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Ken Pangborn

Dec 11, 2005, 2:25:18 PM12/11/05
QUIT WHINING about everything. Yopur husband, son, mother etc is DEAD. GE

CHrist you people are WORSE than niggers.


Dec 11, 2005, 3:55:59 PM12/11/05
to Ken Pangborn
Hey Jo... some things never change huh? :)


Ken Pangborn

Dec 11, 2005, 5:17:34 PM12/11/05

Hey BITHC. Still whining about your gay son? Has it brought him back from
the dead??? BWAHAHAHAHA

Message has been deleted


Dec 11, 2005, 6:02:40 PM12/11/05
well here's another one for the kill file

Ken Pangborn

Dec 11, 2005, 3:18:54 PM12/11/05


Dec 11, 2005, 8:47:17 PM12/11/05
to 'Kate
'Kate wrote:
> On 11 Dec 2005 22:17:34 -0000, Anonymous...@See.Comment.Header
> (Ken Pangborn) the following was posted in blue dry erase marker:
> Poor kenny. No one has it worse than he so no one else has the right to
> seek understanding.
> What a pathetic sack.
Not to mention he can't even spell bitch......



Dec 11, 2005, 8:48:01 PM12/11/05
to JRK
JRK wrote:
> well here's another one for the kill file
Yea he's been around for years.....


Message has been deleted

just Jo

Dec 12, 2005, 12:01:25 AM12/12/05
Yea he's been around for years.....


lol! I just got done writing a reply about
that _________......forget death-they
def NEED a life FIRST hey? lol!


Dec 12, 2005, 8:05:35 AM12/12/05
"Ken Pangborn" <Anonymous...@See.Comment.Header> wrote in message

Moore this is NOT funny!


Dec 12, 2005, 9:36:57 AM12/12/05
to KRP
It's pangborn using an alias...


Message has been deleted


Dec 12, 2005, 3:46:42 PM12/12/05

"Daisy" <> wrote in message



Dec 12, 2005, 3:48:15 PM12/12/05
"freedom" <> wrote in message

>>> CHrist you people are WORSE than niggers.
>>Moore this is NOT funny!
> Then stop posting it, forger.>
> p.s. Ken Pangborn can be reached at 727-786-6911.

Hey Davey - want me to post YOUR number there in Missouri? I am gonna start
to think about it. What kind of Pizza do YOU like?
Maybe I can play your game?

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Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Dec 12, 2005, 5:44:32 PM12/12/05

You're correct.

For what it's worth, yours isn't the only newsgroup he attacks. He also
trolls the alt.atheism newsgroup quite a bit. Earlier this year, he outted
himself on posts very similar to the ones he's made here. You can read
about this at:

Unfortunately, his motive for attacking your group is so that he can then
turn around and blame the posts on me. I'm sorry he wasted your time.

Version: N/A


Message has been deleted


Dec 12, 2005, 9:42:11 PM12/12/05
to 'Kate
'Kate wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 23:44:32 +0100, "freedom"
> <> the following was posted in
> blue dry erase marker:
>>You're correct.
>>For what it's worth, yours isn't the only newsgroup he attacks. He also
>>trolls the alt.atheism newsgroup quite a bit. Earlier this year, he outted
>>himself on posts very similar to the ones he's made here. You can read
>>about this at:
>>Unfortunately, his motive for attacking your group is so that he can then
>>turn around and blame the posts on me. I'm sorry he wasted your time.
> Who gives a shit about you, him, and whatever you two have going on. You
> add to the problem time and time again insultingly assuming that others
> won't figure out what is going on. You're more annoying than the
> original poster.
The real sad thing is it's been going on for over 8 years that I know of :(


Message has been deleted


Dec 12, 2005, 9:56:15 PM12/12/05
to 'Kate
'Kate wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 20:42:11 -0600, Daisy <>

> the following was posted in blue dry erase marker:
>>The real sad thing is it's been going on for over 8 years that I know of :(
> Can you imagine carrying a grudge that long?
> 'Kate
Couldn't even begin to imagine....


Message has been deleted


Dec 13, 2005, 10:28:46 AM12/13/05
<> wrote in message

> Daisy wrote:
>> >
>> >>QUIT WHINING about everything. Yopur husband, son, mother etc is DEAD.
>> >>GE
>> >>OVER IT.
>> >>
>> >>CHrist you people are WORSE than niggers.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Moore this is NOT funny!
>> >
>> >
> It's pangborn using an alias...



Dec 13, 2005, 10:31:36 AM12/13/05

"freedom" <> wrote in message

> Daisy <> wrote:
>>KRP wrote:
>>> "Ken Pangborn" <Anonymous...@See.Comment.Header> wrote in message
>>>>QUIT WHINING about everything. Yopur husband, son, mother etc is DEAD.
>>>>OVER IT.
>>>>CHrist you people are WORSE than niggers.
>>> Moore this is NOT funny!
>>It's pangborn using an alias...
> For what it's worth, yours isn't the only newsgroup he attacks. He also
> trolls the alt.atheism newsgroup quite a bit. Earlier this year, he
> outted
> himself on posts very similar to the ones he's made here. You can read
> about this at:

Moore that is BULLSHIT., It is amazing that YOU post from a REMAILER and
ALL those forgeries come from one of YOUR shitty little anonymous remailers.
Note the FRELL REMAILER you post from! But I see somebody already has your
pathetic ;little ass figured out. AWww poor Davey, this only works on the
morons in the ATHEISM newsgroup. TOLD YA!


Dec 13, 2005, 10:32:36 AM12/13/05

"Daisy" <> wrote in message

YEP!! AND the guy has tens of thousands of hours into his STALKING website
about me! ALL day and ALL night every day *I* am the ONLY thing he does!


Dec 13, 2005, 10:36:09 AM12/13/05

"freedom" <> wrote in message

> <> wrote:
>>> CHrist you people are WORSE than niggers.
>> STFU Kenny
> Damn, but that's low, even for Pangborn. The ASTC has hopefully been
> notified?

Original forgery by DAVID MOORE as me.

ATTACK POST by David Moore as

And SUPPORTING CAST as freedom" <


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Dec 14, 2005, 6:51:24 AM12/14/05

"'Kate" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 15:32:36 GMT, "KRP" <> the
> And you're falling for it again. How stupid does that make you?

I have NO choice as *I* am being attacked, how about YOU?


Dec 14, 2005, 9:55:13 AM12/14/05
to KRP
Why not ignore the ass? We don't need the shit in here...we've got
enough to deal with, we don't need you egging the stupid ass on anymore.
Now go away or snip our group off of your postings.

You're worse than he is.


Message has been deleted


Dec 14, 2005, 7:43:21 PM12/14/05

"Daisy" <> wrote in message

> Why not ignore the ass? We don't need the shit in here...we've got enough
> to deal with, we don't need you egging the stupid ass on anymore.
> Now go away or snip our group off of your postings.

Well to start with among other things he has been harassing my wife via
e-mails. If I don't answer him people think I am doing those nasty


Dec 14, 2005, 7:44:00 PM12/14/05

"'Kate" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 11:51:24 GMT, "KRP" <> the

> following was posted in blue dry erase marker:
>>> And you're falling for it again. How stupid does that make you?
>>I have NO choice as *I* am being attacked,
> You are choosing to act to "defend" yourself against perceived harm.
> There is no real harm done. You could just as easily ignore the other
> person's behavior. You chose to make this a quest. How foolish.

Oh the harm is real, you just don't get to see everything the creep

Message has been deleted


Dec 14, 2005, 10:10:56 PM12/14/05
to KRP
Bullshit he's been in here for years....just leave it be, concentrate
on your wife instead of this personal vendetta.



Dec 15, 2005, 6:05:43 AM12/15/05

"'Kate" <> wrote in message

>>>>> And you're falling for it again. How stupid does that make you?
>>>>I have NO choice as *I* am being attacked,
>>> You are choosing to act to "defend" yourself against perceived harm.
>>> There is no real harm done. You could just as easily ignore the other
>>> person's behavior. You chose to make this a quest. How foolish.
>> Oh the harm is real, you just don't get to see everything the creep

> Then you would have reported him to the FBI and they would have checked
> to see whether he was a real threat or just a loudmouth psycho. Since it
> continues, I presume that he is just a loudmouth psycho. The solution is
> simple. Turn the computer off. Walk away from the internet. If you
> don't, then IMHO you're giving him permission to abuse you. And judging
> from your responses, I'd say he found an easy mark.

Nice idea, completely naive. The FBI has NO jurisdiction and has MUCH
bigger fish to fry. Sorry - when you have an internet stalker you are 100%
on your own.
Now as to shutting off my computer and walking away from the internet, I
can't because my business is heavily dependent on the internet, which is WHY
the harassment, to destroy my business. Few people realize how little legal
protection we have for maniacs like this.


Dec 15, 2005, 6:07:34 AM12/15/05

"Daisy" <> wrote in message

I do concentrate on her, however he has been threatening her via e-mail, he
even has a web page up trying DESPERATELY to contact her as he did my
ex-wife. You have NO idea how obsessed this guy is. Sadly, the law offers
NO protection for his victims.

Message has been deleted


Dec 15, 2005, 9:33:23 AM12/15/05

Now tell her the full story....that a simple apology would make go away, and would end your so-called
"problems" least from me exposing you on your lies.

Keywords: trial consultant,trial consulting,dads,fathers,ken
pangborn,kenneth pangborn,florida,palm
pangborn,sanciprian,peggy pangborn,jay
holland,florida,tampa,cyberstalking,dean tong,david sharp,marina
taylor,florida lawyer,florida attorney,astc,american society of trial
consultants,racism,racist,hate crime,forgery,forgeries,fraud

Version: N/A


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Dec 15, 2005, 2:03:48 PM12/15/05

"freedom" <> wrote in message

>> Nice idea, completely naive. The FBI has NO jurisdiction and has MUCH
>>bigger fish to fry. Sorry - when you have an internet stalker you are 100%
>>on your own.
>>Now as to shutting off my computer and walking away from the internet, I
>>can't because my business is heavily dependent on the internet, which is
>>the harassment, to destroy my business. Few people realize how little
>>protection we have for maniacs like this.
> Now tell her the full story....that a simple apology would make
> go away, and would end your so-called
> "problems" least from me exposing you on your lies.

Apology for what Davey? And your offers have been placed to the test in the
past, Your "WORD" is 100% worthless. Now why don't you admit the truth to
harassing my wife?


Dec 15, 2005, 2:05:13 PM12/15/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message
> "freedom" <> wrote:

>>----->>> Nice idea, completely naive. The FBI has NO jurisdiction and

>>has MUCH
>>>bigger fish to fry. Sorry - when you have an internet stalker you are
>>>on your own.
>>>Now as to shutting off my computer and walking away from the internet, I
>>>can't because my business is heavily dependent on the internet, which is
>>>the harassment, to destroy my business. Few people realize how little
>>>protection we have for maniacs like this.
>>Now tell her the full story....that a simple apology would make
>> go away, and would end your so-called
>>"problems" least from me exposing you on your lies.

> This isn't entirely true according to your site.

> "I, in turn, will remove the text of these pages and replace it with the
> text of his apology, plus a link to his URL. I will retain ownership of
> this domain, and will continue to proactively include the domain in search
> engines. If Ken steps out of compliance with any of the above, all pages
> will immediately be restored. "

> The "any of the above" includes: "5. Ken will cease his abusive behavior."
> This is a trifle vague. Who decides what is abusive behavior? If he gets
> into an argument with someone, do the pages get slapped back up?

> I think a more equitable tradeoff might be if ownership of the domain in
> question is turned over to him.

Yeah right... And then the NEW about Ken website???


Dec 15, 2005, 2:07:01 PM12/15/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message

>>I do concentrate on her, however he has been threatening her via e-mail,
>>even has a web page up trying DESPERATELY to contact her as he did my
>>ex-wife. You have NO idea how obsessed this guy is. Sadly, the law offers
>>NO protection for his victims.

> Bullshit. If someone is threatening via e-mail, you file a complaint with
> the police. They get a court order to serve on the e-mail provider to
> produce their user records. Then they prosecute the person who is sending
> the threats.

I went through 6 years of a prosecutor in Illinois terrified of his
shadow. FINALLY he takes action and Moore moves to Missouri and starts using
an alias.
What e-mail provider? He's using a remailer? Not quite so easy.


Dec 15, 2005, 2:14:00 PM12/15/05

"'Kate" <> wrote in message

Now Kate - take a look at this from Mr. Moore...

Old Kenny had been lying to his wife, hiding from her. Yesterday, she got her first
dose of his lies with a warning that he would claim "forgery" and make
up a bunch of bullshit about it. He immediately changed her email
address, thinking that this would stop her from receiving information
but he knows little of what is yet to come. The seed has been planted
and Barbara will be doing some looking into these matters when Kenny is
not around. The threats that he issued are funnier than Anna Nicole
Smith at a mensa convention. Kenny somehow can't seem to understand
that his empty threats don't effect anyone. Kenny is just some fat old
queen, a dickless wonder with no power, no respect, no opinion that
counts. lol. I would feel sorry for him if he wasn't such an asshole.

You see what I mean? This "WARPED" individual maintains that he has a
"CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT" to do this to "WARN" as he puts it my wife and
children. A couple years ago the STALKER found out where my daughter was
riding horses and he started making phone calls "DEMANDING to speak to her
(she was 15 at the time) and telling people there at the barn that he sue
"SURE THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF" them if they interfered because it was his
"CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT" to speak to her! He did the same at my ex wife's
place of business. What can be done? Florida authorities wouldn't do a thing
because he was doing the calling from Illinois. Illinois authorities
wouldn't because the prosecutor wanted to get him on something "bigger." It
is all well and good to sit there and say how things work... But you don't
have any idea what you are talking about. OH, and before I left it slip my
mind again.. I am NOT anywhere near his only victim. There's a pretty long
list of his "MARKS" as he calls us.

Message has been deleted

Percival L Mincer

Dec 15, 2005, 2:51:11 PM12/15/05
By the a PRIME example of the sick mind of Kenneth Robert
Pangborn note the statement where he says "His websire is off shore and
in a country that refuses to recognize American laws or court orders
from U.S, courts. " PIGBARN LIE.......The courts have FULL jurisdiction
and could order Moore to remove the site. Should he refuse to do so, a
motion to compel him to do so would be filed. If he still refused, he
would then go to jail for comtempt until such time as he agreed to
comply with the order and remove ALL websites. You can't afford a
lawyer Pigbarn and the fact it. it's ALL TRUE. Anybody that can do a
google search and read your post knows you are a: MANIC DEPRESSIVE,

You lose again, fatboy.....Best of all, you know it.


Message has been deleted

Percival L Mincer

Dec 15, 2005, 5:09:44 PM12/15/05
Kenneth Robert Pangborn HAS NO BUSINESS ! What a joke.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Dec 15, 2005, 10:17:43 PM12/15/05
to freedom,
freedom wrote:
> Borked Pseudo Mailed <> wrote:
>>This isn't entirely true according to your site.
>>"I, in turn, will remove the text of these pages and replace it with the
>>text of his apology, plus a link to his URL. I will retain ownership of
>>this domain, and will continue to proactively include the domain in search
>>engines. If Ken steps out of compliance with any of the above, all pages
>>will immediately be restored. "
>>The "any of the above" includes: "5. Ken will cease his abusive behavior."
>>This is a trifle vague. Who decides what is abusive behavior? If he gets
>>into an argument with someone, do the pages get slapped back up?
> This is referring to abusive behavior such as his lying, his forgeries and
> his attacks upon others. Ken knows exactly what is meant by this, as it's
> been explained to him in e-mail.

>>I think a more equitable tradeoff might be if ownership of the domain in
>>question is turned over to him.
> Yeah right, so he can turn right around and resume his harassment and
> lying?

> Keywords: trial consultant,trial consulting,dads,fathers,ken
> pangborn,kenneth pangborn,florida,palm
> harbor,men,abuse,incest,rape,pedophile,teens,megan
> pangborn,sanciprian,peggy pangborn,jay
> holland,florida,tampa,cyberstalking,dean tong,david sharp,marina
> taylor,florida lawyer,florida attorney,astc,american society of trial
> consultants,racism,racist,hate crime,forgery,forgeries,fraud
> Version: N/A
> iQA/AwUBQ6G5sQu6zDezw650EQIWdwCeJk7KDjg9VXVQKTH3FNlLAInj1rcAoK9H
> fheqq+nPIu8JkJu2gwW/XsO8
> =IZpH

OK can you understand this dipshit? Have you ever lost someone to death
that you loved more than life? Do you have any idea what this nonsense
does to newcomers that come into this group for solace and
understanding? We that have been here for years know the likes of you,
if I was a newcomer I would not come back here because of the shit you
keep on dishing out, it's old.....we have more important things to
discuss. Now think you have a conscience enough to understand the pain
these people are experiencing? Or are you too hard headed to even
figure this out? Just stop please?


Borked Pseudo Mailed

Dec 16, 2005, 2:01:49 AM12/16/05
Daisy wrote:

> OK can you understand this dipshit? Have you ever lost someone to death
> that you loved more than life? Do you have any idea what this nonsense
> does to newcomers that come into this group for solace and understanding?
> We that have been here for years know the likes of you, if I was a
> newcomer I would not come back here because of the shit you keep on

But here you are, Daisy, slinging bucket loads of the stuff you're
whining about like it was free and you were getting paid to sling it.

You can't be so clueless that you believe the Ken and Dave show could
survive without help, can you? Have you never heard of a killfile, or
simply ignoring the twinkies until they lapse into an attention starvation


Dec 16, 2005, 6:27:12 AM12/16/05

Sorry, I was replying to someone else's message, in which your group was
included. I did not put this discussion in your newsgroup, and merely
responded to the message as it was posted. For your convenience I have
sett the followup on this message, and the person in question can feel free
to respond to me there.

> We that have been here for years know the likes of you,
>if I was a newcomer I would not come back here because of the shit you
>keep on dishing out,

Really? What exactly have I "dished out"? I responded to a couple of
posts made by a couple of other people. Perhaps you should address your
anger to the person who posted the troll message into your group in the
first place, and who has been proved to have done the same thing in other

> it's old.....we have more important things to
>discuss. Now think you have a conscience enough to understand the pain
>these people are experiencing? Or are you too hard headed to even
>figure this out? Just stop please?

As I said, I did set the followup above. Generally if I respond to
something which is posted to multiple groups, I'm going to respond to it as
it's posted....I also don't know if the person I responded to was a reader
of your group or of fl.general. As a courtesy, I'll be happy to set the
followup if future discussions are threaded into your group, but in return
I ask that you do not attack me blindly like you have. Nothing in my post
was hurtful or even directed toward any of these people in your group.

Keywords: trial consultant,trial consulting,dads,fathers,ken
pangborn,kenneth pangborn,florida,palm
pangborn,sanciprian,peggy pangborn,jay
holland,florida,tampa,cyberstalking,dean tong,david sharp,marina
taylor,florida lawyer,florida attorney,astc,american society of trial
consultants,racism,racist,hate crime,forgery,forgeries,fraud

Version: N/A



Dec 16, 2005, 7:19:09 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message
> If you owned the domain, he can't use it.

As long as he has the pages he can just create a new one. Say...



Dec 16, 2005, 7:21:52 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message
> Bad news....I looked that site and did see one page at least which seems
> to
> hold water. There was an anonymous remailer forge, and then you made the
> exact same post some hours later from the ID you are posting from now.
> Looked in Google and this does indeed seem to be the case. I would like
> to
> keep an open mind on this but do you have some sort of explanation?

Altered time stamp


Dec 16, 2005, 7:24:47 AM12/16/05

"'Kate" <> wrote in message

>>Now Kate - take a look at this from Mr. Moore...

> Dear, I don't care what is going on between you. What I care about is
> that you consistantly make newsgroups unpleasant with your bickering.
> Are you children or adults?
> <snip>

>> You see what I mean?

> No. I don't. Get this... no one cares. Hire a lawyer or report the
> actions that you believe are being taken against you. Unfortunately, you
> add to the harrasment time and time again. It's not as if you need to
> tell anyone what is going on. If there's one thing we have lerned it's
> that you two are the prize boobs on the 'net and display a lack of
> self-control that I haven't seen since I last chaparoned first graders
> on a field trip.

As I told you law enfgorcement has been working on this for years.

> You claim damages and then you claim that there's no remediation. You're
> wrong.

The guy doesn't have a pot to piss in. So I spend $25,000 and collect
nothing. Then he starts all over, I spend another $25,000 and so on...

> You claim harassment and claim that the law will not help. That may have
> been true 10 years ago but it isn't now.

You are wrong.

> What I believe is that you want to be vindicated and you don't mind
> disrupting usenet groups to play your game. You have the power to stop.
> Just stop reacting. We all know what's going on. He/she can't play
> alone. You should have ignored this a decade ago.

HE picks the groups dear. Say WHY are you bitching at ME instead of the guy
who STARTS this SHIT????


Dec 16, 2005, 7:29:26 AM12/16/05

"freedom" <> wrote in message

> This is referring to abusive behavior such as his lying, his forgeries and
> his attacks upon others. Ken knows exactly what is meant by this, as it's
> been explained to him in e-mail.

Forgeries Moore are YOUR strong suit with your SHIT INFESTED anonymous
remailers. We can go into the lying and harassment. Odd that on the dads you
are proclaiming your "RIGHT" to harass my wife via e-mail..... Not to
mention your history of calling the facility where my THEN 14 year old
daughter was being trained to ride horses and "DEMANDING" to speak to her
and claiming it was your "RIGHT!" Interesting to see your posts on that
newsgroup closed with a CC to her old e-mail address which we had to close
thanks to your VULGAR sexual messages. You have a mind Moore that makes a
dung heap seem clean in comparison. Your GRAPHIC gang rape messages were
NOT appreciated. You are a TOTAL SLIME! A filthy PIG Moore.


Dec 16, 2005, 7:37:48 AM12/16/05

"Daisy" <> wrote in message

> freedom wrote:

> OK can you understand this dipshit? Have you ever lost someone to death

> that you loved more than life? Do you have any idea what this nonsense
> does to newcomers that come into this group for solace and understanding?
> We that have been here for years know the likes of you, if I was a
> newcomer I would not come back here because of the shit you keep on
> dishing out, it's old.....we have more important things to discuss. Now
> think you have a conscience enough to understand the pain these people are
> experiencing? Or are you too hard headed to even figure this out? Just
> stop please?
> Daisy

Mr. Moore, Daisy is a sociopath. He has ZERO feelings for you. I deeply
regret this, but this is one of the ways Moore has of operating, and he
tells me that it is all MY fault that he is doing this.

Now - note a few things, with all the obscene racist things that are
said. *I* categorically condemn the racism and anti-Semitic things that
have been said. Mr. Moore will NOT because he has taken an OATH to an Aryan
group. He'll talk around it but he will NOT condemn racism as I do publicly.
Those sentiments of hate toward black people, Jews, Muslims are HIS ideas
NOT mine! This guy calls my wife (A Cuban) a "SPICK!" He doesn't care what
it does to the people. He actually "gets OFF" on causing pain to others. Be
careful Daisy that's how I got to be one of his MANY "Marks." (He has the
AOL Instant Messenger screen name "MARKGETTER." ) You may also become one
of his targets. The best way to deal with this is to ignore it. Just post a
warning in your newsgroup not to respond. That advice was followed a few
years back and he stopped. As long as he knows he can rile you folks up and
get you mad at ME he will keep on and intensify it. If you ignore him he
will go away from your group, It only keeps up when you feed the troll.

Message has been deleted


Dec 16, 2005, 7:43:41 AM12/16/05

"freedom" <> wrote in message

> Daisy <> wrote:

>>OK can you understand this dipshit? Have you ever lost someone to death
>>that you loved more than life? Do you have any idea what this nonsense
>>does to newcomers that come into this group for solace and

> Sorry, I was replying to someone else's message, in which your group was
> included. I did not put this discussion in your newsgroup, and merely
> responded to the message as it was posted. For your convenience I have
> sett the followup on this message, and the person in question can feel
> free
> to respond to me there.

In a thread< Davey, that YOU initiated with the crosspost.

>> We that have been here for years know the likes of you,
>>if I was a newcomer I would not come back here because of the shit you
>>keep on dishing out,

> Really? What exactly have I "dished out"? I responded to a couple of
> posts made by a couple of other people. Perhaps you should address your
> anger to the person who posted the troll message into your group in the
> first place, and who has been proved to have done the same thing in other
> newsgroups?

Moore who are you fooling?

>> it's old.....we have more important things to
>>discuss. Now think you have a conscience enough to understand the pain
>>these people are experiencing? Or are you too hard headed to even
>>figure this out? Just stop please?
> As I said, I did set the followup above. Generally if I respond to
> something which is posted to multiple groups, I'm going to respond to it
> as
> it's posted....I also don't know if the person I responded to was a reader
> of your group or of fl.general. As a courtesy, I'll be happy to set the
> followup if future discussions are threaded into your group, but in return
> I ask that you do not attack me blindly like you have. Nothing in my post
> was hurtful or even directed toward any of these people in your group.

POLLYANNA it doesn't work. By NOW they KNOW you. These are not the fools in
the Atheism Newsgroup Davey. Spare them your bullshit. They smell it
coming. It's all over your shoes and the stench precedes you. Daisy pretty
well drilled your ass. You keep thinking everyone else in the world is
stupid and that you are the only smart ass around. The problem, Davey, is
that you are a retard and Daisy has you pegged. Get it "dipshit?" Do you
realize THAT is what you ARE, Davey? A DIPSHIT? A pathetic little annoying
A protoman wannabe.


Dec 16, 2005, 7:45:06 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message

Whoever you are - you are right but there is no need to insult Daisy. She is
right. She is perfectly right to speak out at this annoying shit. But it
does feed the Moore troll.

Message has been deleted


Dec 16, 2005, 7:50:10 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message
> On which post? The remailer forge, or on your Verizon ID?

The forge


Dec 16, 2005, 7:51:02 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message
> In following this thread back a little ways, Kate's post was only in
> fl.general. It was you who added and
> I think the bottom line is that you have the choice to simply not respond
> to this stuff. What type of newsreader software are you using? Does it
> have the option to filter certain authors?

The THREAD was in both newsgroups. I added

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Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Dec 16, 2005, 9:34:40 AM12/16/05

"'Kate" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 12:24:47 GMT, "KRP" <> the
> following was posted in blue dry erase marker:

>>HE picks the groups dear. Say WHY are you bitching at ME instead of the
>>who STARTS this SHIT????
> I'm not "bitching". I'm pointing out that you choose to turn this into a
> series of posts every time he impersonates you. If you cannot collect
> from a judgement against him, then stop responding. What is the worst
> that he can do? Call you a racist? Big deal. He's not at your doorstep
> and if he was, you could use local law enforcement or take matters into
> your own hands. There's no harm being done. He is just annoying. Ten
> years, ken. Ten years of your life. That's got to be worth walking away
> before it's another 10. Walk away. Don't respond. Keep the rest of your
> life for you and your family.

He can and had made up all sorts of shit that I never had anything to do
with. He can and HAS hurt my business.


Dec 16, 2005, 9:35:29 AM12/16/05

"'Kate" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 12:24:47 GMT, "KRP" <> the
. Ten
> years, ken. Ten years of your life. That's got to be worth walking away
> before it's another 10.

Seeing the little prickkkk in prison will all make it worthwhile.


Dec 16, 2005, 9:49:43 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message

>>> Daisy <> wrote:
>>>>OK can you understand this dipshit? Have you ever lost someone to death
>>>>that you loved more than life? Do you have any idea what this nonsense
>>>>does to newcomers that come into this group for solace and
>>> Sorry, I was replying to someone else's message, in which your group was
>>> included. I did not put this discussion in your newsgroup, and merely
>>> responded to the message as it was posted. For your convenience I have
>>> sett the followup on this message, and the person in question can feel
>>> free
>>> to respond to me there.
>> In a thread< Davey, that YOU initiated with the crosspost.

> I did see at least one instance where Kate posted a message *only* into
> fl.general, and you replied and added and So I
> don't think you're entirely innocent in the matter.

It was added back, yes, I don't think she reads these other newsgroups.

> And can you explain what any of this has to do with Grief, with Florida or
> with Men's Issues?

It has to do with David Moore's OBSESSION with me.


Dec 16, 2005, 9:54:31 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message

>>> OK can you understand this dipshit? Have you ever lost someone to death
>>> that you loved more than life? Do you have any idea what this nonsense
>>> does to newcomers that come into this group for solace and
>>> understanding?
>>> We that have been here for years know the likes of you, if I was a
>>> newcomer I would not come back here because of the shit you keep on
>>> dishing out, it's old.....we have more important things to discuss. Now
>>> think you have a conscience enough to understand the pain these people
>>> are
>>> experiencing? Or are you too hard headed to even figure this out?
>>> Just
>>> stop please?
>>> Daisy

>> Mr. Moore, Daisy, is a sociopath.
> Ok........I am missing something here. Why are you calling Daisy a
> sociopath?

OOps I left out the seconf comma... Try raeding it now smartass.

>>He has ZERO feelings for you. I deeply
>>regret this, but this is one of the ways Moore has of operating, and he
>>tells me that it is all MY fault that he is doing this.

>> Now - note a few things, with all the obscene racist things that are
>>said. *I* categorically condemn the racism and anti-Semitic things that
>>have been said. Mr. Moore will NOT because he has taken an OATH to an

> Do you have any proof of this? And what relevance does it bear here? I
> think the issue being discussed is why this is of any interest in

Yeah Davey has been challenegd for YEARS to denounce racism. He WON'T
because of his membership in the Aryan group. Proof? Yeah a photo of himself
in his uniform he was sending out to some women he was hittin on here on the
net some years back. Again this is simple.

I openly CONDEMN the racist comments and anti-Semitic comments and the HATE
they represent and DENOUNCE those who hold it. I do NOT. I do NOT in ANY way
endorse, support or tolerate racism or anti-Semitism.

>>He'll talk around it but he will NOT condemn racism as I do publicly.
>>Those sentiments of hate toward black people, Jews, Muslims are HIS ideas
>>NOT mine! This guy calls my wife (A Cuban) a "SPICK!" He doesn't care
>>it does to the people. He actually "gets OFF" on causing pain to others.
>>careful Daisy that's how I got to be one of his MANY "Marks." (He has the
>>AOL Instant Messenger screen name "MARKGETTER." ) You may also become one
>>of his targets. The best way to deal with this is to ignore it. Just post
>>warning in your newsgroup not to respond. That advice was followed a few
>>years back and he stopped. As long as he knows he can rile you folks up
>>get you mad at ME he will keep on and intensify it. If you ignore him he
>>will go away from your group, It only keeps up when you feed the troll.

> This is the same advice which has been given to you as well! Why do YOU
> continue to respond to him?

That's simple, he's attacking ME not them. He's merely BAITING them. I
tried following that some years back. What was the result? A WEBSITE!

> I ask again, does your newsreader have the ability to ignore certain
> authors? You could probably easily set it up so you never see this guy's
> posts, and problem solved!

Well it is supposed to, but does a crappy job of it.


Dec 16, 2005, 9:55:25 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message

>>> On which post? The remailer forge, or on your Verizon ID?
>>The forge

> The problem you run into here is that you seem to have changed your story
> a
> couple of times on this.

Yeah I know. It is hard for an answer because I did NOT send that
forgery! I have NEVER had access to a remailer EVER...


Dec 16, 2005, 9:56:30 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>I do concentrate on her, however he has been threatening her via
>>>>>>even has a web page up trying DESPERATELY to contact her as he did my
>>>>>>ex-wife. You have NO idea how obsessed this guy is. Sadly, the law
>>>>>>NO protection for his victims.
>>>>> They offer victims protection to people who are truly harmed. You're
>>>>> obviously not being harmed in any real way.
>>>>They only offer HER protection IF he was using AOL or something similar.
>>>>is using anonymous remailers!
>>> Then, how do you know it's him?
>> Come on - you can't tell?
> Unless he is signing with PGP, there's no way to tell for certain.

PGP is worthless.

> Have you ever considered the possibility that someone out there is yanking
> your chain? Or even several someones?

Well three people I am aware of. Moore, Stacy Alexander and the
asshole known as TURDBRAIN TURAM.


Dec 16, 2005, 9:57:22 AM12/16/05

"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message

>>>> The guy doesn't have a pot to piss in. So I spend $25,000 and
>>>> collect
>>>>nothing. Then he starts all over, I spend another $25,000 and so on...

>>>>> You claim harassment and claim that the law will not help. That may
>>>>> have
>>>>> been true 10 years ago but it isn't now.
>>>> You are wrong.
>>>>> What I believe is that you want to be vindicated and you don't mind
>>>>> disrupting usenet groups to play your game. You have the power to
>>>>> stop.
>>>>> Just stop reacting. We all know what's going on. He/she can't play
>>>>> alone. You should have ignored this a decade ago.
>>>>HE picks the groups dear. Say WHY are you bitching at ME instead of the
>>>>who STARTS this SHIT????
>>> In following this thread back a little ways, Kate's post was only in
>>> fl.general. It was you who added and
>>> I think the bottom line is that you have the choice to simply not
>>> respond
>>> to this stuff. What type of newsreader software are you using? Does it
>>> have the option to filter certain authors?
>>The THREAD was in both newsgroups. I added

> Why?
> If you are trying to bring this stuff to an end, why crosspost it to more
> groups?

It will come to an end when Davey is in jail!

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Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
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Message has been deleted

Borked Pseudo Mailed

Dec 16, 2005, 10:58:00 AM12/16/05
KRP wrote:

> "'Kate" <> wrote in message

>>>Now Kate - take a look at this from Mr. Moore...
>> Dear, I don't care what is going on between you. What I care about is
>> that you consistantly make newsgroups unpleasant with your bickering.
>> Are you children or adults?
>> <snip>
>>> You see what I mean?
>> No. I don't. Get this... no one cares. Hire a lawyer or report the
>> actions that you believe are being taken against you. Unfortunately, you
>> add to the harrasment time and time again. It's not as if you need to
>> tell anyone what is going on. If there's one thing we have lerned it's
>> that you two are the prize boobs on the 'net and display a lack of
>> self-control that I haven't seen since I last chaparoned first graders
>> on a field trip.
> As I told you law enfgorcement has been working on this for years.

Blahblahblah. You say a lot of shit that never gets backed up. In fact the
easiest way to know your saying something that won't get backed up is to
simply watch for your lips to move.

Hey Kenny, someone compiled an alphabetical list of people who no longer
believe anything you say. It's called the phone book.

the most AMUSING part is that you claim to be some sort of bigtime trial
consulytant, but after 8 years you can't get the legal system to get one
little Internet "stalker" off your wide ass. But other's have complained
HOW many of your accounts into oblivion, Kenny?


You're either the worlds most pathetic "trial consultant", or a
pathological liar. Maybe one causes the other?

go ahead, you can call me "Davey" now and mumble some stupid shit that
makes you look even more fuktarded.

Message has been deleted

Borked Pseudo Mailed

Dec 16, 2005, 11:21:18 AM12/16/05
KRP wrote:

> "Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message

>> Bad news....I looked that site and did see one page at least which seems
>> to
>> hold water. There was an anonymous remailer forge, and then you made
>> the exact same post some hours later from the ID you are posting from
>> now. Looked in Google and this does indeed seem to be the case. I would
>> like to
>> keep an open mind on this but do you have some sort of explanation?
> Altered time stamp


What happened to your made up time zones, asshole??


don't even want to GO there again, now DO YOU?


Borked Pseudo Mailed

Dec 16, 2005, 11:29:15 AM12/16/05
KRP wrote:

> "Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message

>>>> On which post? The remailer forge, or on your Verizon ID?
>>>The forge
>> The problem you run into here is that you seem to have changed your
>> story a
>> couple of times on this.
> Yeah I know. It is hard for an answer because I did NOT send that
> forgery! I have NEVER had access to a remailer EVER...

Then how did the exact same message come through a remailer and THEN your
own account?

Psychic remailers, Kenny?


What a pathetic liar you are.

Borked Pseudo Mailed

Dec 16, 2005, 11:34:40 AM12/16/05
Borked Pseudo Mailed wrote:

> "KRP" <> wrote:
>>"Borked Pseudo Mailed" <> wrote in message


>>>>> Daisy <> wrote:
>>>>>>OK can you understand this dipshit? Have you ever lost someone to
>>>>>>death that you loved more than life? Do you have any idea what this
>>>>>>nonsense does to newcomers that come into this group for solace and

>>>>> Sorry, I was replying to someone else's message, in which your group
>>>>> was included. I did not put this discussion in your newsgroup, and
>>>>> merely responded to the message as it was posted. For your
>>>>> convenience I have sett the followup on this message, and the person
>>>>> in question can feel free
>>>>> to respond to me there.
>>>> In a thread< Davey, that YOU initiated with the crosspost.
>>> I did see at least one instance where Kate posted a message *only* into
>>> fl.general, and you replied and added and
>>> So I don't think you're entirely innocent in the matter.
>> It was added back, yes, I don't think she reads these other
>> newsgroups.

> Given that her post was solely in fl.general, she obviously either reads
> there, or wasn't interested in pursuing the thread further. If you "don't
> think she reads these other newsgroups" such as, then why did you
> add that one?

Kenny's not happy making an ass out of himself in one group. Not enough
people read fl.general. Kenny fancies himself and a "alt." caliber idiot.

>>> And can you explain what any of this has to do with Grief, with Florida
>>> or with Men's Issues?
>> It has to do with David Moore's OBSESSION with me.

> You crosspost into multiple groups because he's obsessed with you? This
> isn't exactly ironclad logic.

Message has been deleted
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Message has been deleted


Dec 16, 2005, 12:47:49 PM12/16/05

"KRP" <> wrote:
>"freedom" <> wrote in message
>> This is referring to abusive behavior such as his lying, his forgeries and
>> his attacks upon others. Ken knows exactly what is meant by this, as it's
>> been explained to him in e-mail.
>Forgeries Moore are YOUR strong suit with your SHIT INFESTED anonymous

Prove that I've ever made a single forgery, and I'll immediately remove from the web.

> We can go into the lying and harassment. Odd that on the dads you
>are proclaiming your "RIGHT" to harass my wife via e-mail..... Not to

I've proclaimed no such thing.

>mention your history of calling the facility where my THEN 14 year old
>daughter was being trained to ride horses and "DEMANDING" to speak to her
>and claiming it was your "RIGHT!"

I've never made any such calls. Produce proof to the contrary, and I'll
immediately remove from the web.

> Interesting to see your posts on that
>newsgroup closed with a CC to her old e-mail address which we had to close
>thanks to your VULGAR sexual messages.

Another lie. I merely sent the link to so
she could read the facts about you.

>You have a mind Moore that makes a
>dung heap seem clean in comparison. Your GRAPHIC gang rape messages were
>NOT appreciated. You are a TOTAL SLIME! A filthy PIG Moore.

I've never authored any such messages.
Barbara, please read!

Keywords: trial consultant,trial consulting,dads,fathers,ken
pangborn,kenneth pangborn,florida,palm
pangborn,sanciprian,peggy pangborn,jay
holland,florida,tampa,cyberstalking,dean tong,david sharp,marina
taylor,florida lawyer,florida attorney,astc,american society of trial
consultants,racism,racist,hate crime,forgery,forgeries,fraud

Version: N/A


Borked Pseudo Mailed

Dec 16, 2005, 1:10:51 PM12/16/05
Borked Pseudo Mailed wrote:

>>> Yeah I know. It is hard for an answer because I did NOT send that
>>> forgery! I have NEVER had access to a remailer EVER...
>>Then how did the exact same message come through a remailer and THEN your
>>own account?
>>Psychic remailers, Kenny?
>>What a pathetic liar you are.

> His statement on this matter was that the time stamp was forged.

Which is obvious bullshit.

First, you can't forge a timestamp on a remailer message because it's done
by the last remailer and you have zero control over it.

Second and even more damning, anyone can look at the sequence of posts
made before and after the two message in question and see that they
absolutely WERE made in the order they appeared. It's not possible for
someone on the other side of the world to "guess" that a post is going to
be made and reply to it before it shows up. Or for a forger to forge a
post identical to a message they couldn't know existed yet.

This has all been thoroughly discussed and Kenny has been thoroughly shown
to be lying more than once now. He made both the posts in question, and in
the order they appeared. It's physically impossible that it happened any
other way. But Kenny still tries to deny it with some of the most
ridiculous claims he's ever made. The last time he was spanked to death
over it, he even tried to invent new time zones. No joke.

Borked Pseudo Mailed

Dec 16, 2005, 1:11:16 PM12/16/05
Borked Pseudo Mailed wrote:

>>Can you so not stand the thought of not winning to the point where you
>>hurt your family yourself by your thoughts and actions being focused on
>>usenet garbage?
> Sadly, if he were to lose a loved one like the people here in this group
> have, he would have more appreciation for the value of time......spent

You severely underestimate Kenny's antisocial skills. He's willfully
discarded more "loved ones" than anyone reading these groups has had
forcibly torn away from them.

Ask the bastard about the child he claims doesn't even exist because she
was born handicapped.... because Kenny left his battered, pregnant wife
sitting in a car after an argument over a TV show. Ask him why his other
daughter wouldn't invite him to her recent wedding, or the ex wife he
claims died but somehow mysteriously sends emails from beyond the grave.

> with someone important vs. spent arguing with someone in a newsgroup on
> silly issues.

Usenet *IS* Kenny's life. This petty arguing is the only thing of any
value to him.... the only real attention he gets. His incompetence has
driven his business into the ground so far he's battling creditors in the
courts, and his mail-order Cuban bride is just about to walk. He's
petrified of any in-person human contact to the point he'll spend weeks
hiding in a darkened house making himself look like an utter fool just to
avoid it.

Kenny revels in the abuse he receives here in cyberspace because it's
preferable to dealing with the abhorrence of his "real" life. It's the
only place his fantasies of potency still have any semblance of
credibility he can use to delude himself into thinking he's a functional

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