On 2021-12-20 05:28, The Horny Goat wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Dec 2021 20:09:57 +0000, Luis Bruno
> <
im+u...@lbruno.org.example.com> wrote:
>> On 2021-12-11 03:35,
mrob...@att.net wrote:
>>> If I can keep the booze down to a dull roar, I might still remember
>>> enough to cash in on fixing Y2.038K.
>> heh, y2k was my first paid-in-money gig :) some ms access shenanigans
>> were done, a GUI in visual basic was created. no jack bauer shite,
>> thankfully.
> 20 years ago my sis-in-law was IT director for a major insurance
> company and normally alcohol is strictly forbidden on the premises.
it became forbidden at my college too, on the year I started and through
no fault of my own; I had been working doing that VB thing, and my
hometown is too small to have two groups of Linux folks; my boss used VB
skills to pay the bills while building infra stuff like mail/dns on a
proper linux foundation, everyone knows everyone, etc
the IT folks at college didn't have that experience, they grab him for a
late night "can you help us install that mail/dns thing from that crypto
guy?" party, and I happen to tag along for some shoulder
surfing/learning. we got paid in beer, unsurprisingly
which i then proceed to park on top of a cisco half-rack full of some
cisco gear that was the hub of all the government dedicated lines across
the district
"maybe i shouldn't park my beer there? what's all that stuff?" asked I,
innocently; the answer sobered me up long enough to reach for the bottle
two-handedly, and very carefully
the next year i left work for college, and the beer vending machines
serve chocolate now