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Re: Deaths climbs to 13 after San Bernardino snowstorms

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Joe the dumber

Mar 10, 2023, 12:15:02 PM3/10/23
In article <27937933-79f2-4607-9640->
Molly Bolt <> wrote:
> Democrats are so fucking stupid.

More than a dozen people have died in San Bernardino County’s
mountain communities in the wake of back-to-back snowstorms that
dumped historic amounts of snow — more than 100 inches in places
— stranding many in their homes for two weeks, county officials

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department said Thursday it
has responded to 13 deaths since Feb. 23, though investigators
have determined that only one had a “direct correlation to the
weather,” according to a news release. That person died at a
hospital after a car crash during the storm.

Four were people who either died at a hospital or were in
hospice, officials said, and therefore will not be investigated.
The rest are under investigation by the coroner’s division of
the Sheriff’s Department.


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