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Shannon Spurlock

Jun 7, 2003, 11:15:56 AM6/7/03
Hi has anyone tried Herbalife with Lupus??? I have been on Herbalife
for about 3 months now and I feel so much better!!! I have tons of
energy and I'm not in the pain like I used to be. I still have days I
ache, but majority of the time, I'm doing fine.

Just curious, Connie


Jun 7, 2003, 4:24:33 PM6/7/03
Shannon Spurlock <> wrote in message news:<>...

Forward this post to alt.usage.english. I can't remember the last time
I saw a sale on Herbalife with Lupus. In fact, I can't think of a
reason to buy any product sold "with Lupus" -- less'n, of course, you
have a masochistic streak....

Just spamspicious, Cathi

Marg Watson

Jun 7, 2003, 7:35:28 PM6/7/03
Hi Connie,

I do not touch herbal meds! LOL! Please consult your doctor about
"Herbalife" ASAP. It has always been my understanding that anyone with
a chronic illness should avoid OTC herbal products.

People who have Lupus & other autoimmune diseases must take extreme
precaution with any product that promotes a "stronger immune system."
To me, this is very scarey. Herbal meds tend to boost the immune system
& that's precisely what we're fighting against. If your doc okay's it &
it makes you feel better, then I'm really glad it works for you! 8-)


Marg Watson

Jun 7, 2003, 7:40:13 PM6/7/03
Hi Cathi,

I bounced it & it said it wasn't spam. I think she means "for Lupus"
not "with Lupus." :-)

I don't think I'd ever buy anything "with Lupus" either. LOL!


Shannon Spurlock

Jun 7, 2003, 10:06:59 PM6/7/03

My Doc. said not to take it, but I am, it seems to make me feel so
much better. Now I cannot take the "extra" items, like Joint support
or things like that. Thatt seems to make me hurt more. I'm mostly on
the prod. to lose weight and I needed that.

Also, I have spoken to sev. people in Herbalife who have Lupus and
are on the prod. and they are actually off all thier meds. Which I
have no clue if I will ever be able to quit taking my meds. But its
something to look forward to. I'm just thankful to be able to do
things with my girls again.


On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 18:35:28 -0500 (CDT), (Marg Watson)


Jun 8, 2003, 8:36:01 PM6/8/03
to (Marg Watson) wrote in message news:<>...

I think I'm about to reveal my internet inadequacies. What do you mean
by having "bounced it"?

Marg Watson

Jun 9, 2003, 12:10:09 AM6/9/03

Actually, I just learned it myself from my eBay/webtv news group. I
sent it to an address & they dissected it & in there it says whether or
not it's spam along with other things that I'm still learning.:-) It
actually hurts to look at it too long. Forward this to & they'll send you a link in a couple of minutes &
you'll see what I mean.

I guess they can tell because spammers often send it through
various/numerous email accounts? (I heard this somewhere-not sure how
they do it)


Marg Watson

Jun 9, 2003, 12:28:58 AM6/9/03
Hi Connie!

I have been humbled by the medical knowledge of this group & I'd like to
see how other's respond to your post. I can only hope that you'll
listen to the majority.

I have to say that I totally agree with your doctor. I don't know
enough about Herbalife to really make a point against them specifically,
but have you looked on the bottle or paper where they print the
warnings? I have seen some herbal meds that warn those with autoimmune
disorders not to take it. You may feel better now, but when your immune
system starts to create antibodies, you may have the Mother of all

Please heed your doctors' advice!



Jun 9, 2003, 9:08:46 AM6/9/03
Hi Connie!

Take the label(s) to your rheumatologist, and let him/her decide for
you. Then you will be off the hook.

Wes (Marg Watson) wrote in message news:<>...

J Rogow

Jun 9, 2003, 11:27:59 AM6/9/03

Ask your Rheumy if it can harm you.

When I got into MSM I asked and was told it wouldn't do any harm
but probably wouldn't do much good, either.

However, I *think* it's helping - and that helps.

"Wesley" <> wrote in message


Jun 9, 2003, 12:46:46 PM6/9/03
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 11:59:03 +0100, herbwormwood
<> wrote:

>Hi All,
>I wonder what is the answer?
>The thing about the immune support products, do they make our immune
>system *healthy*, or do they make it *more active*?

and ultimately that is the core of the debate. We don't know. Most
say they "balance" the immune system without really explaining what
"balance" means.
>I think the distinction is important. There are some herbal products which
>should be avoided in Lupus, but a good herbal practiooner who understands
>Lupus should be aware of them. So I would say that it would be wrong to
>think all herbal products shold be avoided, but caution should be
>exercised and advice sought before taking it.

<nodding> Some products are great for inflammation (Omega-3 fatty
acids come to mind) while others can actually *cause* inflammation
(supplements with Alfalfa base come to mind.)

know your drugs is what it comes down to - and I place all supplements
as well as traditional meds into this category.


Jun 9, 2003, 1:00:20 PM6/9/03
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 08:27:59 -0700, "J Rogow"
<> wrote:

>Ask your Rheumy if it can harm you.
>When I got into MSM I asked and was told it wouldn't do any harm
>but probably wouldn't do much good, either.

I was told the same by my rheumy - she said if I had bone deforming
arthritis that would be different but that taking it wouldn't hurt
either. She recommended that the best choice for someone like me with
the typical lupus arthritis that doesn't actually damage the bones, is
fish oil or the equivalent.

There should be a section in the FAQ that lists some of the
chemicals/drugs thought to make symptoms or disease worse. With
disclaimers of course.

I tried "Reliv" (pronounced Reeleev) which is just a fancy schmancy
supplement drink. Mostly it just tasted bad. :-) I did get doctor
approval first though. The only concern we had with the ingredients
was chromium picolinate which is supposed to enhance muscle building
and alter the way fats are burned. It also has some mild 'upper"
qualities for some people. Since I'm underweight, that wasn't the
right choice for me.

So... it isn't just about what works for the lupus patient but for
the individual and their particular symptoms. Many of these things
have extra protein in them. I need that. But if you have any kidney
disease you should be cautious in taking a high protein supplement.

and so on....

J Rogow

Jun 9, 2003, 1:16:57 PM6/9/03
"kcat" <> wrote in message

I bought Cod Liver Oil capsules, then discovered the label says
"An excellent source of Vitamin A, which has been shown to
stimulate immune function". I've stopped taking them, anyone
know if I should start again?


Jun 9, 2003, 6:26:05 PM6/9/03
to (Marg Watson) wrote in message news:<>...

Hm. I wonder what I'd send them, given that I read newsgroup messages
at the site, not my email box. (Good thing! I'd have
viruses galore!) Think it would work if I copied the fullest headers
offered by Google, even without the message, and sent it in an email


Jun 9, 2003, 6:32:19 PM6/9/03
"J Rogow" <> wrote in message news:<>...


> However, I *think* it's helping - and that helps.

A most amazing thing, the mind! You're actually *aware* that the help
may only be in your mind, and taking the supplement *still* helps you!
Now, why can't we from the western hemisphere be trained to use that
brain power to heal from the roots up?


Jun 9, 2003, 6:49:06 PM6/9/03
cwhite0714 wrote:

> "J Rogow" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> > However, I *think* it's helping - and that helps.
> A most amazing thing, the mind! You're actually *aware* that the help
> may only be in your mind, and taking the supplement *still* helps you!
> Now, why can't we from the western hemisphere be trained to use that
> brain power to heal from the roots up?

Actually MSM seems to have some antiinflammatory properties (and no warnings like on some of the
other stuff).
It also says "check /tell your doctor".

Marg Watson

Jun 9, 2003, 10:59:16 PM6/9/03

I sure wish I knew. The mind is definitely a power trip!

Do you ever plan to do nothing on a certain day because you've been
working yourself silly & you know that if you don't take the vegetation
day, then it'll take you? And when that day arrives, you feel like
utter bleepity beep warmed over? But, if something happens & you have
to suspend your vegetation period, then you find yourself able to

I'm not actually admitting anything just yet, k? 8-)


Marg Watson

Jun 9, 2003, 10:44:00 PM6/9/03

I'm not sure. Hmmmm is right! :-)

You could forward one of your email messages from your in-box though &
like, if you have a spam message, you can forward that too & compare the
differences. You can try that with Google, but I just don't know if
it'll work if it's a copied header.

Fortunately, I don't have to worry about viruses being on the webtv &
it's so comfortable. I couldn't sit at a desk with a computer to do
eBay. Well, I could sit, but then walking would be the problem. LOL!


J Rogow

Jun 10, 2003, 10:27:42 AM6/10/03
"cwhite0714" <> wrote in message

Good question. I've always had a faint mystic side, perhaps it's my
Sephardic background?

J Rogow

Jun 10, 2003, 10:31:00 AM6/10/03
"Marg Watson" <> wrote in message

Sometimes getting through a really rough assignment is only possible
because I know that I'll be home in a few days and can take that
veg-day rest. It's a given in this household that the week after Comdex
or CES will be "lost", and the day/few days after a shoot are not to be
planned for more than the basics.

So, yes, I have to agree.


Jun 11, 2003, 4:02:29 PM6/11/03
to (Marg Watson) wrote in message news:<>...

OK, I gotta know about this. How come you don't have to worry about
viruses on webtv? And if you don't sit at a desk, what do you use and
where? Do you have a regular keyboard for input?

Marg Watson

Jun 11, 2003, 5:31:14 PM6/11/03

It's cause there's no software. It's a box about the size of a VCR. It
hooks up to your tv & phone line & the tv is your computer screen. Oh &
you can watch tv in a litlle box in the corner while you surf the net.
You can't do all the things you can do with a computer, like downloading
stuff, reading certain attachments, etc., but it's kinda neat. You can
sit or lay on the couch or in a recliner & have one of those lap tables
(for breakfast in bed things) & just relax. I prefer it in my room,
cause I don't want to spray my couch with white vinegar. Sorry, that's
another post--a dog thing. :-) I sit Indian-style on my bed cause when
I sit with my legs down, my knees swell. And I put a couple of pillows
on my lap & type on the wireless keyboard.

My brother recently got a virus on his computer. I was so close to
giving in & buying one to do eBay faster--webtv can be painfully
slow--and I got scared again! It wiped his memory off the face of the
earth. He paid 300.00 to have it fixed! Owwweeee!

HTH. Feel free to ask more ?'s. It's about the only thing I know much


Shannon Spurlock

Jun 13, 2003, 7:53:37 AM6/13/03
Hi all,

I agree with Lynne, we should watch the herbs on what to take, but I
also believe it affects certain individuals differently. For
instance, some of the woman I have talked to who are also on herbalife
and have Lupus can do some other products, but I can't. Strange!
Also I have heard, which I'm sure you guys may all know, that we
should be eating more like a vegetarian. I'm having a hard time with
that only because I'm not a "veggie" person. But I'm trying. Plus I
have found with my body, I cannot handle caffeines. Like Chocolate.
Which is good!!!


On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 11:59:03 +0100, herbwormwood
<> wrote:

>Hi All,
>I wonder what is the answer?
>The thing about the immune support products, do they make our immune
>system *healthy*, or do they make it *more active*?

>I think the distinction is important. There are some herbal products which
>should be avoided in Lupus, but a good herbal practiooner who understands
>Lupus should be aware of them. So I would say that it would be wrong to
>think all herbal products shold be avoided, but caution should be
>exercised and advice sought before taking it.

> On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 0:35:28 +0100, Marg Watson wrote
>(in message <>):

Shannon Spurlock

Jun 13, 2003, 8:02:13 AM6/13/03
Hi Maggie,

Thats my point, people do not know enough about Herbalife and Lupus
to make any kind of a decision. I just know for myself and the other
woman at Herbalife who also have Lupus strongly feel this is helping
us. The only warnings on Herbalife products are for pregnant/nursing
women and children to consult your physician. So there are no other
warnings on the products. Also as an distr. I do know if your
allergic to any foods or on certain meds. you have to be careful on
what products your can take.

I guess I'll just have to take my chances, only because I know how
good I feel now. I'm afraid to stop, only because I know how awful I
felt before.

But I appreciate your concern and your advice. I am going to the
doc. soon and I was going to talk to him about it again, in person
this time. Plus I was going to bring him all the info. I have. That
way maybe I can educate him on it. or we can discuss all of this

Thanks again.


On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 23:28:58 -0500 (CDT), (Marg Watson)

>Hi Connie!

Shannon Spurlock

Jun 13, 2003, 8:03:14 AM6/13/03

Thanks Wes, thats what I'm going to do at my next apt.



Jun 13, 2003, 9:10:18 AM6/13/03
> Also I have heard, which I'm sure you guys may all know, that we
> should be eating more like a vegetarian.
- Include foods rich in zinc. These foods include oysters, meats, seafood,
poultry and eggs.

- Include rich sources of iron in your diet. To increase absorption, consume
with an acid-containing food or one with vitamin C. Sources of iron include
cream of wheat, liver, beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, beans
baked with molasses, prunes, prune juice, apricots, green peas, enriched
breads, and cereals.

- Increase your intake of foods high in Vitamin C. These foods include
broccoli, oranges, strawberries, cauliflower, cantaloupe, cabbage and green

- Include foods rich in Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine). These foods include whole
grain cereals, breads, liver, avocados, spinach, green beans, bananas, fish,
poultry, meats, nuts, potatoes, green leafy vegetables.

- Include foods rich in Vitamin D. These include foods primarily of animal
origin: eggs, butter, milk, fish oils, cereals, margarines and breads. This
along with calcium decreases the risk of osteoporosis.

- Take medications with food to decrease the irritating effect on the stomach
and small intestine. Foods and drugs taken together also increase the time
available for the absorption of the drug.

- Eat a relatively high protein diet.

- Follow a diet moderately low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

- Stay away from cured meats and hot dogs. Both contain compounds that in large
amounts can aggravate symptoms in people with lupus, says Joseph McCune, M.D.,
associate professor of rheumatology at the University of Michigan Hospitals in
Ann Arbor.



Jun 13, 2003, 9:30:38 AM6/13/03
Shannon Spurlock wrote:

> Thats my point, people do not know enough about Herbalife and Lupus
> to make any kind of a decision. I just know for myself and the other
> woman at Herbalife who also have Lupus strongly feel this is helping
> us.

Herbalife is an MLM marketing scheme.
I've tried it myself. Any weight loss will result in "feeling better" (for
most people).
Ensure or other medically-approved products work well and are "knowns" as
apposed to unknown /unproven products.
The first 6 weeks I thought it was working, it was water loss !
The real weight loss came with smaller portions, exercise and choosing well
from food groups.

> . Also as an distr.

I would respectfully ask you to take your "distr" biz somewhere else.
Or I'll have to look into complaining to the FTC about you.


Jun 13, 2003, 9:50:38 AM6/13/03
> > Thats my point, people do not know enough about Herbalife and Lupus
> > to make any kind of a decision. I just know for myself and the other
> > woman at Herbalife who also have Lupus strongly feel this is helping
> > us.
Unfortunately, my RD cannot tell me if it will help/harm me...doesn't know
for sure. And I don't trust marketing people....



Jun 15, 2003, 5:29:32 AM6/15/03
Connie - if Herbalife contains ephedrine, that could be part of the
reason you have more energy. I think there is a new version that is
ephedrine-free. They are linking ephedrine to serious heart problems
and some people have died. There is one state (can't remember which)
that my pharmacist husband says has banned it. I know one person
whose liver enzymes went out of whack when she started taking it (she
does not have SLE).

When my 28 year old brother died in his sleep in September, Ephedrine
is one of the things they looked for in his system. We know he had
taken it previously, when he was into weight-lifting, although he
wasn't taking it when he died. It's in so many products aimed at
building strength or loosing weight. The coroner said there had been
a series of deaths among young men (all dying in their sleep) in which
present (or even past) ephedrine use was a suspected cause.

Just be careful, if it does have ephedrine. People take it 'cause it
makes them feel better and have more energy - but there is a definate
downside. I bought a weight loss supplement of similar type and my
husband took one look at it and asked me to throw it away. It
contained ephedrine.

Take Care, Gretchen

Nana NJ

Jun 15, 2003, 5:02:01 PM6/15/03
to (Gretchen) wrote:

> Connie - if Herbalife contains
> ephedrine, that could be part of the
> reason you have more energy. I think
> there is a new version that is
> ephedrine-free. They are linking
> ephedrine to serious heart problems and
> some people have died. There is one
> state (can't remember which) that my
> pharmacist husband says has banned it.

> When my 28 year old brother died in his
> sleep in September, Ephedrine is one of
> the things they looked for in his

> system,
<snip>The coroner said there

> had been a series of deaths among young
> men (all dying in their sleep) in which
> present (or even past) ephedrine use was
> a suspected cause.
> Just be careful, if it does have
> ephedrine. People take it 'cause it
> makes them feel better and have more
> energy - but there is a definate
> downside. I bought a weight loss
> supplement of similar type and my
> husband took one look at it and asked me
> to throw it away. It contained
> ephedrine.
> Take Care, Gretchen

Hello Gretchen,

I'm sorry to hear about your brother. There's bans coming on that
substance and others and rightly so. It doesn't bring him back but it
gives authority to what you say (in addition to having a pharmacist
husband--the snake oil people will have the public think the pharmacists
and doctors are "out to get them").

The FDA doesn't regulate the health supplement industry (which is just
what it is, an industry). The makers of supplements gripe because they
don't want the government regulating them and they'll put petitions out
in health food stores (the health food stores don't even want the food
regulated, but they're outta luck there).

It's frightening, not only the ingredients, but they're may be things in
the supplements that aren't listed and that could harm. At the very best
you're throwing your money away on something worthless. But you may
also be throwing what is left of your health and your life away.



Write a wise saying and your name will live forever.

Nicole H

Jun 15, 2003, 7:05:56 PM6/15/03
they don't want food regulated??? yuck! there is no way I would buy that
food then... no telling what could be in it... same with the herbalife et al

Shannon Spurlock

Jun 20, 2003, 9:55:28 AM6/20/03
Sorry if I affended you JMO, I was just stating an issue, I am not
trying to sell Herbalife to any of you guys, I was just curious if any
of you guys have tried it and what your results were if you did. So
excuse me for being curious.

I will refraim from this area for now on. I was not out to bug
anyone, just curious. So now I know to stay away from you people.
Some of us people with Lupus want help and answers and apparently you
get affended easily when someone is curious. So I will stay away!!!

Good luck to you all and I'm sorry if I affended anyone else. I'm
not trying to sell Herbalife, just very curious if any of you guys
have tried it.

Shannon Spurlock

Jun 20, 2003, 9:56:37 AM6/20/03
Thanks Gretchen, this is Ephedra free. Thanks.


Jun 20, 2003, 11:58:30 AM6/20/03
Hi Connie,
Welcome. I have never heard of that particular product. My doctor encouraged
me to try a product that is made from a variety of vegetable juices. He said
I would absorb more nutrients that way. It is a liquid, but I don't recall
the name of it. I looked into it a bit, but it cost way too much. My
prescription bills are tremendous, so I couldn't afford anything else. Is
the Herbalife expensive? Is it a drink of some sort?
BJ-Sk. Canada
"Shannon Spurlock" <> wrote in message
> Maggie,
> My Doc. said not to take it, but I am, it seems to make me feel so
> much better. Now I cannot take the "extra" items, like Joint support
> or things like that. Thatt seems to make me hurt more. I'm mostly on
> the prod. to lose weight and I needed that.
> Also, I have spoken to sev. people in Herbalife who have Lupus and
> are on the prod. and they are actually off all thier meds. Which I
> have no clue if I will ever be able to quit taking my meds. But its
> something to look forward to. I'm just thankful to be able to do
> things with my girls again.
> Connie


Jun 20, 2003, 2:09:00 PM6/20/03
> I will refraim from this area for now on. I was not out to bug
> anyone, just curious. So now I know to stay away from you people.
> Some of us people with Lupus want help and answers and apparently you
> get affended easily when someone is curious. So I will stay away!!!

we don't get offended easily actually. The problem is, that we are often
fighting "snake oil" salespeople who want to cure everything with one
product. it becomes a go button and makes us very leery of anyone seemingly
pushing a product. I for one did not think you were selling it in this
case. I think
most of us did not think so. But those of us who might have worried you
were doing so are only looking out for each other not to get taken in by
someone who is trying to make a buck. Is it a quick trigger? perhaps. Is
it an understandable fear - absolutely! So don't assume that the group in
general is offended easily because one or two people express a concern. We
are, for a valid reason, leery.

> Good luck to you all and I'm sorry if I affended anyone else. I'm
> not trying to sell Herbalife, just very curious if any of you guys
> have tried it.

and really - that's all that needs to be said when someone asks (even if
they ask a bit roughly.) this is a very supportive group that generally
appreciates suggestions of any kind as long as they are not attempts to sell
a product. you might want to read our FAQ on this topic -

good luck,

Kristi Brinkman

Jul 13, 2021, 10:35:59 AM7/13/21
On Saturday, June 7, 2003 at 10:15:56 AM UTC-5, Shannon Spurlock wrote:
> Hi has anyone tried Herbalife with Lupus??? I have been on Herbalife
> for about 3 months now and I feel so much better!!! I have tons of
> energy and I'm not in the pain like I used to be. I still have days I
> ache, but majority of the time, I'm doing fine.
> Just curious, Connie

Which herbalife product do you take? I just started it.
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