So, what are you doing with the reast of your life?
But geees... this is a distorted world.
So many channels PREACH that we are each the AUTHOR of our own life
experiences so, we must also realize that the Channels and Gurus also have
their own life drama, events and karma to live by... and yes, they have NOT
ascended beyond their own needs for the attention and chios.
It would be wonderful if we were all whole and complete and physically and
emotionally well so we would not need the teachers in the outer world for
our personality to get caught up in, this seems to be the place that we
all get very caught up in.
Did we forget to laugh?
Just Meditate I would say... I personally never cared for Penny, nor did
I ever consider her my teacher or Guru...
It was very shocking after Mafu preached for years not to follow a Guru
and then at some point both he and his Channel became one... that is a
What is that, Do as I say, not as I do... I know How dare I question the
There is a book out, IF YOU SEE THE BUDDHA, KILL HIM... (not physically of
course) but the message is, the projections and distortions of the ego, in
the outer world come from within so it is the Bible verse that says, "HAVE
NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME"... that is after you realize who the ME is... You.
Only then, can we begin to Love the Lord God of our Beings with all of our
hearts and love our neighbor as our self.
Now, that part "OF SELF" the distorted trickey one in where the thousands
of projections, can be a bit amusing at times.
But we do live in a world where you need the darkness to KNOW the light...
and you need the Light to illuminate the darkness. so I can see where it
all serves the BIG GIANT human egos.
What is the old song.
Row Row Row your boat... GENTLY down the stream... Merrily Merrily Merrily
Merrily, life is but our dream...
So it is, Mafu, Ramtha, the Great Gurus are our dreams... "OF SELF" and
not anyone to follow, worship or fall pray.
I loved this by Swami Muktnanada..
Honory your Beautiful Self.
Kneel to your Beautiful Self.
Worship and Adore your Beautiful Self.
You Lord God DWELLS within you, as You.
You can not give Love, if you do not have any love to give.