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Aug 10, 2009, 8:02:29 PM8/10/09

I apologize to the regulars, who may have stumbled into my delusions.

What follows is tumbling further into my worldview.
It will avail you nothing if you think I�m crazy, so please stop.

The world is awash with magic and trickery of all sorts, so if I drift
into flights of fancy and metaphor know this: insanity is the norm in
a world gone mad.

If you happen to like how I turn a phrase know this: I�ve been crewing
on this one for a long time and while it is not ideal to what I would
like, I have been looking forward to it. It is somewhat a follow up to
my last rant.)

The Masters of Destiny.

�Thar she blows captain. She�s a brute.�

�Men cross your swords, it�s getting harder to see in the fog.�

Do you like numbers, what do you think of this one?


It�s rather a large number. I�ll tell you its significance shortly.

What you have to understand about reality is that to keep the
appearance of substance in an infinite void, you have to do a little
fractal �magic�. The result of that is what�s called �scale.�

Everything makes sense when it is appreciated in the context of the
scale it operates.
That number is rather large if we�re taking about the number of years
of age. It�s rather small when counting the numbers of atoms in

That number is one thing when counting grains of sands, but if you
looked on your ATM receipt and seen that number what would you think.
You�d probably think some computer had a major malfunction.

That God guy is nobody�s fool, and he designed this fools errand very
wisely. We learned many lessons in ancient times, some forgotten. One
of which was that nature has many lessons that we would be wise to
heed. An example would be that physical laws mirror spiritual

Guess what? The people who think they run the world look at their
statements and expect to see numbers like that. Society has evolved
�scales� as well. The destitute are one scale, the poor one scale up.
Next it�s the middles class and up from there are the wealthy, Then
the rich, then the elite.

Since we really started measuring the value of a man by the balance of
his bank account, it has turned into the �Who�s got the biggest dick�
insanity contest in the knowledge of official history, as a matter of
fact it has been history.

It�s the money from whence these demon infested monsters draw their
power. They are the masters who made this �money� thing, and true to
the law, nature scales around it and thus the error is discovered.

The greatest of all theories in the universe are destroyed by one
simple fact that cannot be ignored.

Here is the reality.

Picture this. I guy walks into a bank, writes on a withdrawal slip,
and takes it to the teller. She looks at it and reads a number like
above. It takes her a moment to actually comprehend the request. She
then smiles at the man and the following conversation takes place.

�Very funny sir, how can I really help you today?

�I�m serious, large bills please!�

The teller takes a moment to comprehend, and slowly forms the words,

�I.. have.. to.. talk.. to.. the... ah.. manager.�

That�s the error! That kind of money cannot exist in any useful form
outside the imagination of a megalomaniac or the memory of a computer.

Here�s how the story ends.

The teller goes to the manager and explains the situation. Her manager
laughs out loud and says,

�Tell Larry I�ll be at the lodge at 4:30�

This illusion cannot be sustained in the path of a full frontal
assault of reality, and that�s what is occurring right now. The
�unspoken� war has reached critical mass. As the masters of earth hold
on to a dying hope of an undeserved salvation, they are getting
desperate. The people are starting to feed on their energies, and they
too are also reaching the point of �holy shit, I think it�s time to
start getting desperate.�

That everything is scale is something these short sighted fools
thought they could avoid.
You cannot escape from the universe. No one has done it yet. Sooner or
later nature will have her way, it is unavoidable. You can play magic
tricks and prolong reality. You could be lost in a delusional
metaframe for many ages.

Balance is the truth of nature, and the sooner you deal with that the
better. The day of reckoning also likes to work with scales. The
longer the inequity, the greater the sin, and the harder the day of

Here are some truths about scale. You are a scale.

Your liver has atoms, but the liver is more than just atoms. Scale is
the only difference.

Atoms like being atoms, they rather enjoy playing around in their
quantum goo. Some of them get together and make molecule. They know
they gotta work together, so they dedicate some of their goo-stuff,
energy, consciousness, soul, being, whatever, to work up a scale.

So, these molecules, they have a hard time seeing down scale, but at
their scale they find others like them and get together. Some decide
to be a cell, so they give some of their goo stuff, to work a scale
up. Cells combine to make thing at higher scales and share the goo.

Eventually enough things get together at ever increasing scales to
make, eyes, liver, heart etc. Guess what, when these combine, you get
a human. You may not feel like your liver, or your eyes, etc, that�s
because their goo operates one scale down, you really don�t �see� it.
But that atom doesn�t see the electron. That molecule doesn�t see the
atom, nor does it see liver. They are all part of you, and they see at
their scale very well, just as you see the sand and the oceans.

When you begin to appreciate the scales of existence of all things,
you must understand that at ALL scales, there must be a scale above,
and a scale below. If not the fractal nature of creation fails in a
catastrophic error.

You must also understand that all things at all scales belong to one
That atom IS you, so also is that liver it belongs to. Your being at
this scale may be able to loose a bunch of atoms and get along just
fine. Actually they pretty much come and go as they want.

We could work some modern magic to keep this scale existence going if
the liver quits, but things closer in scale matter more, another thing
to keep in mind.

These are the two realities that the masters of the earth cannot
avoid, and the ironic part is that they designed it.

The masters of the planet, in blind greed, designed the pissing
contest to eventually funnel all wealth in the world to a few elite
people. It has worked very well.
Fractal mechanics says the scales fall apart in a cascade. First these
monsters eat the destitute, and the poor suffer, then they eat the
poor and the middle class suffers, etc.

Eventually this snake gets to the hard part, the fat part of the
numerical mess that nature makes. It�s too damn greedy! It actually
thinks it can swallow it. This snake is very clever and even figured a
way to un-hinge its jaw.

So the fool thing tried. By the time it actually got to the fat part,
it started to choke, and realized that perhaps this wasn�t a good

It can�t go forward, and it can�t go back. It�s stuck.

Other things destroy by using scales, one being cancer. Something that
destroys itself from the smallest scale to the largest can be thus

These elite of our planet designed cancer as the cornerstone of our

The destitute were first and easiest, they just are not allowed
anywhere near the scale of the elite, easy pickings.

Most of the other scales hardly noticed, destitute come and go as they
please, they thought, besides isn�t less destitute better?

Then the poor is the same.

Then the lower-middle, that�s when things start to get noticed by the
higher scales. Those who represent the majority reside in a narrow
band, for the good of the whole �social body.� The majority are by
definition the most sane and rational, and they know they need the
scales below them, as well as above. They are not delusional. They
also know a cancer when they see one.

So the snake hits critical mass and starts to choke. That�s where we
are now.

That snake is clever and has a few backup plans, all nasty. That�s not
good because you really don�t want to make the guy with the nuke
really nervous. He�s nervous, and the scales below are nervous because
things at lower scales are at the mercy to the one above.

The �beast� system is falling apart, and the �elites� usually feed
humans into the works to keep it going, and pretending it was a system

They cannot even consider the only solution. The error is the money
system, but give that up and they are no longer �elite� just people
with a lot of stuff. There would be a lot of scale shifting.

That�s nature though. Goo seeks to alter scale, that�s what the whole
fractal is all about.

So we got two parties. The elite and their component parts and both
are scared.

The elites solution to the cancer, feed it fresh meat.

The components parts decide they don�t like cancer no more, and time
for a scale change.
(�The sleeper has awoken, where�s my fucking gun?�)

Wait a minute, if this has to be true to fractals, there must be a
scale above them and us!

This is true on the physical and the social.

On the physical, there are scales. The planet is up a few scales. It
does its planet thing, and has seen my species come and go in a long
life and cares for them all, but is not sad to see black goo change to
yellow goo.

In Society we have many levels above our masters, they bicker, and go
on, but they too know that the law of scale must balance. They care
for their charges much like we care for our liver. I like my liver,
and wish it all the best, but I hope it can handle tonight�s whiskey.

Every master must have a master and every servant a servant.

The law of balance is that all are guardians of all scales, for indeed
our fates are eternally intertwined.

The day of reckoning is going to be a hard one. In their stupid short
sighted greed they pissed off every scale except their own. Hardly a
wise choice I think

They have their finger on the button, we are about to put a gun to
their head, and I�m praying to all that is holy and loving that the
angels are laughing.

The poor and the destitute we shall always have with us but who made
the choice that they should be cold, wet, and hungry.

I�m hoping the next scale up is the aliens, and the brain of the body
�man�, (the numerically fat part.) is ready for a transition to the
next scale, to join in a brotherhood of stars, as it were. Some little
green guy gets on television and says,

�It�s time for a societal upgrade.�

I think we are ready for that, well anything is better than cancer.

Don�t fear the guy what could kill ya, fear that which would throw
your soul in the fire in a heartbeat, then piss on it.
Thus ends my rant.



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Aug 10, 2009, 9:23:19 PM8/10/09
On Aug 10, 7:49 pm, chessucat <> wrote:
> X-No-Archive: yes
> On Aug 10, 8:02 pm, Third_LOOP_Left ranted:> (Disclaimer:

> > I apologize to the regulars, who may have stumbled into my delusions.
> > What follows is tumbling further into my worldview.
> > It will avail you nothing if you think I’m crazy, so please stop.
> > The world is awash with magic and trickery of all sorts, so if I drift
> > into flights of fancy and metaphor know this: insanity is the norm in
> > a world gone mad.
> <snipped rant>
> The toaster is NOT real, Brian!
> <chessucat twitches>

There was nothing actually delusional in that rant, except (bias
follows) the idea of a god in charge of things.

I used to think about levels of the universe. My dad was a scientist
and my mom was into metaphysics and I inherited their ways. These days
I see mostly just my own level and the thought that there's no
conscious brain in charge... I had some theory that it all had to do
with zero being impossible in the physical universe, but I have
forgotten it for now.

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