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Maurice Lacroix offers a fresh perspective

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Jan 4, 2009, 3:23:40 AM1/4/09
Maurice Lacroix offers a fresh perspective
Maurice Lacroix offers a fresh perspective on Swiss watches by uniting
modern precision standards with classical craftsmanship. Since 1961,
the assembly facility in Saignelégier, in the Canton of Jura, has
produced private label watches for international markets, with Maurice
Lacroix watch one
division of this facility.
Maurice Lacroix has now emerged on its own as an ambitious,
independent watchmaker intent on applying decades of experience. With
its own state-of-the-art atelier built in January 2002 the Maurice
Lacroix watch
company now produces 150,000 original, quality timepieces each year.

About a quarter of a century ago, Maurice Lacroix
watches injected
fresh life into the tradition of Swiss watchmaking by uniting modern
precision standards with an uncompromising attitude towards materials
and technology. The Maurice Lacroix Fake watches
created by Maurice Lacroix are of superior quality. The quality is so
outstanding that Maurice Lacroix Replica watches
have already made some breakthrough innovative developments in the
world of timepieces. Maurice Lacroix has been producing watches which
represent classical craftsmanship but at the same time meet the
exacting demands of the modern world. Maurice Lacroix has managed to
take up a place in the exclusive club of Swiss manufacture brands in a
very short period of time.

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