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Allan Krisciunas

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00

Has anybody heard of this company : ?
Or : " Synergy Group of Canada Inc. "
Last night we had a presentation from them at our group. They have a
mineral-based "product" that they claim will help people with : Manic
Depression, Bi-Polar Affective Disorder, Schizophrenia, Clinical
Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Fibromyalgia. Wow, what a list! They
admitted not knowing much about OCD, but seemed pretty sure the "product"
would "help" OCD people too.

I am concerned -- 2 guys, they called themselves "research assistants".
But the bottle they put on the table in front of us costs $200 a month!
What kind of clinical research study asks its participants to PAY for the
medication they are being tested on? Actually, if it were a REAL research
study, wouldn't the research institute (eg: university) pay for the
medication/whatever, and even pay the participants themselves?

I suspect these "research assistants" are really just salesmen. But boy,
they sure put on a good show. They both claimed that they had suffered
from a whole list of mental disorders (I can't even list them, there were
so many), and that their children had too ... and one of them even broke
down crying half-way through, as he recounted his experiences.

Suspiciously, I sensed we were being presented with the age-old "snake-oil
salesman" technique. $200 a month?! Not covered by any drub-benefits
plan either, from what I gather. They had a long presentation full of
overhead slides, dozens and dozens, one after another, we had no time to
digest it all. These 2 were SLICK.

They gave the list of ingredients -- several dozen vitamins, minerals and
other things that I had never heard of before. Some looked like herbs,
but they insisted this was no homeopathy stuff. They seemed to know the
correct lingo, name-dropping serotonin a lot. But no real link between
their theory of the body's inability to absorb nutrients and serotonin levels.

Has anybody heard of this "organisation"? (I want to call it a company,
but these 2 guys insist they themselves do not "sell" it, they only do
these presentations as a favour to the company). Our group needs more
info on them. I am worried too since they say that, after a short time
being on the "product" (their words), you must lower your meds by 30%.
They admitted you must do so with your physician, but then they recounted
"case-studies" of people they knew, and said they had told those people
directly to lower the meds -- that's risky, if you ask me, for these 2
guys to tell the patient directly without them telling the patient's
doctor first.

Any info from anybody out there would be appreciated. You can post here,
or email me directly ( Thanks.

Thrasher Brown

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
lol, sounds like snake oil t' me. They didn't know much about OCD but
seemed sure their product would help OCD? There's something a bit fishy
with that, my friend. If it's in a liquid form, it might make a nice
topping for ice cream, but other than that, I'd stay away from plopping
down 200 bucks for it.


Allan Krisciunas <am...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in article

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