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Re: Information sought on "Inner Peace Movement"

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Nov 8, 2015, 11:39:11 PM11/8/15
On Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> Hi! I'm searching for information from former members or people who have
> come in contact with the Inner Peace Movement, also known as the Americana
> Leadership College, run by Dr. Francisco Coll. From what I've gathered so
> far it is a new age movement utilising trance methods, and charging lots
> of money for courses... Your experiences will help me greatly in
> determining the risk to a loved one who is deeply involved in IPM. I'm
> maintaining an open mind at this stage, so positive experiences are hoped
> for and welcome also. Thanks! - Kat
> -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
> Search, Read, Post to Usenet

This was posted a long time ago. I was asked a similar question this past week, and wonder if anyone knows if this group is considered a cult, cultic, or harmful. thank you, D.

Nov 8, 2015, 11:44:23 PM11/8/15
On Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> Hi! I'm searching for information from former members or people who have
> come in contact with the Inner Peace Movement, also known as the Americana
> Leadership College, run by Dr. Francisco Coll. From what I've gathered so
> far it is a new age movement utilising trance methods, and charging lots
> of money for courses... Your experiences will help me greatly in
> determining the risk to a loved one who is deeply involved in IPM. I'm
> maintaining an open mind at this stage, so positive experiences are hoped
> for and welcome also. Thanks! - Kat
> -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
> Search, Read, Post to Usenet

I'm wondering if anyone does know if this is documented as a harmful cult. I was recently asked the question and found this post while googling. thank you, D

Jul 27, 2016, 9:01:21 AM7/27/16
What do you want to know? My father was a founder.


May 31, 2017, 10:33:42 AM5/31/17
Its an economic cult and pyramid scheme. It lures the emotionally adrift with love bombing techniques a la L. Ron Hubbard (who they claim to have rejected), indoctrinates them into largely plagiarized and repackaged 'spiritual wisdom', then and bleeds them dry financially. The certifications they sell expire like cartons of milk, so after you've spent thousands acquiring certs and then go out and help this group build their pyramid by instructing the same nonsense in public (while kicking back most of the profits to their 'guru', son of the founder Francisco Coll Monge), you are compelled to go back and renew those certifications by paying thousands of dollars more. It is a pure con, preying on the weak and gullible. Very destructive to families.

Inquiring Mind

May 31, 2017, 10:35:24 AM5/31/17
On Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 9:01:21 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> What do you want to know? My father was a founder.

Hi - Do you mean there was more than one founder? Francisco Coll is promoted as their sole founder. Please tell more about your father's role in founding IPM. Thank you


May 31, 2017, 10:41:39 AM5/31/17
On Sunday, November 8, 2015 at 11:39:11 PM UTC-5, wrote:


May 31, 2017, 11:38:34 AM5/31/17
IPM's 'leader' or guru, Francisco "Tiger" Coll, is the son of snake-oil salesman, self-help charlatan and pyramid schemer Francisco Coll Monge who with his ex wife Mary -- not at all unlike Scientology fraudster L. Ron Hubbard, who they claim to have rejected -- tried to start a for-profit religion in the 1960s, albeit to much more modest success. "Tiger" continues the family tradition of targeting spinsters, the elderly, and the emotionally adrift then selling them on empty 'wisdom' largely borrowed from other sources, mashed together and repackaged as his father's own. The Coll family business has masqueraded as a 'church' since the early 70s while going by many different names including ALC (Americana Leadership College) IPM (Inner Peace Movement) and 'Wayshowers College'. Their main source of income is selling 'certifications' to instruct seminars. To become certified, you pay to attend their exorbitantly priced lectures where you absorb a lot of aforementioned nonsense, after which you may go out and help these con artists build their pyramid scheme by 'teaching' the lecture in public -- but only if you kick back most of the profit to the cult's administrators such as Tiger Coll, owner of a $700,000 home mortgage in Florida (as well as a large cult compound in Iowa) while many of his followers live on retirement checks. The kicker? Your 'certification' that you pay thousands of dollars to obtain is like a carton of milk, with an expiration date stamped right on it. So after a year or two (usually depending on how much you forked over to start with), you are required to go back and absorb their 'wisdom' all over again, from scratch. Even if you haven't forgotten what they 'taught'. And, of course, you'll need pay the Coll family thousands of dollars more, or else your prior knowledge is worthless. That's their hustle. After the elder Coll died in 1999, the estate and administration began suing each other for a slice of the Inner Peace pie, while the estate was sued by people who had paid Coll fortunes for personal instruction they never received. No doubt Coll planned to show them the ways of 'Trance Tables'...where they conjure the dead (9 out of 10 times its famous people i.e. Abraham Lincoln or Atilla The Hun...) and allow their spirits to speak through the cult members' bodies while they hold their hands over a bowl of tap water. See, Francisco Coll Monge was fat, lazy, greedy and parasitic but he wasn't altogether stupid...even he could see that L. Ron Hubbard's space alien schtick was too far fetched to be he went with ghosts, instead. If you've never heard of these people, its because the Coll family has always liked it that way. Tiger Coll like his father before him is only interested in being visible enough to attract a new follower here and there and thereby keep the checks rolling in. Somebody has got to pay his mortgage and he'd rather it was you, and you, and you, and you.

Sep 13, 2017, 10:41:37 AM9/13/17
When was IPM ever connected to Scientology?

May 11, 2018, 9:28:29 AM5/11/18
I was involved in IPM in the late 80's and early 90's. It taught me alot of important concepts in owning my adulthood, and small group leadership. It was very inexpensive ($3 per meeting), and no one was ever forced to do anything. An hour counciling session was also very inexpensive. Waaayyyy less than a therapist, and much more successful for me in finding my way to having faith. I am now a born again Christian, and I am certain the lessons and instruction I was given were totally necessary and Holy Spirit led, to find my way to Jesus. I did not grow up with any spiritual or religious teaching, and no strong father figure, and I would never have had faith in unforeseen outcomes without the lessons I learned in IPM. My experience was not a cult, or pyramid scheme or any of the negative pictures portrayed in the previous posts. Hope this eases your mind.
Jennifer Davidson

Jul 14, 2018, 7:10:04 AM7/14/18
Your comment is a thinly-veiled plug for IPM, or what's left of them. If you go to their meetings and you can't spot the mark then you ARE the mark. Your lack of knowledge/insight/experience does not make them 'not a cult' in fact they are widely recognized by cult EXPERTS as a cult. Why would it ease anyone's mind to hear from someone who is either shilling for IPM or hasn't realized yet they were being taken. More likely you weren't there long enough or weren't emotionally dependent upon them which is their bread and butter. OR, you're part of it and are victimizing others by stealing their financial resources. Want self help instruction? Go to the library. A fat slob named Francisco Coll did not jold the keys to anything except his cultists purse strings. He got rich while they treaded water.

Jul 14, 2018, 7:11:46 AM7/14/18
Well you should ask "Sharna Healer" lol her comments about Francisco Coll rejecting L Ron Hubbard are documented.

May 12, 2019, 10:01:11 PM5/12/19
I was involved with IPM in NZ back in the mid 80s. I loved it. I learnt a lot about how to connect to my guides and spirit. And still use it today in my life. The group I was part of were all lovely people. But that was a long time ago. Things change. I never met Francisco nor Tiger. But back when I was involved - it laid a good foundation for me in my spiritual life.

May 14, 2019, 2:47:51 PM5/14/19
It's still the same wayxo

May 14, 2019, 2:57:06 PM5/14/19
This is a gross misunderstanding of what IPM is all about.

A certification to instruct a lecture costs a person $75. A person in the public wanting to attend a lecture pays $15.

Most people will never "certify" and just attend classes for their personal enrichment that range from $15-$200 for a weekend.

If a person wants to do consultations for others, their certification is good for 3 years, and then they can "refresh" for 1/3 of the cost that it originally cost them. This is equivalent to continuing education credits that all good standing educational certifications require.

However it's only a small percentage of people who will get certified, and that's if they desire to have their own business, similar to life coaching and teaching personal development.

The statement "sued Coll by people who paid Coll fortune for personal instruction they never received" is absolutely false. The law suits after Francisco Coll died were about ownership of property and copyrights - not what you state.

In my experience of trance tables over the last 30 years I have NEVER seen someone bring through a famous person. You're obviously angry about something and so grossly exagerrating and misrepresenting these people.

At this point, a certified instructor is not required to pay any commissions back to Tiger Coll or the college -they are their own business person.

This is not a religion or a non profit. It is a BUSINESS. It is an educational organization with a range of prices so that even people on a low budget can get involved. Get your facts straight.

May 14, 2019, 2:59:08 PM5/14/19
On Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 10:41:37 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> When was IPM ever connected to Scientology?


MysDe Moon

Oct 5, 2020, 2:24:59 AM10/5/20
Correct other than RLH poached a great deal of FC's profiles and techniques and I believe he also copied the introductory lecture. FC successfully sued him. IPM is a waterhole to quench your spiritual thirst. The only commitment you make is to yourself. You come and go as you please. I have been involved as student, group work facilitator, camp director, trance healer and facilitator, Instructor and public lecturer on tour with both domestic and international leaders. What I have gained from my time with IPM over the last 30 years is more than worth the reasonable prices paid for courses and trainings. I am a trance healer and have been for over 26 years. I have never, ever heard of a famous person coming in to trance tables either. And I have participated in hundreds over the years. I miss FC. He had a great sense of humour and he lived by the thrust "Give opportunity". He did. He still does in the legacy he left.
I was working in the ALC/IPM Sydney office when FC passed. I was sharing an apartment of his at Elizabeth Bay. Nothing untoward - ever.
Until he passed.

Patrick Kilhenny

Jan 30, 2021, 11:31:20 AM1/30/21
I heard about the Inner Peace Movement in the 1980's and attended one of their talks in Honolulu, Hawaii.
I did group meetings and practiced a number of techniques to be more calm and tuned into an inner guidance and get more of a sense of what I truly wanted to be do it my life. I also received a few private consultations over the years and attended some courses to learn more about how to connect within, healing techniques, delving into my purpose, etc.

These programs helped me quite a bit and were reasonable in cost. Group meeting were $5 per meeting, consultations were $60 for a private session and courses varied in cost but most were about $35 to $65 that I did.

Most people who were involved that I met did these kinds of programs and paid prices like I did. Prices have increased over the years, but are still very reasonable from what I see being offered elsewhere.

Beyond these main programs available to the public, a smaller number of people do become instructors in the program to lead the various groups, do consultations and instruct courses. These individuals do more extensive training and pay more for their certification as instructors or consultants. I also have found the costs of these types of advanced trainings are in line with, or less than, what other personal and spiritual development programs charge.

Overall, this program respects people's free will and taking individual responsibility to do what they feel they are all about and need to be doing from within. They follow their own hearts. There is not pressure to have to do any of these programs.

In this sense this program is the opposite of a cult. People tend to take more charge of their own lives and make their own decisions. As people connect more within and with there inner guidance, angels, God or what ever a person feels they tune into, they have their own higher connection and are more free from the outer pressures and stress of the world.

That is what I have found.
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