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Announcement from the creator of SurfNet

瀏覽次數:4 次

Ron Britvich

1994年12月19日 下午5:19:501994/12/19

Many people have been wondering what happened to SurfNet,
the service that provided information about current surfing conditions,
tide reports and even current video from the beach. The service was at:

Well, here’s the story:

I created SurfNet and released it to the Internet in Feburary 1994. It was my
first service on the Internet. By November 28th, SurfNet was receiving
over 6,000 accesses per day from over 40 countries. Wired magazine
had a short article on it and this month Surfer Magazine has
something to say about it (I haven't seen it yet).

Unfortunately, I am no longer associated with Peregrine Systems.
On November 28th, Peregrine Systems decided to pull the plug on
SurfNet and another Internet project called WebWorld (a 3-D virtual world that
was receiving 1.2 million requests per month).

I am very interested in creating new and improved versions of SurfNet
and WebWorld, viewing the previous versions as prototypes. SurfNet was
a very exciting project and I am looking forward to creating an even
better version. Since I don't have access to any of the code or
scripts used to run SurfNet, any new version will be from scratch.

I want to thank all of you who contributed so much to SurfNet by
offering suggestions and comments. If you would like to contact me
regarding my future plans, please feel free to contact me at my new email
address (

Ron Britvich

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