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Dec 13, 1994, 6:50:09 PM12/13/94
In article <>,
Mr. J <> wrote:

>Whites have no true sense of style

When we wear jeans we don't know how to get them to hang off our arses
properly nor how to get the bottoms tucked into our trainers. Where can
I buy flourescent orange and yellow laces?

>White musicians have always stolen from black musicians.

I always knew Beethoven was a thieving git and as for those Beatles...

>When Nike wants to "create" a new trend or style to market,
>they go to the inner cities of America to see what the people there
>are wearing because of necessity. Being poor provides more of an
>opportunity to be innovative & creative and this company takes full
>advantage of unsung artists and full credit for their work.

Those poor people wearing those cheap and nasty $200 Reebok Pumps.

Mr. J

Dec 13, 1994, 11:31:43 PM12/13/94
In article <3ckqd1$>, (ADRIAN MURRAY)


1) The baggy jean look is ONE style out of hundreds. Mexicans were
the first to do it. Hip-Hop figures of Varied nationalities have
popularized it. It is not indigenous to Black People nor does it
speak for the full and broad spectrums contained in the overall
context of what "Black" is.

2) Obviously not ALL white musicians have stolen from Black artists
but many have primarily in the modern era of music. In general,
they've been from the States and some European locals and there style
has been Rock (which, as is commonly known, is born from The Basin'
Street Blues, Old school Jazz and R&B), Jazz, Blues, Gospel & Pop.
Bill Cosby put it best when he said that the White artists' of the
time would come DOWNtown (to the Apollo Theatre) and hit Motown to
copy down that unique sound. Then they'd head back UPtown and record
music based on what they'd found from the previous night when they'd
snuck DOWNtown.

3) Not everyone in the ghetto sells drugs and pockets that big money
they get from the locals AND all the upstanding white people that
roll on through for a pickup before their 9am board meeting. See,
the vast majority ARE poor and don't wear Anything that costs 200
dollars, yet, their innate sense of style is manifested by HOW they
wear or HOW they arrange what they do have. These arrangements have
often, NOT always, often, formed the basis of the latest & greatest
offerings from design/production teams for the Nikes of the industry.
They have said as much on more than one occassion (60 Minutes being
one of them) so take a seat Ms. Murray and reserve your comments for
subjects you are familiar with.

Pulp Fiction is Not Fiction. So be careful who you step to.

Dan Sutton

Dec 14, 1994, 12:13:44 AM12/14/94
In alt.tasteless.jokes (Mr. J) said:

>In layman's terms White people are squares/nerds/dorks/ limp dick sissy
>faggets who often abound in intellect but come up way short in common

Yes. Our intellect is so high that we can spell "Faggots" correctly. Oh,
and we can use a comb without breaking the teeth, which, I suppose, is why
we see so many black people wandering around with combs stuck in their
hair, looking like complete horses' arses. We can also speak English
without sounding as if we've got a hair curling tong rammed up our arses.


Dec 14, 1994, 9:48:45 AM12/14/94
From: (Robb)


Dec 14, 1994, 9:48:45 AM12/14/94
: There are few (good) jokes about White people since, in general, they
: take the lead in putting down other groups. Physical characteristics
: often form the basis of ethnic humor so in that regard what can be
: said about Whites?

I admit, these kinda jokes are out there, and do indeed exist. However,
they arent normally spoken in public. Reverse the situation. There are
alot, I mean ALOT of anti-white statements and propoganda sent out be
minorities. Remeber the Arsenio Hall show? Not ONE show went by whereas
he wasnt slamming whites for this or that.
Its a double standard.

: Black people call whites "Crackers", as in Saltine, because of their
: dry, crusty, wrinkly skin. Whites tend to look worse than other races
: as they get older. A 50 year Old Cracker many times looks 90 whereas
: a 50 year Afro-American tends to look relatively young, having fewer
: wrinkles, smoother skin, & an overall better appearance.

I dont believe this is true at all. I, being white, have never seen any
corrolation between age and overwhelming appearant age.
Old people look old, be they black or white.

: Whites have no true sense of style and they have no imagination in
: certain areas. They copy. White musicians have always stolen from
: Black musicians. Elvis Presley was nothing compared to James Brown,
: Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Bo Didley or Michael Jackson for that

Good music is totally based upon opinion. The music YOU like may have
came from black origins. However, you dont see many black opera singers,
country singers, etc. IE, Pavoratti, Hang Willaims, etc.
Personally, I like alot of "black" music.

: matter. When Nike wants to "create" a new trend or style to market,

: they go to the inner cities of America to see what the people there
: are wearing because of necessity. Being poor provides more of an
: opportunity to be innovative & creative and this company takes full

: advantage of unsung artists and full credit for their work. That's
: White people.

I dont think so. Trends change so often, its hard to say where they come
from. About 7-8 years ago the fad was neon colors, before that zipper
clothers "parachute clothes", after those were pasley, then leather
flight jackets, basketball styled shoes have always remained fairly
popular, but most recently have fallen to leather loafers, along with
generic worker class Doc Martins. The thing now are plain navajo stylings
of Arizona Jean, etc. I see no corrolation between black jetto-poor and
clothing styles.

: In layman's terms White people are squares/nerds/dorks/
: limp dick sissy faggets who often abound in intellect
: but come up way short in common sense.

Common sense?
Blacks practically have a golden path laid for them, and they deglect to
take advantage of it. Here are fine examples of what blacks have, that
whites dont.
Minority scholarships, along with regular scholarships
quotas, affirmitive action
federate employer mandates
more federal aid ranging from food stamps, section 8 housing, etc
work opportunities <Given equally qualified individuals, a black
candidate will be selected over the white candidate, so
as to protect the company from implied discriminations>
ALL of the above, should be illegal, in a fair and equal society.

: Jokes aren't needed to say something offensive about Whites. The
: Reality of who they are speaks well enough for itself. Many times
: that reality is quite funny but in the final analysis, it's pretty
: sad.

Throughout history whites have remained the smiths in the foundries of
our future. Black have contributed, but to a very minor extent. I admit,
blacks did NOT have a good situation in the 1800-1900's, but what about
the rest of history? The cradle of civlization started in north-east
africa. Why is it those who migrated became soo much more civilized and
advanced, then the blacks who stayed in Africa? Why is it that black
people arent changing their future now that they truely have a chance!?
Why are the majority of those who commit crime black, when they
themselves only account for 12% of the population in America? Why do they
drop outta high school, join gangs, shoot each other, and live on
welfare, etc. Granted, these dont apply to all, by any means, of the
black population. But they are a FAR higher percentage then the white half.
I do honestly believe blacks are as equally capable as whites, but they
choice not to take hold of their life and work for the big dream. They
seem to prefer to have things given to them. I feel this is why people
make "nigger jokes". To point out the reality of these black people. And
on the black side, they are disadvantaged to have these people dragging
their race down. I know soo many white people that feel there are black
people, and there are niggers. As for me, I choose to judge all people on
their actions, not on the color of their skin.

Cold One

Dec 15, 1994, 8:49:04 AM12/15/94
From: (Cold One)

Cold One

Dec 15, 1994, 8:49:04 AM12/15/94
?? In layman's terms White people are squares/nerds/dorks/
?? limp dick sissy faggets who often abound in intellect
?? but come up way short in common sense.

Too bad we own everthing!

Cold One

Dec 15, 1994, 8:51:23 AM12/15/94
?? >Whites have no true sense of style and they have no imagination in
?? >certain areas. They copy. White musicians have always stolen from
?? >Black musicians. Elvis Presley was nothing compared to James Brown,
?? >Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Bo Didley or Michael Jackson for that
?? >matter. When Nike wants to "create" a new trend or style to market,
?? >they go to the inner cities of America to see what the people there
?? >are wearing because of necessity. Being poor provides more of an
?? >opportunity to be innovative & creative and this company takes full
?? >advantage of unsung artists and full credit for their work. That's
?? >White people.

We copy??????? Can anyone say rap music. The Gangsta Niggaz cover all
their songs from Cracker muscians.

Cold One

Dec 15, 1994, 8:51:23 AM12/15/94
From: (Cold One)


Dec 15, 1994, 4:10:00 PM12/15/94
Damn, now that was a funny fucking JOKE!

BlitzKrieg Roses are red
BlitzKrieg Violets are blue
BlitzKrieg I'm schizophrenic
BlitzKrieg and so am I


Mr. J

Dec 15, 1994, 6:29:46 PM12/15/94
In article <3cldbo$>, (Dan
Sutton) wrote:


I said white people this & white people that. That's a generalization
and I try to avoid generalizations. So that's the only thing I'd change.

My statements had a sharp edge since the guy who initially made the
request for "Whitey Jokes" begged to be offended. It seems I've offended
a few out there except him as he's yet to respond. At any rate.......The
basic idea is to broaden the field of battle somewhat. People on this
alias have proven to be quite proficient when it comes to talking about
Mexicans, Asians, Afro-Americans etc. There's been a few shots at white
people here and there but overall there aren't that many. It's only right
that everyone be included and I'm sure the happy go lucky, care free, laid
back, Relax man - it's JUST a joke crowd that we've got on this alias
don't have any problem with that. Right? Riiiight. Of course, there will
be some growing pains for those infantile Crackers out there who likely
will need CPR upon reading some negative joke/remark about (GASP!) white
people, but trust me, you will get over it. And if you don't. Well......
one less Cracker.

In terms of your remarks Mr. Suckin. I think even the greatest moron
would agree that, regardless of race, young people can really get "out
there" when it comes to dress and grooming. Which is better? A young
brother sportin' some baggy jeans & untied shoes with his cap flipped
back or a stoned/burned out white boy on a skate board wearing rags
from the local thrift and looking like he's homeless. Neither image
speaks for the ENTIRE community of their respective races. As stated,
there are hundreds of styles. In my statement I was referring to the
upscale high fashion trends not the Hip-Hop look buddy. I know that's
all you see on "Yo MTV Raps" but there's a lot more to it than that.
Your narrow point of criticism shows that you are another victim of the
media in this country. What is Black? Is the essence of Afro-centricity
best exemplified by Dr. King, or ICE-T? The media tends to support the
latter and the attitude reflected in your response as well as those of
a few others makes it clear that you share the same erroneous view. But
that's alright because I know that all White People are not as stupid
as you are.

Dan Marushechka

Dec 18, 1994, 7:01:56 AM12/18/94
In article <>(Mr. J) writes:
: >From: (Mr. J)
: >Subject: Re: WHITEY JOKES
: >Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 13:36:34 -0800

: >Whites have no true sense of style and they have no imagination in
: >certain areas. They copy. White musicians have always stolen from
: >Black musicians. Elvis Presley was nothing compared to James Brown,
: >Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Bo Didley or Michael Jackson for that
: >matter. When Nike wants to "create" a new trend or style to market,
: >they go to the inner cities of America to see what the people there
: >are wearing because of necessity. Being poor provides more of an
: >opportunity to be innovative & creative and this company takes full
: >advantage of unsung artists and full credit for their work. That's
: >White people.

Your argument supports nothing on the basis of color - only that wealth
creates sloth. The fact remains however, that although poor, innercity
blacks may be contributing to the music and fashion scenes of today, they
are being sought out by Whites - in positions of power. And the fact
that whites continue to take and hold these positions throughout history
indicates a strong ability to lead - whether by hook or by crook.
What it comes down to is power over others and whites are limited only by
their throwback sense of morality. They continue to pay natives (through
treaty checks; tax breaks; and free education) in reparation for a "war"
they technically won (I mean really, how much is the land worth; when
will the bill be paid in full?); they fund lost cause individuals via
welfare states and social programs (and the world population continues to
grow geometrically!!) So all you minority/ down-trodden groups better
grab your piece while you can - 'cause one of these days, those pig
whites (or hell, maybe even BLACK powermongers)are gonna ditch the
"lost-puppy syndrome" and re-introduce the survival of the fittest to get
this degenerating human race back on track.

There. that oughta stir up the pot a little. Flame away.

OB Joke: Q: Why do nitchees (indians - or niggers/spics/dagos...etc) hate

A: 'Cause it's white and it works.

Dec 20, 1994, 2:39:08 PM12/20/94
In article <> (Cold One) writes:
>From: (Cold One)
>Subject: Re: WHITEY JOKES
>Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 03:51:23 -0500

Crawl back under your rock, your ignorant fool!

Jeffrey Forbes

Dec 30, 1994, 10:36:39 PM12/30/94
to (Robb) writes:

>: There are few (good) jokes about White people since, in general, they
>: take the lead in putting down other groups. Physical characteristics
>: often form the basis of ethnic humor so in that regard what can be
>: said about Whites?

>I admit, these kinda jokes are out there, and do indeed exist. However,
>they arent normally spoken in public. Reverse the situation. There are
>alot, I mean ALOT of anti-white statements and propoganda sent out be
>minorities. Remeber the Arsenio Hall show? Not ONE show went by whereas
>he wasnt slamming whites for this or that.
>Its a double standard.

First, since you emphasize that entirely ALL of the Arsenio shows made
fun of white people, I must disagree because there were lots of shows
where they don't even mention white people. The problem is that in the
United States, everything white is considered normal, and any behavior,
lifestyle, appearance, or anything else deviating from the what is
considered white is ridculed in general. I see a whole heck of a lot of
jokes about blacks and other people of color. There are often veiled
with terms like urban youth, but they are definitely there. Many
prominent people have made statements about black people where if a black
person had said the same about white people they would have been
censured. (see the Nation of Islam or other groups which preach that
balcks need not always take a back seat behind whites)

[questionable statements about music and culture deleted]

>: In layman's terms White people are squares/nerds/dorks/
>: limp dick sissy faggets who often abound in intellect
>: but come up way short in common sense.

>Common sense?
>Blacks practically have a golden path laid for them, and they deglect to
>take advantage of it. Here are fine examples of what blacks have, that
>whites dont.
>Minority scholarships, along with regular scholarships
>quotas, affirmitive action
>federate employer mandates
>more federal aid ranging from food stamps, section 8 housing, etc
>work opportunities <Given equally qualified individuals, a black
> candidate will be selected over the white candidate, so
> as to protect the company from implied discriminations>
>ALL of the above, should be illegal, in a fair and equal society.

GOLDEN PATH?????!!!!!!

Now here's where you are completely misinformed. Let's tackle the issue
of scholarships. I just looked at the Stanford Awards database and you
would be amazed how many awards favor white people and how few
scholarships just for blacks there are. Many awards are
given based on your parents' occupation or alma mater.
Well, white people are overrepresented in many schools and occupations.
There were many schools where my parents could not have gone to. I
sincerely doubt any black person could receive a
National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution scholarship.
If there has even been a black person given a position they didn't
deserve, I bet there are many more whites who were given a position
because the old boy network, legacies, laws favoring whites, and racism.

Black people certainly do not receive more federal aid. Social Security
is the largest welfare program and it goes mostly to white people. Even
welfare for impoverished people goes mostly to white people, although
black people recive a disproportionate amount because there are more
poor blacks, but that does not come close to the number of government
subsidies, contracts, tax cut, and the like given to largely white owned
farms and corporations. Schools with a largely white populations get
more funding on every level.

Let's just assume for a moment that there was no intentional racism left
in our country. That's a ridiculous assumption, but I'll try. Your
equally qualified idea is wrong for more than 1 reason.

1. Two people are never equally qualified. I've served on some admission
panels and I have yet to see two people with the same qualifications.

2. A black person will usually be less qualified in the eyes of a white
person. When you walk down the street and see a black person and white
person, which one do you think is more likely to be intelligent.

3. Qualifications depend on knowing the right people, going to the right
school, and looking the right way.

Affirmative action is used to give underrepresented people a chance.
Places which don't normally attract a decent number of blacks SHOULD
reach out and try to find some qualified blacks to fill positions. It's
no fun to live in this country and realize that no matter where you're
from or how much edducation you have,

>: Jokes aren't needed to say something offensive about Whites. The
>: Reality of who they are speaks well enough for itself. Many times
>: that reality is quite funny but in the final analysis, it's pretty
>: sad.

>Throughout history whites have remained the smiths in the foundries of
>our future. Black have contributed, but to a very minor extent. I admit,
>blacks did NOT have a good situation in the 1800-1900's, but what about

Oh please, the civil rights movement was just in the 60s!! Until then,
laws were in place to hold blacks back. Today, blacks still face
institutional racism such as the judicial system where blacks are more
likely to be arrested, convicted, given a tougher sentence, and so on
for the same offenses with the same records.

>the rest of history? The cradle of civlization started in north-east
>africa. Why is it those who migrated became soo much more civilized and
>advanced, then the blacks who stayed in Africa? Why is it that black

Civilized is a highly subjective term. In history, whites have
generally focused more on taking over other countries and war more often
than African and Asian cultures. African culture offers a lot in terms
of art, music, and spirituality. I guess while Europe was enslaving and
killing Africa, they didn't have too much desire to become "more

>people arent changing their future now that they truely have a chance!?
>Why are the majority of those who commit crime black, when they

This is not true!!!!!!!! Where the hell did you get this from?????

>themselves only account for 12% of the population in America? Why do they
>drop outta high school, join gangs, shoot each other, and live on
>welfare, etc. Granted, these dont apply to all, by any means, of the
>black population. But they are a FAR higher percentage then the white half.
>I do honestly believe blacks are as equally capable as whites, but they
>choice not to take hold of their life and work for the big dream. They
>seem to prefer to have things given to them. I feel this is why people
>make "nigger jokes". To point out the reality of these black people. And
>on the black side, they are disadvantaged to have these people dragging
>their race down. I know soo many white people that feel there are black
>people, and there are niggers. As for me, I choose to judge all people on
>their actions, not on the color of their skin.

You need to check your facts sir. You shouldn't believe everything the
media says without getting some facts first. If you have any questions,
I can give you references.

Obligatory tasteless joke:

Why did the pervert cross the road?
Because his dick was stuck in the chicken.


Mike Perico

Jan 3, 1995, 5:34:57 PM1/3/95
In article <jforbes.788826999@tower>,
Jeffrey Forbes <jfo...@tower.CS.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:

> (Robb) writes:
>GOLDEN PATH?????!!!!!!
>Now here's where you are completely misinformed. Let's tackle the issue
>of scholarships. I just looked at the Stanford Awards database and you
>would be amazed how many awards favor white people and how few
>scholarships just for blacks there are. Many awards are
>given based on your parents' occupation or alma mater.

What the hell are you talking about? Over represented?
As a white person in school. I have had very little F.A. given to me.
I pay for my education myself. Nowhere on the FAF is there a "white
only scholarship", but there is EHOP or whatever which is basicly for

>Well, white people are overrepresented in many schools and occupations.
>There were many schools where my parents could not have gone to. I

And there are schools I couldn't go to either...big deal.

>sincerely doubt any black person could receive a
>National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution scholarship.

How many people you think get funds from this?

>If there has even been a black person given a position they didn't
>deserve, I bet there are many more whites who were given a position
>because the old boy network, legacies, laws favoring whites, and racism.

Ten years ago I would have agreed with you. Now, it think its reversing
direction. As a person who is nearing graduation and looking for
full time employment, I feel this pressure. Once I was beat out of
a "sure thing"...only to hear later that person they hired was a female
with quote, "big hooters." Apparently, the guy rather see a nice looking female
walk around all day, then someone more qualified.

>Black people certainly do not receive more federal aid. Social Security
>is the largest welfare program and it goes mostly to white people. Even

What? Are you saying that black people over the age of 62 are not
getting SS because they are black? Give me a break.

>welfare for impoverished people goes mostly to white people, although
>black people recive a disproportionate amount because there are more
>poor blacks, but that does not come close to the number of government

Then why do they keep having babies? In my opinion there shouldn't be
any welfare, atleast not the way it is now. I think warfare needs reform.
People (who probably weren't too interested with school when they were young)
need to be re-educated.

>subsidies, contracts, tax cut, and the like given to largely white owned
>farms and corporations. Schools with a largely white populations get

And I guess it's the white persons fault for being white and owning
something. They don't get that money, because they are white. They
get it because they own land and don't even try to say black people
can't buy land.

>Let's just assume for a moment that there was no intentional racism left
>in our country. That's a ridiculous assumption, but I'll try. Your
>equally qualified idea is wrong for more than 1 reason.
>1. Two people are never equally qualified. I've served on some admission
>panels and I have yet to see two people with the same qualifications.

I agree with that. Hey...know some black people that are more qualified then
some whites. The one with the best requirements should get the job.

>2. A black person will usually be less qualified in the eyes of a white
>person. When you walk down the street and see a black person and white
>person, which one do you think is more likely to be intelligent.

Bull..not in my case. I think it is kind of racist of you to make
general statements like that. You stereotype all white people with the
same mouth that says, "Don't stereotype blacks."

>3. Qualifications depend on knowing the right people, going to the right
>school, and looking the right way.

I agree with this too. I guess its impossible for black people to make

>Affirmative action is used to give underrepresented people a chance.

Affirmative action is just as much racism are employers who don't
hire people because they are black.

>Places which don't normally attract a decent number of blacks SHOULD
>reach out and try to find some qualified blacks to fill positions. It's

Why? Why should employers do the work. Get off you butt like everone else
and look for a job. I have to do it.

>no fun to live in this country and realize that no matter where you're
>from or how much edducation you have,

Well, this is the real kicker. If you hate this country so much leave?
What? don't want to? Why not? hmmm..guess the U.S. is much better then
africa. Yet, it's strange that some blacks want to be called africian-american. Then I guess i should be italian-greman-american....nyah...I am just

>>Throughout history whites have remained the smiths in the foundries of
>>our future. Black have contributed, but to a very minor extent. I admit,
>>blacks did NOT have a good situation in the 1800-1900's, but what about
>Oh please, the civil rights movement was just in the 60s!! Until then,

What the hell was the civil war then? Why did whites kill whites to
free blacks? You think it was just something to do?

Damn, you are so greedy.

>>the rest of history? The cradle of civlization started in north-east
>>africa. Why is it those who migrated became soo much more civilized and
>>advanced, then the blacks who stayed in Africa? Why is it that black
>Civilized is a highly subjective term. In history, whites have
>generally focused more on taking over other countries and war more often
>than African and Asian cultures. African culture offers a lot in terms

You are way off there. I can think of many Asian take overs.
ghenis kan? Japan's attack on just don't know your
History too well.

>of art, music, and spirituality. I guess while Europe was enslaving and
>killing Africa, they didn't have too much desire to become "more

HAHAHAHa...ok. You are really lose repect here. I can't believe you can
even state that africa is the corner stone of the arts.

You live in your own illusionary be it.

>>people arent changing their future now that they truely have a chance!?
>>Why are the majority of those who commit crime black, when they
>This is not true!!!!!!!! Where the hell did you get this from?????

This is most certain true in New York City and Washington D.C.
I will post proof, if you want.

Standard Disclaimer. | E-Mail: | Michael Perico
One hour from now another species of life form will | Northern Telecom
disappear off the face of the planet... FOREVER! | Rochester, NY

Jan 3, 1995, 9:09:59 PM1/3/95
In article <>
WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!!!! Whichever dumb ass wrote this, Social
Security is NOT a welfare program; it is a program that people pay into
in order to receive payments at retirement.If you want to call
SS welfare, also call it welfare when homeowners get mortgage interest
deducted from their taxes. EVERYONE, from poor unwed mothers to
Bill Gates and Donald Trump, is helped in some way by government.

Edward Barrett

Jan 4, 1995, 12:42:46 AM1/4/95

In a previous article, () says:

>>>Black people certainly do not receive more federal aid. Social Security
>>>is the largest welfare program and it goes mostly to white people. Even
>WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!!!! Whichever dumb ass wrote this, Social
> Security is NOT a welfare program; it is a program that people pay into
> in order to receive payments at retirement.If you want to call
> SS welfare, also call it welfare when homeowners get mortgage interest
> deducted from their taxes. EVERYONE, from poor unwed mothers to
> Bill Gates and Donald Trump, is helped in some way by government.

Um, excuse me for butting in, but Social Security, Federal college loans,
etc. are EXACTLY the kinds of "welfare" that Newt Gingrich and others are
talking about when they say they want to end "welfare as we know it". So
whether or not it fits your definition of welfare doesn't matter. And
yes, there are more white people on SS than blacks.

OBJoke (very old):

An alligator walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says,
"Sorry, we don't serve alligators here." The alligator gets annoyed and
says, "If you don't give me a drink, I'll eat that woman over there!"
The Bartender replies, "Go ahead. I still won't give you a drink."

So the alligator gulps down the woman. After a few minutes, he's got a
terrible pain in his stomach and is rushed to the hospital to get his
stomach pumped. After the procedure, the aligator asks the doctor, "Doc,
doc, what's wrong with me?"

The doctor replies, "Oh nothing, it was probably just that barbiturate
(bar bitch you ate)."

Edward Barrett

"And the boys peeled out in muscle cars..." -- Mercury Rev

Jan 6, 1995, 9:31:51 PM1/6/95

IA>In a previous article, () says:

IA>>>>Black people certainly do not receive more federal aid. Social Security
IA>>>>is the largest welfare program and it goes mostly to white people. Even
IA>>WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!!!! Whichever dumb ass wrote this, Social
IA>> Security is NOT a welfare program; it is a program that people pay into
IA>> in order to receive payments at retirement.If you want to call
IA>> SS welfare, also call it welfare when homeowners get mortgage interest
IA>> deducted from their taxes. EVERYONE, from poor unwed mothers to
IA>> Bill Gates and Donald Trump, is helped in some way by government.

IA>Um, excuse me for butting in, but Social Security, Federal college loans,
IA>etc. are EXACTLY the kinds of "welfare" that Newt Gingrich and others are
IA>talking about when they say they want to end "welfare as we know it". So
IA>whether or not it fits your definition of welfare doesn't matter. And
IA>yes, there are more white people on SS than blacks.

Ok, now..I read the whole spiel on this earlier..and I don't care what
any of you say..but SS was meant for retired people to get after they
stop working..and it stands to reason that since the percentage of
"white/caucasian" people far outnumbers black people still that yes, theynd
would naturally receive more SS than blacks! And right now, I hope they
do something to end SS and many welfare programs because right now there
are 3 people paying for each person on SS, but once the babyboomers
retire, there will only be 1 working individual paying for every 3 peoplea
receiving SS...and believe me, the damn government will not care WHOSE
money they take or what color you are to pay these people their hard-earned,
money back to them! So stop arguing over racism crap and get to work!
thank you..I feel better now.
-Amy Labataille

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