On 2022-08-08 10:21, Bob Eager wrote:
> On Mon, 08 Aug 2022 02:39:06 +0000, John Levine wrote:
>> It appears that Jonathan Harston <
j...@mdfs.net> said:
>>> In Unix, user code can't "see" I/O locations. Is there an API to access
>>> the blinkenlights? V5 and V6 had the switch() call that read the
>>> switches, but it was dropped in V7, and there's nothing that would write
>>> to the lights.
>> The lights weren't programmable on any PDP-11 I used. They showed the
>> PC or address register or some other internal thing.
>> If your emulated PDP-11 has programmable lights, it shouldn't be very
>> hard to write a device driver that lets you write a word of data and
>> puts it in the lights.
> On older PDP-11s you could write to the switch register bus address and
> the value would appear on the DATA lights.
If we talk Unix. Under RT-11, it's very straight forward. Under RSX you
need to have your program privileged/mapped to the I/O page. Under