On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 11:32:22 AM UTC-8, shattered hologram wrote:
> I have no doubt that the Doomsday Psychiatry will side with the
> Dominant Order just as it sided with the Third Reich and sterilise
> and euthanase inferior races, ethnicities, religions and groups as
> "Authority Defiant".
Psychiatry has a large amount of Jews in it.
> Eugenics are reportedly being resurrected as the biological
> psychiatry, and the diagnoses as curses label the mentally wounded
> for life and beyond - freezing their trauma from healing with heavy
> chemical suppression of the defence mechanisms that were supposed
> to unwind trauma and help healing (like flashbacks after the war
> that reportedly stop under the mind drugs).
> Such an efficient chemical weapon and mind altering set of substances
> against there is no defence should not be left on the Earth until the
> ascension of the Beast 666, or I will not be held accountable.
No one blames you.
> If God permits it, it is His will and responsibility. If I had the power,
> I wouldn't.
Hit the LORD with prayer.
> in the LORD
> Amen