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Paging sysadmins when they aren't on call...

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Mar 7, 2002, 11:26:19 PM3/7/02


"The Israeli objective since 1967 has been to transform the ethnic character
of the annexed area [of East Jerusalem] from Arab to Jewish. Israeli
demolition policy in East Jerusalem is based on similar premises as in the
rest of the West Bank: construction of settlements restricted to Jews,
confiscation of land for exclusively Jewish use, and restriction and
demolition of Palestinian development."

-Amnesty International Report:
"The Destruction of Palestinian Homes"
December 8, 1999.


Bogdan Iamandei

Mar 8, 2002, 12:59:46 AM3/8/02
In article <L3Xh8.3743$>, wrote:

Subject: Paging sysadmins when they aren't on call...
Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery,calgary.general
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(1) (2)

Strike 1: Crossposting

> __
[... much snippage of so-called signature ...]

Strike 2: Bloated, non-standard siganture

Strike 3: We don't need a strike 3. You *will* FOAD! NOW!


I have seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire
off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark
near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time,
like tears in rain. Time to die.

Suresh Ramasubramanian

Mar 8, 2002, 2:13:39 AM3/8/02
Bogdan Iamandei [alt.sysadmin.recovery] <8 Mar 2002 05:59:46 GMT>:[who the fuck cares what he wrote?]
> Strike 3: We don't need a strike 3. You *will* FOAD! NOW!

You actually needed strike TWO? tch, tch...


Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Mar 8, 2002, 5:43:11 PM3/8/02

In <L3Xh8.3743$>, on 03/08/2002
at 04:26 AM, said:

>Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery,calgary.general

I was going to tell you to read the FAQ and then fix your sig, until
I noticed the cross posting. Read the FAQ ten times. Or just FOAD.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
Reply to domain Patriot dot net user shmuel+bspfh to contact me.
"The most dementing of all modern sins:
the inability to distinguish excellence from success." David Hare

Paul Tomblin

Mar 9, 2002, 7:41:12 PM3/9/02
In a previous article, said:
>How is is "Not standard"?? Where has the standard been defined?


>> Strike 3: We don't need a strike 3. You *will* FOAD! NOW!

>That's not a very nice thing to say.

Plonk with extreme predjudice.

Fuck off, wanker. Just because you figured out how to post here doesn't
mean you're welcome.

Paul Tomblin <>, not speaking for anybody
SCSI is *NOT* magic. There are *fundamental technical reasons* why it is
necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain now and then.

Mike Andrews

Mar 9, 2002, 8:14:48 PM3/9/02
to wrote:
: Bogdan Iamandei <> wrote:

:> Strike 1: Crossposting

: What's wrong with that?

You probably don't even know how many lines the FAQ has. RTFF.

This is _not_ alt.sysadmin.nicey-nicey. Figuring out how to post
here and Having Clue are orthogonal. Come back when you Have
Clue, with a capital H and a capital C. You have managed to
demonstrate that you do not Have Clue yet.

When you Have Clue, you will understand and agree with the
reasons behind the responses to your post. That does not mean
that the understanding and agreement demonstrate your posession
of Clue. The implication only works one way.

:> Strike 2: Bloated, non-standard siganture

: How is is "Not standard"?? Where has the standard been defined?

Again, you probably don't even know how many lines the FAQ has
much less who McQ is. RTFF. Find and adhere to McQ.

:> Strike 3: We don't need a strike 3. You *will* FOAD! NOW!

: That's not a very nice thing to say.

Again, this is _not_ alt.sysadmin.nicey-nicey. This is a group
for Hardened Bastards who have to Deal With The Realities Of
Life As A System Administrator. If you want to post to a.s.n-n,
newgroup it on a server you administer, and see who else comes
to post. The people here have other bones to pick -- possibly
including yours.

All the responses to your post have constituted Information which
is Useful to you. Learn from it.

I don't particularly want you to FOAD, myself. You'll be more of
a cautionary example if you'll FO And Get Chronically, Incurably,
Painfully, Progressively, Expensively, Debilitatingly Ill. So

I had NANAE and ASR mixed up - I thought NANAE was the place
where Useful Information is not allowed. I've not seen much of it
here lately. -- Steve Sobol, in NANAE

David P. Murphy

Mar 9, 2002, 9:51:20 PM3/9/02

>> Strike 3: We don't need a strike 3. You *will* FOAD! NOW!

> That's not a very nice thing to say.

That's not a very clever domain name you forged, you lame crossposter.

You're damned right it wasn't nice, and he wasn't even trying very hard.
Perhaps you can extrapolate from there what will happen once we get
the gears spinning.

This is a kitchen. It generates heat. There's the door -->

David P. Murphy
systems programmer (personal)

Dan Birchall

Mar 9, 2002, 10:59:52 PM3/9/02

I guess pointing out the obvious logical impossibility in the
subject would be anticlimactic at this point.

Biz, Pics, Tech, Words and Spamfighting -
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - M Gandhi
Please read my address very carefully before sending me any spam.

Suresh Ramasubramanian

Mar 9, 2002, 11:26:03 PM3/9/02
Dan Birchall [alt.sysadmin.recovery] <10 Mar 2002 03:59:52 GMT>:

> (Suresh Ramasubramanian) wrote:
> > You actually needed strike TWO? tch, tch...
> I guess pointing out the obvious logical impossibility in the
> subject would be anticlimactic at this point.

Not too anticlimactic. Especially when you get a cellphone from $orkplace -
and that doubles as your on-call pager.


Mar 10, 2002, 12:13:21 AM3/10/02
Mike Andrews <> wrote:

> You probably don't even know how many lines the FAQ has. RTFF.

Although I do know, it isn't one of my crowning achievements.

> : How is is "Not standard"?? Where has the standard been defined?

> Again, you probably don't even know how many lines the FAQ has
> much less who McQ is. RTFF. Find and adhere to McQ.

I am familiar with the McQ rule, however, it is a guideline at best, and
definitely not a standard, as the previous poster claimed.

There is nothing in the FAQ that says that .sigs in this newsgroup must
adhere to the McQ rule. Nor, for that matter, is there any mentioning of
crossposting limitations.

I'll happily adhere to newsgroup standards and guidelines as outlined in the
FAQ, but feel no compulsion to honor rules created on-the-fly.

> Again, this is _not_ alt.sysadmin.nicey-nicey. This is a group
> for Hardened Bastards who have to Deal With The Realities Of
> Life As A System Administrator. If you want to post to a.s.n-n,
> newgroup it on a server you administer, and see who else comes
> to post. The people here have other bones to pick -- possibly
> including yours.

Funny, I'm a Unix SA, deal with it's "Realities" daily, and (usually)
manage to do so without compromising my civility or professionality.

I'm well aware that this NG is composed of misanthropes, and find it sad
that so many havn't been able to better cope with the trade's inherent

> All the responses to your post have constituted Information which
> is Useful to you. Learn from it.

I havn't learned anything I didn't already know, but thank you for your
reply - it is appreciated.


"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."

-Rabbi Ya'acov Perin in his eulogy at the
funeral of mass murderer Baruch Goldstein.


Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Mar 9, 2002, 11:11:20 PM3/9/02

In <Aqxi8.3029$>, on 03/10/2002
at 12:04 AM, said:


Still cross posted. You seem to be impervious to clue. Please read
the manual, real fast.

>What's wrong with that?

RTFF. I'm not the only one to suggest it. Or apply Preparation T.

>How is is "Not standard"?? Where has the standard been defined?


>That's not a very nice thing to say.

Alt.sysadmin.nicey-nicey is down the hall. RTFF.


Better, but still not compliant.

In your case, Resume may have been wrong. HTH. HAND.

Mar 10, 2002, 12:24:00 AM3/10/02
Dan Birchall <> wrote:

> I guess pointing out the obvious logical impossibility in the
> subject would be anticlimactic at this point.

It would also be fellatious - My workplace has an on-call rotation schedule,
which Tier 2 is expected to refer to when paging out an SA.


"Forced counseling and "sensitivity training" are nothing more than
buzzwords for political re-education"
-Letter in NY Times, Feb 2, 2000

Mar 10, 2002, 2:22:35 AM3/10/02
Dave Brown <> wrote:
> In article <Q5Ci8.4874$>,
> <> wrote:
> : It would also be fellatious

> Blow me. You suck.

No, the original claim sucked.

That's why it was fellatious, silly.


Mar 10, 2002, 2:41:30 AM3/10/02
Lionel <> wrote:

> McQ is covered in the FAQ under the principle of 'thou shalt have a
> clue'

Arbitrary guidelines, the manna of control freaks!

BTW, I've whittled my sig down to 4 lines. Can I hang with you guys now?

> So why are you posting in here then?

Just walking by.. saw the ants' nest.. kicked it.. watched the ants get
riled. No need to fret though: I'll move along soon enough, and let
the ants get back to their ant things.

> And in particular, why are you
> wasting your time trying to sucker us with xposts & other such luserish
> techniques? Jeez, these days even trolls aren't stupid enough to expect
> people to fall for that old trick.

Wasn't a sucker tactic... Guess again. The "Clue"[1] lies earlier in the

> I think you're just the latest angry little troll to decide to get
> revenge against some admin who's been mean to poor widdle you.

That's quite an odd theory. Due to its speculative and unsubstantiated
nature, I won't bother to refute it.

The accusation of anger is somewhat amusing, considering that the venting
of of impotent anger appears to be SOP here. (Not that there's anything
wrong with that - It's far more preferable than you folk going out and
killing hookers).

> Most
> likely you're some stupid little college kid who's been disciplined for
> misbehaviour on the net.

Although I did, at one time, experience that particular rite of passage,
it has no causal relationship with my current participation in this NG.

> I also suspect that the closest you've gotten
> to being a Unix sysadmin is intalling Linux on a dual-boot Windows '98
> box. Probably Mandrake at that.

WELL! *I've* been insulted.

The boxen I SA are some of the biggest in my region.... but don't let that
stop you from enjoying your baseless speculations.

In any case, judging coolness by comparing OS's and platforms is ghey.

> Why am I not surprised by this? You certainly strike me as being highly
> clue-resistant.

Guilty as charged!


"The motive for Israel's attacks against civilian populations.. was dual: to
disperse the Palestinian refugees, and to embitter relations between them
and the local population in the areas to which they had been driven."
-Noam Chomsky, The Fateful Triangle, p. 182

[1] HAY!!! I USED AN ASR TERM, AND A FOOTNOTE TOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

Suresh Ramasubramanian

Mar 10, 2002, 3:44:24 AM3/10/02
[useless xpost trimmed]
>>>>> "fuckhead" == phat phoque <> writes:

fuckhead> Arbitrary guidelines, the manna of control freaks!

You still haven't learnt your lesson, I see.

fuckhead> BTW, I've whittled my sig down to 4 lines. Can I hang with
fuckhead> you guys now?

Whatever for?

fuckhead> The accusation of anger is somewhat amusing, considering
fuckhead> that the venting of of impotent anger appears to be SOP
fuckhead> here. (Not that there's anything wrong with that - It's
fuckhead> far more preferable than you folk going out and killing
fuckhead> hookers).

Hookers are a perfectly respectable and hard working bunch of people.
Lusers (like you, for example) on the other hand ...

>> I also suspect that the closest you've gotten to being a Unix
>> sysadmin is intalling Linux on a dual-boot Windows '98
>> box. Probably Mandrake at that.

fuckhead> WELL! *I've* been insulted.

Which is why the tin version you use shows a vanilla redhat. Yup, you
are beyond insults, in that case.

fuckhead> The boxen I SA are some of the biggest in my region.... but
fuckhead> don't let that stop you from enjoying your baseless
fuckhead> speculations.

Nope. You *dont* want to get into a DSW on boxen with some of the
people here.

fuckhead> TOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

*mutter mumble* /me has gotta remember to scp my killfile rules
between home and $ork.

Suresh Ramasubramanian + suresh <@> hserus dot net
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Sysadmin

James Riden

Mar 10, 2002, 6:30:35 AM3/10/02
to (Suresh Ramasubramanian) writes:
> Which is why the tin version you use shows a vanilla redhat. Yup, you
> are beyond insults, in that case.

Nothing wrong with vanilla redhat. Er, provided it's not connected to
the Internet in any manner. Or any other network. And you don't try to
use l****c**f.

James Riden /
MSc Student, Dept. of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
My opinions are my own, not the University's.

Arthur van der Harg

Mar 10, 2002, 7:06:02 AM3/10/02
In article <RXBi8.4839$>, wrote:

Hmmm... I think you need a spell checker. That 'o' in your accountname
should be a 'u', AFAICT.

>I'll happily adhere to newsgroup standards and guidelines as outlined in the
>FAQ, but feel no compulsion to honor rules created on-the-fly.

Following rules created on-the-fly is what is otherwise known as 'learning
by experience'. I don't often come across people who publicly state
they're not interested in that.

>Funny, I'm a Unix SA, deal with it's "Realities" daily, and (usually)
>manage to do so without compromising my civility or professionality.

Can't compromise what ain't there, can ya?

>I'm well aware that this NG is composed of misanthropes, and find it sad
>that so many havn't been able to better cope with the trade's inherent

Misanthropes? Some of the guys 'n dolls here have taken shit no person
should have to take. They've taken it for longer than the few years that
have passed since you left your mother's womb. Can't blame them for being
not so nice once in a while.

My advice to you: pursue a career in IT management. You've got all the
lack of clue and disrespect for knowledgeable people you'll need.


James Riden

Mar 10, 2002, 8:20:52 AM3/10/02
to (David P. Murphy) writes:
> wrote:
> > Bogdan Iamandei <> wrote:
> >> Strike 3: We don't need a strike 3. You *will* FOAD! NOW!
> > That's not a very nice thing to say.
> That's not a very clever domain name you forged, you lame crossposter.

He would appear to the maintainer of the FAQ for Frankly, I'm speechless.

Paul Tomblin

Mar 10, 2002, 9:31:45 AM3/10/02
Making an exception to the plonk because I saw this in somebody else's

In a previous article, said:

>BTW, I've whittled my sig down to 4 lines. Can I hang with you guys now?

Even making allowances for the lack of a proper sig delimiter:
2>"The motive for Israel's attacks against civilian populations.. was dual: to
3> disperse the Palestinian refugees, and to embitter relations between them
4> and the local population in the areas to which they had been driven."
5> -Noam Chomsky, The Fateful Triangle, p. 182

You count about as well as you think.

Paul Tomblin <>, not speaking for anybody

"You must be smarter than this stick >---- to put a machine on the

Rob Adams

Mar 10, 2002, 10:07:47 AM3/10/02
to wrote:

>"The Israeli objective since 1967 has been to transform the ethnic character
> of the annexed area [of East Jerusalem] from Arab to Jewish. Israeli
> demolition policy in East Jerusalem is based on similar premises as in the
> rest of the West Bank: construction of settlements restricted to Jews,
> confiscation of land for exclusively Jewish use, and restriction and
> demolition of Palestinian development."
> -Amnesty International Report:
> "The Destruction of Palestinian Homes"
> December 8, 1999.

For failing to acheive clue; and acting in direct violation of advice
given as to expected behaviour in this group I hereby award you



ADVISORY: The email address contained in the header of this posting is
a legitimate address; it is used to harvest email addresses so that we
can email you our own email message containing advertisments. To stop
yourself getting on this list use robadams(at)dingoblue{dit}net(dit)au

J.D. Baldwin

Mar 10, 2002, 10:14:55 AM3/10/02

In the previous article, <> wrote:
> > I guess pointing out the obvious logical impossibility in the
> > subject would be anticlimactic at this point.
> It would also be fellatious - My workplace has an on-call rotation
> schedule, which Tier 2 is expected to refer to when paging out an
> SA.

"Expected to"? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

We decided not to play that game. The crack mon^W^W helldesk guys get
ONE number to call for level 3 support. Even they can't fsck that

The first duty of the person taking over on-call is to forward that
line to his cell phone.

[1] Somehow, they *still* manage to call people who aren't on-call,
but it's pretty infrequent, and they only make the mistake once (at
least with me). Per some of my previous rants, they are more likely
to call our on-call number for a problem intended to be dealt with by
an entirely different team. Nothing to be done about that, I suppose.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone disagrees with any statement I make, I
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |am quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ /|to deny under oath that I ever made it. -T. Lehrer

Suresh Ramasubramanian

Mar 10, 2002, 11:30:56 AM3/10/02
Toni Lassila [alt.sysadmin.recovery] <Sun, 10 Mar 2002 18:25:49 +0200>:
> On 10 Mar 2002 13:20:52 +0000, James Riden <>

> >He would appear to the maintainer of the FAQ for
> > Frankly, I'm speechless.
> FAQs are like flatulence. Any asshole can produce them.




Mar 10, 2002, 3:07:48 PM3/10/02
On Sun, 10 Mar 2002 05:24:00 GMT,

>It would also be fellatious - My workplace has an on-call rotation schedule,
>which Tier 2 is expected to refer to when paging out an SA.

Our helpdesk has one particular bob that can't figure out who or when
to call, so calls everyone for anything more severe than a password
reset. Manglement's solution was to put her on days so people would
be awake at least...

-- is real--Cheap spam-filtered POP3 e-mail. for details.
I gain nothing from this recommendation except the satisfaction
of thwarting spammers.

Mar 10, 2002, 9:47:12 PM3/10/02
"Chris \"Saundo\" Saunderson" <> wrote:
>> Although I do know, it isn't one of my crowning achievements.

> Then you ARE a wanker.

I'm a wanker because I consider trivia to be... trivial? You set the
achievement bar very low for yourself, "Saundo".

> How about a standard for this newsgroup?

According to the ISO, standards are "documented agreements". A "standard"
that is niether stated nor documented is a convention, a guideline, or an
understanding... but definitely not a standard.

>> There is nothing in the FAQ that says that .sigs in this newsgroup
>> must adhere to the McQ rule. Nor, for that matter, is there any
>> mentioning of crossposting limitations.

> Wanna bet?

I'd love to bet. All you'd have to do to prove me wrong is to show me where
in the faq it is stated or implied that crossposting is not allowed.
You will, however, have difficulty finding such a clause.

You may want to set about composing some manner of insult to substitute
for a factual rebuttal.

>> Funny, I'm a Unix SA, deal with it's "Realities" daily, and (usually)
>> manage to do so without compromising my civility or professionality.

> You are not, you are a liar and a wanker.

What have I lied about, and what evidence do you have that I have lied?

> Actually, you're the misanthrope. Do you really think
> alt.sysadmin.recovery is where admins come to talk about work?

Do you even know what a misathrope is?

Of couse I don't think you come here to talk about work, I think you all
come here to impotently vent your pent up hostility which is usually
caused by your.... work.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society

(Howz the sig this time guyz?)

Mar 10, 2002, 9:51:37 PM3/10/02
James Riden <> wrote:

> He would appear to the maintainer of the FAQ for
> Frankly, I'm speechless.

Why? Does my conscious refusal to cater to your collective neuroses
somehow preclude me from being productive and/or knowledgeable in other
areas of my life?

There's more to life than ASR, james...

Just say "Know".

James Vandenberg

Mar 10, 2002, 10:02:20 PM3/10/02
> Funny, I'm a Unix SA,

Linux != Unix.

Yes, it is funny you claim to be a SA.

James Vandenberg Email: james at
GPG FP= 65AB 179A D884 EDC6 216D FE6A 6833 02BC 4425 4F70
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. ICQ: 151135390

Mar 10, 2002, 10:13:47 PM3/10/02
Lionel <> wrote:

> No doubt you also consider it arbitrary when your sysadmin tells you not
> to use your first name as your password.

No, I would consider that useful advice.

However, if the same sysadmin explicityly claimed that it was a written
rule in a book, but could only point me to a clause vaguely urging
"best security practices", I would consider his interpretation to be

>>BTW, I've whittled my sig down to 4 lines. Can I hang with you guys now?

> No.

Ok. Well I'll leave once the ants settle down.

> What a surprise. So, tell me little junior troll, which one of us upset
> you? Or are you just pissed off at BOFHs in general? Perchance over
> losing an account for spamming a Make Money Fast post? Or did you
> perhaps write a post with a lot of naughty words in it & slapped on the
> wrist by your ISP's abuse department? If not one of those, I have no
> doubt was over something just as challenging to a chap of your
> intellect.

>>That's quite an odd theory. Due to its speculative and unsubstantiated
>>nature, I won't bother to refute it.

> No, I didn't think you could.

The burden of proof lies upon the one making the claim, silly goose.

>>The accusation of anger is somewhat amusing, considering that the venting
>>of of impotent anger appears to be SOP here.

> Well, considering that this group was created specifically for venting
> anger (impotent or otherwise), it's hardly surprising that that's what
> you found here.

What is inane is that you'd actually "accuse" me of the above behavior.
It makes about as much sense as calling someone in alcholohism
a "drunk". (DUH-UHHH!)

>> (Not that there's anything
>>wrong with that - It's far more preferable than you folk going out and
>>killing hookers).

> Now there's a very revealing comment, very revealing indeed. I thought
> you seemed awfully familiar. Stubborn little fellow, aren't you? ;)

Aparrently you think you've discovered my "secret identity". Although the
email address in the From: field is crafted, my real name and address is in
my normal .sig, which you can see in previous messages. Don't give yourself
an aneurism looking for it.

> It's always nice to get a good excuse to flame
> a little script-kiddie. (You are at least a script-kiddie, right? -
> You're not just a warez-kiddie, I hope?)

What evidence do you have that I participate in the above illegal activities?

Why are you making up such lies?

If you're going to insult me, insult what you see and know, not some
prefab-strawman you've created in your head. You can do better, Lionel.

> So tell us all, little Mr Sysadmin Wanna-be, what platforms *do* you
> like to tell your little friends people that you admin?


> Oh, & thanks again for the troll attempt, BTW. We haven't had any decent
> flame targets here in ages, & many of us appreciate the entertainment.

To be honest, I'm a little disappointed. I've lurked here in the past, and
have found ASR members to be some of the funniest and cleverest flamers I've
ever seen, yourself included. This thread, however, has fallen dismally
short of that.

"The human rights group [Amnesty International] said Israel has arrested
more than 1,500 Palestinians in the past year, and that many of the
detainees were tortured."
-Laurie Copans, Associated Press, September 28, 2001

(YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4 LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111 I HOPE I
COUNTED THEM RITE THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Mar 10, 2002, 10:15:31 PM3/10/02
Suresh Ramasubramanian <> wrote:

> Which is why the tin version you use shows a vanilla redhat. Yup, you
> are beyond insults, in that case.

OS flames are right up there with ISP flames: both are cheap and gay.

"Israel fired machine guns at a Palestinian elementary school in the
northern West Bank. The army said shots had been fired from the school
at a nearby Israeli army post."
-An utterly surreal news item from the Jewish Telegraph Agency, Sept 10, 2001

David P. Murphy

Mar 10, 2002, 10:15:51 PM3/10/02
Lionel <> wrote:
> Word has it that on Sun, 10 Mar 2002 15:07:48 -0500, in this august
> forum, djohnson <> said:

>>Our helpdesk has one particular bob that can't figure out who or when
>>to call, so calls everyone for anything more severe than a password
>>reset. Manglement's solution was to put her on days so people would
>>be awake at least...

> Why on earth didn't they sack her?

Not cute enough?

Mar 10, 2002, 10:22:00 PM3/10/02
Arthur van der Harg <> wrote:

> Hmmm... I think you need a spell checker. That 'o' in your accountname
> should be a 'u', AFAICT.

It would have to be a French spell checker, and I'm confident that "Phoque"
would pass.

>>I'm well aware that this NG is composed of misanthropes, and find it sad
>>that so many havn't been able to better cope with the trade's inherent

> Misanthropes? Some of the guys 'n dolls here have taken shit no person
> should have to take. They've taken it for longer than the few years that
> have passed since you left your mother's womb. Can't blame them for being
> not so nice once in a while.

You're right, they shouldn't have had to take that shit.

If their work is so bad, they should consider finding new
contracts/employers. As skilled professionals in demand, we have our
pick of the work we want, and and are both entitled and able to hold out
for work that we enjoy and find interesting, in a healthy working

> My advice to you: pursue a career in IT management. You've got all the
> lack of clue and disrespect for knowledgeable people you'll need.

Perhaps eventually, but my interest is to stay technical as long as the work
is interesting. Hopefully, that is a long time. Ultimately, I'll go where
the goint takes me. Following the shiny objects has served me well so far.

"What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend,
it ceases to exist. "
-- Salman Rushdie

David P. Murphy

Mar 10, 2002, 10:23:57 PM3/10/02
Anthony de Boer - USEnet <> wrote:

> David P. Murphy staggered into the Black Sun and said:
>>This is a kitchen. It generates heat. There's the door -->

> Now why would I go and misparse that at "kitten"? Works that way too,
> though.

If you're going to s/kitchen/kitten/ then you must s/heat/clawed skin/

David P. Murphy

Mar 10, 2002, 10:27:49 PM3/10/02

>> He would appear to the maintainer of the FAQ for

Possible correction: He appears to be someone with access to the account
belonging to the maintainer of the FAQ for ...

>>Frankly, I'm speechless.

> Why? Does my conscious refusal to cater to your collective neuroses
> somehow preclude me from being productive and/or knowledgeable in other
> areas of my life?

No. Does your being a jerk compel you to post where you're not wanted?
Don't let the fact that you're not popular keep you here.

> There's more to life than ASR, james...

Good. Go prove it to yourself.

Stuart Lamble

Mar 10, 2002, 10:30:32 PM3/10/02
In article <LhVi8.7482$>, wrote:

>Lionel <> wrote:
>> It's always nice to get a good excuse to flame
>> a little script-kiddie. (You are at least a script-kiddie, right? -
>> You're not just a warez-kiddie, I hope?)
>What evidence do you have that I participate in the above illegal activities?
>Why are you making up such lies?
>If you're going to insult me, insult what you see and know, not some
>prefab-strawman you've created in your head. You can do better, Lionel.

*breaks out the popcorn*
*breaks out the soft drink*
*breaks out the other nibblies*
*settles onto the couch*

This is gonna be _good_. Anybody who wants to join me, there's plenty of
room. BYO grog, I'm afraid.

"You didn't slay the dragon?!"
"It's on my to-do list, now come on!"
-- Shrek.

Mar 10, 2002, 10:39:55 PM3/10/02
J.D. Baldwin <> wrote:

> We decided not to play that game. The crack mon^W^W helldesk guys get
> ONE number to call for level 3 support. Even they can't fsck that
> up.[1]

Wholeheartedly agreed. Although I suggested this, the "culture" of my newly
merged-into dept is highly chaotic, and those already in place are too
burnt out to even contemplate revamping their current processes. (Go figger)

No biggie though. If someone pages me when I'm not on call, I ask them
not to, explain why, and then bring it up with their manager, so they can
hear it all again. Although not ideal, It's managed to work itself out.

Beauty comes cheap in a wealthy country.

Bogdan Iamandei

Mar 10, 2002, 11:12:16 PM3/10/02
In article <>, Stuart Lamble wrote:
> *breaks out the popcorn*
> *breaks out the soft drink*
> *breaks out the other nibblies*
> *settles onto the couch*
> This is gonna be _good_. Anybody who wants to join me, there's plenty of
> room. BYO grog, I'm afraid.

I'll collect the cork-fee :) What? you didn't thought's going to be free,
did you?

ObXthread: BTW: Small (crowded) smoking areas are also available - for
a fee. That applies for pipe smokers too.

Ino!~ <ducking the rotten tomatoes>

I have seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire
off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark
near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time,
like tears in rain. Time to die.

Bogdan Iamandei

Mar 10, 2002, 11:33:07 PM3/10/02
In article <njVi8.7483$>, wrote:
> Suresh Ramasubramanian <> wrote:
>> Which is why the tin version you use shows a vanilla redhat. Yup, you
>> are beyond insults, in that case.
> OS flames are right up there with ISP flames: both are cheap and gay.

Oh, tell us more, enlighten us with your infinite wisdom, oh straight
one! We are the ants and we are not worthy!

You have all the answers, and hence, the right[1] to emanate judgements
on everything. Well, let me ask you something - sonny, you are one
clueless fuck, aren't you? Whit this plonk-fest around you, you should
at least get a clue that something is wrong with you, and either FOAD
or FOAD. Idiot wanker!

*mumble* I assume that the next step after "gay" to be "nigg*h". Or is
it the other way around?


[1] - or should I write "rite" so you could understand?

Mike Andrews

Mar 10, 2002, 11:35:17 PM3/10/02
djohnson <> wrote:
: On Sun, 10 Mar 2002 05:24:00 GMT,
: wrote:

:>It would also be fellatious - My workplace has an on-call rotation schedule,
:>which Tier 2 is expected to refer to when paging out an SA.

: Our helpdesk has one particular bob that can't figure out who or when
: to call, so calls everyone for anything more severe than a password
: reset. Manglement's solution was to put her on days so people would
: be awake at least...

Is _that_ all?

Our Helldesk has one fsckwit who sends PeeCee software and hardware
bugs to -- take a guess!

If your guess was "the network installation and mainframe OS
groups", then you win. And please stay the fsck away from me.
I don't want to be anywhere near anyone who can guess answers
like that.

It shone, pale as bone, as I stood there alone.
And I thought to myself how the moon, that night cast its light
on my hearts true delight, and the reef where her body was strewn
-- Manuel Calavera, "Grim Fandango"

Bogdan Iamandei

Mar 10, 2002, 11:53:41 PM3/10/02
In article <spVi8.7484$>, wrote:
> It would have to be a French spell checker, and I'm confident that "Phoque"
> would pass.

My-my, what a cunning linguist you are.

>>>I'm well aware that this NG is composed of misanthropes, and find it sad
>>>that so many havn't been able to better cope with the trade's inherent
>> Misanthropes? Some of the guys 'n dolls here have taken shit no person
>> should have to take. They've taken it for longer than the few years that
>> have passed since you left your mother's womb. Can't blame them for being
>> not so nice once in a while.
> You're right, they shouldn't have had to take that shit.
> If their work is so bad, they should consider finding new
> contracts/employers.

Oooh! I guess this wonderful piece of advice can only be matched by the
following one: "If you're thirsty, drink some water". Magnificent, I am
ashamed I couldn't think of it before. I would take a bow in front of
you Sir, but I'm affraid that'd be too gay for you.

> As skilled professionals in demand, we have our
> pick of the work we want, and and are both entitled and able to hold out
> for work that we enjoy and find interesting, in a healthy working
> environment.

<tok!-tok!-tok!> Yup, wooden language! Nice! I have a little question about
your advices: are you copying them up from some book? Confucius for Dummies
perhaps? The Idiot's guide to truisms - Illustrated Edition?

OTOGH you keep "we"-ing us, I believe I have nothing in common with you, so
you can stop associating yourself with the other monks. And while you're at
it, might as well go a step further and FOAD. Damn - I keep repeating myself!

>> My advice to you: pursue a career in IT management. You've got all the
>> lack of clue and disrespect for knowledgeable people you'll need.
> Perhaps eventually, but my interest is to stay technical as long as the work
> is interesting. Hopefully, that is a long time. Ultimately, I'll go where
> the goint takes me.

Obviously - to hell. And you're mighty close of it - me lad.

> Following the shiny objects has served me well so far.

You sir, are a moth attracted by the IT flame. I hope you get close enough
to burn your wings. And die in pains. And while you die - get fucked by
another luser moth.


Mar 11, 2002, 12:10:45 AM3/11/02
Lionel <> wrote:

> A competant reader will also notice that users are *specifically*
> excluded. This means that unless you can show that you are, in fact, an
> actual sysadmin, you are in violation of our FAQ. You might want to bear
> that in mind the next you're huffing about us asking you to give some
> evidence that you've ever worked as a sysadmin, because we'll certainly
> have no qualms about discussing it with the sysadmins at your ISP.

I see that you've changed your tack. Didn't you know that TOSing and
AUPing are coward's rebuttals?

In any case, what criteria would satisfy you that I am an SA?

Obviously, I won't be faxing you a copy of my paycheck.

Would you believe me if I incorporated cute snippets of Sed syntax into
my messages?

Structure my messages as functions?

If I peppered my messages with footnotes?

If I join a "cascade"?

If I was more misanthropic?

If I demonstrate that I do not like, and am unable to get along
with other people?

If I brag about how much coffee I drink?

If I share stories about acts of overt hostility to the users who justify
my employment?

If I rag on Free Unices/MS?

(HAY A ONE LINE SIG GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - GETTIN THERE!!!!!!)

Vagn Scott

Mar 11, 2002, 1:37:56 AM3/11/02
Bogdan Iamandei wrote:

> <tok!-tok!-tok!> Yup, wooden language!

Bingo! Old Phat-head is fucked up. Wonder what it is.
Weed, coke, booze? Or just stupid? Actually I don't care
since he's not sharing.

Wooden language! HAHAHAHA. OK, I googled that phrase and
found it hit mostly commie-isms. But it applies
perfectly to the stilted croaking of the east coast liberal
college student. (But I see that I am repeating myself.)
It is as if their lungs know they have nothing
to say and refuse to put wind to the voice.

Would that the fingers were so inbued with conscience.

>@ (vagn( /

Mar 11, 2002, 2:37:35 AM3/11/02
Lionel <> wrote:

> Oh, little things like actually saying what platforms or OS'es you admin
> for example. Traditionally, one delurks here with a nice rant about some
> incident that's occurred recently in the course of your duties. My
> all-time favourite was the gorgeous rant someone here wrote about their
> adventures with a faulty TK-50 unit on their VAX.

I work with primarily with HP-UX (11.00 and 10.20), Shark, and HDS99xx,
with a little AIX 4.3 (TSM Server) on the side.

I can't think of any particular stories that would appeal to you folks.

Our users are generally pretty competent, our management works closely
with us, and the other sysadmins are usually easy to get along with.
When there are problems, they are mostly the result of our frantic pace
of change, and/or overwork.

I love my job, and consider myself blessed in many ways.

> No, but feel free to do so after you've shown some evidence you are a
> sysadmin, & that you have some shred of a clue.

Being "clued" in this NG appears to consist of being a hidebound, misanthropic,
bitter old fart. I'll pass, thx.

In any case, the weekend is over, and I must turn my attention to more
serious pursuits. Although this hasn't been as entertaining as expected, it
was, nonetheless, interesting...

"We feel that Goldstein took a preventative measure against yet another
Arab attack." -The Jewish Defense League's position on Baruch Goldstein,
who opened fire on unarmed Muslims as they prayed in a Hebron
mosque, killing 30 worshippers and wounding over 150 more.

Dan Birchall

Mar 11, 2002, 2:56:03 AM3/11/02
to (Suresh Ramasubramanian) wrote:
> Dan Birchall [alt.sysadmin.recovery] <10 Mar 2002 03:59:52 GMT>:
> > (Suresh Ramasubramanian) wrote:
> > > You actually needed strike TWO? tch, tch...

> >
> > I guess pointing out the obvious logical impossibility in the
> > subject would be anticlimactic at this point.
> Not too anticlimactic. Especially when you get a cellphone from $orkplace -
> and that doubles as your on-call pager.

Mmhmm. And then when they cut you loose and bring you back in through
an outside contractor-pimping firm to simplify their finances, neither
entity subsidizes it any more, but oh, you're still on-call, and even
if you give them a landline number they'll always call the cell first...
yup, I know this pain...

-Dan (If I run out of minutes, I'm expensing it on top of the $NICENUM/hr)

Biz, Pics, Tech, Words and Spamfighting -
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - M Gandhi
Please read my address very carefully before sending me any spam.

Dan Birchall

Mar 11, 2002, 2:58:16 AM3/11/02
to ( wrote:

> Dan Birchall <> wrote:
> > I guess pointing out the obvious logical impossibility in the
> > subject would be anticlimactic at this point.
> It would also be fellatious - My workplace has an on-call rotation schedule,
> which Tier 2 is expected to refer to when paging out an SA.

Bah. My ex-$orkplace and the tangentially related contracted-to place
view me as the SME for various and sundry things, and since they've
long since gotten rid of anyone else who knew anything about them,
rotations be damned.

Or, in other words, kids these days! Why, I'm on call uphill both
ways in the snow with barbed wire wrapped around my bare feet for

Mar 11, 2002, 3:35:29 AM3/11/02
Lionel <> wrote:

> You've even admitted in a previous post to having gotten
> into trouble over a network security incident at least once in your
> life.

Network security incident? Are you making this up as you go along, Lionel?

Although I mentioned an incident, I did not say that it was security, or
network related. While learning my way around my campuses computers, as
a user, I tested out the "wall" command, and to my suprise, and the
surprise of hundreds of users, it worked.

Computing services administration was not impressed...

"Be wary of enraging a little man, for he will retaliate with the
force of a hundred little men."
-My Girlfriend, Lisa.

(Posted earlier, but forgot to approve it)

Arthur van der Harg

Mar 11, 2002, 3:42:37 AM3/11/02

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 wrote:

> It would have to be a French spell checker, and I'm confident that "Phoque"
> would pass.

Ah well, pardon my French. I assumed your account name reflected your

> If their work is so bad, they should consider finding new
> contracts/employers. As skilled professionals in demand, we have our
> pick of the work we want, and and are both entitled and able to hold out
> for work that we enjoy and find interesting, in a healthy working
> environment.

Yeah, well, not everyone quits at the least sign of trouble. The
ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort,
but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.[0]
There are such things as loyalty to one's colleagues, pride in one's work,
determination to do what has to be done. But maybe you'll know that
feeling one day, when you've grown up.

> Perhaps eventually, but my interest is to stay technical as long as the work
> is interesting. Hopefully, that is a long time. Ultimately, I'll go where
> the goint takes me. Following the shiny objects has served me well so far.

I think you mispeled "joint". That would explain a lot. Now please follow
the shiny colorful floating objects out of here.


[0] and I'd have a dream if I thought you'd ever understand.

Harri J Haataja

Mar 11, 2002, 5:19:04 AM3/11/02
Stuart Lamble wrote:
>In article <LhVi8.7482$>,

>>Lionel <> wrote:
>>> It's always nice to get a good excuse to flame
>>> a little script-kiddie. (You are at least a script-kiddie, right? -
>>> You're not just a warez-kiddie, I hope?)
>>What evidence do you have that I participate in the above illegal activities?
>>Why are you making up such lies?
>>If you're going to insult me, insult what you see and know, not some
>>prefab-strawman you've created in your head. You can do better, Lionel.
>*breaks out the popcorn*
>*breaks out the soft drink*
>*breaks out the other nibblies*
>*settles onto the couch*
>This is gonna be _good_. Anybody who wants to join me, there's plenty of
>room. BYO grog, I'm afraid.

*scrolls about the group*
*checks dates*
*gets some more tea*

Seem there's quite a bit already. What better way to start a recovery
day. Especially since the weather's hideous again. Not going to go
shopping for a new camera today.

I'm broken. Please show this to someone who can fix can fix
-- A message in a TeX system

Harri J Haataja

Mar 11, 2002, 5:27:41 AM3/11/02
Lionel wrote:
>James Riden <> said:

>> (Suresh Ramasubramanian) writes:
>>> Which is why the tin version you use shows a vanilla redhat. Yup, you
>>> are beyond insults, in that case.
>>Nothing wrong with vanilla redhat. Er, provided it's not connected to
>>the Internet in any manner. Or any other network. And you don't try to
>>use l****c**f.
>Yech. Bloody l****c**f. WTF were RedHat thinking when put that in their

Something like: "Let us leverage existing technologies and provide a
user-friendly, effective, scalable and robust synergetic solution."

RH itself is not that bad a starting point. It's actually fairly
"clean"[0] after you remove all the config hassles and do some other
(avoiding UI) stuff.

[0] as in fairly simple and not completely inconsistent

James Riden

Mar 11, 2002, 6:52:57 AM3/11/02
to writes:

> James Riden <> wrote:
> > He would appear to the maintainer of the FAQ for
> > Frankly, I'm speechless.
> Why? Does my conscious refusal to cater to your collective neuroses
> somehow preclude me from being productive and/or knowledgeable in other
> areas of my life?

No. It's because you have a fake From line, and you post a FAQ with
this fake From line: $ .
At least you could make it funny if you're going to fake it.

Do you expect people to read your FAQ, when you don't read other

> There's more to life than ASR, james...

<looks guilty> I was waiting for a job to finish.

James Riden /
MSc Student, Dept. of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
My opinions are my own, not the University's.

Bogdan Iamandei [ROT13]

Mar 11, 2002, 7:23:32 AM3/11/02
In article <a6eceo$e0r$>, jcp wrote:
><> allegedly wrote:
> [snip]
> ~

Namely /linux.html:

^^^^ You call this that you have a clue? MORON!
Bugger me - I wasn't expecting a shell script!

Besides - what follows is of such a luserishness I can hardly express
it. HA! Calling the monks here control freaks. How would you call then
someone who fires a mail when his DHCP address changed? Furrrfu! And
at hotmail/yahoo/whatever accounts - well known for their security

$DEITY! You call yourself a SA? You're but a luser with delusions of
sk1p7-k1dd13! Again - if you can't take a hint - Fuck Off And Die!


Mommy-mommy, can I play with him a little bit before I *plonk* him too?


Suresh Ramasubramanian

Mar 11, 2002, 8:22:37 AM3/11/02
Bogdan Iamandei [ROT13] [alt.sysadmin.recovery] <Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:23:32 GMT>:

> > *PLONK*
> Mommy-mommy, can I play with him a little bit before I *plonk* him too?

He's lionel's food. Good monks don't play with other monks' food.
Sitting back and enjoying the show (beer and popcorn optional extras) is
perfectly all right though.


Bogdan Iamandei [ROT13]

Mar 11, 2002, 9:09:56 AM3/11/02

But can we shake him as if he'd be still alive, if we see (the) lionel
losing interest in playing with him?

This brings a new image in my mind: The pit with lionels! Much more
apropriate name for what becomes the monastery when a monk forgets to
close the door behind him and a luser trips in.

Suresh Ramasubramanian

Mar 11, 2002, 10:15:14 AM3/11/02
Bogdan Iamandei [ROT13] [alt.sysadmin.recovery] <Mon, 11 Mar 2002 14:09:56 GMT>:

> <shudder>
> This brings a new image in my mind: The pit with lionels! Much more
> apropriate name for what becomes the monastery when a monk forgets to
> close the door behind him and a luser trips in.

Luser martyrs?


David P. Murphy

Mar 11, 2002, 10:44:41 AM3/11/02
to wrote:

> If their work is so bad, they should consider finding new
> contracts/employers. As skilled professionals in demand, we have our
> pick of the work we want, and and are both entitled and able to hold out
> for work that we enjoy and find interesting, in a healthy working
> environment.

Nominated for the _Most Obvious Troll in the Monastery_ award.
And I don't see much competetion in the next nine months.

David P. Murphy

Mar 11, 2002, 11:14:36 AM3/11/02
to wrote:

> I can't think of any particular stories that would appeal to you folks.

Then why are you posting here?

> Our users are generally pretty competent, our management works closely
> with us, and the other sysadmins are usually easy to get along with.
> When there are problems, they are mostly the result of our frantic pace
> of change, and/or overwork.

Then why are you posting here?

> I love my job, and consider myself blessed in many ways.

Then why are you posting here?

> Being "clued" in this NG appears to consist of being a hidebound, misanthropic,
> bitter old fart. I'll pass, thx.

Too stupid to understand the "recovery" part of the group's name.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Mar 10, 2002, 12:55:06 PM3/10/02

In <Xns91CD5D627617As...@>, on 03/10/2002
at 03:16 PM, "Chris \"Saundo\" Saunderson" <>

>Actually, you're the misanthrope.

Also lacking in the civility that he claims, e.g., croos-posting to and alt.his.favorite.recreation.

>Wanna bet? You ARE a fucking wanker; though cross posting to
> indicates that wanking is all you're doing.

I took it as a sign that in his yard men were men and sheep were

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
Reply to domain Patriot dot net user shmuel+bspfh to contact me.
"The most dementing of all modern sins:
the inability to distinguish excellence from success." David Hare

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Mar 10, 2002, 12:40:43 PM3/10/02

In <RXBi8.4839$>, on 03/10/2002

>I'm well aware that this NG is composed of misanthropes,

Nu, so why are you surprised that we point out your little lapses?

>and find it sad
>that so many havn't been able to better cope with the trade's
>inherent challenges.

You mean like the challenge of learning the customs of a news group
prior to posting in it? Yeah, you haven't been able to cope with that
one very well.

>I havn't learned anything

That's as much as you need to write, TYVM. The remainder would just
weaken it.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Mar 11, 2002, 2:11:38 PM3/11/02

In <a6hd8l$fqo$>, on 03/11/2002

at 04:53 AM, Bogdan Iamandei <> said:

>My-my, what a cunning linguist you are.

My first take was that he has never been near a MOTOS, but then I
recalled a pinup girl[1] for nanas whose name begins with R.

[1] FSVO that I do not want to pursue further. Fortunately I was
seated at the time, without a cat, and was not eating or drinking.

>I have nothing in common with you,

He is a metazoan. You are a metazoan. You have many metabolic pathways
in common. Add him to your twit list and be grateful that evolution
was kinder to our species than to his.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Mar 11, 2002, 2:03:32 PM3/11/02

In <a6h80d$m52$>, on 03/11/2002
at 03:23 AM, (David P. Murphy) said:

>If you're going to s/kitchen/kitten/ then you must s/heat/clawed

A purring kitten, extruding and retracting her claws, is not
scratching you; She is showing her affection. Should you accidentally
frighten her or cause her pain, you will discover the difference.

Why is it that I will tolerate and be amused by behavior in a cat that
I would never allow from a MOTOS[1].

[1] Except infants, who have an exemption.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Mar 10, 2002, 12:48:03 PM3/10/02

In <K6Ei8.5275$>, on 03/10/2002
at 07:41 AM, said:

>Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery,alt.test


>Arbitrary guidelines, the manna of control freaks!

Ah, the scent of fresh Godwin in the morning.

>BTW, I've whittled my sig down to 4 lines. Can I hang with you
>guys now?

Sure, hang out with my twit list.

>(Not that there's anything
>wrong with that - It's far more preferable than you folk going out
>and killing hookers).

Is that what *you* do with them? I rather suspect that most of the
posters here will decline to follow your example, but please don't
feel slighted. Just fornicate yourself, in the fashion you indicated.
And give su madre my regards.


J.D. Baldwin

Mar 11, 2002, 3:07:05 PM3/11/02

In the previous article, <> wrote:
> (Posted earlier, but forgot to nccebir it)

You really *are* the biggest idiot who's wandered in here in some
years, aren't you?
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone disagrees with any statement I make, I
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |am quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ /|to deny under oath that I ever made it. -T. Lehrer

Alexander Schreiber

Mar 11, 2002, 3:29:22 PM3/11/02
to <> wrote:
>Bogdan Iamandei <> wrote:
>> Strike 1: Crossposting
>What's wrong w...


>> Strike 2: Bloated, non-standard siganture
>How is is "Not standard"?? Where has the standard been defined?

By violating The Standard (TM). Which was definded At The Appropriate
Time And Place (TM).

>> Strike 3: We don't need a strike 3. You *will* FOAD! NOW!
>That's not a very nice thing to say.

This is not alt.sysadmin.nicey-nicey - just for your information.

Now please be so kind as to die quietly without disturbing anybody
and don't forget to arrange an environment-friendly disposal of your

EMail : | WWW :
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
looks like work." -- Thomas A. Edison


Mar 11, 2002, 4:54:59 PM3/11/02
On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 04:35:17 GMT, Mike Andrews wrote:

>If your guess was "the network installation and mainframe OS
>groups", then you win. And please stay the fsck away from me.
>I don't want to be anywhere near anyone who can guess answers
>like that.

I took the hint last year, you're in no danger of seeing me in

We've got enough youth, what we need is a fountain of intelligence

Taki Kogoma

Mar 11, 2002, 5:58:02 PM3/11/02
On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 20:07:05 +0000 (UTC), did,
to alt.sysadmin.recovery decree...

>In the previous article, <> wrote:
>> (Posted earlier, but forgot to nccebir it)
>You really *are* the biggest idiot who's wandered in here in some
>years, aren't you?

For Ghu's sake, isn't there enough proof extant without you asking for

Gym "I'm only seeing replies to this one, and I'm not bored enough to
figure out what in my KILLfile's nailing him..." Quirk

Capt. Gym Z. Quirk -- quirk @ | /"\ ASCII RIBBON
(Known to some as Taki Kogoma) | \ / CAMPAIGN
I'll get a life when somone shows that | X AGAINST HTML MAIL
It'd be superior to what I have now. | / \ AND POSTINGS

Ralph Wade Phillips

Mar 11, 2002, 6:19:18 PM3/11/02
Grr ...

"Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz" <> wrote in
message news:3c8cff84$9$fuzhry+tra$

> In <a6h80d$m52$>, on 03/11/2002
> at 03:23 AM, (David P. Murphy) said:
> >If you're going to s/kitchen/kitten/ then you must s/heat/clawed
> >skin/
> A purring kitten, extruding and retracting her claws, is not
> scratching you; She is showing her affection. Should you accidentally
> frighten her or cause her pain, you will discover the difference.
> Why is it that I will tolerate and be amused by behavior in a cat that
> I would never allow from a MOTOS[1].

<blink> But, when SWMBO'ed is snuggled up against me, and is doing
the same thing with her nails, I don't DISALLOW it ...

And, yah, if I caused her pain or frightened her, those self-same
"nails" would let me know in a hurry ...

> [1] Except infants, who have an exemption.

ButOFCourse. Won't say the same for their parents who won't clip
the little one's fingernails ...


Ralph Wade Phillips

Mar 11, 2002, 6:22:22 PM3/11/02
Grr ...

"Mike Andrews" <> wrote in message

> Our Helldesk has one fsckwit who sends PeeCee software and hardware
> bugs to -- take a guess!

Oooo! I know the answer to this one! It's either the network and
mainframe group, or the janitorial closet (as the two places furthest
removed from where this SHOULD go). And, since you're not the janitor, I say
"the network and mainframe group"! What do I win?

> If your guess was "the network installation and mainframe OS
> groups", then you win. And please stay the fsck away from me.
> I don't want to be anywhere near anyone who can guess answers
> like that.

<blink> It really wasn't a guess ... that's about as far from where
it SHOULD go as you could get.


Jasper Janssen

Mar 11, 2002, 6:14:11 PM3/11/02
On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 20:07:05 +0000 (UTC),
(J.D. Baldwin) wrote:
>In the previous article, <> wrote:
>> (Posted earlier, but forgot to *&^$**^)(^*&* it)

>You really *are* the biggest idiot who's wandered in here in some
>years, aren't you?


Don't do that. Not even quoted-ROTted.


J.D. Baldwin

Mar 11, 2002, 6:27:25 PM3/11/02

In the previous article, Ralph Wade Phillips <>
> And, since you're not the janitor, I say [...]

s/not the/a different kind of/

Daniel W. Johnson

Mar 11, 2002, 6:28:18 PM3/11/02
<> wrote:

> Network security incident? Are you making this up as you go along, Lionel?
> Although I mentioned an incident, I did not say that it was security, or
> network related. While learning my way around my campuses computers, as
> a user, I tested out the "wall" command, and to my suprise, and the
> surprise of hundreds of users, it worked.
> Computing services administration was not impressed...

If you were able to use the "wall" command despite their wishes, that
relates to security (or the absence thereof). And unless all the
hundreds of users were in the same room, there was probably some sort of
network involved.
Daniel W. Johnson
039 53 36 N / 086 11 55 W

J.D. Baldwin

Mar 11, 2002, 6:28:21 PM3/11/02

In the previous article, Jasper Janssen <> wrote:

Thwap richly deserved. I went back and forth on that one. Shoulda
stopped at "back."

Mike Andrews

Mar 11, 2002, 7:18:04 PM3/11/02
Chris Suslowicz <> wrote:
: In article <9uWi8.2295$>,
: (Mike Andrews) wrote:

:>Our Helldesk has one fsckwit who sends PeeCee software and hardware

:>bugs to -- take a guess!

:>If your guess was "the network installation and mainframe OS

:>groups", then you win. And please stay the fsck away from me.
:>I don't want to be anywhere near anyone who can guess answers
:>like that.

: But.... *all* helpdesks do that. It's no fun unless they can
: keep passing a problem from one wrong group to another until
: the SLA has expired and the person /supposed/ to be fixing
: it is neck-deep in PHB's wanting to know why it took so long.

Oh, this is always the _initial_ assignment. The "rationale"[1]
appears to be that these groups have people capable of fixing
damn near anything.

: Chris (who appears to have become the 'Lord High Fixer' for
: IP printers, somehow. It wouldn't be quite so bad if the
: installation team didn't generate IP addresses by rectal
: extraction, and actually handed out the correct port numbers.)

You need a Notwork Guru who hands out the IPs on a per-printer
basis, as the printers go on inventory, and $DEITY he;p anyone
who assigns any other IP.

[1] Misnomer, of course, since it presupposes rationality on
the part of the Helldesk drone.

It is a source of much embarassment to me that I was distracted
by a combination of Usenet, Western European history, and writing
instead of wine, women and song.
-- Matt McLeod, in the Monastery

Mar 11, 2002, 7:27:29 PM3/11/02
At a random point in time "Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz" <> blathered insanely:

> In <a6h80d$m52$>, on 03/11/2002
> at 03:23 AM, (David P. Murphy) said:

>>If you're going to s/kitchen/kitten/ then you must s/heat/clawed

> A purring kitten, extruding and retracting her claws, is not
> scratching you; She is showing her affection. Should you accidentally
> frighten her or cause her pain, you will discover the difference.

> Why is it that I will tolerate and be amused by behavior in a cat that
> I would never allow from a MOTOS[1].

Eons of careful manipulation by the furry little bastards. ICBW but
aren't cats the only domesticated species that no longer fulfils
the role for which they were domesticated? Dogs still act as guards[2].
If someone broke in to your home, I am sure a good number
of cats would sit down and watch, after getting the popcorn and a
comfy cushion.

[1] NMF
[2] OK, most dogs[3]
[3] Alright, a statistically significant proportion of them

: Tech Support: The guys who follow the
: 'Parade of New Products' with a shovel.
Mike Andrews

Patrick R. Wade

Mar 11, 2002, 7:56:05 PM3/11/02
In article <3c8d4b71$0$>, wrote:
>Eons of careful manipulation by the furry little bastards. ICBW but
>aren't cats the only domesticated species that no longer fulfils
>the role for which they were domesticated? Dogs still act as guards[2].
>If someone broke in to your home, I am sure a good number
>of cats would sit down and watch, after getting the popcorn and a
>comfy cushion.

At least in North America, there are still such things as "barn cats".
And if a rodent *did* enter my house looking for stored grain, i have
no doubt whatsover that the resident felines would take vigorous action
to stop it [0].

[0] they might not think of it like that, but it would have the effect
of preventing what's left of the rodent from despoiling my granaries.

[2] NMF
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

James Vandenberg

Mar 11, 2002, 9:02:02 PM3/11/02
Patrick R. Wade said:
> [0] they might not think of it like that, but it would have the effect
> of preventing what's left of the rodent from despoiling my granaries.

IWPTA "grannies" and got precisely the wrong image.

James Vandenberg Email: james at
GPG FP= 65AB 179A D884 EDC6 216D FE6A 6833 02BC 4425 4F70
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. ICQ: 151135390

David P. Murphy

Mar 11, 2002, 9:06:02 PM3/11/02
Lionel <> wrote:
> Word has it that on 11 Mar 2002 10:05:32 GMT, in this august forum,
> (Red Drag Diva) said:

>>Oh, the lurkers support you in email?

> Yep, & some actual posters as well.

I hereby denounce you as a False Lionel and demand that the
Once and Future Lionel be reinstated.

Just to balance things out.

David P. Murphy

Mar 11, 2002, 9:07:49 PM3/11/02
Daniel W. Johnson <> wrote:

> If you were able to use the "wall" command despite their wishes, that
> relates to security (or the absence thereof). And unless all the
> hundreds of users were in the same room, there was probably some sort of
> network involved.

It's a single VAX-11/750 with 24 VT100s, therefore, not a network.

David P. Murphy

Mar 11, 2002, 9:09:47 PM3/11/02
Lionel <> wrote:
> Word has it that on Mon, 11 Mar 2002 11:40:06 GMT, in this august forum,
> (Andrew Dalgleish) said:

>>Would you trust a security faq whose maintainer also posts under
>>the name '$kr1p7_k177y' ?

> Although that xlates to 'skript kitty',
> so at least he's not totally humourless.

s/not totally humourless/completely unoriginal/

David P. Murphy

Mar 11, 2002, 9:11:20 PM3/11/02
Lionel <> wrote:

> Bah! I clip Patrick's nails once a week, & it's *still* not often enough
> to prevent him from gouging skin from himself & others. If I didn't know
> better, I'd think he was part siamese. And I'm sure you can imagine how
> much he loves having his nails clipped. He's strong enough, & struggles
> enough that I'm always in terror that I'll snip off a fingertip as well
> as the nail.

Connor is always calm and patient for all such tasks.

Mike Andrews

Mar 11, 2002, 10:27:57 PM3/11/02
Chris Rovers <> wrote:
: In article <39Zi8.12873$>,
: <> wrote:

:>"We feel that Goldstein took a preventative measure against yet another
:> Arab attack." -The Jewish Defense League's position on Baruch Goldstein,
:> who opened fire on unarmed Muslims as they prayed in a Hebron
:> mosque, killing 30 worshippers and wounding over 150 more.

: Still can't fit it in 4 lines... blanks do count, you know.

So do .357 hollowpoints and .45 ball.

...the read microsoft client. Also doubles as a mail-reader and a
reminder service (remind me). Now with the read fast option!
-- Ingvar

Bill Hay

Mar 11, 2002, 9:53:30 AM3/11/02
In article <8l1j8.7736$>,
Bogdan Iamandei [ROT13] wrote:
>In article <a6eceo$e0r$>, jcp wrote:
>><> allegedly wrote:
>> [snip]
>> ~
>Namely /linux.html:
> ^^^^ You call this that you have a clue? MORON!
That is actually specified in the man page.


Mike Andrews

Mar 12, 2002, 10:26:00 AM3/12/02
Paul Mc Auley <> wrote:
: Andrew Dalgleish wrote on Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:40:06 GMT:
: | In article <9uWi8.2295$>,
: | Mike Andrews wrote:

: | > If your guess was "the network installation and mainframe OS

: | > groups", then you win. And please stay the fsck away from me.
: | > I don't want to be anywhere near anyone who can guess answers
: | > like that.

: | But isn't that what *you* would have guessed?

: We don't need to guess, we've lived it.

: We had one special[1] case who would be told an explanation for a problem at
: the start of the day, and would then use some minor variation on it to
: as an answer to every problem for the rest of the day.

: It came to take an effort of will not to beat him to a pulp while screaming:

Oh! After he retired from WeBuildHighways, he started at your
shop? I'm thinking o a guy who _really_ got to exercise his sense
of wonder. He woke to a new world every day. An all-new world.
As in not being able to remember how to log on the Dinosaur, back
when it was all we had.

"We've been decoding a 'Make Money Fast' chain letter for the last month!"
"Those Bastards!" -- george william herbert, in rasfw

Mike Andrews

Mar 12, 2002, 10:28:24 AM3/12/02
Justin Warren <> wrote:
: What was that? Oh, just Lionel:
:> Word has it that on Mon, 11 Mar 2002 03:15:31 GMT, in this august forum,
:> said:
:>>OS flames are right up there with ISP flames: both are cheap and gay.
:> Gotta love a teenage script-kiddie who thinks that calling something
:> 'gay' is an insult...

: Particularly in a froup where _much_ more entertaining variations
: are somewhat common.

Now, guys, he _may_ have been using "gay" in its older sense, as
in "the banners flapped gaily".

: Whatever happened to Thorfy anyway?

Good Q.

: --
: "I think that you're close to A Fundamental Truth:
: Lusers Make Everything Suck."
: -- Mike Andrews in a.s.r

Did I write that? Really? Wow. I don't remember it.

Who was I channeling?

Of course the US Constitution isn't perfect; but it's a lot better than what
we have now.
-- Eric Sheppard (ce1...@prism.gatech.EDU)

J.D. Baldwin

Mar 12, 2002, 10:52:43 AM3/12/02

In the previous article, Mike Andrews <> wrote:
> : "I think that you're close to A Fundamental Truth:
> : Lusers Make Everything Suck."
> : -- Mike Andrews in a.s.r
> Did I write that? Really? Wow. I don't remember it.

If it had only been "Lusers All Make Everything Really Suck," it would
have made a cool acronym. Or, rather, an uncool one.

J. Michael Looney

Mar 12, 2002, 11:02:24 AM3/12/02
In article
>At least in North America, there are still such things as "barn cats".
>And if a rodent *did* enter my house looking for stored grain, i have
>no doubt whatsover that the resident felines would take vigorous action
>to stop it [0].

Of my current 5, I have 3 good mousers, one that could care less and one that,
I think, is scared of mice.

Granted these are _house_ cats, not barn cats.

When we moved into $HOUSE[-1] it had a bit of a mouse problem. We brought the
then current 6 cats over. They caught 9 in the first day, 3 the next and 1 two
days later. After that they would get about 1 ever 4 months or so. We never
saw mouse sign after we did the "move in clean up" (at which time we _did_ see
lots of mice turds). I suspect that mice from the empty lot next door
straying into the house was where the once every 4 month mouse came from, not
that there were any still living in the house.

Silliness is the last refuse of the doomed.
P. Opus

Suresh Ramasubramanian

Mar 12, 2002, 11:06:46 AM3/12/02
J. Michael Looney [alt.sysadmin.recovery] <12 Mar 2002 16:02:24 GMT>:

> Of my current 5, I have 3 good mousers, one that could care less and one
> that, I think, is scared of mice.

Hmm.. so even cats come in the BOFH / LUSER category?


David P. Murphy

Mar 12, 2002, 12:15:37 PM3/12/02
Lionel <> wrote:
> Word has it that on 12 Mar 2002 12:21:36 GMT, in this august forum,
> (Anthony de Boer - USEnet) said:

>>David P. Murphy staggered into the Black Sun and said:
>>>I hereby denounce you as a False Lionel and demand that the
>>>Once and Future Lionel be reinstated.

>>s/Once and Future/True/.
>>Oh, and up near the top, add:
>>bool Lionel;

> I should start returning imaginary numbers just to confuse things. ;)

I hadn't realized you were such a complex individual.

David P. Murphy

Mar 12, 2002, 12:20:45 PM3/12/02
Lionel <> wrote:

> Oh, little things like actually saying what platforms or OS'es you admin
> for example. Traditionally, one delurks here with a nice rant about some
> incident that's occurred recently in the course of your duties. My
> all-time favourite was the gorgeous rant someone here wrote about their
> adventures with a faulty TK-50 unit on their VAX.

Message-ID? "faulty TK50" is the same set as "TK50".

Ralph Wade Phillips

Mar 12, 2002, 12:29:50 PM3/12/02
Grr ...

"Suresh Ramasubramanian" <> wrote in message

Ayep. Our fluffball (which should be named "Random Numbers", since
that's what bounces around in its skull) chases little wiffle-type balls,
and ignores mice. Our dog, which is part German Shepherd and part Clysdale
(we think)? Catches and kills mice, ignores bouncing balls ...


David P. Murphy

Mar 12, 2002, 12:36:27 PM3/12/02
Lionel <> wrote:

> Indeed. In Patrick's case, he has a smile that outshines the rising sun.
> :)

In the monastery, anything can be interpreted as an invitation to a DSW.

Dan Holdsworth

Mar 11, 2002, 5:57:19 PM3/11/02
On 10 Mar 2002 11:30:35 +0000, James Riden
was popularly supposed to have said:

> (Suresh Ramasubramanian) writes:
>> Which is why the tin version you use shows a vanilla redhat. Yup, you
>> are beyond insults, in that case.
>Nothing wrong with vanilla redhat. Er, provided it's not connected to
>the Internet in any manner. Or any other network. And you don't try to
>use l****c**f.


Go wash yer mouth out with soap, you insulting little wotsit!

I'll not have people going round mentioning abominations like the
malconfiguration-widget-that-shall-not-be-named in cold blood, I'll
have you know!

Honestly, you got me going by suggesting that vanilla Deadrat was
useful, but then that...


Dan Holdsworth PhD
By caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, By the beans of Java
do thoughts acquire speed, hands acquire shaking, the shaking
becomes a warning, By caffeine alone do I set my mind in motion

Dan Holdsworth

Mar 11, 2002, 6:17:52 PM3/11/02
On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 07:37:35 GMT,
was popularly supposed to have said:

>Lionel <> wrote:
>> Oh, little things like actually saying what platforms or OS'es you admin
>> for example. Traditionally, one delurks here with a nice rant about some
>> incident that's occurred recently in the course of your duties. My
>> all-time favourite was the gorgeous rant someone here wrote about their
>> adventures with a faulty TK-50 unit on their VAX.

>I work with primarily with HP-UX (11.00 and 10.20), Shark, and HDS99xx,
>with a little AIX 4.3 (TSM Server) on the side.
>I can't think of any particular stories that would appeal to you folks.

You work with that any you have no stories? What do you do, sweep up
packets that the route has dropped or something?

>Our users are generally pretty competent, our management works closely
>with us, and the other sysadmins are usually easy to get along with.
>When there are problems, they are mostly the result of our frantic pace
>of change, and/or overwork.

This bloke is on drugs. Bloody powerful ones, I'd say.

That or he has been in the job about five minutes, knows fuck-all about
anything and has no capacity for learning. IT manglement that "works
closely" usually means "micro-managing arsehole who's always looking over
your shoulder", and problems caused by overwork are usually the result
of management buggering things up in planning.

>I love my job, and consider myself blessed in many ways.

Find out what this plonker is taking; I want to introduce it into the
students' coffee machines and give us all a break at $ORK.

>> No, but feel free to do so after you've shown some evidence you are a
>> sysadmin, & that you have some shred of a clue.
>Being "clued" in this NG appears to consist of being a hidebound, misanthropic,
>bitter old fart. I'll pass, thx.

Heh. You'll pass, eh? Call us again in five years and say that.

>In any case, the weekend is over, and I must turn my attention to more
>serious pursuits. Although this hasn't been as entertaining as expected, it
>was, nonetheless, interesting...

You know, I always did say that "Care in the community" was a bloody stupid
idea; here is empirical proof.

Earl Grey

Mar 12, 2002, 2:07:32 PM3/12/02
David P. Murphy wrote:

> Lionel <> wrote:
> > (Anthony de Boer - USEnet) said:
> > > David P. Murphy staggered into the Black Sun and said:
> > > > I hereby denounce you as a False Lionel and demand that the
> > > > Once and Future Lionel be reinstated.
> > > s/Once and Future/True/.
> > > Oh, and up near the top, add:
> > > bool Lionel;
> > I should start returning imaginary numbers just to confuse things. ;)
> I hadn't realized you were such a complex individual.

I have integrated the above into a more recognizable format,
but find little that I can derive from it.
I don't like the vector this conversation is taking.

Now all we need is a poster named Eigen to add Value to this cascade.

They tell me that you're going to try posting to Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery.
It's a Magnificent Idea; A Daring and Splendid Idea! It will be FUN!
Assuming you're not vaporized, dissected, or otherwise killed in an
assortment of supremely horrible and painful ways! Exciting, Isn't It?!

Earl Grey

Mar 12, 2002, 2:12:36 PM3/12/02
David P. Murphy wrote:


<Voice TYPE="Riddick"
Cute Kid.

> In the monastery, anything can be interpreted as an invitation to a DSW.

So it would seem, so it would seem.
Nice place for it!

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Mar 12, 2002, 2:06:49 PM3/12/02
In <3c8d4b71$0$>, on 03/12/2002

at 12:27 AM, said:

>Eons of careful manipulation by the furry little bastards.

They're slipping; we no longer worship them.

>aren't cats the only domesticated species that no longer fulfils
>the role for which they were domesticated?

They still mouse. I understand that they are quite useful on farms.
Hasn't a cat ever given you a present?

I don't believe that they ever stood watch, at least not on behalf of
anyone but themselves.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
Reply to domain Patriot dot net user shmuel+bspfh to contact me.
"The most dementing of all modern sins:
the inability to distinguish excellence from success." David Hare

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Mar 12, 2002, 2:00:00 PM3/12/02

In <3c8d3717$>, on 03/11/2002
at 05:19 PM, "Ralph Wade Phillips" <> said:

> ButOFCourse. Won't say the same for their parents who won't
>clip the little one's fingernails ...

You'd be surprised at what they can do with clipped hands. Or with
heads, if you hadn't already been told of Connor's exploit.

Dan Birchall

Mar 12, 2002, 2:51:48 PM3/12/02
to (Mike Andrews) wrote:
> : But.... *all* helpdesks do that. It's no fun unless they can
> : keep passing a problem from one wrong group to another until
> : the SLA has expired and the person /supposed/ to be fixing
> : it is neck-deep in PHB's wanting to know why it took so long.
> Oh, this is always the _initial_ assignment. The "rationale"[1]
> appears to be that these groups have people capable of fixing
> damn near anything.

This is another pain that is currently lingering for me. Systems?
Development? Databases? E-Marketing? Let's see... we'll need
a couple people from the requisite department, and a couple people
from corporate, and a couple folks from whatever vendor is involved,
and... Dan.

Which means I get to sit on conference calls where most or all of
it has nothing to do with me, and get Cc'ed on all manner of things
that have nothing to do with me.

Of course, I'm getting paid hourly these days...

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - M Gandhi
Please read my address very carefully before sending me any spam.

D. Joseph Creighton

Mar 12, 2002, 2:55:44 PM3/12/02
In the last exciting episode, David P. Murphy <> wrote:

Sometimes I wish we could return to such happy times.

}In the monastery, anything can be interpreted as an invitation to a DSW.

Naturally, you've forced my hand: I must now offer up my current online
mini-album, normally shared with non-local friends/family.

(Though I defer to a slightly older pair for sheer joy potential:

FAWC, next updates are due in April.
"Your pager number has a do I dial a tilde?" - Dilbert (Adams)
D. Joseph Creighton [ESTP] | Systems Analyst, Database Technologies, IST
Joe_Cr...@UManitoba.CA | University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB, Canada, eh?

Mar 12, 2002, 3:18:57 PM3/12/02
"Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz" <> wrote:
> In <3c8d4b71$0$>, on 03/12/2002
> at 12:27 AM, said:

>>Eons of careful manipulation by the furry little bastards.

> They're slipping; we no longer worship them.

I'll have to report you to the Ecclesiastical Police for that. Please state
your preference for reincarnation:
A) Scratching post
B) Litter box
C) Ball of yarn

Hurry up, and let's not have any more trouble out of you, Biped.
Charles Herbig
A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Four Furrballs of the Apocalypse
Strange Feline Consulting Cat-Herder Extraordinaire
Rev. Chas, Pope of the Temple of Occupied Mexico

Robert A. Uhl

Mar 12, 2002, 3:28:31 PM3/12/02
In article <3c8e51c9$1$fuzhry+tra$>, Shmuel

(Seymour J.) Metz wrote:
> They still mouse. I understand that they are quite useful on farms.

To tell the truth, that's the only use I've ever seen for cats. The
great difference between cats and dogs is that, should you die at
home, the dog will starve to death.

That, and the thrice-accursed beast I took care of one summer between
years of college. There was much rejoicing when it ran away.

Robert Uhl <>
The aggressor is a man of peace. He wants nothing more than to march
into a neighbouring country unresisted. --Clausewitz

Mike Andrews

Mar 12, 2002, 3:42:32 PM3/12/02
David P. Murphy <> wrote:
: Lionel <> wrote:

:> Indeed. In Patrick's case, he has a smile that outshines the rising sun.
:> :)


The radiant beauty of innocent youth. Before they Find Out.

A few years ago, Friday, October 14 was World Standards Day. Or, at
least, it was World Standards Day in *some* countries. However, in
America, the celebrations were held on October 11th. In Finland,
World Standards Day was marked on October 13th. Italy planned a
separate conference on standards for October 18th. - Shakib Otaqui

Tanuki the Raccoon-dog

Mar 12, 2002, 4:14:17 PM3/12/02
In <3c8d4b71$0$>, said
>Eons of careful manipulation by the furry little bastards. ICBW but

>aren't cats the only domesticated species that no longer fulfils
>the role for which they were domesticated?

And God created Cat to be a companion to Adam.
And Cat would not obey Adam.
And when Adam gazed into Cat's eyes, he was reminded that he was _not_
the supreme being.
And Adam learned humility.
And God was pleased.
And Adam was greatly improved.
And Cat did not give a flying fsck one way or the other.
!Raised Tails! -:Tanuki:-
"I have seen the future, and it drools"

It is loading more messages.
0 new messages