensure the Prosperity of the |
> |________Aryan Race____________|

This guy is an idiot....okay..he usees the name Edward Van Halen..yes I
know who he is...

BUT if you are a racist...then why in the hell are you using someones
name that his half-Japanese... or does he not count.
FUCK YOU...yes you

Mark Staloff

Feb 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/2/96
Aston Webb 1 Cluster ( wrote:

: well well well. a queer in our midst

New here, aren't you? ;)


Bill Horrocks

Feb 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/2/96
In article <4eqdui$>, Aston Webb 1 Cluster
<> writes

>In article <>, Dean Licheri <> says:
>>Fuckin asshole. Your joke stinks, if I catch your ass , i'll fuck it then fry
>well well well. a queer in our midst

->> Good heavens no, he just likes his vice versa-

Message has been deleted


Feb 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/5/96

I didn't know EVH was half japanese.


Feb 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/5/96
In article <4f4t95$>, BR <>

>Niether does he probably.


Feb 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/7/96
to (BR) wrote:

>In article <>, Sugar <> says:
>>On Mon, 22 Jan 1996, Edward Van Halen wrote:
>>> --
>>> ________________________________
>>> | Join the National Socialists |
>>> | Ensure the Prosperity of the |
>>> |________Aryan Race____________|
>>This guy is an idiot....okay..he usees the name Edward Van Halen..yes I
>>know who he is...
>>BUT if you are a racist...then why in the hell are you using someones
>>name that his half-Japanese... or does he not count.
>>FUCK YOU...yes you

EVH ALf Japanese?????? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!! He is dutch!

Mr. Pink

Edward Van Halen

Feb 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/9/96

> >>
> >>This guy is an idiot....okay..he usees the name Edward Van Halen..yes I
> >>know who he is...
> >>
> >>BUT if you are a racist...then why in the hell are you using someones
> >>name that his half-Japanese... or does he not count.
> >>FUCK YOU...yes you
> EVH ALf Japanese?????? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!! He is dutch!
> ---------------
> Mr. Pink

Eddie Van Halen is from Holland. I REPEAT- HE IS FROM HOLLAND. That's
why I use his name as an alias. If he were japanese, he would NOT be the
premiere guitar player in the world, he would perhaps be the premiere koto
player. So, I'll say it again, EDDIE VAN HALEN IS FROM HOLLAND. Oh ,and
go fuck yourself. I REPEAT, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Andy MacLaurin

Feb 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/9/96
In article <4fag8i$>, MrPink@The says...

> (BR) wrote:
>>In article
<>, Sugar
<> says:
>>>On Mon, 22 Jan 1996, Edward Van Halen wrote:
>>>> --
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> | Join the National Socialists |
>>>> | Ensure the Prosperity of the |
>>>> |________Aryan Race____________|
>>>This guy is an idiot....okay..he usees the name Edward Van Halen..yes
>>>know who he is...
>>>BUT if you are a racist...then why in the hell are you using someones
>>>name that his half-Japanese... or does he not count.
>>>FUCK YOU...yes you
>EVH ALf Japanese?????? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!! He is dutch!
>Mr. Pink
What the hell is wrong with you jokers? Everybody with half a brain
knows that Eddy Van Halen (as well as his bro Alex) is HALF VIETNAMESE,

John Griffin

Feb 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/9/96
In article <>,

Sugar <> wrote:
>On Mon, 22 Jan 1996, Edward Van Halen wrote:
>> --
>> ________________________________
>> | Join the National Socialists |
>> | Ensure the Prosperity of the |
>> |________Aryan Race____________|
>This guy is an idiot....okay..he usees the name Edward Van Halen..yes I
>know who he is...
>BUT if you are a racist...then why in the hell are you using someones
>name that his half-Japanese... or does he not count.
>FUCK YOU...yes you

This could well be one of the stupidest remarks I've seen today,
even after reading the group. I'll read onward
in this thread. Maybe someone can top it.

Your Name Here

Feb 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/10/96
In article <>, (Edward Van Halen) says:

>| Join the National Socialists |
>| Ensure the Prosperity of the |
>|________Aryan Race____________|

> I have a question: National Socialists are Nazis, right?
Nazi are racists, right? Japanese people are Asians, right?
Asians are not white, right? So why in Hell did Nazi Germany
ally with the Japanese in World War II?



Feb 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/10/96
In article <4fgod1$>

Alliance of convenience I think.

They both wanted to defeat Britain & France.

from Caesar

Ned Kelly

Feb 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/10/96

John Griffin ( wrote:
^^^^ ^^^^^^^
Which colour mode are you in now?

Ned Kelly Lives!!!!!! Tired of the high costs of software? Try Linux UNIX!

Version: 2.6.2


Craig Lambert

Feb 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/11/96
On 10 Feb 1996 00:20:49 GMT, (Your
Name Here) wrote:

>In article <>, (Edward Van Halen) says:
>>| Join the National Socialists |
>>| Ensure the Prosperity of the |
>>|________Aryan Race____________|
>> I have a question: National Socialists are Nazis, right?
>Nazi are racists, right? Japanese people are Asians, right?
>Asians are not white, right? So why in Hell did Nazi Germany
>ally with the Japanese in World War II?

The Japanese had an ongoing conflict with the Russians. Each side
(German and Japanese) hoped the other would distract the Russians. As
it turned out, Hitler was badly snookered by the crafty Japanese on
his way to getting his butt stomped by the inferior Slav. Hitler
distracted the European powers with major colonial holdings in
Asia(Br, Fr, Dutch), forever overthrowing white domination of Asia and
India, while easing the way for Japanese conquests. The Japanese
declined to go to war with Russia when Hitler attacked the USSR,
figuring they would look to securing the oil and other resources they
needed before going against Russia. Hitler also stupidly declared
war on the USA after Pearl Harbor, getting Roosevelt and Churchill
over a big hurdle, and "cleverly" distracting the American Juggernaut
from applying its full power to Japan. In return for all this, Hitler
got essentially nothing, except some distraction to the British, who
couldn't really hurt Germany by themselves, anyway. Such a genius,
the man was!

To summarize, Hitler wanted the Japanese to join him in attacking
their mutual foe Russia. Instead, they helped him to add the USA to
his already full list of enemies and did nothing of consequence
against the USSR.

Hitler did more than any single man in the world's history to kill
large numbers of white people and undermine their political, economic,
military and moral position around the world, which is why he is held
in such high regard by moronic white traitors to the 'white race'.
(The preceeding sentence requires a working sarcasm detector with the
power setting to ON. Do not attempt to process without a functioning
sarcasm detector)

Craig Lambert
Give a man a piece of land, and quite soon his descendants
will be slitting each others throats for it. Teach an man to
live in space, instead, and his descendants will fill up the

Sam Michaelson

Feb 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/11/96
MrPink@The wrote:
>EVH ALf Japanese?????? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!! He is dutch!
>Mr. Pink

Not sure about the lineage of EVH (the real one), but I if someone is
thinking of a half-japanese guitarist, you might be thinking of
Jake-E-Lee (Jake Lou Williams ???) who was with Ozzy Ozbourne yonks ago,
and last I heard was with a band called Badlands.


Joellen Welch

Feb 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/12/96
Your Name Here ( wrote:
: In article <>, (Edward Van Halen) says:

: >________________________________
: >| Join the National Socialists |
: >| Ensure the Prosperity of the |
: >|________Aryan Race____________|
: >
: > I have a question: National Socialists are Nazis, right?
: Nazi are racists, right? Japanese people are Asians, right?
: Asians are not white, right? So why in Hell did Nazi Germany
: ally with the Japanese in World War II?

He was using them, and for some reason, the Japanese thought if they
helped him out, they'd be saved in the NWO.

: Curious


___ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_ _/
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//@ ~ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ \_/
_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ \

Ronan Bryan

Feb 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/12/96
It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.

evil Beavis

Feb 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/12/96
to Ronan Bryan
Ronan Bryan wrote:
> It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.

And you are obviously mentally challenged. Learn how to spell and


evil Beavis

Feb 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/12/96
to Your Name Here
Your Name Here wrote:
> In article <>, (Edward Van Halen) says:
> >________________________________
> >| Join the National Socialists |
> >| Ensure the Prosperity of the |
> >|________Aryan Race____________|
> >
> > I have a question: National Socialists are Nazis, right?
> Nazi are racists, right? Japanese people are Asians, right?
> Asians are not white, right? So why in Hell did Nazi Germany
> ally with the Japanese in World War II?
> Curious

Why would they not? Nazi's are not necessarily against all non-whites or
other non-Germanic ethnicities. At least not at that time. It was beneficial
for Germany to ally themselves with Japan, so they did. National Socialism
and corporatism is concerned with the growth and preservation of the own
nation state no matter what the consequences of costs are.


evil Beavis

Feb 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/12/96
to Bootboy
Bootboy wrote:
> Shut your pussy up, you dumbass Swed. Vit Makt!
> -Bootboy- 88/14

Det skall stavas "Swede" din javla idiot...



Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96
to (Andy MacLaurin) wrote:
>What the hell is wrong with you jokers? Everybody with half a brain
>knows that Eddy Van Halen (as well as his bro Alex) is HALF VIETNAMESE,
and Eddie Vedder is half duck and half leg both the same, and needs
a fish to change lightbulbs


Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96

Fraser Wilson

Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96
to (Edward Van Halen) writes:

>Eddie Van Halen is from Holland. I REPEAT- HE IS FROM HOLLAND. That's
>why I use his name as an alias. If he were japanese, he would NOT be the
>premiere guitar player in the world, he would perhaps be the premiere koto
>player. So, I'll say it again, EDDIE VAN HALEN IS FROM HOLLAND. Oh ,and
>go fuck yourself. I REPEAT, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

No way, buddy! Eddie Van Halen is black! When he was a youth
he had an accident with a reverse-polarised UV emitter, which
gave his skin the sickly pale hue that we know today.

I think his grandfather might have been japanese though.

____ Fraser Wilson | email: __o
\ / Melbourne University | voice: +61 3 9287 9193 _-\<,_
\/ Parkville, Vic | fax: +61 3 9348 1184 (_)/ (_)
"I believe in ecstasy ..." | www:


Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96
Bootboy is obviously a real man.

That's why him and his 15-year old buddies always take on guys 6 to 1.

Right, bootboy?

A skinhead who fights alone is a DEAD skinhead.

Ravi Anamalay

Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96
Fraser Wilson ( wrote:

: (Edward Van Halen) writes:

: >Eddie Van Halen is from Holland. I REPEAT- HE IS FROM HOLLAND. That's
: >why I use his name as an alias. If he were japanese, he would NOT be the
: >premiere guitar player in the world, he would perhaps be the premiere koto
: >player. So, I'll say it again, EDDIE VAN HALEN IS FROM HOLLAND. Oh ,and
: >go fuck yourself. I REPEAT, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

: No way, buddy! Eddie Van Halen is black! When he was a youth
: he had an accident with a reverse-polarised UV emitter, which
: gave his skin the sickly pale hue that we know today.

: I think his grandfather might have been japanese though.

You're all wrong. Eddie Van Halen is actually Indian. The sickly pale
hue is due to a very poor vegetarian diet.
Ravi Anamalay (
Mechanical & Materials Engineering
University of Western Australia, WA 6907, AUSTRALIA.
Phone: (W) +61 (09) 3803844 (H) +61 (09) 3822696

Tuthmosis III

Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96
Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
> It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.
You fool , learn punctuation and how to spell . Racially challenged ,
maybe . But it seems that you are mentally challenged and disabled . How
old are you , 4 ? Did'nt your daddy teach you better than to use racial
epithets ? Why dont you go back and finnish watching WWF wrestling with
Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .
Tuthmosis III

Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96
In article <4fo1cn$>, Ronan Bryan <> writes:
> It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.

And that's so hurtful coming from some mongloid who can't spell or
punctuate. Sod off...

---Kali Holloway

evil Beavis

Feb 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/13/96
to Tuthmosis III
Tuthmosis III wrote:

> Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
> > It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> You fool , learn punctuation and how to spell . Racially challenged ,
> maybe . But it seems that you are mentally challenged and disabled . How
> old are you , 4 ? Did'nt your daddy teach you better than to use racial
> epithets ? Why dont you go back and finnish watching WWF wrestling with
> Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .
> Tuthmosis III

That't "didn't" Tuthmosis...! Besides, you know damn well he can't watch TV
right - inbreeding often results in severe cases of cross eyed freaks!!



Feb 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/14/96
You guys are all wrong. EDDIE VAN HALEN is



Steve Osborne

Feb 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/14/96
> Tuthmosis III wrote:

> > >> > You fool , learn punctuation and how to spell .

Why dont you go back and finnish watching WWF wrestling with
> > Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .
> > Tuthmosis III

> Learn how to spell huh?? since when was completing something the same as
a native of Finland... Finnish?? Best to make sure you can spell before
criticising others..

Mark Addinall

Feb 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/14/96
Tuthmosis III ( wrote:
: Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
: > It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.
: >
: >
: >
: >

Obviously a troll from a demented seppo...

: You fool^ ,

: ^ learn punctuation and how to spell^ .

Some grammer would be nice as well.

:^ Racially challenged^ ,
: maybe^^ . But it seems that you are mentally challenged and disabled
. How
: old are you^ , ^4 ? Did'n^t your daddy teach you better than to use
: epithets^ ? Why dont you go back and !finnish! watching WWF wrestling

with : Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .
: Tuthmosis III

Well, for a retard, you have a very good grasp of written English. I
would suggest however, that a spelling and punctuation flame be
better constructed. It's probably not your fault.


Feb 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/14/96

In article <4fp4jp$>, <> writes:
> Path:!!!!newsfeed.inter!!!!munnari.OZ.
> From: (Fraser Wilson)
> Newsgroups:
> Subject: Re: Eddy Van Halen is Japanese (Was: Re: Abo Joke and Nigger Joke)
> Date: 13 Feb 1996 04:38:17 GMT
> Organization: Comp Sci, University of Melbourne
> Lines: 21
> Distribution: world
> Message-ID: <4fp4jp$>
> References: <4dcgft$> <4dr4us$>
<4f4t95$> <4fag8i$>
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Xref: alt.tasteless.jokes:27223
alt.politics.nationalism.white:19490 alt.politics.white-power:26334
alt.skinheads:20723 alt.flame:42555 alt.flame.niggers:173
> (Edward Van Halen) writes:
> >Eddie Van Halen is from Holland. I REPEAT- HE IS FROM HOLLAND. That's
> >why I use his name as an alias. If he were japanese, he would NOT be the
> >premiere guitar player in the world, he would perhaps be the premiere koto
> >player. So, I'll say it again, EDDIE VAN HALEN IS FROM HOLLAND. Oh ,and
> >go fuck yourself. I REPEAT, GO FUCK YOURSELF.
> No way, buddy! Eddie Van Halen is black! When he was a youth
> he had an accident with a reverse-polarised UV emitter, which
> gave his skin the sickly pale hue that we know today.
> I think his grandfather might have been japanese though.
> regards,
> Fraser.
> --
> ____ Fraser Wilson | email: __o
> \ / Melbourne University | voice: +61 3 9287 9193 _-\<,_
> \/ Parkville, Vic | fax: +61 3 9348 1184 (_)/ (_)
> "I believe in ecstasy ..." | www:

ofcourse he's from Holland you dummass!!!!

Steven M. Wilson

Feb 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/14/96
In article <4fqe68$>,

Tuthmosis III <> wrote:
>Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
>> It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much
>> nicer.

>You fool , learn punctuation and how to spell . Racially challenged ,
>maybe . But it seems that you are mentally challenged and disabled
>. How old are you , 4 ? Did'nt your daddy teach you better than to
>use racial epithets ? Why dont you go back and finnish watching WWF

>wrestling with Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .

>Tuthmosis III

So what do you have against Scandanavians (or Finns in particular)?
Or do you have trouble spelling? And what is with the space between
the last letter of any given "sentence" you write and the
sentence-ending punctuation? Or before and after any comma you use?
Do you think that your punctuation is so important that it stands on
its own? Or did you have trouble learning punctuation as well?


Raymond Hill Dickerson III, of 204 W. Linn St., Bellefonte, PA 16823,
who is better known as Tuthmosis III, the groveling descendent of the
last slave of the last Pharoh of Egypt, was moving up in the world: he
was now selling hotdogs at the Pennsylvania Stat University basketball

One particular game, dim-witted Tuthmosis III was stumbling about in
the upper portion of the stands. He would give people their hotdogs,
and then make sure they got the proper amount of change for a $20
(when they had paid him with a $5). Well as he went about his
business (and as you can imagine, it was booming) some saucer-lips
about 15 rows down stood up, turned around and shouted "Hey Tyrone,
down here!" Well, ol' Tuth III looked around angrily, trying to
determine who had yelled. Not discovering the source, he continued
selling hotdogs (but he was running out of change even faster than he
was running out of hot dogs).

Not two minutes later, the saucer-lips was at it again: "Hey Tyrone,
down here!" Tuth III, spun around, furious, but still he could not
ascertain the origin of the yell. Tuth III determined to find this
guy the next time he shouted, so he stopped selling the hotdogs (much
to the dismay of all the enterprizing fans in the area) sat down on
the steps and waited.

About two minutes later, Tuth III's patience was rewarded, for he saw
with his own eyes when the saucer-lips popped up, yelling the now
familiar "Hey Tyrone, down here!"

"Damn you ! " Tuthmosis III shouted, making sure to put plenty of
space between his words and the exclamation point, "Stop calling me
Tyrone ! ! ! ! "
* Steven...@Colorado.EDU * *
=== finger -l PGP PUBLIC KEY * A lack of initiative would be fatal; ==
== the slightest approach to unauthorized action disastrous. Avoid ===
= these two extremes and you should be perfectly safe. C.S. Lewis ====

John Calvin Smith

Feb 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/14/96
In <> writes:

>In article <4fp4jp$>, <>
>> Path:

He does have a NIPPISH look about him!!

John Griffin

Feb 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/14/96
In article <4fjaki$>, Ned Kelly <> wrote:
>John Griffin ( wrote:
>^^^^ ^^^^^^^
>Which colour mode are you in now?

The intriguing thing about this question is that it manages to be
mildly interesting while being totally meaningless. It's possible
that I have been mistaken for someone else...?

John Griffin

Feb 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/14/96
In article <4foq45$>, Bootboy <> wrote:
>evil Beavis <> wrote:
>> Ronan Bryan wrote:
>> >
>> > It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.

>> >
>> >
>> And you are obviously mentally challenged. Learn how to spell and
>> punctuate...
>> eB
>Shut your pussy up, you dumbass Swed. Vit Makt!

Ordinarily, spelling flames are a bit of a waste of time, but
when someone can't spell "'", he's in some deep shit.

Jim Roy

Feb 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/15/96
Tuthmosis III <> wrote:

>Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
>> It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.
>You fool , learn punctuation and how to spell . Racially challenged ,
>maybe . But it seems that you are mentally challenged and disabled . How
>old are you , 4 ? Did'nt your daddy teach you better than to use racial
>epithets ? Why dont you go back and finnish watching WWF wrestling with
>Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .
>Tuthmosis III

That's hilarious.


Feb 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/15/96
In article <4fo1cn$> "Ronan Bryan" writes:

> It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.

You are mentally challenged.

from Caesar


Feb 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/15/96
You´re all a bunch of dumb sheepfuckin cowards,
how come you whannabee skin- boneheads always run like hell when it
comes to 1to1 fights????
A special greeting to the nogood bunch of nazi-nerds in Norway

En god nazi er en død nazi, blø

You whanna be a skin? stay S.H.A.R.P!

Hate from
Anti Fascist Action -Norway


Feb 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/15/96
In article <>, evil Beavis <> wrote:

> Ronan Bryan wrote:
> >
> > It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.

> And you are obviously mentally challenged. Learn how to spell and
> punctuate...

Sounds like a joke to me. I laughed.

The meek may inherit the earth only if we realize that it is force, not power, which comes out of the barrel of a gun. ----Bill Torres {ULC}


Feb 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/15/96
In article <4fp9d7$>, (Fresh816)

> A skinhead who fights alone is a DEAD skinhead.

Sounds like to me a good enough reason not to fight alone...

Jim Overly

Feb 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/15/96
In article <> evil Beavis <> writes:
>From: evil Beavis <>
>Subject: Re: Abo Joke and Nigger Joke
>Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 17:06:57 -0600

>Tuthmosis III wrote:

>> Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
>> > It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >

>> You fool , learn punctuation and how to spell . Racially challenged ,
>> maybe . But it seems that you are mentally challenged and disabled . How
>> old are you , 4 ? Did'nt your daddy teach you better than to use racial
>> epithets ? Why dont you go back and finnish watching WWF wrestling with
>> Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .
>> Tuthmosis III

>That't "didn't" Tuthmosis...! Besides, you know damn well he can't watch TV
>right - inbreeding often results in severe cases of cross eyed freaks!!


> If you're going to flame somebody regarding spelling and punctuation, get it
>right fool: did'nt?; finnish?


Feb 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/16/96
In article <>, (MacBubba) wrote:
>In article <>, evil Beavis <> wrote:
>> Ronan Bryan wrote:
>> >
>> > It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much
>> And you are obviously mentally challenged. Learn how to spell and
>> punctuate...
>Sounds like a joke to me. I laughed.

So did I.


Feb 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/17/96
:You whanna be a skin? stay S.H.A.R.P!
I hate SHARPS. They are just hippies with shaved heads.
"eat your heart out on a plastic tray,
don't do what ya want and you fade away"- Johnny Rotten

Feb 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/17/96
Sam Michaelson <> wrote:

>Not sure about the lineage of EVH (the real one), but I if someone is
>thinking of a half-japanese guitarist, you might be thinking of
>Jake-E-Lee (Jake Lou Williams ???) who was with Ozzy Ozbourne yonks ago,
>and last I heard was with a band called Badlands.
Last you heard must have been about ten years ago, because Jake E. Lee
has been dead for about that long.

Ned Kelly

Feb 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/17/96

Ronan Bryan ( wrote:
: It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.

Naahh, it's "American of African Aboriginal Descent". That way, the word
abo can be applied to them by Aussies and Aussie wannabes. :) My phrase I
developed is now a GNU product for the human mind, reguardless of colour
of the user's skin.

Ned Kelly Lives!!!!!!

You can finger me at this account for my PGP Public Key.

Ned Kelly

Feb 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/17/96

evil Beavis ( wrote:

: Det skall stavas "Swede" din javla idiot...

Put another Abo on the Barbie, mate!

Bork bork bork!

Ned Kelly

Feb 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/17/96

Mark Addinall (addinall@I_should_put_my_domain_in_etc_NNTP_INEWS_DOMAIN) wrote:
: Tuthmosis III ( wrote:

: : Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
: : > It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.

: Obviously a troll from a demented seppo...

Actually, unless it's a forgery, it's a troll from a demented Irishman
who's has had too many schooners of piss.

Ned Kelly

Feb 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/17/96

John Griffin ( wrote:

Have you heard of John Howard Griffin, the bloke who bribed a
dermatologist in 1955 to play abo? Read "Black Like Me" and see for
yourself, biracial. Now, what colour mode are you in right now? Are you
at the moment white, black, brown, yellow, or what? As that bloke proves,
colour is potentially user-definable.


Feb 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/18/96
Sam Michaelson <> wrote:

>MrPink@The wrote:
>>EVH ALf Japanese?????? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!! He is dutch!
>>Mr. Pink

<Sam's messeage cut>


Hi, fellow newsgroup users. If you think 'GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!' is a
bit rude in this case (Calling EVH half Japanese, when he is fully
Dutch), you should have seen who uses the name as an alias. Some
racist Arian Nation (or something) dude. And I don't mean racist
because he posts funny blacks jokes I mean the nazi-type racist.

To prove my point that skinheads (not the friendly ska listening
SAR-skins) have more hair than brains I'll quote the guys reply:

>EVH Dutch? go Fuck YOURSELF!! He is from Holland! HOLLAND!!!

Is Holland in Japan? In what country do Dutch peole live? In
Dutchland? I

Mr. Pink

Danae Lakai

Feb 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/19/96
In article <>, (Jim Overly) wrote:

> In article <> evil Beavis <> writes:
> >From: evil Beavis <>
> >Subject: Re: Abo Joke and Nigger Joke
> >Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 17:06:57 -0600

> >Tuthmosis III wrote:
> >>
> >> Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
> >> > It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >

> >> You fool , learn punctuation and how to spell . Racially challenged ,
> >> maybe . But it seems that you are mentally challenged and disabled . How
> >> old are you , 4 ? Did'nt your daddy teach you better than to use racial
> >> epithets ? Why dont you go back and finnish watching WWF wrestling with
> >> Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .
> >> Tuthmosis III
> >That't "didn't" Tuthmosis...! Besides, you know damn well he can't watch TV
> >right - inbreeding often results in severe cases of cross eyed freaks!!
> >eB
> > If you're going to flame somebody regarding spelling and punctuation,
get it
> >right fool: did'nt?; finnish?

This could go on forever, but isn't there no space before a comma and one
space after it?

My two cents.


Kate Workman

Feb 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/19/96
to (Frank Weltner) wrote:

>In article <4fqe68$>, Tuthmosis III

><> wrote:

>:Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
>:> It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.
>:You fool , learn punctuation and how to spell . Racially challenged ,
>:maybe . But it seems that you are mentally challenged and disabled . How
>:old are you , 4 ? Did'nt your daddy teach you better than to use racial
>:epithets ? Why dont you go back and finnish watching WWF wrestling with
>:Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .
>:Tuthmosis III

>One thing you missed, Tuthy. He's black. You just slurred him, and this
>makes you a racist pig by definition. This word cannot be rubbed away.
>Ever. Those are the rules. Sorry. Even mistakes are permanent in a
>politically correct universe. Have a nice day.

>The Couch Potato <> Creature of Wonderful Ideals

Which word cannot be rubbed away? "Nigger"? Yes, it can. You can start by not using it, then
ensure that your children don't use it. Then you can berate those around you who DO use it.
Eventually everyone with a brain (or even half a brain) will get the message....maybe even you.
One can only hope.

Kate Workman

Yukio Okawa

Feb 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/19/96
In article <4g7dbr$>, MrPink@Reservoir wrote:
>Is Holland in Japan? In what country do Dutch peole live? In
>Dutchland? I

Do you really want to know?
/ / / Okawa __/__ /__/__/ Yukio Construction
___/___ / / / Big River ___/___ /__/__/ Happy Man Equipment
/\ / / / Rio Grande __|__/_ ___/___ Hombre Alegre Research
/ \ / / __/__ / / Center
/ \ / / / \/ [in QLD, OZ] Komatsu Ltd.

Michael Rohaly

Feb 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/19/96
Sam Michaelson ( wrote:
: MrPink@The wrote:
: >EVH ALf Japanese?????? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!! He is dutch!
: >
: >---------------
: >Mr. Pink
: >

: Not sure about the lineage of EVH (the real one), but I if someone is

: thinking of a half-japanese guitarist, you might be thinking of
: Jake-E-Lee (Jake Lou Williams ???) who was with Ozzy Ozbourne yonks ago,
: and last I heard was with a band called Badlands.

: Sam

The guitarist for Half-Japanese is Jad Fair.



Gary Gambino Sr.

Feb 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/19/96
On Mon, 19 Feb 1996, Kate Workman wrote:

> Date: Mon, 19 FEB 1996 21:31:51 GMT
> From: Kate Workman <>
> Newgroups: aus.jokes, alt.tasteless.jokes, alt.politics.nationalism.white,
> alt.politics.white-power, alt.skinheads, alt.flame, aus.flame,
> alt.flame.niggers, soc.culture.usa, alt.culture.australian

> Subject: Re: Abo Joke and Nigger Joke

Kate, sweetheart, put away your PMS for a second and acquaint yourself
with the fact that this is AMERICA, not North Vietnam. Now run along and
hum the 'Barney & Friends' theme song...

Gary Gambino Sr.
"You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, any-
thing you say can and will be flamed until you are crying for your mama.
You have the right to an attorney, but why bother?"
*** Read _Alley-Oops_ weekly in TOP OF THE KEY ***

Kate Workman

Feb 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/20/96
"Gary Gambino Sr." <> wrote:

>> Which word cannot be rubbed away? "Nigger"? Yes, it can. You can start by not using it, then
>> ensure that your children don't use it. Then you can berate those around you who DO use it.
>> Eventually everyone with a brain (or even half a brain) will get the message....maybe even you.
>> One can only hope.
>> Kate Workman
>Kate, sweetheart, put away your PMS for a second and acquaint yourself
>with the fact that this is AMERICA, not North Vietnam. Now run along and
>hum the 'Barney & Friends' theme song...

>Gary Gambino Sr.
> "You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, any-
>thing you say can and will be flamed until you are crying for your mama.
>You have the right to an attorney, but why bother?"
> *** Read _Alley-Oops_ weekly in TOP OF THE KEY ***

"Honey", is there some POINT to your message at all? If you want to remain an
ignoramus, feel free to do so. When you grow up, I look forward to hearing from
you again .....on the off-chance that I live that long.

Apparently you (not me) are familiar with the 'Barney & Friends' theme to share it nicely with the group, Gary? Or would you prefer that
I call you "WOP", seeing as "this" isn't North Vietnam?

And incidentally, "this" isn't necessarily America either. "This" could be
virtually anywhere on the planet. You know what a planet is, don't you, Gary?
It's this round thing with......oh, never mind. Some minds were apparently
destined to be wasted.


Buckshot Jones

Feb 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/20/96
In <4gbbet$> (Kate Workman)
nigger!! whats the problem with that>?

By 2010 The Scourge will be wiped out by the "Gay Plague"
}} A.I.D.S. Is Hiding the FILTHY FACE OF FAG EVIL {{

Christa Leach

Feb 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/20/96
On 11 Feb 1996, Sam Michaelson wrote:

> MrPink@The wrote:
> >EVH ALf Japanese?????? GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!! He is dutch!
> >
> >---------------
> >Mr. Pink
> >
> Not sure about the lineage of EVH (the real one), but I if someone is
> thinking of a half-japanese guitarist, you might be thinking of
> Jake-E-Lee (Jake Lou Williams ???) who was with Ozzy Ozbourne yonks ago,
> and last I heard was with a band called Badlands.
> Sam

I like Van Halen and all but who really cares what EVH is. Some guy was
too stupid and used a fake name. Can we let this subject go now....
Pretty soon we are going to try to figure out what race Pocohantas was
on the Disney film.
Little Things That Kill

Kate Workman

Feb 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/21/96
>I don't get it - this is alt.tasteless.jokes, and you people come here, read a
>joke that has the word nigger in it and then go soapboxing it. I enjoy all
>ethnic jokes, even those that ridicule my own ethnicity. Don't you think
>we, who like jokes should have the right to read them? Get a life, would you.
> And if the jokes offend you, don't come to this group. It is posters like
>you who ruin things for everyone. It is my hope that a million people write
>to you to make you stop this crap. Post a joke or don't post at all, please.
>And please recognize that some people have senses of humor. Maybe you don't.
>If not, hang out at alt.I'm.a.disingenuous.nerd.
>Thank you.
>Jeff Forman
Sorry about that, Jeff. You clearly have it wrong: I didn't respond to
anything alt.tasteless.jokes at all. The guy I was responding to is apparently
spamming the whole thread over ~10 different ng's. This particular thread is
running in soc.culture.usa.....and will get a far different reaction there than
it would in alt.tasteless jokes!!! Obviously the guy knows this.

I'll delete his address in future. I have to warn you, though, that if he
continues to do this, you're going to see weird postings on your ng on a regular
basis. You should realize that these people are NOT doing it deliberately!

Kate Workman

evil Beavis

Feb 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/21/96
to Jacob Parnas
Jacob Parnas wrote:
> : Eddie Van Halen is from Holland. I REPEAT- HE IS FROM HOLLAND. That's
> : why I use his name as an alias. If he were japanese, he would NOT be the
> : premiere guitar player in the world, he would perhaps be the premiere koto
> : player. So, I'll say it again, EDDIE VAN HALEN IS FROM HOLLAND. Oh ,and
> : go fuck yourself. I REPEAT, GO FUCK YOURSELF.
> : --
> : ________________________________
> : | Join the National Socialists |
> : | Ensure the Prosperity of the |
> : |________Aryan Race____________|
> :
> I heard he was from America, the same place millions of black people choose
> to live as you and I do.
> You certainly are a big fan of mastubation.
> You might be happier in Sweden where Socialism is popular. From you signature
> it looks like that's what you're after. I think America is more of a
> democracy/republic.
> Jacob

Are you saying Sweden is not a democracy??!



Feb 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/22/96
In article <4gbr5i$> "Buckshot Jones" writes:

> nigger!! whats the problem with that>?

It just proves what a small and limited vocabulary you have.

from Caesar


Feb 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/23/96
In article <> "evil Beavis" writes:

> Are you saying Sweden is not a democracy??!
> eB

According to some right-wing Americans, if a country has elected a
left-wing government, then it can not be a democracy.

It's part of their warped logic.

from Caesar

jorgensen jasmine ( ba engl)

Feb 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/23/96
Buckshot James wrote:
> nigger!! whats the problem with that>?
> --
> By 2010 The Scourge will be wiped out by the "Gay Plague"
> }} A.I.D.S. Is Hiding the FILTHY FACE OF FAG EVIL {{
You know if it is true that ugly people say ugly things then I bet
children cry when they see you and adults gasp in horror. No one
deserves A.I.D.S. and everyone gets it, even feeble-minded people such as
yourself. Your own prejudice only shows your inexperience and
foolishness. I pity you, little man. Get off your computer (which is
obviously your only form of a social life) and meet some real people.

Paul Gortenberg

Feb 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/24/96
In article <>, says...

>You know if it is true that ugly people say ugly things then I bet
>children cry when they see you and adults gasp in horror. No one
>deserves A.I.D.S. and everyone gets it, even feeble-minded people such as
>yourself. Your own prejudice only shows your inexperience and
>foolishness. I pity you, little man. Get off your computer (which is
>obviously your only form of a social life) and meet some real people.

Wow! Powerful words from someone who is obviously just as socially deprived.
Releasing some suppressed emotional anguish are you ?
Remember: it is often only the insecure that will bother to
fantasize about others that are "worse off" ...

Edward Ahso

Feb 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM2/25/96
to (Kate Workman) wrote:

> (Frank Weltner) wrote:

>>In article <4fqe68$>, Tuthmosis III
>><> wrote:

>>:Ronan Bryan <> wrote:
>>:> It`s not Nigger be politically correct Racialy Challenge is much nicer.
>>:You fool , learn punctuation and how to spell . Racially challenged ,
>>:maybe . But it seems that you are mentally challenged and disabled . How
>>:old are you , 4 ? Did'nt your daddy teach you better than to use racial
>>:epithets ? Why dont you go back and finnish watching WWF wrestling with
>>:Paa and cousin/brother duke-boy .
>>:Tuthmosis III

>>One thing you missed, Tuthy. He's black. You just slurred him, and this
>>makes you a racist pig by definition. This word cannot be rubbed away.
>>Ever. Those are the rules. Sorry. Even mistakes are permanent in a
>>politically correct universe. Have a nice day.

>>The Couch Potato <> Creature of Wonderful Ideals

>Which word cannot be rubbed away? "Nigger"? Yes, it can. You can start by not using it, then
>ensure that your children don't use it. Then you can berate those around you who DO use it.
>Eventually everyone with a brain (or even half a brain) will get the message....maybe even you.
>One can only hope.

>Kate Workman

There is merit to your position. However, it should be recognized
that if you were to adopt the position that you have defined, your
neighbors would probably all be black and the kids would learn that
they lived near niggers anyway! Nice try anyway!

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