"Ultra Rapid Cycling" by Lynda Cunningham
URC can be a formidable condition to treat.
Moods cycles so rapidly, one can barely come up for air. Unless someone
is there to support the person who is URC it may be difficult to recognize
is happening...especially if the person is experiencing delusions or is
Treatment of a person with URC involves combination therapy..often with
one of the new mood stabilizers - MS (Neurontin, Lamictal, and Topomax).
These may be used together or may be added to the older MS such as
Lithium, Tegretol, and Depakote.
The use of anti psychotics (Zyprexa. Risperdal, Seroquel) are used in
during a manic episode. They are effective in curbing, agitation,
and delusions. Often, they are only needed short term but a person may
from a longer trial.
There is effective treatment for people with URC but it is essential for
pdoc to be made aware of these mood swings. Delaying treatment can be
to those who are experiencing these rapid swings in mood as well as to one's
family and friends.
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