You haven't got a clue in the world about CS's ability to handle
pathagen except what the American Moron Association (or European
equivalent) have written about it.
Do you honestly believe that ANY medical report would purposly say
ANYTHING good about ANYTHING that just might break their strangle hold
on the public? America (and most of the "civilized" world) exist in a
drug-based culture, which is totally controled by the (so called)
medical community.
Colloidal Silver threatens that stability due to the FACTS that it is
cheap, available, WORKS on many problems and is (as of now)
non-regulated, except via packaging and labeling laws.
Someone like you speaking about whether or not CS is effective is like a
prostitute explaining the virtues of virginity. The last time you
muttered about the effectiveness of CS and that no tests had been
conducted, I notified you about the tests which had been conducted.
But, OH NOOO, that just wasn't good enough for you.
You're like the gun-grabbers: damn any evidence to the contrary - GUNS
Get the hell off your soap box until you've personally tried either MY
Colloidal Silver (which I will give you free, if you WITH YOUR HONOR
promise to use it in accordance with my suggestions) or some other
weaker brand.
For those who don't have their heads stuck up the AMA's butt, go to and look up my Colloidal Silver.
I have the ONLY independent lab tests done on ANY colloidal silver
available on my CS site.
The next time you open your mouth, make DAMN sure you have PERSONAL
experiance about that which you profess knowledge.
There are too many people who listen for you to give bad advise to.
The Gunrunner
"In this jungle called life - only the TIGERS survive!" (personal page) (Corporate entrance page)
Sorry to repost the entire exchange.
Please imagine the year is 1899 instead of 1999.
Re-read the post where I've substituted the words "CS" and "Colloidal Silver"
with "SO" and "Snake Oil(tm)".
Sheds new light, yes?
How about some "independent tests" for magnetic bracelets and 'healing power
Lots of folks swear by those things as well.
As for recruiting "guinea pigs" for your product, try the winos downtown.
They'll drink *anything*.
Condor Chef
--"This thing about being a hero, about the main thing to do is to know
when to die. Prolonged life has ruined more men than it ever made."
--Will Rogers
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
While in non-compliance with local decency ordinances the world over,
The Gunrunner <> spake:
>I always find it so funny when someone who has NO IDEA about a subject
>is so willing to speak with such pretend authority. Just how much CS
>have you EVER used? What brand? What condition were you trying to
I don't use it. There's a damned good reason why I left it alone. I do
not need to drink your patent poison to know it for what it is, for
the same reason that I don't have to eat my .45 to know that it would
probably kill me.
>You haven't got a clue in the world about CS's ability to handle
>pathagen except what the American Moron Association (or European
>equivalent) have written about it.
If that's the best that you can do to defend CS, then no wonder your
life in general looks so miserable from here.
If you're the genius, then answer me these questions three:
1) By what mechanism does CS kill pathogens and/or cure disease in
2) By what mechanism is it prevented from having this same effect on
the human subject?
3) When and by what method did you study this?
>Do you honestly believe that ANY medical report would purposly say
>ANYTHING good about ANYTHING that just might break their strangle hold
>on the public?
Even in the unlikely event that your disturbed semi-literate whining
is relevant to reality, research cannot be faked over the long term.
It's one hell of a scandal on the rare occasions that it happens at
Besides, the journals are full of aloe vera and there's a few articles
about coneflower, and the AMA pushes exercise as a heart disease
preventative even though they don't make any money off of it.
>Someone like you speaking about whether or not CS is effective is like a
>prostitute explaining the virtues of virginity. The last time you
>muttered about the effectiveness of CS and that no tests had been
>conducted, I notified you about the tests which had been conducted.
>But, OH NOOO, that just wasn't good enough for you.
Wrong. I was too busy having real live sex to pay any attention to you
during the last CS flamefest. However, Stan was right-in vitro tests
are not good enough. They prove nothing about the drug's effectiveness
in vivo, and they show nothing of possible side effects and
complications. As for side effects and complications, see:
1) Hanada, et al. 1998 "Silver in Sugar Particles and Systemic
Argyria" in Lancet
2) Beaurey, Weber, Jeandel, Netter 1986 "Argyria" in Therapie
3) Fung, Weintraub, Bowen 995 "Colloidial Silver Proteins marketed as
Health Supplements", in JAMA
If any of these articles have been faked, then cough up the _proof_.
The authors have explained their methods. Now either explain yours or
be exposed as the liar that you are.
>Get the hell off your soap box until you've personally tried either MY
>Colloidal Silver (which I will give you free, if you WITH YOUR HONOR
>promise to use it in accordance with my suggestions) or some other
>weaker brand.
No, I do not intend to poison myself in order for you to move your
sludge. And as for being quiet because I offend your pathetic excuse
for "reputation," well, deal with it. If you don't like what I say,
either ignore me or offer hard conclusive proof that I'm wrong. Your
"testimonials" are worthless, and I suspect faked as well.
>For those who don't have their heads stuck up the AMA's butt, go to
> and look up my Colloidal Silver.
>I have the ONLY independent lab tests done on ANY colloidal silver
>available on my CS site.
See above. The test in question proves precisely nothing about CS's
medicinal value.
>The next time you open your mouth, make DAMN sure you have PERSONAL
>experiance about that which you profess knowledge.
Yes. Anecdotal experience by an illiterate hack salesman is far more
important than any formal study. You know more about medicine,
biology, and biochemistry than anybody published in Lancet or JAMA or
NEJM. *snort*
As for my own personal experience: yes, I have done in vitro tests. CS
had no measurable effect on bacteria or protozoa, and was moderately
effective on algae.
>There are too many people who listen for you to give bad advise to.
I guess it's a good thing that I don't give bad advice, then. Maybe
you should try doing the same thing. Or maybe you should render a
greater service to the preparedness community and just shut the hell
Version: 2.6.2
Mike S. Medintz,
"I can try to get used to what she likes, but if I hear that
'From This Moment' song one more time I'm-a gonna go postal."
"I love Topeka," by T.J.J. Williams
For those of you who don't know who this jerk (Mike Medintz) is, he's a
kid of 22 going to a public school (University of Kansas). He has shown
himself to be an arrogant smart ass, willing to attempt (though feebly)
to insult, invalidate and belittle many of the realities hard working
Americans hold as truth.
He thinks of himself as "above" most people. He feels that the "normal"
man just isn't up to his level of academic studies, knowledge of the
universe or even has the ability to pour piss out of a boot with the
instructions on the heal.
He holds up as gospel (sorry - Mike would crap his drawers if I used ANY
word which smacks of religion!) I mean he believes anything the
educational elite have told him.
He speaks of freedom, but that only counts if it's HIS freedom.
Like his freedom to be an asshole;
his freedom to be condecending, arrogent and elitist in both his manner,
writing and connotations;
his freedom to pretend knowledge (look the word up, Mike) that he
doesn't have, like how bad and evil CS, private schools, religion, etc
I could go on, as I've read about 2,000 of his known posts to various
But suffice to say, Mike Medintz acts as a coward; willing to snipe,
insult and invalidate those who he feels can't take the appropiate
reprisals due his ilk.
Such as a broken nose.
Mike requires I use his favorite cowardly form of communication (posting
only as a third party - not directly to him at his email address) so I
will say this:
You are a child. You haven't even outgrown short pants, and are in line
for a good spanking by your peers.
In other words, you ain't seen nothing yet!
I've read your posts. You've shown good wisdom for one so young, and
you've shown much stupidity and stone-headedness as well. You're
learning about life, but unfortunatly, you're hamstrung by your
association with the Federal Indoctrination System, which has programmed
you with many socialist, ignorant, superstitious and elitist ideals.
You think you've got the whole world all figured out - but life likes to
rub the noses of the arrogant in reality all to often.
You speak to me as if I'm new to life. Just to enlighten you a bit:
I've chased Russian subs around Cuba-
I lived through the "Nam (enuf said)-
I helped save lives in both a flood and a volcanic eruption-
I have a Doctorate in Philosophy, a B of A in Psych, and I'm licensed to
teach through the 12th grade-
I've been clawed by a mountain lion, bitten by a wolf and did the
"rights of manhood" two-weeks-in-the-wilderness thing with the Hopi's.
I have killed some
I have healed some
I have trained others to kill and to heal
And been shot a time or two also.
And all this before you were even a gleam in your daddy's eyes.
You need a bit of humility. I don't mean lose your willingness to "get
into it" with people, your self-assurance 'nor your continued search for
that elusive thing known as "the truth".
Just mellow out a bit.
Give up that Irish beer.
Sam Adam's got it beat.
That and Southern Comfort.
"All right!" thought I; now we're getting somewhere! Empirical
results instead of rhetoric. So I went to your site
site and studied the studies. They seem to strongly
suggest that if you're a Petri dish at risk for microbial
contamination, then colloidal silver may indeed be efficacious.
This is step one. Unfortunately, there were no studies
that speak to its effectiveness on the skin, where the
chemistry is much more complex, or internally, where
things are even more complicated.
While in non-compliance with local decency ordinances the world over,
The Gunrunner <> spake:
>For those of you who don't know who this jerk (Mike Medintz) is, he's a
>kid of 22 going to a public school (University of Kansas).
That's already common knowledge.
>He has shown
>himself to be an arrogant smart ass, willing to attempt (though feebly)
>to insult, invalidate and belittle many of the realities hard working
>Americans hold as truth.
You still haven't proven incorrect anything that I've written. I'm
waiting, but I'm not holding my breath.
>He thinks of himself as "above" most people. He feels that the "normal"
>man just isn't up to his level of academic studies, knowledge of the
Oh, really? Funny, I've spent my years on usenet saying mostly the
opposite (that truth is there for anybody who will put the work into
seeing it).
>or even has the ability to pour piss out of a boot with the
>instructions on the heal.
I have the sense to not piss in my boots in the first place. I think
that'll be enough.
>his freedom to pretend knowledge (look the word up, Mike) that he
>doesn't have, like how bad and evil CS, private schools, religion, etc
Since I've never called private schools evil and don't make sweeping
generalizations about religion, I guess that makes you a liar. Big
>Mike requires I use his favorite cowardly form of communication (posting
>only as a third party - not directly to him at his email address) so I
>will say this:
It's called private property. My mail spool is my private property.
You are not welcome on my private property. It really is that simple,
just like I would arrest you if you entered my home.
>I've read your posts. You've shown good wisdom for one so young, and
>you've shown much stupidity and stone-headedness as well. You're
>learning about life, but unfortunatly, you're hamstrung by your
>association with the Federal Indoctrination System, which has programmed
>you with many socialist, ignorant, superstitious and elitist ideals.
Wait a minute: you sell CS and you're calling me ignorant and
superstitious? You claim that your revealed truth and anecdotes about
CS are the only valid evidence, rather than the research that can be
replicated by ANYONE, and you called me elitist?
That's the beautiful thing about hard scientific evidence: ANYBODY can
do the same experiment and get the same results. That's why it's
better than your elitist bullshit. _MY_ "truth" is there for ANYBODY
to see, who puts in the effort to look and to understand what it is
that they look for.
And what the hell is the "Federal Indoctrination System?" If that's
the one that taught me that BATF is a good thing and that New York
City is a fine place to live, then it's what one might call a dismal
>You speak to me as if I'm new to life. Just to enlighten you a bit:
No, I speak to you as though you are either a raving idiot or a
dishonest and dishonorable prick. And I don't give a damn about your
resume`. It shows nothing relevant to this discussion. It does not say
that you have medical training, or that you are an honest man.
In case you haven't noticed, people with philosophy degrees don't
impress me. If you want to wave academic creds with me, show me your
hard science background. If you want to prove your character, well,
too late. You already shit in your hat with me. If you want to compare
penis size, go somewhere else, since I don't play that game with
>Sam Adam's got it beat.
Hah. You mean the Kennedy Beer Company?
And weren't you on WebTV six months ago? Were you the clown who
started the last "Impeach Medintz" thread and griped about one of the
FAQ panels? And were you AKA "Marsha Halleck" maybe a year ago?
Version: 2.6.2
Are you free?
Do you own your body? Can you prostitute yourself, sell your organs, or
medicate yourself? Do you own your labor? Can you work for any wage
you want, whatever hours you want, and keep the fruits of your sweat?
Do you own your possessions? Can the terms of your property ownership
be changed at any time, or for any reason? Can your property be taxed
without limitation?
Can you travel freely? Must you carry identification papers for you and your
property, submit to search without warrant, cause, or recourse?
There is a spectrum upon which lie two endpoints. One point is slavery, and
at the other end: FREEDOM.
Bigoted and proud of it, eh?
Pat T.
What are you afraid of? Is it fear of what would happen to your world
if you actually discovered that CS worked? Do you think all the people
praising CS are simply full of shit and making it up? Are you so
arrogant in your disbelief that you cannot even use your MASSIVE
intellect to do something as astounding as FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF??
How about, instead of just comdeming something you have NO first hand
knowledge about - you get some and do a few tests on yourself? You
don't need to inject 4cc's a day - try using GOOD (not MLM crap) on the
following, as I have:
On a screw driver jab-hole in your thumb. Next day there was NO
swelling, redness or pain; just a slice which should of required three
A sinus infection Tetracycline wouldn't touch, and went away within two
days of using CS in an inhalor.
A foot-fungus (and I don't mean "honey your feet smell"), I mean live,
bloody flesh peeling off. I picked up this damn fungus crawling around
in Nam. For over twenty years the meds did shots, topical ointment,
pills and foot soaks. By rubbing CS on feet twice a day and drinking 1
oz each morning, I was CURED within the month.
You, and the FEW other know-it-alls are talking out your asses. I'm
telling the truth about what happened to me. I have other people who've
had their whole lives changed by the use of CS.
For you to give ANYONE your elitist know-it-all bullshit and try to tell
us "up is down" or "black is white" is both pathetic and getting on the
redundant side.
I could give a rat's ass if anyone buys my CS. I buy it by the pallet
FOR ME AND MINE and simply like to pass on the benifits to those who
have the balls to try something which (obviously) flies in the face of
(your version) of "wisdom".
Who was it that said:
"A man's balls are sized proportionatly by the distance they are from
those he's insulting."
If you have the balls to call me a liar TO MY FACE, then, I'll gladly
tell you where you can find me.
This petty sniping by you (and a few others) is simply the results of a
degenerated scholastic career, in which you were simply another "sheep"
in the Socialists flock of brain-dead followers of "authorities" and
Colloidal Silver works on many pathagen. I'm not so stupid as to say
it's a cure-all. I've done my own testing and come to that conclusion.
I have seen it repair much damage, and the results were (sometimes)
almost magically. And I've seen it not work on problems it should have
worked on, so there are variables.
As an aside: I am now working with a vet in Michigan who handles
thousands of dairy cattle. It seems (and many of you probably already
know this) the antibiotics which have been chrontically fed to America's
dairy herds have resulted in the consumers of milk inadverntly building
up a resistance to antibiotics which has caused thousands of deaths
This vet has been testing my CS on the cattle. There's some kind of
teat disease, so he injects 10 cc's into each infected teat. This is,
appearantly, working as good as the antibiotics did, but with NO residue
in the milk.
You know, it's funny. If I gave you a list of my credentials: where I
attended - where I got "certain" awards - where I am listed in "certain"
books; you'd probably grant me much more credence.
But that's not what I'm here for.
My job is to make you think.
For yourself.
Do so...
The Gunrunner
"The meak may inherit the Earth, but they won't keep it past Saturday
> I could give a rat's ass if anyone buys my CS. I buy it by the pallet
> FOR ME AND MINE and simply like to pass on the benifits to those who
> have the balls to try something which (obviously) flies in the face of
> (your version) of "wisdom".
Oh. Well, in that case, you would seem to be in the right place. For
some years the group has discussed all available information on CS. And
many are left unconvinced. Get this: We would just love all the good
things to be true, that some adherents are saying about it. Think it
through. Emergency preparedness types, some of us finding ourselves in
out of the way places at times... It would be just great if there were a
very broad spectrum wonder drug we could make ourselves, or buy without
restriction. The problem here is not that we want what you are saying to
be false. It is that it would be a very good thing if it were true. And
that has dangers in itself.
Try this:
For your search terms, misc.survivalism colloidal silver. Go back for
several years. I think you will see it is not lack of knowledge or
consideration, here, that is hindering your case.
>Colloidal silver in my opinion is good for external applications. In some
>instances it could be taken internally. Just remember though silver is a
>wide spectrum anti-biotic. Just as antibiotics can mess up you internal
>flora so can silver and in some cases worse than anti-biotics. As some
>anti-biotics are selective colloidal silver is not. It simple kills
>bacteria, the good and the bad. You have many more good bacteria in your
>body than bad bacteria.
There has never been any evidence of it being an antibiotic. What it
is, without a doubt, is an antimicrobial. It kills or inhibits the
growths of many microbes and alge. It has some promise, taken
internally, to cure urinary tract infections. Note that it has been
proven in double blind studies to be less effective then early
antibiotics. Silver compounds can been used in a number of topical
antiseptics/antimicrobials such as silver nitrate (used to treat
newborns eyes), and sulfa silverizine (sp?), a common burn treatment.
>.......It has some promise, taken internally, to cure urinary tract infections...
Believe it or not, I've found that Apple Cider Vinegar works better than
CS or any other antibiotic, with no side effects either.
ACV also makes a great rinse for the hair.
Maybe a few gallons set aside for Y2K wouldn't be a bad idea.
I have no "claims". Reality is that which is agreed to, not that which
a few ignorants argue against. There are more posting that agree, then
disagree with the abiltiy of CS to achieve certain positive things.
> You seem in desperate need of a physic.
Are you one of those fat women who I see late at night on channel 40?
> Perhaps you'd find a career in rap music more suitable?
Sorry, I'm white. (any Democrat raciest out there care to comment?)
> Director Mike S. Medintz wrote:
> (A bunch of childish blather!)
> ========
> For those of you who don't know who this jerk (Mike Medintz) is, he's a
> kid of 22 going to a public school (University of Kansas). He has shown
> himself to be an arrogant smart ass, willing to attempt (though feebly)
> to insult, invalidate and belittle many of the realities hard working
> Americans hold as truth.
{similar tripe deleted}
Gunsomethingorother, (you seem ashamed to use your real name), do you
actually have anything to say here, other then trying to sell CS and
basely maligning any and all who point out the serious flaws in your
claims for it? You seem in desperate need of a physic. (Ah, yes, you
claim that you once heard something go bang, and that justifies everything
you do or say. Perhaps you'd find a career in rap music more suitable?)
Still haven't seen you say why a bunch of folks who will seriously
consider unconventional therapies like maggot debridement, packing sugar
into wounds, aloe and others, will not take CS seriously. A majority
here supports CS therapies? surely you jest. Count them up.
>The Gunrunner wrote:
>> I have no "claims". Reality is that which is agreed to, not that which
>> a few ignorants argue against. There are more posting that agree, then
>> disagree with the abiltiy of CS to achieve certain positive things.
So a drugs effectiveness is voted on buy the users? The we can
conclude that the miracle drug isn't CS, it's Placebo. The drug
Placebo has been shown to have less side effects that most other drugs
(though it does cause hundreds of side effects), and will result in an
improvement in the conditions of patients with thousands of complaints
ranging from baldness to toe fungus, depression to diabetes.
>Still haven't seen you say why a bunch of folks who will seriously
>consider unconventional therapies like maggot debridement, packing sugar
>into wounds, aloe and others, will not take CS seriously. A majority
>here supports CS therapies? surely you jest. Count them up.
And aspirin. It's not exactly like it is a high profit item.
And the medical establishment recognizies herbal medicine, when it
meets the same proof of effect as other medicine. Opium (as
morphine), Ginger (for motion sickness), Oil of Cloves, and Vitamin C,
are a few additional examples.
While in non-compliance with local decency ordinances the world over,
The Gunrunner <> spake:
>I have no "claims". Reality is that which is agreed to, not that which
>a few ignorants argue against. There are more posting that agree, then
>disagree with the abiltiy of CS to achieve certain positive things.
Most of Europe agreed that Columbus could sail directly to India. That
does not explain why he managed to (in reality) discover Caribbean
Most of the pre-Copernican world agreed that the Earth was the center
of the solar system.
Most of the pre-Pasteur world agreed that disease was caused by
something other than microbes.
Just because you can get a dozen sock puppet addresses to post about
what hot stuff your CS is doesn't change the fact that you've produced
nothing to support your claim other than one irrelevant study, a dose
of paranoid psychosis, and some new age blather.
>> You seem in desperate need of a physic.
>Are you one of those fat women who I see late at night on channel 40?
Can you read? He said _Physic_, not _Psychic_. A Physic was what they
called physicians before they called them doctors.
>> Perhaps you'd find a career in rap music more suitable?
>Sorry, I'm white. (any Democrat raciest out there care to comment?)
So was Vanilla Ice, and all the girls said he's pretty fly (for a
white guy.) Lousy music is an equal-opportunity field.
Version: 2.6.2
Mike S. Medintz,
"People come here from Japan and Europe and Australia, and they
buy weapons. Ya gotta love that." -Ted Nugent.