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Chili's restraunats Suck:

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Apr 16, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/16/00
Lordy, got a story for you all, I went into a Chili's restaurant today, my
BG's were falling I and I just wanted to get something in me, I was ignored
by the hostess, so I asked for the manager as I needed something to eat, yes
I was cranky, I get cranky when I get below 70, I was told I was rude and
would just have to wait my turn, I sat to wait my turn figuring sooner or
later someone would offer me a drink, no instead a manager came over to me
and asked why I called his hostess a bitch (I did not) and why I elbowed her
as I walked by (again I did not) soooo anyway I told this man I was
diabetic and needed something to eat, they refused and told me to get out, I
told him I would be contacting Chilis corporate tomorrow to ask them if this
is the way they do business and filing a complaint with the ADA if possible,
he told me to F**k seriously, he did....we left, got in the car
and 6 employees came out yelling at us that I hurt the hostess feelings and
telling us to F**k off, one tried to open the door handle, when he found out
the door was locked he hit the car and put a 6" scratch in the roof.
As bizarre as this sounds, it is true, I called the Police and filed a
report, Spokane P.D. #000107079 I am contacting Chili's tomorrow at their
corporate offices, I am just blown away by this.....
I know this sounds too bizarre, I can give you the police report if you
don't believe me, All I wanted was some carbs/protein and all I got was a
trip to the twilight zone.
I will post my experiences with corporate as soon as I talk to them, but I
guess I am trying to tell you all, Chili's Is going to be a place I avoid
for some time to come & I will have to recommend all my friends do the same.
I have eaten in Chilis restaurants in Sacramento Ca. Reno Nv. Chicago IL (no
Jude still never been there, Just the little one in the airport) Couer'd
alene Id. & Minneapolis MN. I have NEVER been treated like this, I have
never been ignored when I walked in the door, I have always been greeted and
had the door held open for me and seated right away or at least had my name
taken and offered a drink so I guess as I have long suspected Spokane Wa is
in the heart of the twilight zone.....Oh yeah, on the back of the managers
card is the phrase "call me I'm gay" I'm too afraid to guess what that no really, I'm not having a crazy hypo, this is all true!


Apr 16, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/16/00
Well, Since I have pianoguy blocked I did not see what He had to say, But
let me say, I did not demand faster service because I had diabetes, I simply
expected to be acknowledged by the hostess, after being ignored for 5
minutes I asked for the manager, that request was ignored, AFTER the manager
approached me because I offended his employee by insisting she do her job I
told him I was diabetic and needed something to eat. Not before.

"OzGirl" <> wrote in message
> pianoguy <> wrote in message
> But in all fairness, walking into a restaurant and demanding
> faster
> > service because you are diabetic does sound a little
> fabricated doesn't it? I'm
> > not trying to tick you off, just trying to see it from the
> other side.
> Although on the other hand... there's always another hand
> isn't there :-) I think if you are ignored by the waiter
> and you approach the manager about your diabetec needs, it
> woud be a pretty poor show to get poopy about it. A hypo in
> the restaurant would have gone down well :-) We don't know
> that Bob demanded, a simple request shouldn't tick people
> off. When I had the gestational diabetes I often asked for
> an immediate bread roll to have in case. It could never be
> guaranteed that your meal would arrive by half an hour after
> the insulin shot.
> Management usually dictates how their staff are. A good
> manager has a good staff under him/her. The whole staff
> sounded like they were out of this world.

Jude Crouch

Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00
twobobs <> wrote:
> Lordy, got a story for you all, I went into a Chili's restaurant today, my
> BG's were falling I and I just wanted to get something in me, I was ignored
> by the hostess, so I asked for the manager as I needed something to eat, yes

> in the heart of the twilight zone.....Oh yeah, on the back of the managers
> card is the phrase "call me I'm gay" I'm too afraid to guess what that
> no really, I'm not having a crazy hypo, this is all true!

That's certainly an unusual phrase. Maybe he gave you the wrong card ;-)

Well, like anyone else, you can't judge a whole group of people by
the actions of one.

I was in a similar situation a week back, where I had already taken
my insulin-inducing drug and was likely to go low if I didn't have
something. The linewas much longer than we expected so I went to the bar,
had a regular Coca-Cola, then we went elsewhere. But I'm sorry you had
a bad experience. Come back to Chicago, and I'll treat you to something
better than Chilis.



Jude Crouch ( - Computing since 1967!
- Coming Soon - BestOrgs.NET
Oak Park, IL 708-848-0134 URL:


Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00
And then you came back through the time tunnel?

How bizarre, how bizarre, how bizarre.

twobobs <> wrote in message

> Lordy, got a story for you all, I went into a Chili's
restaurant today, my
> BG's were falling I and I just wanted to get something in
me, I was ignored
> by the hostess, so I asked for the manager as I needed
something to eat, yes

Illinois Bob

Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00

twobobs wrote:

Yikes!! Not a good story at all! I guess I'll pass on the Chicago Chiles.
Although... I don't eat Mexican food anymore since I quit drinking. It's just
not any fun without a Margarita or a Tequate.



Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00

Illinois Bob <> wrote in message

> Yikes!! Not a good story at all! I guess I'll pass on the
Chicago Chiles.
> Although... I don't eat Mexican food anymore since I quit
drinking. It's just
> not any fun without a Margarita or a Tequate.
> oneBob

oneBob - I like that! oneBob and twobob.


Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00
twobobs wrote:
> > Lordy, got a story for you all, I went into a Chili's
> > restaurant today, my BG's were falling I and I just
> > wanted to get something in me, I was ignored
> > by the hostess, so I asked for the manager as I
> > needed something to eat,
- - - snip- - -
Hi Bob,

My viewpoint may get me in trouble but it sounds like you were a little too
pushy. People who work in franchised restaurants are generally not diplomats and
when riled they can be quite testy. A waiter followed me out into the parking
lot screaming one night because he said the tip I left was too small. Believe
me, I understand your concern about getting your bgs back up to a comfortable
level. But in all fairness, walking into a restaurant and demanding faster

service because you are diabetic does sound a little fabricated doesn't it? I'm
not trying to tick you off, just trying to see it from the other side.

return email disabled


Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00

pianoguy <> wrote in message

But in all fairness, walking into a restaurant and demanding

> service because you are diabetic does sound a little
fabricated doesn't it? I'm
> not trying to tick you off, just trying to see it from the
other side.

Although on the other hand... there's always another hand


Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00
twobobs clearly says he was cranky and I'll bet he was pretty upset when he did
not get what he wanted. Bottom line with me....a restaurant is not an emergency

return email disabled

"twobobs" <> wrote in message


> Well, Since I have pianoguy blocked I did not see what He had to say, But
> let me say, I did not demand faster service because I had diabetes, I simply
> expected to be acknowledged by the hostess, after being ignored for 5
> minutes I asked for the manager, that request was ignored, AFTER the manager
> approached me because I offended his employee by insisting she do her job I
> told him I was diabetic and needed something to eat. Not before.
> "OzGirl" <> wrote in message
> news:38faabfa$0$
> >

Beth Peace

Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00
> let me say, I did not demand faster service because I had diabetes, I
> expected to be acknowledged by the hostess, after being ignored for 5
> minutes I asked for the manager, that request was ignored, AFTER the
> approached me because I offended his employee by insisting she do her job
> told him I was diabetic and needed something to eat. Not before.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there not doing their jobs,
and how you were treated was abominable. You do have to take some of the
responsibility, though, for not carrying something with you - a couple of
glucose tabs could have helped. You can't always depend on someone else to
help you out when you get low.

Still sounds like they did *not* deal with the situation well. And I
wouldn't go back.



Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00
I believe you. I have had to have Dale go and ask for us to be waited on
before in restaurants because the server would wait on someone coming in
after us. I had a hypo at a restaurant and Dale just went and got me a piece
of pie and that helped until the food came. I too was belligerent and then
when I got better I was so embarrassed I was full of apologies. I was a
waitress for ten years and times have changed I would have been fired if I
acted like alot of the servers do today.
Love ya twobobs

May You Live Today By How You Want
To Be Remembered Tomorrow

"twobobs" <> wrote in message


> Lordy, got a story for you all, I went into a Chili's restaurant today, my
> BG's were falling I and I just wanted to get something in me, I was
> by the hostess, so I asked for the manager as I needed something to eat,

Loretta Eisenberg

Apr 17, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/17/00
The nest thing you should do is see a lawyer. When someone tells a
person in a restaurant, they must give them something to eat. You were
refused and the consequences could have be disastrous. I think you have
a suit under the Disabilities Act.

My mother had diabetes too and when she told a maitre de that she had
diabetes they sat her immediately.

I think there is a card from the ADA that says you are diabetic and must
eat on time.

Good luck

Chris Smith

Apr 18, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/18/00
Dont take it too hard. Chili's sucks if your looking for a nice little 15
carb bump anyway. Crap Ceaser Salads, over cooked vegies, odd tasting meat
(as if it was processed).

Down With Chilies ;)


brian leikam

Apr 18, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/18/00
I live in northern Illinois near a chili's and got rotten service as well
(though not nearly as bad as bob). Whadaya say we launch a boycott?

"OzGirl" <> wrote in message

Jude Crouch

Apr 19, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/19/00
brian leikam <> wrote:
> I live in northern Illinois near a chili's and got rotten service as well
> (though not nearly as bad as bob). Whadaya say we launch a boycott?

I am a really loyal diner, I nearly always go to the same restaurants
that I have visited for years, and none of them are national chains.
I know the owner of each, and usually all the servers and sometimes
the cook/chef. For a person with diabetes this has a great benefit:
they will usually adjust a menu item so that you can have exactly what
you want/need. We get better seating and sometimes when the place
is busy we get seated before unfamiliar customers. (Don't tell the
boss, one waitress even gives us her employee discount).

Like our choice of foods is important, having better choices in
restaurants is beneficial. You will *never* get this level of
service at a chain. BTW, always reward your servers well, this
is their career not just a stop along the way.

I have a concept about national chains. Usually you will get
good food, seldom poor food unless something goes wrong in their
quality control. What you will never get is *great* food, because
QC also doesn't allow for that. Consistently good, never great.

Best eating to you all!


Apr 19, 2000, 7:00:00 AM4/19/00
Jude, How lucky you are to live in Chicago, I have mentioned it here before,
In Spokane, Our restaurants are um-limited at best, There is one small chief
owned restaurant here, it has 10 tables and food to die for, unfortunately,
I have to save up my carbs (& money) because, for a diabetic, the food is to
die for
;-), any way, chains are about all we have, be it a couple a local west
coast chain coffee shops, pizza hut, chilis olive garden you get the drift,
NOT a gourmet town, just a slab of well done beef and a potato & it's good
to go, apparently (I didn't live here at the time) we got our first Mexican
restaurant in the mid 70's with the world fair and our first ti restaurants
have opened in the last 7 or 8 years, we had 2 different Indian restaurants
fail get the picture I am painting.....
Anyway, Chilis corporate has "Promised" they will get back to me "soon", the
bill for the damage to my car when the employee hit is $356.00, I have
requested a complaint form from ADA, I don't know why I am so angry, Usually
I just let things go, I suppose it is because someone lied about me and I
despise liars, anyway, enough of my ranting. later...

"Jude Crouch" <> wrote in message

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