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Before the Group existed Don was my friend.

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David Bixby

Mar 15, 2020, 2:33:30 PM3/15/20
1968 I influenced many people to join the group before Don became Sir. Christ was in the background. Don grew weary of blind followers telling him what he wanted to hear.Don offered the training to his deciples to take responsibility for them selves. Many people quit along with myself. Don was shock by the number of people that woke up and moved on. He was not willing to let go of control. There are still deciples today operating on Group programming.

I travel the world performing concerts of songs from the Ode To Quetzalcoatl and Harbinger LP's

I am on tour in Michigan this summer 2020 performing these songs that found their way beyond the Group. (While in a cult you are not aware of it)

I am touring Michigan this summer 2020. I am available for conversation 928 846-0861 Arizona.
David Bixby
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