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Re: HELP - partner forgot she'd had HSV2

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Jan 16, 2008, 3:46:02 AM1/16/08
I'm sorry you are going through this. As someone who has the virus
myself, I must be honest with you and say it generally isn't something
you 'just forget'! I wish a week went by when I didn't think about
it! Perhaps that is the underlying reason she has been out of the
dating scene? Look I don't mean to judge, it's hard to know whether
that is the case or not, I just find it a little hard to believe. But
then, it is common to find out you have the virus during childbirth or
pregnancy and perhaps having a child completely takes your mind off
those sorts of things, I don't know.

I don't really know what advice to give you. If she is worth it, then
I wouldn't let a virus (which as you rightly said is more of an
inconvenience than a life-threatening situation), get in the way of
what could be an incredible relationship. My concern would be more so
around the issue of trust than the virus itself. I think you are well
within your rights to tread cautiously in an effort to ascertain
whether you can trust this person and whether it was in fact an honest
mistake. People deserve to have the opportunity to make an informed
decision as to whether to take the risk with an HSV positive person,
not have that decision made for them.

Re: the tests, from my experience, the swab test is more accurate
than blood tests. Blood tests have been known to come back negative
even though the person may in fact have the herpes virus. The swab
test needs to be done when there are symptoms present though.

Hope it helps.


Jan 16, 2008, 4:31:44 PM1/16/08
Even if the test results are positive, it's possible that you already
had HSV2. I've read 70-80% of the one out of four Americans that have
it, don't know they have it. You might be one of these 56 million


Jan 16, 2008, 9:58:23 PM1/16/08
Personally, I have no problem at all believing her when she says she
simply forgot. So she had an outbreak 9 years ago and zippity do da
since? And she's been out of the dating scene so presumably no reason
to give it a thought? It's been completely out of sight and out of
mind? Why wouldn't she forget? I think *most* people would forget. She
remembers now though, and she told you about it when she did. I'd
give her points for that.

As far as the risk to you, it's probably pretty slim. Granted,
precautions are in order but I certainly wouldn't let this get in the
way if everything else about the relationship is working.

As for blood tests, the older ones weren't very accurate but the
current ones are *very* accurate. The only thing is, they're good only
after 12-16 weeks of infection. They look for antibodies in the blood
and it takes that long for the immune system to build them up to
detectable levels.
Check this out:
Be aware that many healthcare professionals don't know beans about
Herpes even though they won't let you know that. And a few
unintentionally even spread misinformation about it. If yours is up
to date on it, and word seems to be getting out to some of them
lately, you're a lucky man.

As for your statement about the severity of Herpes, you were right the
first time. As many as 90% of the people infected with Genital Herp
don't even know they have it. Even if I knew nothing about it, that
stat alone would make me wonder "so what's the big deal?" Fact is,
it's a big deal for a very small percentage of people.
I personally know several infected women who have had relationships
with uninfected men for years without ever passing it along. Granted
sometimes it happens but not as often as you might think.
Anyhow, you asked for some general feedback so there's mine.

BD writes:
>Hey, folks.
>I've been dating a gal whom I've known for about a year.
>She has been out of the dating scene for a long time, as she had a
>substantial weight / self-image problem. The weight issue was dealt
>with, through gastric bypass.
>We've been friends for about a year, and decided to ramp it up to a
>dating scenario almost 2 months ago. I've not been really committed to
>the relationship, as she has a 9-year-old boy who's rather active and
>an occasional discipline issue - and I've never been a parent. But, on
>her encouragement, we've been spending time together, and exploring
>the relationship.
>We 'ramped up' the relationship a month ago, and have had intercourse
>a few times. Unprotected. To be honest, I thought that since she'd
>been out of the scene for so long, STDs were kind of a non-issue.
>((let's please just avoid the scolding on this point - I've beaten
>myself up quite a bit about this point))
>She came to me recently and said that just about when her child was
>born, she had an HSV2 outbreak. Just one, and she'd completely
>forgotten all about it - until it flared up again, after we began our
>physical relationship. I believe her when she says that the reason it
>flared up again was a combination of the activity, and hormonal
>changes due to recently going on the pill - as well as some
>antibiotics she's been taking.
>Our last contact was 15 days ago. She broke the news to me 2 days ago,
>when she finally realized what was going on. It would seem that she
>completely forgot about the first outbreak, because it was isolated. I
>don't know how to respond to that claim.
>To this point, I have no noteworthy symptoms. Went to a clinic to
>discuss it with a practitioner, and based on what he heard, he
>estimated that I was probably fine. He took a swab of an area on which
>I did see some extremely tiny red marks, which he suggested were
>likely a more generic irritation, and not a result of HSV2.
>I have an appointment with my family doctor next week, and will
>discuss it with him then - I may go whole hog and get the bloodwork
>done after awhile.
>I think I'm in mild shock, simply because I spent most of the
>afternoon without even thinking about this, and then would hear this
>little voice in my head, saying "She FORGOT?"
>I really don't know how to respond to all this. New relationship, my
>faith in the dynamic still being established, kid involved, and then I
>get this bombshell dropped on me.
>I've done some basic reading, and appreciate the stigma associated
>with HSV, versus the reality. I know it's manageable, and in reality
>it's an overblown inconvenience. But I also have no way of knowing how
>impactful this will be on a still-new relationship, where we're still
>discovering each other's histories. Trust is in jeopardy, progression
>of intimacy, etc. The phrase 'is it worth it' has dribbled into my
>mind quite a few times.
>At this point, I am not compelled to run to the hills, simply because
>I consider myself to not be quite that reactive. But, I am strongly
>tempted to change the dynamic of the relationship (ie go back to 'just
>friends'), until I can wrap my head around it all. I can't in good
>conscience tell her it's all okay, simply because I think I'm still
>emotionally detached from the reality of everything.
>I'd appreciate any general feedback that can be offered.

Feb 24, 2008, 10:37:55 AM2/24/08

Im a little skeptical about her NOT remembering she has herpes. Has
anyone else only ever had one outbreak? Even if she only ad one
outbreak, thats not something you forget about. I remember crying for
days when i first found out. Its a huge deal. Its something like
getting kicked in the nads...sure it was a long time ago, but you
never really forget.

~nony mouse

Mar 18, 2008, 1:54:18 PM3/18/08

> Im a little skeptical about her NOT remembering she has herpes. Has
> anyone else only ever had one outbreak? Even if she only ad one
> outbreak, thats not something you forget about. I remember crying for
> days when i first found out. Its a huge deal. Its something like
> getting kicked in the nads...sure it was a long time ago, but you
> never really forget.

I had only one major outbreak with no other symptoms (that I could
associate directly with herp) in the first 10 years.

About 10 years in, I started having neuralgia and maybe an
inconsequential rawness or single blister--nothing I would have
noticed if I weren't already on the lookout for it. However, I've
never forgotten that I have the herp. My first experience was so
traumatic, there's no way to forget it. But initial outbreaks--when
they occur--vary in severity.

Thus, I can see someone having a more minor initial outbreak (compared
to what I had), not going to the doctor, and sort of forgetting about
it--like a repressed memory. Memories are weird that way.

So I wouldn't assume the worst, but if I were you, I would proceed not
with skepticism but with eyes open. Is this a part of a larger pattern
of dubious behavior, or is it an exception to an otherwise open
person? And if she deliberately mislead you, why would she point it
out now when you've shown no symptoms? Wouldn't she wait for you to
get symptoms and then suddenly go, "Oh, wait, I forgot, I've got

Alas, there are no clear cut answers. If you like her, I'd give her
the benefit of the doubt, as much as you can, if she seems to have
otherwise been an open and honest person.

nony mouse


Mar 18, 2008, 3:34:45 PM3/18/08
I don't even remember my first outbreak, but it wasn't genital. I have
herpetic whitlow (hsv2), it breaks out on the palm of my hand. I didn't
know what the blisters were when I first starting getting them and asked my
acupuncturist what he thought it was. His reply: "Looks like herpes to me".
He was right!
So, it is possible, in some cases not even to KNOW you have herpes.
<> wrote in message

Feb 28, 2016, 2:31:49 PM2/28/16
This recently happened to me. I am a female with hsv-2. I contracted via date rape and lost my virginity so it was extremely traumatizing. Since then I have been open and honest with my two exs and NEVER gave it to them. We were safe and they cared about me and loved me, but it was extremely difficult to share at first. I haven't had an outbreak in a year and I recently left my ex of 5 years. Needless to say, after 6 years living with this, it's such a minimal part of my life, the opportunity came up to sleep with someone new. I was so excited and ready I completely forgot about the virus. It's so dormant in my body that it didn't effect my life that much the past year!!! I haven't had this conversation in 5 years. I am terrified, but I have become friends with this person, he wants to sleep with me again and I have to bravely decline and tell him the truth. I can only hope he believes me when I share I forgot. But forgetting you have it just goes to show how not a huge part of life it is. People get cold sores on their face all the time! Just because it's downstairs is more sad than anything. I try to remind myself that because it's true! I am recently single and now terrified to date as an adult I am so scared of getting rejected but I expect it, so that way I don't get hurt as much. I also know love is more important than fun. So wish me luck guys! I have highs and lows sometimes I feel beautiful, most of the time I feel hate and anger. I do love myself, but I hate my body sometimes. Life is hard.

Feb 28, 2016, 2:31:50 PM2/28/16
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