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Warning to all psoriasis suffers!!!

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Allen Whitley

Nov 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/14/00
I was diagnosed with psoriasis over 2 years ago when I had a little
patch on my forhead. I was prescribed by my DERMY the medications TAZORAC- a
topical retinoid (vitamin A derivative.), and Elocon- a topical steroid. It
was really expensive for these two drugs so I wasnt faithfull on them. When
I finally got a job to support my condition by then 30% of my body was
covered. I took the two above mentioned drugs faithfully for 1 1/2 years
with tottally awsome results,(no psoriasis what-so-ever!!!
Now here's the problem, I finally decided to quit the drugs because the
money I was spending on them was depriving my family of having any type of
live at all. When I quit taking them It came at full force covering my body
at about 85% wich makes it painfull on certain days especially on the back
region not to mention my horrifying face. That is when I decided to do my
own research on the subject to find out it is a well known fact that
stopping these two drugs in all most all cases results in a furiouse
remission. Something my doctor neglected to inform me on.
This does not apply to all doctors but seems to be the norm. Also alot
of doctors are just mis-informed. I suggest you research psoriasis as much
as possible and go to the doctor loaded with questions especially about side
effects of drugs prescribed.
ANOTHER WARNING!!!! I have purchased a book by DR. John O.A. Pagano
called Healing Psoriasis. I suggest all purchase this book. It has enormass
usefull and helpfull info. now the WARNING, if you visit the website
( if I remember it right) before you decide on buying the Juice Plus
vitamins I suggest you do one thing. Eat somthing with lots of tomatos (like
Pizza.) and see what kind of effect it has on youre condition.These vitamins
are designed to give you the daily friut and vegetables required without
eating the actuall thing. These are no dout excellent vitamins, probally the
best in there division considering how the processed. But one of the things
psoriasis suffers need to stay away from are nightshade plants (tomatos
being one of them.)At least most sufferers. I took these vitamins for 4
months and my condition went ballistic to the point of not wanting to move
because of the pain, after reading what was in the vits I realized they had
tomatos at witch time I diched the vege pill and only took the fruit pill
and to my surprize things are looking better.
Please by the book mentioned above the info is very good and know
psoriasis suffer should be without it. Also if you have any ideas please
email me or reply. The above information is by all means no end and I do
not send this post out as fact. Just the facts as I observed them with my
own condition.



Nov 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/15/00
In article <>,
Whatever works for you, stick with it and good luck! Diet has not been a
goer for me but there you are, different strokes etc.

Perry Green

Nov 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/15/00
I have had psoriasis on my palms of my hands as well as the soles of my
feet for about five yrs. now.Like you ,I have also discovered how little
the dermatologist really knows about this condition.I almost bought the
book you mentioned,but decided to purchase ``Psoriasis the Cure``
instead because it is written by a biologist who suffered from the
disease for many years.She claims to have eliminated psoriasis from her
life through diet changes and adding certain suppliments.I have only
made it to the third chapter,but so far everything mentioned in the book
makes sense.I`m am tired of attacking this crap once it has
cerfaced.Maybe there is hope in these pages for all of us.I`ll let you
know more about my experiences with this book as I read on.

Best of luck,Perry Green

Sabrina P

Nov 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/15/00
Hi Allen,

I've been using Elocon for years on various parts of my body and have found
it to be very effective. When the psoriasis totally disappears and I stop
using it, it doesn't come back in that spot.

Also, I've read that tomato's really aren't good for psoriasis, so was
surprised to hear that they were good for your skin etc.

3 years ago, my entire body was covered with psoriasis and the only thing
that got rid of it was PUVA treatment along with my change of diet. I
stopped drinking caffeine, soda and drastically reduced my intake of sugar.
That really helped a lot.

Thanks for the advice though, I will look up the book.

"Allen Whitley" <> wrote in message


Nov 15, 2000, 8:10:13 PM11/15/00
In article <3A1283BC...@facman.Colorado.EDU>,
Perry Green <gre...@facman.Colorado.EDU> wrote:
> Allen,

>`Psoriasis the Cure``
> instead because it is written by a biologist who suffered from the
> disease for many years.She claims to have eliminated psoriasis from
> life through diet changes and adding certain suppliments.

I'm curious, what are her basic recommendations? Please let us know
how it works out for you.


Sent via
Before you buy.

Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00
Hi there, I have never posted before, but here goes! I have guttate
psoriasis and have for 20 years. I just begin the pagano diet, i have
been on it for 10 days. So far everything Dr. Pagano said would happen
has. The book itself makes a lot of sense to me, i would be interested
to compare notes on the "Psoriasis the Cure" books diet. The pagano
diet mainly consists of avoiding: 1) saturated animal fats 2)
nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant etc...) 3)alchohol and smoking 4)
caffeine 5) sugary sweets. In general the main premise is to go with
organic foods as much as possible. I was quite pleased, however, with
his realistic view of human beings, namely that we have CRAVINGS!
Therefore, he is very lenient about this for example saying 1-2 glasses
of wine an occasion may be ok, a slice of bacon here and there may be
ok, a few cups of coffee may be ok. I think all psoriatics vary
immensly on what they can and cannot have, it is partially up to the
patient to figure it out, or avoid it all! I have had my ups and downs
on teh diet, i am a big big eater (which i suspect may be one reason
for my flareups!). I am hoping to see improvement soon, i am now in the
stage he says is the storm before the calm (he says that things may
seems worse just before they get better). I will be sure to let you all
know! Please, if anyone knows of other diets, i would love to compare
notes. I do believe that we are what we eat! Thanks for listening!


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00
Jen and others,

Right now there is no real cure for psoriasis. Various treatments in use only
attack the symptoms, not the disease and some are more successful than others.
A way to keep mind and body (skin) intact is to get a thorough understanding of
the characteristics of the disease. This NG is a great forum for learning and
interchanging ideas. The NPF web site is a good starting point for further
spiritual and educational growth.

Remember, this is not your fault and you are not alone.

Good luck,
Irv--->in Alabama
(and dont give up - ever)


Nov 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/17/00
In article <8v3ql3$rbj$>, wrote:
> Hi there, I have never posted before, but here goes! I have guttate
> psoriasis and have for 20 years. I just begin the pagano diet, i have
> been on it for 10 days. So far everything Dr. Pagano said would happen
> has. The book itself makes a lot of sense to me, i would be interested
> to compare notes on the "Psoriasis the Cure" books diet.

> Please, if anyone knows of other diets, i would love to compare
> notes. I do believe that we are what we eat! Thanks for listening!
> -Jen
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

I haven't tried the diet route yet, but some people seem to feel they
are helpful. The following is a link to the website of a lady who used
to post to the newgroup.

It details her trial of Dr. Pagano's Diet.

Let us know if the diet works for you.


Ed Anderson

Nov 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/18/00
to wrote:
> Hi there, I have never posted before, but here goes! I have guttate
> psoriasis and have for 20 years. I just begin the pagano diet, i have
> been on it for 10 days. So far everything Dr. Pagano said would happen
> has. The book itself makes a lot of sense to me, i would be interested
> to compare notes on the "Psoriasis the Cure" books diet.

> Please, if anyone knows of other diets, i would love to compare
> notes. I do believe that we are what we eat!

Welcome, Jen -- I must be mostly pasta al pesto.

Pagano's book has been around for a while, and it's somewhat
controversial. He certainly has his devoted followers, so I won't start a
flame war by pointing out all the problems with his theories. If you get
good results, though, then by all means stick with it. If you really want
to compare notes on Pagano, then just check the archives of what others
have written:

Here's a concise summary for those who aren't familiar with the regimen:

As for Lisa Levan's book, "The Psoriasis Cure", she made a very bad
showing here in the group, and I've panned it in my online review:

There are *many* reported diets for psoriasis, and probably just as many
theories behind them. I suspect that many of the reported successes can be
accounted for by the elimination of an unrecognized food sensitivity. I'm
actually an advocate of dietary experimentation, but I'm very skeptical of
unsubstantiated claims that get made. Here's another online note of mine:

There are only a few studies that report statistical success with dietary
changes. Eating fatty fish like salmon and trout appears to be better than
trying to get benefit from supplement pills. Eating fresh vegetables and
fruit has been shown to improve psoriasis. Yes, even tomatoes reportedly
improve psoriasis, at least in Italy. (Counter to nightshade claims by

There are so many discussions (and angry debates) over diet that you'll
have to be rather selective when searching the archives. If you want just
my opinions (and who would), here's a telltale starting point:

-- Ed "today I'm a grilled salmon taco with cilantro" Anderson

Nov 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/19/00
Thank you, Suzanne, for the site it was pretty useful. So far several
of my diet strategies have been similar to Kendra's it looks like.

I know it is different for everyone: some show improvement early, some
late, and some not at all. That is why I have decided to give it 8
weeks before I make any conclusions.

Thanks again,

In article <8v48m5$8bn$>,
Suzanne924 <> wrote:
> In article <8v3ql3$rbj$>,

> wrote:
> > Hi there, I have never posted before, but here goes! I have guttate
> > psoriasis and have for 20 years. I just begin the pagano diet, i
> > been on it for 10 days. So far everything Dr. Pagano said would
> > has. The book itself makes a lot of sense to me, i would be
> > to compare notes on the "Psoriasis the Cure" books diet.

> <snip>

> > Please, if anyone knows of other diets, i would love to compare

> > notes. I do believe that we are what we eat! Thanks for listening!
> > -Jen

> >
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.

> I haven't tried the diet route yet, but some people seem to feel they
> are helpful. The following is a link to the website of a lady who
> to post to the newgroup.
> It details her trial of Dr. Pagano's Diet.
> Let us know if the diet works for you.
> --

Nov 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/19/00
Thanks also for these helpful sites, Ed. At this point in time I really
want to be optimistic so I am going to hold off reading anything
negative about my approach. It is hard enough being disciplined enough
to try this, Every other day I want to quit! So, I will hold back form
reading some of your stuff until later, thanks though,


In article <3a1677d0$1@localhost>,

Ed Anderson <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > Hi there, I have never posted before, but here goes! I have guttate
> > psoriasis and have for 20 years. I just begin the pagano diet, i
> > been on it for 10 days. So far everything Dr. Pagano said would
> > has. The book itself makes a lot of sense to me, i would be
> > to compare notes on the "Psoriasis the Cure" books diet.

> ...

> > Please, if anyone knows of other diets, i would love to compare
> > notes. I do believe that we are what we eat!

Nov 21, 2000, 9:42:49 PM11/21/00
Two things:

1) when you say you are staying away from sugar, what about the natural
sugar that is in fruit? Also, I am baking some fruit pies tomorrow and
was wondering if there is a good sugar substitute to use for something
like that? In other words, do you think artificial sweeteners are ok?

2) I just wanted to say that there are a few things that give me hope
with my psoriasis. First is that i know how fast it CAN clear if it
wants to, so if something good comes out to heal us all, it will
probably be very fast. When I went to Jamaica in September my
psoriasis was clear in ONE DAY. It stayed away for about 2-3 weeks when
i returned. Before i went it was my worst flare up ever, now it is back
to pretty bad again. Hey, maybe my insurance will pay for me to go to
Jamaica every 3-4 weeks? :)

Also what makes me happy is to know that for the most part mine is just
cosmetic. I am not dying of it, its not contagious etc....I would
rather have psoriasis then many many things.

Just wanted to throw it all out there!

Maybe if I found GOD he would clear my skin????? LOL

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Thanks for listening,


Nov 21, 2000, 10:02:35 PM11/21/00
In article <8vfbr8$n49$>, wrote:

Also, I am baking some fruit pies tomorrow and
> was wondering if there is a good sugar substitute to use for something
> like that? In other words, do you think artificial sweeteners are ok?

I heard another poster say she was using "stevia". Supposidly it is
suppose to be more "natural" than artificial sweetners...cost a lot
more too I think. Usually found in health food stores and co-ops.

Good luck,



Nov 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/27/00
have you tried Splenda? you can order it online, right
now, my local grocery store has been keeping it in stock due to the
popularity of protein diets...most low carbers use it as a substitute.

I believe Splenda is natural.

my husband's had P for 10 years. he's never really watched his diet and
went on Atkins last year. it didn't make any difference in his P.



Nov 27, 2000, 11:13:40 PM11/27/00
In article <>, says...

> have you tried Splenda? you can order it online, right
> now, my local grocery store has been keeping it in stock due to the
> popularity of protein diets...most low carbers use it as a substitute.
> I believe Splenda is natural.
> my husband's had P for 10 years. he's never really watched his diet and
> went on Atkins last year. it didn't make any difference in his P.
> Diem
> wrote:
> >

What about his Weight, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol etc? It does help some
P suffer's but so does Flax Oil! Neither have helped me, lol.

"Trust us; we're Honorable men. We're here to help you."
(paraphrase of the late William Colby, former head of C.I.A.)

Jul 4, 2020, 7:01:20 AM7/4/20
The cure for psoriasis can be achieved with urine therapy.
Simply clean yourself when you wake up, then reserve a small cup of your urine, that is to say, start urinating to clean the uretra and pick up the urine after 3 or 4 seconds, not the first part nor the last part.
The urine you get is clean. Urine has actually been used by surgeons to desinfect patients during operations in the battle field. Use a piece of cotton to damp it with your urine and patch it against the areas affected by psoriasis. When the area dries, damp it again. Afterwards have a shower, but try not to use any soap or gel douche on the treated areas every 2 or 3 times you do the urine patches. It won’t smell. After 2 or 3 times without using soap on those areas, clean with soap but try to be quick exposing the areas with soap. If you do this daily only, your psoriasis will go away definitely after one year.
A quicker method is to complement this treatment with a more drastic approach, which is to drink a portion of your urine daily also. Do this.
Before doing the patches, use a glass filled with some orange juice. Progressively insert small amounts of urine into the juice, starting with just a few drops and going up to 1/20 of the mixture. You will not notice any difference in the taste. If you start with a few drops, this will help in overcoming the prejudice associated with the idea of being drinking something you probably thought was dirty. But urine isn’t dirty. The idea behind drinking it is probably homeopathic. So star with a few drops into some orange juice or any other refreshment, and try to increase the amount as you go, until it reaches about 1/20 of the whole mixture. This can diminish the amount of time needed to cure psoriasis.
This method was disclosed to me by a brazilian man who wrote to me over a forum like this, and it really worked on me. All you need is to be patient to wait for results, because it does take a year to get to full remission.
Best regards to all.
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