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12 ways to crush your balls

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Dec 11, 2000, 10:27:10 AM12/11/00
Henrik Bengtsson <> was just fucking sick and
wrote something I can't bring myself to repost
> James Lio <> skrev i
> > Now Why should I do this kind of Trick :-)
> You feel that after quoting 18kb with just a oneliner in the "end", you
> should try to make up for it and set up webcam and tart hitting your balls
> with your gf's shoes?
> --
> Henrik Bengtsson
> Respect my fucking authority!!!
Hey Henrik, can you say OOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUCCHHHHH! Fuck. Didn't anybody tell
you to let her suck like your dick was the respirator attached to the last
of the oxygen on the world, but never never never ever ever ever ever ever

Shit your scary sometimes.

"There is nothing more frightful
than ignorance in action."
-Johann von Goethe

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Jan 7, 2001, 2:45:59 AM1/7/01
For some strange reason I find this refreshingly tasteless!

James Lio <> wrote in message

> Now Why should I do this kind of Trick :-)

> Henrik Bengtsson wrote in message <>...
> >A Useful Hint
> >
> >At this point, I feel it would be useful to mention an item of clothing
> >which I've found invaluable in ballbusting. Whether you crush your own
> `nads
> >or have someone else do it for you....GET YOURSELF A PAIR OF LYCRA
> >SHORTS! It is a fact of life that vulnerable to a sharp blow as your
> >are....god designed them to move about in the scrotum and escape injury
> >quite well. THERE IS AN ANSWER! Buy yourself some of those skintight
> >shorts that cyclists wear. If you slip an elastic band over your balls,
> >then don the will find the impossible becomes easy! Your
> >are held completely central between your legs. They cannot move or
> >and the shorts are so tight that they hold your penis up out of the way.
> >Basically this means that every hit, whack, sharp blow or whatever goes
> >directly into your balls! It is wonderful! This is useful also if someone
> >else is trying to crush your nuts. My mistress used to often miss my nuts
> >when she kicked me. She'd often get my cock by accident instead. With the
> >Lycra shorts on, my balls are held firmly in the same place for her...and
> >judging by the bulge they make in the shorts, she can see em too! You may
> >have to experiment to position your balls just right between your legs,
> >believe me....Lycra shorts make ballbusting so much easier! I dare any
> >to take many hits to his balls from an apple in a sock while they are
> >with elastic bands and unable to escape! Try it!
> >
> >First, let's take a look at a few simple and quick ways to whack your
> balls.
> >
> >
> >METHOD 1 - The Apple
> >
> >Believe it or not, a humble apple can cause a significant amount of pain
> >your testicles. Just ask me! It's been one of my favourite techniques
> >I began experimenting. All you need is an average sized apple and a sock!
> >Simply drop an average sized, evenly shaped apple into the end of a sock.
> It
> >then becomes like the classic street fighter weapon of a pool ball in a
> >sock! All you have to do is drop your trousers and expose your sac to the
> >air...then swing the sock as hard as you can, aiming to strike your
> >with the apple. If you have fairly average balls and don't regularly
> torture
> >them too much, then a good solid whack on each should be enough to
> a
> >quite reasonable level of pain. Of course, there are no limits and you
> >go on whacking them as much as you like! This is a quiet method too,
> >something important for those of us who live in close proximity of
> >Some of you may be sitting there thinking "Why not use something heavier
> >than an apple? Like a baseball for instance?" Well, whatever you strike
> your
> >own testicles with is entirely up to you! I have always found an apple to
> >give a satisfying thump if swung hard enough. I also always have one
> around,
> >as I am a big fruit eater (brings a whole new meaning to the term
> >fruit"!!!). Try it!
> >
> >
> >METHOD 2 - The Heel
> >
> > This method is effective either "nuts out" or when you are clothed. Find
> >shoe of some kind. Most men will find this method more sexually
> >when using a woman's a high heeled shoe or similar. Myself,
> I've
> >always found a more satisfying level of pain can be accomplished by using
> >heavy boot of some kind. A sneaker will do the job quite well. Be warned!
> Be
> >VERY, VERY careful if you opt to use a shoe with a narrow, sharp heel!
> >may end up doing more damage to your nuts than you intended! If doing
> >naked, hold your penis up out of the way with one hand...and hold the
> >firmly with your other hand. Hold it by the toe, so you can bring the
> >down sharply into your nuts. Get ready, raise the shoe away from you and
> >then .WHAM! smack the heel of the shoe to your crotch as hard as you can.
> >With a heavy work boot or something, you can really cause a significant
> >level of pain to be felt in the gonads. You can also try resting your
> >over the edge of a hard surface (like a table or something), or placing a
> >hard object behind them and hitting them. With a solid object behind,
> >isn't anywhere for the force of the hit to go and 90% of the impact is
> >in the balls. Another very simple, quick to administer way of getting
> >kicks! Try it!
> >
> >
> >METHOD 3 - The Toilet Seat
> >
> >Oh yes! The common every day toilet seat is actually a testicle crushing
> >device par-excellence! You will find it works better if you first slip an
> >elastic band around your sac so your nuts are held tightly together in
> >end of the scrotum. Kneel down in front of the toilet, and lift the lid
> back
> >as high as it will go. Then, rest your jewels upon the edge of the seat.
> >think you can guess what comes next! Let the lid drop and ...CRUNCH!
> >....your nuts get firmly squished between seat and lid! This is a really
> >simple, quick way of causing a sharp blow to your testicles. Of course,
> some
> >toilet seats are heavier than others so caution is advised. For best
> results
> >hold your penis out of the way with your spare hand, so your balls get
> >full force of the impact. Once you have gauged how painful it is to crush
> >both nuts this way, you can progress to doing one at a time....which
> >provide a decent aching sensation to your glands. If you are into REAL
> pain,
> >it is also possible to SIT ON YOUR OWN TESTICLES (oooooowwww!!). Slip the
> >elastic band around your sac, above the balls as before. Then (and this
> >is tricky) turn away from the toilet, slide your balls between seat and
> >WEIGHT DIRECTLY UPON YOUR NUTS! Be very careful if you try this! You may
> end
> >up going off ballbusting altogether after trying this (I almost did),
> >because you won't have any balls to bust anymore!!! Well, you will....but
> >they'll be pretty flat.......Try it if you dare!
> >
> >
> >METHOD 4 - The Wardrobe/Cupboard Door
> >
> > Oh god. Just thinking back to how I tried this technique in my early
> >brings tears to my eyes! As with many of the self-busting methods, slip
> >(or several) elastic bands around your sac, above the balls. This keeps
> them
> >tight together at the bottom of the scrotum, and makes them especially
> >vulnerable. You will need to find a wardrobe or something similar that
> >can stand in front of. The idea is to sandwich your jewels directly
> >the edge of the door and the door frame itself. When they are in
> >push yourself against the door to hold them firmly in place. With them
> >snugly between a rock and a hard place (he he he), bring your knee back
> >behind you (be careful not to let your balls escape at this point). Then
> >knee the door as hard as you dare! Your balls will be crushed nicely! As
> >young man, this was one of the first ways I ever tried to hurt myself. I
> >wasn't expecting much and kneed the door with moderate force. I must have
> >trapped my nuts in just the right place because it absolutely hurt like
> >hell! The pain was so sharp and intense that I collapsed on the floor,
> >spent several minutes down there in considerable pain. This method can be
> >hard to get right, but when you will know about it! Try it!
> >
> >
> >METHOD 5 - Fists `n Elbows
> >
> > If no ballbusting objects are available, you can always try punching or
> >elbowing yourself in the balls. Grab your balls with one hand and bring
> them
> >tightly together in a protruding bulge. With the other hand, punch them
> >hard as you can. This is a good way of getting a quick "fix" if no other
> >tools are available. I have tried bending over and elbowing myself in the
> >balls too. This sort of simulates being kneed in the balls, but without
> >quite so much force. Usually, your elbow will miss...but sometimes it
> >catch you just right and can be quite painful. Many times, I have bent
> >and taken a few minutes to recover after my elbow caught me RIGHT between
> >the balls. Try it!
> >
> >
> >METHOD 6 - Automatic Tennis Ball Firers
> >
> >Hehehehehehhe! Well, actually...I admit this is more a fantasy of mine
> >not something many of us will get the chance to try out! If you happen to
> be
> >lucky enough to try it though, I'm sure it would work very well! I always
> >used to wonder what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of a
> >tennis ball to the nuts. This got me thinking. If you happen to own one
> >those machines that fires tennis balls at high speed, why not stand in
> front
> >of it one day? Heheheheh! Every shot would go in pretty much the same
> place,
> >and you could have hours of fun this way! I know they shoot out tennis
> balls
> >with quite some force too, so if one did hit you in the
> >it would hurt rather nicely! Try it!
> >
> >
> >METHOD 7 - Plastic Pipes And Heavy Balls
> >
> >For this method you will again require the elastic band around the sac
> >trick. You also need to find a length of plastic pipe, maybe three feet
> >length and the wider the better. You will also need a heavy ball of some
> >kind or a rock (!!ooowww!!) The idea is to sit on the floor, resting your
> >elasticated nuts upon the ground. Position one end of the tube over your
> >balls, and the other end vertically into the air. Then place the heavy
> >ball/rock into the top of the tube and let go. CRUNCH! It will drop down
> the
> >tube and land directly upon your sperm/testosterone glands. Nice! It's
> >difficult to know what to recommend as a weight to drop into the tube. I
> >used a length of plastic pipe about 2.5-3 feet long and about 6 inches in
> >diameter. Into this I dropped an almost spherical kiln hardened lump of
> clay
> >of nearly the same diameter. Doesn't sound like much, but after 2 or 3
> > nuts would be beginning to ache quite nicely. Its also
> >to remember to sit your nuts either on the floor, or have a hard object
> >behind them. If you don't, you won't feel the full effect. Yum yum! Try
> >
> >
> >METHOD 8 - The Electric Fence
> >
> > Mmmmmmmmmmmm! Now this is always an interesting experience! If you live
> >the country, you will probably have strolled around the fields at some
> >and accidentally touched a portion of your anatomy onto an electric
> >You know the ones I mean....they are strung up around fields to stop
> >or other livestock from straying. This is where the fun comes in! Find
> >in a deserted area (or go out at night so no-one can see what you're
> >and drop your trousers. Then lift your penis up and dangle your balls
> >the fence! Zzzzzzaaappp!! They don't generate enough voltage to be
> >dangerous, but believe me...the sensations they provoke within the
> testicles
> >are very interesting indeed! (I'm not too sure as to what the sperm in
> >balls will make of it) Have fun!!! Try it!
> >
> >
> >METHOD 9 - Elasticated Balls (hehehe!)
> >
> >You know those outdoor games you can get where you have a ball on a piece
> of
> >elastic and hit it with a bat? Heheheheheh! In many different stores you
> can
> >buy these. They usually consist of a post you push into the ground, and a
> >tennis ball or something similar which is connected to the top of the
> >with a long length of elastic. Discard the post! You just need the other
> >parts! Tie the elastic to a short rod of some kind (a stick from your
> >yard will do). Then kinda sit over it, so the stick is pushing against
> >buttocks and the elastic is running out between your legs in front of
> >Set it so the elastic with the ball on the end comes out in front of you
> >from directly underneath your scrotum. Here comes the fun! Pull the ball
> >away from you as far as you can and let go!!! It will fly back towards
> >groin, and if you are "lucky", it will hit you solidly right between the
> >balls! Due to random variables in the physics of this technique, it won't
> >hit exactly the same spot each time. Sometimes it will miss. Sometimes it
> >will strike one testicle firmly. SOMETIMES it will hit you slap bang
> between
> >the testicles! Great! It incorporates an element of surprise into the
> >Try it!
> >
> >
> >METHOD 10 - Erm...not quite sure what to call this one!
> >
> >This device is probably the ultimate in home-D.I.Y ballbusting gadgets. I
> >read about it at a forum for ballbusting, possibly the European
> >Board but I'm not sure. All credit goes to whoever thought this one up,
> I
> >cant remember that either! Doh...You will need a few items to construct
> >this....some lengths of cord or thinish rope, a 2 litre plastic drinks
> >bottle, a plastic bag and some hooks (oh, and a pair of balls willing to
> >hurt). Cup type hooks should work fine. The idea is to suspend the bottle
> >(full of water, therefore quite heavy) in the plastic bag from the
> >The plastic bag helps as you are aiming to hang the bottle from the
> ceiling,
> >and get it swinging in an arc. Screw the hooks into the ceiling perhaps 2
> >feet apart. Then attach a length of cord/rope to each hook. At the
> >tie each cord to each of the 2 handles of your plastic bag (a typical
> medium
> >sized shopping bag is about right). Place the water filled plastic bottle
> >into this bag so it is lying flat. You should now have a heavy weight
> >suspended in front of you from the ceiling. In case you hadn't already
> >guessed, you want it suspended at testicle-height. So stand in front of
> >and let the end of the bottle touch your groin. If it sticks straight
> >your nuts, wa-hay! Its in just the right place! Now...HOPEFULLY.......if
> you
> >position it and yourself in just the right place and "throw" the bag away
> >from will swing back and catch you smartly in the balls! I
> >I've explained this well enough for you to get a general idea of what you
> >are trying to achieve. The fact that the bottle is in a bag, and
> >from TWO hooks, means it should swing in more or less the same arc each
> >time. The plastic bag helps cradle it. You can also attach a rope to the
> far
> >end of the bottle/bag and slip it through another hook mounted on a far
> >wall. This way you can simply pull it to raise the bottle ready for
> >whack! Because it is full of water, if raised high has
> a
> >lot of momentum and will connect with your testes quite firmly!
> >............BUT! That's not all! With the base of the bottle hitting you
> >the nuts (especially if it comes slightly upwards at the end of its arc)
> >simulates a knee to the balls very nicely! Turn the bottle around so the
> cap
> >hits you in the nuts, and it feels like the point of a shoe kicking you
> >the balls!!!! FANTASTIC! Try it!
> >
> >The above methods are some of the easiest ways you can administer a sharp
> >blow to your scrotal contents.
> >
> >There are of course those of us who prefer a good SQUEEEEEEEEZE! Well,
> there
> >are an infinite assortment of ways to do this to. Here are just a few of
> the
> >ways I've squeezed my own testicles over the years....
> >
> >
> >METHOD 11 - The Workshop Vice
> >
> > Mmmm! A lot of households have a workshop. Maybe an area of the garage
> >where father stores his tools. Little known to most of us, the workshop
> >contains one of the most evil, and age old torture devices known to man;
> the
> >vice. In olden days, a popular torture was to crush the testicles of a
> >victim until he let forth the information desired. Well, you guessed it!
> You
> >can do the same too! Place an elastic band around your sac, above the
> balls,
> >as mentioned above. Put your balls into the jaws of the vice and turn the
> >handle as many times as you dare! The important thing to remember is to
> make
> >sure no-one could accidentally catch you at it! How you could ever
> >what you're doing with your own testicles trapped in a vice and no-one
> >around, is not even something you want to think about! This is another
> >fiendishly simple method and has several distinct advantages. Firstly
> >all the techniques I've described) it doesn't require many materials.
> >Secondly, it really will crush your testicles as much as you want!
> >is advised however. It goes without saying that in a vice, your nuts
> >could end up totally and utterly crushed if you weren't careful. If you
> >decide to try this method with your partner/mistress instead of alone, be
> >absolutely sure she knows when to stop!!!! Try it!
> >
> >
> >METHOD 12 - Books n Clocks
> >
> >Slip an elastic band around your sac to keep the balls together in a nice
> >tight bulge, and prevent them from escaping. Then, stand in-front of a
> table
> >(or any suitable scrotum height flat surface). With your balls resting on
> >the table, begin to pile books or anything else that will do the trick on
> >top of them. When they really are starting to ache, and you're feeling a
> bit
> >uncomfortable...set a stop watch going or watch the minute hand of a
> >clock. Set yourself a time limit to beat like ..."I'm going to stand here
> >and NOT take the weight off my balls for a full 5 minutes". You will
> quickly
> >begin to suffer more and more as the pain increases, but DONT give up!
> Force
> >yourself to go with it! It can be a real turn on to imagine yourself tied
> >there and having your nuts crushed by a wickedly merciless mistress. I
> >to pile a big stack of books onto my nuts and after 2 minutes, my face
> would
> >be grimacing, my teeth would be clenched and I'd have tears in my eyes. T
> >it!
> >--
> >Henrik Bengtsson
> >
> >
> >"Ett behov av att förneka någons
> >anklagelse visar på att anklagelsen
> >kanske inte var särskilt felaktig,
> >utan snarare sann..."
> >
> >


Jan 7, 2001, 10:11:21 AM1/7/01
On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 07:45:59 GMT, "Peckerhead"
<> wrote:

>For some strange reason I find this refreshingly tasteless!

...and it took you a whole month to reply, top-post, and repost the
whole message?

Now I see how you got your handle.

lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?

Nov 14, 2017, 8:09:13 PM11/14/17
How can I kick my own balls?


Dec 28, 2017, 3:13:58 AM12/28/17
On Tue, 14 Nov 2017 17:09:12 -0800 (PST), wrote:

>How can I kick my own balls?

Requires a black belt in ninja skills.



Dec 28, 2017, 5:06:25 AM12/28/17
On Tue, 14 Nov 2017 17:09:12 -0800 (PST), wrote:

>How can I kick my own balls?

It requires a black belt in ninja skills, which in turn requires lots
of practice.


Dec 20, 2018, 8:37:17 PM12/20/18
I've got a question about the toilet seat method. If I do want to sit on my balls will it cause permanent injury? Or will it just be very painful?

Jun 28, 2019, 7:19:19 PM6/28/19
This thread is 19 years old.

May 15, 2020, 10:30:11 PM5/15/20
On Friday, June 28, 2019 at 4:19:19 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> This thread is 19 years old.

Pretty incredible

Jul 7, 2020, 12:51:34 PM7/7/20
I want too do that skateboarding ?. .
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Nov 29, 2020, 6:33:29 PM11/29/20
On 11/28/2020 12:10 PM, Franklin Bacon wrote:

> Le jeudi 20 décembre 2018 à 20:37:17 UTC-5, a écrit
> :
>> I've got a question about the toilet seat method. If I do want to
>> sit on my balls will it cause permanent injury? Or will it just be
>> very painful?
> Sitting down slowly allows a gradual flattening and an extended
> experience of crushing. As long as your balls have somewhere to
> squish out to, they will flatten significantly and return to their
> original shape when the pressure is released.

seems you're the encyclopaedia on nutz

Mees Bors | LLN

Mar 21, 2022, 7:26:03 AM3/21/22
Op woensdag 22 november 2000 om 09:00:00 UTC+1 schreef Henrik Bengtsson:
I usually try to lightly stab/slash my balls with a dull knife. feels AWESOME!!!
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First name Last name

Nov 30, 2022, 2:12:38 AM11/30/22
On Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 6:33:47 PM UTC-7, Ṃᴆ wrote:
> I think Henrik's dead now
I went too hard on the vice method and now I cant do it anymore, sucks but It was worth it


Nov 30, 2022, 2:12:42 AM11/30/22
I always try to gently burn or roast my nuts by setting them in a boiling pot of water for 15 seconds, or by maneuvering a blowtorch to toast it just right!! Yeowch!!!!! Feels INCREDIBLE!!!!

Richard Catto

Jan 24, 2023, 8:53:55 PM1/24/23
On Wednesday, 30 November 2022 at 09:12:42 UTC+2, jack black wrote:
> I always try to gently burn or roast my nuts by setting them in a boiling pot of water for 15 seconds, or by maneuvering a blowtorch to toast it just right!! Yeowch!!!!! Feels INCREDIBLE!!!!

13 ways to liquify your liver

kaz z

May 29, 2023, 5:52:21 PM5/29/23
All those practice ballbusting, believe you will get sick that doctor's can't able to find out what's the problem,a chronic disease that won't leave you for years , fews days you fine and the you feel like your deing, balls are body organ not a sex toy like liver and kidney, if it got injurey whole body will suffer some are instead and some are later. Instead is pain and later is sikness,your liver you kidney your brain heart will effect and
your erection sperm count, testosterone, hardess will effect, it's unreversible so think smart don't play with fire .subdue yourself shall be free.


Jun 4, 2023, 8:43:35 PM6/4/23
^ <output with a shitty prompt to ChatGPT 1.0 before grammar training
and spellcheck>
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