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Re: But what about Trump?

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JD Chase

Apr 14, 2019, 10:56:17 AM4/14/19
Absolutely despicable... he just never quits with the hatred and bigotry and demagoguery... You need to be IMPRISONED for LIFE, TRUMPY! Starting YESTERDAY! 😡

JD Chase

May 2, 2019, 2:27:54 AM5/2/19

Corrupt corrupt corrupt!! This administration is SO VERY corrupt!!! A DEMOCRAT, would have been IMPEACHED LONG ago for doing a TENTH of what TRUMP has done! Exhibit A:Bill Clinton
It is DISGUSTING and SHAMEFUL!!! 😡 Trump AND Barr should b IMPEACHED NOW!!! 😡


May 2, 2019, 8:39:09 AM5/2/19
On 2019-05-01 11:27 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Corrupt corrupt corrupt!! This administration is SO VERY corrupt!!! A DEMOCRAT, would have been IMPEACHED LONG ago for doing a TENTH of what TRUMP has done! Exhibit A:Bill Clinton
> It is DISGUSTING and SHAMEFUL!!! 😡 Trump AND Barr should b IMPEACHED NOW!!! 😡
it would be so much easier just to impeach you

May 2, 2019, 9:30:59 AM5/2/19
On Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 10:56:17 AM UTC-4, JD Chase wrote:
> Absolutely despicable... he just never quits with the hatred and bigotry and demagoguery... You need to be IMPRISONED for LIFE, TRUMPY! Starting YESTERDAY! 😡

why put the man in prison? has he broken criminal laws? if so, what laws?

JD Chase

May 2, 2019, 3:09:42 PM5/2/19
Wouldn't be at ALL suprised if Trump loses the election, and then REFUSES to concede the the election and flat out REFUSES to exit from the White House! He might LITERALLY have to be dragged out of the White House by the military! ☹️😡 What a CRAZY, BIZZARE time we are living in!

JD Chase

May 4, 2019, 11:51:29 PM5/4/19
According to a recent poll, Beto would defeat Trump by 10 points! 🙏😊☺️❤️ Just one request for you Beto, no more pranks, please! 😉

JD Chase

May 21, 2019, 11:28:44 AM5/21/19
By all means, keep obstructing justice, Trumpy! You will be one step closer to being escorted by federal marshals out of the White House and into the big house, shithole! 🤞😊


May 21, 2019, 2:53:03 PM5/21/19
On 2019-05-21 8:28 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> By all means, keep obstructing justice, Trumpy! You will be one step closer to being escorted by federal marshals out of the White House and into the big house, shithole! 🤞😊
you're such an embarrassment

JD Chase

Aug 14, 2019, 5:54:07 PM8/14/19

We must enforce our laws, scumbag? For once, I couldn’t agree with you more! And since YOU are the POS corrupt criminal THUG, we can enforce our laws by having YOU thrown in PRISON, shithole! 😡


Aug 14, 2019, 5:58:23 PM8/14/19
On 2019-08-14 2:54 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> We must enforce our laws, scumbag? For once, I couldn’t agree with you more! And since YOU are the POS corrupt criminal THUG, we can enforce our laws by having YOU thrown in PRISON, shithole! 😡

no you can't , no you can't so na na nu boo boo no you can't

JD Chase

Aug 28, 2019, 10:05:11 AM8/28/19

Now this vile, rotton, miserable, corrupt scumbag proclaims that he will pardon anyone who breaks the law while building his absurd, pathetic wall... just try it, shithole! It will be such a pleasure to see you ROTTING in PRISON!!! ☺️😊🙏🥂


Aug 28, 2019, 3:45:32 PM8/28/19
On 2019-08-28 7:05 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Now this vile, rotton, miserable, corrupt scumbag proclaims that he will pardon anyone who breaks the law while building his absurd, pathetic wall... just try it, shithole! It will be such a pleasure to see you ROTTING in PRISON!!! ☺️😊🙏🥂
you need a med adjustment

JD Chase

Sep 6, 2019, 12:29:49 PM9/6/19
Sorry Trumpy, but altering a federal weather map is a CRIME! Just one of his MANY crimes! Hopefully within the next couple of years, he will be rotting in PRISON!!! 😡


Sep 6, 2019, 1:52:21 PM9/6/19
On 2019-09-06 9:29 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Sorry Trumpy, but altering a federal weather map is a CRIME! Just one of his MANY crimes! Hopefully within the next couple of years, he will be rotting in PRISON!!! 😡

not without a conviction

JD Chase

Oct 17, 2019, 4:20:16 PM10/17/19

20 years for treason
20 years for obstruction of justice and other charges!


Oct 17, 2019, 4:26:24 PM10/17/19
On 2019-10-17 1:20 p.m., JD Chase wrote:

JD Chase

Nov 1, 2019, 10:18:47 AM11/1/19

“Enjoy”, shithole? The only thing to ENJOY, you disgusting, disgraceful,
despicable, corrupt POS would be YOU rotting in PRISON!!! 😡


Nov 1, 2019, 10:30:17 AM11/1/19
On 2019-11-01 7:18 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> “Enjoy”, shithole? The only thing to ENJOY, you disgusting, disgraceful,
> despicable, corrupt POS would be YOU rotting in PRISON!!! 😡
presidents don't go to prison they go to florida ,
with their whole family and all their stuff and ,
you pay the bill , LOL

JD Chase

Nov 1, 2019, 5:05:54 PM11/1/19

Sorry tRump, but you CAN still be investigated in florida! How about you try a more receptive, hospitable place? Siberia, for example? That way you won’t be too far from your BFF and lover, Putin... or Antarctica, perhaps? Better yet, given how much you love Space, how about Mars? Or Jupiter? Or Pluto? Please give it some serious thought, shithole!

JD Chase

Nov 2, 2019, 6:32:21 PM11/2/19

BETO is not the bastard or dog, shithole! That would be YOU, you despicable POS! And those are really very MILD words for you! Apologies to dogs! They are a TRILLION times more honorable creatures than YOU, you pathetic, insane criminal! 😡


Nov 2, 2019, 8:32:17 PM11/2/19
On Sat, 2 Nov 2019 15:32:20 -0700 (PDT), JD Chase
<> wrote:

> BETO is not the bastard or dog, shithole! That would be YOU, you despicable POS! And those are really very MILD words for you! Apologies to dogs! They are a TRILLION times more honorable creatures than YOU, you pathetic, insane criminal! ?


JD Chase

Nov 4, 2019, 5:15:45 AM11/4/19

What a disgusting, disgraceful, despicable POS you are, Trumpy! You just NEVER stop with your pathological lying!!!! Can NOT wait to see you ROTTING in PRISON!!! 😡


Nov 4, 2019, 9:14:45 AM11/4/19
On 2019-11-04 3:15 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> What a disgusting, disgraceful, despicable POS you are, Trumpy! You just NEVER stop with your pathological lying!!!! Can NOT wait to see you ROTTING in PRISON!!! 😡
presidents don't go to prison ,
which means you don't know what you're talking about

JD Chase

Nov 7, 2019, 5:39:19 AM11/7/19

Deranged? Delusional? destructive? Hoax? Scam? Projecting as USUAL, TRUMPY! You just NEVER stop describing YOURSELF, SHITHOLE! 😡


Nov 7, 2019, 6:58:32 AM11/7/19
On 2019-11-07 3:39 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Deranged? Delusional? destructive? Hoax? Scam? Projecting as USUAL, TRUMPY! You just NEVER stop describing YOURSELF, SHITHOLE! 😡

Many of us have small habits that make us feel better, but we can also
live without them. For example, we might think of something as ‘lucky’
or have a routine that feels comforting. But for people who experience
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), these behaviours are much more
intense and disruptive and are fuelled by unwanted thoughts that don’t
go away. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is not always easy to understand,
but it’s a real illness that causes difficulties in a person’s life.

JD Chase

Nov 12, 2019, 8:38:26 AM11/12/19

As ALWAYS, scumbag, you are LYING and/or don’t know what the fuck you are talking about! The dreamers are NOT criminals! YOU are the corrupt criminal THUG POS! 😡


Nov 12, 2019, 1:51:26 PM11/12/19
On 2019-11-12 6:38 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> As ALWAYS, scumbag, you are LYING and/or don’t know what the fuck you are talking about! The dreamers are NOT criminals! YOU are the corrupt criminal THUG POS! 😡
i can see it on your tombstone , impeach trump ,
why do you let trump burden you the way he does ,
don't you have enough on your plate ,
without a main course of trump every day


Nov 12, 2019, 2:08:26 PM11/12/19
x-no-archive: yes
That's why they call it TDS


Nov 12, 2019, 2:20:14 PM11/12/19
i'm not sure what that is trump doesn't even get talked about here
anymore we're all cheering don cherry and worrying trudeau might get

JD Chase

Nov 15, 2019, 10:42:50 AM11/15/19

So glad everything is being aired in public for all to here, if they wish to... As Bill Clinton can testify to, no one wants to be impeached, even if they’re not removed from office... this will be a permanent black stain on Trumpy’s so called “presidency”...


Nov 15, 2019, 1:53:46 PM11/15/19
On 2019-11-15 8:42 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> So glad everything is being aired in public for all to here, if they wish to... As Bill Clinton can testify to, no one wants to be impeached, even if they’re not removed from office... this will be a permanent black stain on Trumpy’s so called “presidency”...
making it public assures that it's fake and trump will win

JD Chase

Nov 17, 2019, 4:05:33 PM11/17/19

Keep going, tRump! Witness intimidation and obstruction of justice may possibly be added to your list of impeachment charges, you disgusting, disgraceful, despicable POS!


Nov 17, 2019, 4:22:25 PM11/17/19
On 2019-11-17 2:05 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Keep going, tRump! Witness intimidation and obstruction of justice may possibly be added to your list of impeachment charges, you sickening · stomach-turning · stomach-churning · nauseous · emetic · sickly · disgusting · revolting · repulsive · repellent · repugnant · offensive · loathsome · abhorrent · odious · obnoxious disgusting, disgraceful, despicable POS!

Nov 17, 2019, 10:32:41 PM11/17/19
Style failure. Jody uses commas, not center dots.

JD Chase

Nov 17, 2019, 10:38:07 PM11/17/19
On Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 10:32:41 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> Style failure. Jody uses commas, not center dots.

Not a problem! Appreciated all of those marvelous, accurate words for Trumpy! 😊☺️❤️🙏


Nov 17, 2019, 10:48:18 PM11/17/19
x-no-archive: yes

On 11/17/2019 7:38 PM, JD Chase wrote:
> On Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 10:32:41 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>> Style failure. Jody uses commas, not center dots.
> Not a problem! Appreciated all of those marvelous, accurate words for Obama! 😊☺️❤️🙏

Oh come on, I mean I didn't vote for him either, but he wasn't THAT bad
was he?

JD Chase

Nov 17, 2019, 11:19:34 PM11/17/19
Well, from a far left wing POV, was often *very* displeased with some of his policies, but nevertheless *really* miss Obama’s intelligence, calm, thoughtfulness, elegance, classy, dignified manner, his honesty and honorable nature- in other words, the complete opposite of the despicable monster we have now...


Nov 18, 2019, 8:21:49 AM11/18/19
well if you're going to be a jackass be good at it


Nov 18, 2019, 8:23:51 AM11/18/19
On 2019-11-17 9:19 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> On Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 10:48:18 PM UTC-5, Janithor wrote:
>> x-no-archive: yes
>> On 11/17/2019 7:38 PM, JD Chase wrote:
>>> On Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 10:32:41 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>>>> Style failure. Jody uses commas, not center dots.
>>> Not a problem! Appreciated all of those marvelous, accurate words for Obama! 😊☺️❤️🙏
>> Oh come on, I mean I didn't vote for him either, but he wasn't THAT bad
>> was he?
> Well, from a far left wing POV, was often *very* displeased with some of his policies, but nevertheless *really* miss Obama’s superior · exclusive · chic · elegant · smart · sophisticated · fancy · expensive · upmarket · high-toned · upscale · posh · ritzy · plush · plushy · swanky intelligence, calm, thoughtfulness, elegance, classy, dignified manner, his honesty and honorable nature- in other words, the complete opposite of the despicable monster we have now...

JD Chase

Nov 21, 2019, 7:57:49 AM11/21/19

Oh Trumpy, you want “nothing”? Please, don’t be so humble! You’re not getting nothing, you’re getting impeached, shithole!


Nov 21, 2019, 12:08:51 PM11/21/19
On 2019-11-21 5:57 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Oh Trumpy, you want “nothing”? Please, don’t be so humble! You’re not getting nothing, you’re getting impeached, shithole!
he's on twitter why don't you tell him all your bullshit there

JD Chase

Nov 23, 2019, 8:16:55 AM11/23/19

Apparently more independents currently do NOT support impeaching tRump than DO support impeaching him! Just do NOT for the life of me grok how ANYONE can STILL support this MONSTER! He is a CORRUPT CRIMINAL THUG, and he CLEARLY committed crimes!!! The republicans are *deliberately* lying and spinning and twisting things and muddying the waters to protect this scumbag as well as their own political careers... SHAME ON THEM ALL! 🤬


Nov 23, 2019, 3:22:52 PM11/23/19
On 2019-11-23 6:16 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Apparently more independents currently do NOT support impeaching tRump than DO support impeaching him! Just do NOT for the life of me grok how ANYONE can STILL support this MONSTER! He is a CORRUPT CRIMINAL THUG, and he CLEARLY committed crimes!!! The republicans are *deliberately* lying and spinning and twisting things and muddying the waters to protect this scumbag as well as their own political careers... SHAME ON THEM ALL! 🤬
please don't insult the thugs

JD Chase

Nov 24, 2019, 10:44:12 PM11/24/19

Your absolutely right, %! Couldn’t agree more... apologies to thugs... they do NOT deserve to be compared with this despicable POS! *Most* people should be let OUT of prison! And be able to VOTE as soon as they are out! Even BEFORE they finish parole... TRUMP on the other hand should ROT in prison for LIFE! 😡

JD Chase

Nov 27, 2019, 2:56:41 AM11/27/19

How sad, Melania was booed... what a shame... actually, I really don’t care, do you?


Nov 27, 2019, 7:32:11 AM11/27/19
On 2019-11-27 12:56 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> How sad, Melania was booed... what a shame... actually, I really don’t care, do you?
why would i , only an idiot burdens themselves with politics

JD Chase

Dec 2, 2019, 10:46:42 PM12/2/19
How nice! At the time of this holiday season, the time of peace and love and goodwill towards our fellow humans, the heartless, vile, despicable POS in the White House wants to cut off or reduce food stamps to millions of poor, needy people... who needs to eat anyway right? God forbid that we have a modicum of empathy and decency and compassion, right? 😡😡😡😡😡

JD Chase

Dec 8, 2019, 1:57:03 PM12/8/19

If you want to examine corruption, shithole, all you have to do is look in the mirror, no problem had been as corrupt as YOU! And if you want to obsess about sinks and showers and lightbulbs, please check your senile, lunatic self into a MENTAL HOSPITAL! Rest assured that unlike the White House, you will for in there just PERFECTLY, SCUMBAG! 😡


Dec 8, 2019, 2:11:44 PM12/8/19
On 2019-12-08 11:57 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> If you want to examine corruption, shithole, all you have to do is look in the mirror, no problem had been as corrupt as YOU! And if you want to obsess about sinks and showers and lightbulbs, please check your senile, lunatic self into a MENTAL HOSPITAL! Rest assured that unlike the White House, you will for in there just PERFECTLY, SCUMBAG! 😡

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) facts

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of a number of obsessive
compulsive and related disorders that has irresistible ideas or images
(obsessions) and/or specific rituals/behaviors or mental acts
(compulsions) that may be driven by obsessions as characteristics of the
OCD occurs in a small percentage of populations worldwide in every culture.
The average age for OCD to begin is 19 years of age, and it usually
begins by the time the individual is 30 years old.
People with OCD are at risk for also suffering from anxiety disorders.
While there is no known specific cause for OCD, having other family
members with the condition and an imbalance of the brain chemical
serotonin increase the likelihood of OCD occurring.
A health care professional diagnoses OCD by looking for signs and
symptoms of this and other emotional problems, as well as assessing for
the presence for a medical condition that might be a contributing to
developing the disorder.
OCD most likely improves when treated with a combination of behavior
therapies like exposure and ritual prevention, group or individual
cognitive behavioral therapy, and medications.
Although not thought to be as effective in treating OCD symptoms as
clomipramine (Anafranil), SSRIs are the group of medications that
physicians most often use to treat this illness since the SSRIs tend to
cause fewer side effects.
SSRIs work by increasing the activity of serotonin in the brain.
When the combination of psychotherapy and SSRI treatment does not
produce adequate symptom relief, doctors may add a neuroleptic
medication to improve the treatment outcome.
For some people with severe OCD, deep brain stimulation can be helpful,
and researchers continue to study treatment with hallucinogen medications.
Although the symptoms of OCD may last indefinitely, the prognosis for
OCD sufferers is best when the person's symptoms are milder and have
been present for a short time, and the OCD sufferer has no other
emotional problems.
If left untreated, OCD can worsen to the point that the sufferer
develops physical problems, becomes unable to function, or experiences
suicidal thoughts. About 1% of OCD sufferers die by suicid

JD Chase

Dec 16, 2019, 9:46:24 PM12/16/19

What a DISGUSTING, DISGRACEFUL, DESPICABLE POS you are Trumpy!!! Robert De Niro is 1000% correct! You are MUCH worse than ANY of the characters he portrayed! You are the WORST of the WORST!!!


Dec 16, 2019, 10:01:29 PM12/16/19
On 2019-12-16 7:46 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> What a DISGUSTING, DISGRACEFUL, DESPICABLE POS you are Trumpy!!! Robert De Niro is 1000% correct! You are MUCH worse than ANY of the characters he portrayed! You are the WORST of the WORST!!!

Virtually everyone has experienced worries, doubts or fears at one time
or another. It’s natural to worry about life issues such as your health
or the well-being of someone you love, paying bills or what the future
will bring. Everyone has also an occasional intrusive thought; it’s not
even abnormal if you’ve had an intrusive “bad” thought. That’s not OCD.
OCD is diagnosed when obsessions and compulsions
Consume excessive amounts of time (an hour or more each day)
Cause significant distress
Interfere with daily functioning at work or school, or with social
activities, family relationships and/or normal routines.
OCD is characterized by obsessive thoughts, impulses, or images and
compulsions (overt or mental rituals) that are difficult to suppress and
take a considerable amount of time and energy away from living your
life, enjoying your family and friends or even doing your job or school
When OCD symptoms are present, it’s important to consult a mental health
professional who is knowledgeable about OCD for evaluation and treatment.
OCD Research and Findings
Doctors and researchers are divided on what causes OCD but many believe
OCD is the result of abnormal brain circuitry function. It tends to be
genetic and symptoms often begin during childhood.
However, research continues. A recent study showed that inflammation of
the brain tissue was 32 per cent higher in the brains of OCD sufferers
compared to others.
Some examples of obsessive thoughts are fear of being hurt, or germs, or
contracting a disease. Compulsions can include repetitive tasks,
frequent hand washing, frequent or repetitive cleaning, checking on things.
The average age of onset is 19 years old. Sometimes the condition
manifests itself temporarily and in some cases it is prevalent for a
OCD can be extremely burdensome to the sufferer, often impacting the
day-to-day life of not only the person with OCD but their families as well.
What are the Symptoms of OCD?
In some cases, compulsions are shaped by the nature of the obsessions.
Compulsive washing, for example, is commonly performed in response to
obsessive fears of contamination. Similarly, a fear of the house
burning down may lead to the excessive checking of the stove, oven, and
In other cases, obsessions and compulsions are paired in a way that
defies explanation; the compulsive behavior is completely unrelated to
the obsession. For example, a businessman may feel compelled to tap his
desk multiple times to prevent harm from coming to his family while he
is at work.
It’s important to note that some people with OCD perform rituals not in
response to a distinct obsession or fear but rather in response to
certain sensory phenomena. Visual, auditory or tactile sensations may
trigger a need for something to look, sound, or feel “just right.” Upon
seeing a tile floor, for example, a person may experience a need to
trace over each of the tiles mentally in a symmetrical fashion.
In other cases, external triggers are absent, but the individual has an
inner feeling and/or perception of discomfort that causes him or her to
repeat a behavior until the feeling is relieved; the behavior needs to
be repeated until it feels “just right” or “complete.” In still other
situations, repeating behavior is preceded neither by obsessions nor
sensations but rather by a need or urge.
Below are some examples of the more common OCD symptoms. Obsessions are
shown in italics, and rituals that are frequently associated with those
obsessions are listed beneath them.
Fears of germs or contamination
Repeatedly washing hands, using anti-bacterial wipes or hand-sanitizer
“Protecting” what is perceived as “clean” space – personal desk or
locker, other personal property
Seeking reassurance from someone in the environment that others aren’t
“sick” or “dirty”
Avoiding touching “dirty” surfaces that others may have touched,
including common-area objects such as doorknobs, desks, shared supplies,
computer keyboards, soap, cafeteria trays, etc.
Avoiding contact play or sports – either because of a fear of catching a
disease or fear of contaminating others
Avoiding the use of public washrooms
Refusing to share items or supplies with others
Refusing to eat in a cafeteria
Avoiding certain products or surfaces because they may contain “poison”
(for example, cleaning chemicals)
Fears that harm, illness, or death, will befall oneself or others; fear
of causing harm to oneself or others, including violent or aggressive
obsessions (fear of killing or injuring oneself or another person; fear
of molesting a child)
Note: Individuals with OCD who have violent/aggressive thoughts neither
have a history of violence nor act upon these urges or ideas.
“Checking” behavior, such as making sure doors and/or windows are
locked; checking to be sure that oven, stove, coffee pot, iron, curling
iron are off
Checking light switches or turning them on and off repeatedly
Repeatedly checking to see if a child is still breathing during the night
Reading a paragraph over and over again to prevent harm from coming to a
loved one, pet, etc.
Seeking reassurance from someone in the environment that the person
(with OCD) is “safe”
Avoiding leaving a “safe” zone (such as a cubicle, classroom); avoiding
going into certain “unsafe” zones (for example, for lunch or recess areas)
Avoiding open spaces, such as a gymnasium
Unreasonable avoidance of colleagues or peers, for fear of causing them harm
Fears/feelings/urges related to numbers, e.g., “good” numbers, “bad”
numbers, “magical” numbers
“Counting” behavior such as counting, touching or saying words a certain
number of times (believing there is a magical significance to certain
numbers and, for example, using those numbers to “magically” keep harm
from coming to another); counting the number of steps between locations
and having to start over if interrupted
Touching objects a certain number of times; not being able to move on
unless this touching has been accomplished
Reading words or pages a certain number of times, causing delays in
completing work, assignments
Going back and forth through doorways a certain number of times before
it’s OK to enter the room
Avoiding using certain numbers that are “unlucky” or “not safe”; only
using numbers that are “safe” or “lucky.”
Fears/feelings/urges related to discarding something (e.g., fears that
something bad will happen if something is thrown away); feelings of
incompleteness if something is discarded (e.g., need to document and
preserve all life experiences); fears of contamination (excessive
acquisition of items that cannot be touched due to contamination fears;
buying items that a person has touched to avoid contaminating other
people); need to buy items in multiples of a particular number; not
discarding objects to avoid repetitive rituals such as washing or checking
Note: This form of hoarding is related to the obsessions and compulsions
of OCD and is distinct from Hoarding Disorder (see Related Conditions).
Saving useless items – scraps of paper, candy wrappers, bottle caps,
broken items; being unable to part with things that are not needed any more
Holding on to items for fear that they might be needed sometime in the
future, such as books, newspapers, food, school papers
Buying multiples of the same item (e.g., buying in multiples of 3
because it’s a person’s magic number)
Buying every item in a grocery store that one may have touched (and
therefore “contaminated”) to prevent others from being contaminated
Accumulating items or objects in a particular area (e.g., desk drawer)
because they are contaminated and cannot be touched
Excessive fear of violating religious or moral rules (scrupulosity)
Apologizing or confessing that something was (or is thought to have
been) wrong, such as breaking rules, including religious, office,
classroom rules
Constantly seeking reassurance that a task has been completed right or
perfectly; seeking affirmation that a mistake was not made
Saying prayers a certain number of times; excessive praying to atone for
being “bad”; repeatedly confessing perceived “sins” or bad behavior
Repetitive praying or confessing to neutralize or “undo” bad thoughts,
intrusive sexual thoughts, or visions of acting badly, including cursing
or blaspheming at work, school or church
Avoiding answering questions for fear of telling a lie
Fears/feelings/urges related to symmetry or order
Constantly “evening up” items or groups of items, such as books on a
shelf or items on a desk; aligning edges to be “just right” or “even”
Rearranging items to be in a certain order, for example, by color or
alphabetical order
Avoiding a particular room with square tiles (e.g., bathroom); seeing
the tiles would necessitate tracing each of the edges with the eyes
Fears/feelings/urges/images related to sexual content
Doubting one’s sexual orientation, even though there is no evidence to
support this concern
Excessive praying to atone for having inappropriate sexual thoughts or
Avoiding TV, magazines, books, DVDs, etc., for fear of seeing something
Excessive doubting/dread of uncertainty
Constantly rechecking to see if everything that should be in a briefcase
or backpack is actually there
Leaving one’s work area to check something, e.g., to check that a car in
a parking lot is actually locked
Avoiding a school locker to prevent having to check the lock over and
over again
Fears/feelings/urges related to having something “just right,” “just so”
or “perfect”
Getting up and sitting down repeatedly at a desk, until the “just right”
feeling has been achieved
Repeatedly revising the way letters, words, numbers, or one’s name is
written to make them look “just right”; getting “stuck” writing the same
letter or word over and over again
Erasing words and rewriting over and over – sometimes until holes are
rubbed in the paper
Extreme slowness with work or school activities – making sure that
everything looks “just right” or is done “just right,” possibly in a
certain order or pattern
Repeating various actions over and over for no apparent reason
Avoiding a hallway in which one must walk repeatedly until it feels
“just right”
Symptoms of OCD vary widely, depending upon the individual and the
situation. Adults and children experience many symptoms other than those
mentioned above. Interestingly, the majority of people with OCD are
able to function reasonably well, and friends or co-workers may not even
suspect there’s a problem. But when symptoms escalate to the point that
they interfere with functioning – excessive time is lost from work, an
individual is unable to work, a student who normally receives good
grades in school suddenly receives poor grades, uncontrollable fear and
anxiety are severely straining a relationship – it’s time to get help.
How Effective are OCD Medications?
Medications are ineffective for nearly one in three people with OCD.
Nonetheless, conventional therapies include anti-anxiety and
antidepressant medications along with behavioral therapies and
Antipsychotic medications are becoming a more accepted treatment method.
The good news is clinicians are becoming increasingly able to offer
personalized treatment regimens.
Medications and therapy are the short-term treatment protocol for OCD
and where these are effective they become the long-term management
solution. OCD is never cured, only managed.
Postpartum OCD (PPOCD)
Over the years, the condition experienced by many new mothers known as
post-partum depression has received increased attention. Perhaps not as
widely recognized, however, is that although reported figures vary, an
estimated two to three percent of new mothers develop postpartum OCD
(PPOCD). With this disorder, a woman may have obsessive intrusive
thoughts about her baby’s safety. Symptoms include:
excessively washing or sterilizing baby bottles
excessively washing baby clothing, or washing other family members’
clothing repeatedly
isolating the baby to keep family members or others from “contaminating”
the baby
constantly checking on the baby
experiencing persistent and terrifying fears of harming the baby
Everyone from family members to friends expects a new mother to be
joyful. But society doesn’t realize that PPOCD can leave a new mother
feeling devastated and exhausted. Untreated PPOCD can have a negative
impact a mother’s ability to care for her child and severely strain her
marriage, friendships, and other relationships.
Effective individualized treatment for both post-partum depression and
PPOCD (which frequently occur together) is available and can enable a
new mom to manage her symptoms. As with other types of OCD, postpartum
OCD usually responds to medications (serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Although serotonin reuptake
inhibitors are effective treatments for OCD, their risks to the unborn
and breast-feeding child are not yet well known. Many experts believe
these medications probably pose no danger, but it’s important to discuss
the possible risks with your doctor on an individual basis. A safer,
yet more challenging treatment approach, is CBT, which has been
demonstrated to be more effective than medications for non-postpartum OCD.


Dec 16, 2019, 10:18:40 PM12/16/19
x-no-archive: yes
Can you send that to Nuts? I think he needs some help too.

mixed nuts

Dec 17, 2019, 1:25:02 PM12/17/19
On 12/16/2019 10:18 PM, Janithor wrote:
> On 12/16/2019 7:01 PM, % wrote:
>> On 2019-12-16 7:46 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
>>> Robert De Niro is 1000% correct! You are MUCH worse than ANY of the
>>> characters he portrayed! You are the WORST of the WORST!!!
>> Virtually everyone
> Can you send that to Nuts?  I think he needs some help too.

Hey Frodo! Hi!

Why don't you send me a full color cartoon executive summary with
"guilty" arrows pointing at a fat Hillary (with many wrinkles)
caricature and "fully exonerated/many achomlishments/did nothing wrong
arrows pointing at a powerfully built Mr. Trump with a fierce fist full
of dollars squint and a true outdoorsman's tan (with no wrinkles,
amazing hair) riding a powerful pony with a six gun?

Grizzly H.


Dec 17, 2019, 2:16:58 PM12/17/19
x-no-archive: yes

On 12/17/2019 10:25 AM, mixed nuts wrote:
> On 12/16/2019 10:18 PM, Janithor wrote:
>> On 12/16/2019 7:01 PM, % wrote:
>>> On 2019-12-16 7:46 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
>>>> Robert De Niro is 1000% correct! You are MUCH worse than ANY of the
>>>> characters he portrayed! You are the WORST of the WORST!!!
>>> Virtually everyone
> [...]
>> Can you send that to Nuts?  I think he needs some help too.
> Hey Frodo!  Hi!

But it wasn't an attack on my height, you see. He would never do that.
You too, I know you would never insult someone for a non-choosable
physical trait like skin color or height. You're not like Trump.

> Why don't you send me a full color cartoon executive summary with
> "guilty" arrows pointing at a fat Hillary (with many wrinkles)
> caricature and "fully exonerated/many achomlishments/did nothing wrong
> arrows pointing at a powerfully built Mr. Trump with a fierce fist full
> of dollars squint and a true outdoorsman's tan (with no wrinkles,
> amazing hair) riding a powerful pony with a six gun?

What is the complete list of sacraments in the Church of Woke? I know
abortion is one.

Simplify Please

Dec 17, 2019, 4:03:57 PM12/17/19
On Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 10:56:17 AM UTC-4, JD Chase wrote:
> Absolutely despicable... he just never quits with the hatred and bigotry and demagoguery... You need to be IMPRISONED for LIFE, TRUMPY! Starting YESTERDAY! 😡

I don't like Trump. But I like him much better than the alternative; Hillary!

JD Chase

Dec 17, 2019, 4:08:59 PM12/17/19
Feel the same way, SP. but in reverse... I was not a supporter of Hillary, only voted for her because she was running against Trump... would have voted for my sister’s cat or the first name picked out of a phone book rather than the monster in chief...

mixed nuts

Dec 17, 2019, 5:56:29 PM12/17/19
On 12/17/2019 2:16 PM, Janithor wrote:
> On 12/17/2019 10:25 AM, mixed nuts wrote:
>> On 12/16/2019 10:18 PM, Janithor wrote:
>>> On 12/16/2019 7:01 PM, % wrote:
>>>> On 2019-12-16 7:46 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
>>>>> Robert De Niro is 1000% correct! You are MUCH worse than ANY of the
>>>>> characters he portrayed! You are the WORST of the WORST!!!
>>>> Virtually everyone
>> [...]
>>> Can you send that to Nuts?  I think he needs some help too.
>> Hey Frodo!  Hi!
> But it wasn't an attack on my height, you see.  He would never do that.
> You too, I know you would never insult someone for a non-choosable
> physical trait like skin color or height.  You're not like Trump.

You suck at being a Patriot Boy White Nationalist bigot. I bet you
could walk into a 5 person neo-Nazi free speech rally with your MAGA hat
perched on your head with the bill pointing to the right while carrying
a citronella torch and your highly accessorized open carry AR-15 with a
100 round drum magazine and never be threatened (or punched) by 10,000
pro-democracy liberals sipping liberals-only free coffee.

>> Why don't you send me a full color cartoon executive summary with
>> "guilty" arrows pointing at a fat Hillary (with many wrinkles)
>> caricature and "fully exonerated/many achomlishments/did nothing wrong
>> arrows pointing at a powerfully built Mr. Trump with a fierce fist
>> full of dollars squint and a true outdoorsman's tan (with no wrinkles,
>> amazing hair) riding a powerful pony with a six gun?
> What is the complete list of sacraments in the Church of Woke?  I know
> abortion is one.

Pretty much anything that annoys hypersensitive entitled bigots, I'd say.

Grizzly H.


Dec 17, 2019, 7:44:19 PM12/17/19
x-no-archive: yes

On 12/17/2019 2:56 PM, mixed nuts wrote:
> On 12/17/2019 2:16 PM, Janithor wrote:
>> On 12/17/2019 10:25 AM, mixed nuts wrote:
>>> On 12/16/2019 10:18 PM, Janithor wrote:
>>>> On 12/16/2019 7:01 PM, % wrote:
>>>>> On 2019-12-16 7:46 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
>>>>>> Robert De Niro is 1000% correct! You are MUCH worse than ANY of
>>>>>> the characters he portrayed! You are the WORST of the WORST!!!
>>>>> Virtually everyone
>>> [...]
>>>> Can you send that to Nuts?  I think he needs some help too.
>>> Hey Frodo!  Hi!
>> But it wasn't an attack on my height, you see.  He would never do
>> that. You too, I know you would never insult someone for a
>> non-choosable physical trait like skin color or height.  You're not
>> like Trump.
> You suck at being a Patriot Boy White Nationalist bigot.  I bet you
> could walk into a 5 person neo-Nazi free speech rally with your MAGA hat
> perched on your head with the bill pointing to the right while carrying
> a citronella torch and your highly accessorized open carry AR-15 with a
> 100 round drum magazine and never be threatened (or punched) by 10,000
> pro-democracy liberals sipping liberals-only free coffee.

That's because you're dum, you can only think in terms of 1s and 0s.

>>> Why don't you send me a full color cartoon executive summary with
>>> "guilty" arrows pointing at a fat Hillary (with many wrinkles)
>>> caricature and "fully exonerated/many achomlishments/did nothing
>>> wrong arrows pointing at a powerfully built Mr. Trump with a fierce
>>> fist full of dollars squint and a true outdoorsman's tan (with no
>>> wrinkles, amazing hair) riding a powerful pony with a six gun?
>> What is the complete list of sacraments in the Church of Woke?  I know
>> abortion is one.
> Pretty much anything that annoys hypersensitive entitled bigots, I'd say.

So you annoy yourself?

mixed nuts

Dec 17, 2019, 8:43:23 PM12/17/19
Yeah. I don't watch enough Faux Nooz to learn the 'Both Sides' and the
'Presumably' scripture of the evolving 3rd testament. In about 200
years, (We won't live that long) we'll have The Book Of Sean and The
Book of Tucker and The Book of Laura and The Book of Rush where it'll
all be codified as the life and times of Cheesus Twitler, the Jealous
and Vengeful Chosen One who loves you very very much.

>>>> Why don't you send me a full color cartoon executive summary with
>>>> "guilty" arrows pointing at a fat Hillary (with many wrinkles)
>>>> caricature and "fully exonerated/many achomlishments/did nothing
>>>> wrong arrows pointing at a powerfully built Mr. Trump with a fierce
>>>> fist full of dollars squint and a true outdoorsman's tan (with no
>>>> wrinkles, amazing hair) riding a powerful pony with a six gun?
>>> What is the complete list of sacraments in the Church of Woke?  I
>>> know abortion is one.
>> Pretty much anything that annoys hypersensitive entitled bigots, I'd say.
> So you annoy yourself?

I'm good.

Don't forget to tithe me your January earnings - I need your first
fruits for my charitable foundation to get Jesus to fill my bank account
(as he does).

Grizzly H.


Dec 17, 2019, 8:44:56 PM12/17/19
x-no-archive: yes
Dum, lol.

JD Chase

Dec 30, 2019, 10:21:09 PM12/30/19



Dec 31, 2019, 11:17:20 AM12/31/19
On 2019-12-30 8:21 p.m., JD Chase wrote:

JD Chase

Jan 1, 2020, 6:11:07 AM1/1/20

Come again? Nancy is having second thoughts about impeaching you, shithole? Sorry to break it to you, but that ship has sailed! You ARE impeached, no matter what Nancy does next! It will be a PERMANENT major stain on this pathetic sham of a “presidency”!


Jan 1, 2020, 2:18:03 PM1/1/20
On 2020-01-01 4:11 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Come again? Nancy is having second thoughts about impeaching you, shithole? Sorry to break it to you, but that ship has sailed! You ARE impeached, no matter what Nancy does next! It will be a PERMANENT major stain on this pathetic sham of a “presidency”!

Medication for OCD
Answer from 2 sources

Antidepressants approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to
treat OCD include: Clomipramine (Anafranil) for adults and children 10
years and older. Fluoxetine (Prozac) for adults and children 7 years and
older. Fluvoxamine for adults and children 8 years and older. Paroxetine
(Paxil, Pexeva) for adult...
Treatment - Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) …
After you are diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), your
doctor will likely prescribe antidepressants known as selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine (for example,
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)-Medication…
People also ask
What medications are approved for OCD?

What is the drug of choice for OCD?

What is the best treatment for OCD?

Is OCD a mental disorder?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Medication & Treatment ...

OCD has a cycle: obsessions, anxiety, compulsions, and relief. CBT, a
type of psychotherapy, gives you tools to think, act, and react to your
unhealthy thoughts and habits.
Author: Danny Bonvissuto

List of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Medications (28 ...

76 rows · About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An anxiety disorder
characterised by recurrent, …
104 reviews
74 reviews
150 reviews
133 reviews
See all 76 rows on
International OCD Foundation | Medications for OCD

Overview Medication is an effective treatment for OCD. About 7 out of 10
people with OCD will benefit from either medication or Exposure and
Response Prevention (ERP). For medications to work, they must be taken
regularly and as directed by their doctor.
Medications for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

Side effects
Mechanism of action
The modern era in the pharmacotherapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD) began in the late 1960s with the observation that clomipramine,
not other tricyclic antidepressants such as imipramine (Tofranil), was
effective in treating OCD. Clomipramine is the most thoroughly studied
drug for OCD and was the first to receive FDA approval for this
indication. Like other tricyclic antidepressants, side effects of dry
mouth, constipation and urinary retention are common. Like other SRIs,
nausea and tremor are als…
See more on
Medication for OCD | OCD-UK

OCD-UK have taken all reasonable care in compiling this information, but
always recommend consulting a doctor or other suitably qualified health
professional for diagnosis and treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive
Disorder or any other medical condition.
Ten Things You Need To Know To Overcome OCD

Ten Things You Need To Know To Overcome OCD By experienced psychologist
Fred Penzel, Ph.D. I have been actively involved in the treatment of OCD
since …

JD Chase

Jan 5, 2020, 12:28:30 AM1/5/20

What a DISGUSTING, DISGRACEFUL, DESPICABLE POS, you are, Trumpy!!! Those $trillions that you brag about spending on weapons could be doing SO much good HELPING people right here in the U.S.! It could be used on healthcare, education, infrastructure, poverty and homeless... but you’d rather waste it on weapons and wars... you need to be LOCKED UP in PRISON where your 🍊 jumpsuit will match up with your 🍊 skin!! 😡😡😡😡😡

Simplify Please

Jan 5, 2020, 7:18:32 AM1/5/20
On Sunday, January 5, 2020 at 12:28:30 AM UTC-5, JD Chase wrote:
> What a DISGUSTING, DISGRACEFUL, DESPICABLE POS, you are, Trumpy!!! Those $trillions that you brag about spending on weapons could be doing SO much good HELPING people right here in the U.S.! It could be used on healthcare, education, infrastructure, poverty and homeless... but you’d rather waste it on weapons and wars... you need to be LOCKED UP in PRISON where your 🍊 jumpsuit will match up with your 🍊 skin!! 😡😡😡😡😡

I wouldn't use those words to describe Trump. He is turning out to be quite the war monger though. And right now, if there were an election and Trump was the R candidate and Bernie was the D candidate, I'd support Sanders. I never thought I'd ever say that, but war is a very unhealthy thing, and Sanders is very anti war. But Trump was a bit anti war at one time, but that seems to have changed.
The question is if Bernie got elected would he succumb to corruption and change his anti war position do to pressure from powerful war mongering groups?


Jan 5, 2020, 1:23:49 PM1/5/20
On 2020-01-04 10:28 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> What a DISGUSTING, DISGRACEFUL, DESPICABLE POS, you are, Trumpy!!! Those $trillions that you brag about spending on weapons could be doing SO much good HELPING people right here in the U.S.! It could be used on healthcare, education, infrastructure, poverty and homeless... but you’d rather waste it on weapons and wars... you need to be LOCKED UP in PRISON where your 🍊 jumpsuit will match up with your 🍊 skin!! 😡😡😡😡😡
you have been killfiled in my posts and in my mail

JD Chase

Jan 8, 2020, 6:31:33 PM1/8/20

“You’re incompetent. You’re ignorant. You’re incoherent. You’re dumb. You’re deranged. You’re delusional. You’re despised. You’re a criminal. You’ve been impeached. You will be removed, by the ballot box, if not the senate. You will be prosecuted.”

-George Conway to Trump

Well said! Could not agree more, George!


Jan 8, 2020, 6:52:27 PM1/8/20
trumpity trump trump you have no one to blame but americans

JD Chase

Jan 8, 2020, 11:33:44 PM1/8/20

Very true! It is tremendously sad and tragic that so many Americans support this monster...


Jan 9, 2020, 1:51:40 PM1/9/20
On 2020-01-08 9:33 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Very true! It is tremendously sad and tragic that so many Americans support this monster...
and have you noticed how no one here bitches about it like you do

JD Chase

Mar 24, 2020, 4:08:24 PM3/24/20

Open everything up by Easter, tRump???!!! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, ASSHOLE!!! So, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!! 😡😡😡😡😡


Mar 24, 2020, 4:37:58 PM3/24/20
On 2020-03-24 1:08 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Open everything up by Easter, tRump???!!! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, ASSHOLE!!! So, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!! 😡😡😡😡😡
isn't it a great time to be alive , i love early springs

JD Chase

Mar 30, 2020, 2:13:44 AM3/30/20

No Trumpy, CNN isn’t spouting “fake news”! YOU are the one who is fake news! YOU are the LIAR! And YOU are the most INCOMPETENT, PATHETIC, HORRIFIC, DISGRACEFUL, HATEFUL, DESPICABLE “president” EVER! 😡

JD Chase

Apr 10, 2020, 12:32:34 AM4/10/20

Well, for all intents and purposes the U.S. is gradually becoming a virtual dictatorship... no, it a full fledged totalitarian regime just yet, but that surely is the direction we are heading in, with the full cooperation of the Supreme Court and Congress... well, you wanted this insane, corrupt, evil, despicable monster, Trumpers! Hope you are proud of yourselves! 😡😔😒


Apr 10, 2020, 1:46:28 AM4/10/20
x-no-archive: yes

On 4/9/2020 9:32 PM, JD Chase wrote:
> Well, for all intents and purposes the U.S. is gradually becoming a virtual dictatorship... no, it a full fledged totalitarian regime just yet, but that surely is the direction we are heading in, with the full cooperation of the Supreme Court and Congress... well, you wanted this insane, corrupt, evil, despicable monster, Trumpers! Hope you are proud of yourselves! 😡😔😒

Trump is an idiot and an embarrassment, but this is silly, Jordy. We
have an election in November. Vote against him and see what happens.

If he wins, no later than January of 2025 he'll be gone and the US will
go on. Weaker every year because of the stupidity of Americans and this
infantile binary lens of identity politics and emotion, but we will keep
going as we have for over 200 years.

JD Chase

Apr 10, 2020, 2:19:54 AM4/10/20
Well, certainly hope that you are right, but I heartily recommend Michael Moore documentary, that he released last year, which convincingly, Imo, demonstrates that Trump wants to be a dictator, and will become a dictator if he is re-elected, and with the house of reprentatives and the Supreme Court controlled by Republicans that could very well happen, it did happen in Germany in the 30’s.... if he loses the election, he is almost certain to claim fraud and to refuse to leave... he might literally have to be dragged out if the White House by federal police... at best, it will take *years* to recover from the immense damage he has inflicted on the U.S. and the world... 😡

mixed nuts

Apr 10, 2020, 10:48:21 AM4/10/20
What about the miraculous recovery due to great wisdom, leadership and
unification of 'The Christian Right'? Won't that make America stronger
than ever before, stronger than the world has ever seen?

Grizzly H.


Apr 10, 2020, 3:45:46 PM4/10/20
right , you'll just have to live like the swahili

JD Chase

Apr 14, 2020, 1:49:29 PM4/14/20

Sorry tRump, but as much as you would LOVE to be a king and a dictator- you are NOT one, not YET anyway! 😡 the STATES have power over opening and shutting down businesses, NOT YOU, SHITHOLE! 😡


Apr 14, 2020, 3:11:46 PM4/14/20
On 2020-04-14 10:49 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Sorry tRump, but as much as you would LOVE to be a king and a dictator- you are NOT one, not YET anyway! 😡 the STATES have power over opening and shutting down businesses, NOT YOU, SHITHOLE! 😡

he said he has the final say and he does , enjoy it ,
besides , there's going to be many more years of it anyway

JD Chase

Apr 18, 2020, 11:17:03 PM4/18/20

“China has just announced a doubling in the number of their deaths from the invisible enemy. It is far higher than that and far higher than the U.S. not even close”- Trump

“ This is not a death competition, you inhumane, unhinged jackass.

People are dying!!!!!!!!!

Boasting about the 35,000 deaths is America in comparison to whatever the number is in China is something only a sick, demented sociopath would do.

You’re unfit to be human”
-Bishop Talbert Swan

JD Chase

Apr 20, 2020, 11:55:09 PM4/20/20

Sorry Covidiots, Trump supporters- as Joy Behar and others have rightly pointed out, your slogan is NOT “give me liberty OR give me death”, it’s clearly “Give me liberty AND give me death”... it is a tragedy for you AND the victims you will surely endanger and in some cases kill... shame shame shame on your stupid, mindless, careless, selfish souls... 😡😔😣

JD Chase

Apr 24, 2020, 5:55:49 PM4/24/20

“Lysol warns against injesting disinfectants after President Trump suggests it as a possible Coronavirus treatment...”

No, that is NOT Andy Borowitz or the Onion! That is an ACTUAL newspaper headline! You can NOT make this stuff up! This is way BEYOND satire! Can this insane monster be ANY more dangerous and horrific and pathetic? 🤬


Apr 24, 2020, 6:26:19 PM4/24/20
On 2020-04-24 2:55 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> “Lysol warns against injesting disinfectants after President Trump suggests it as a possible Coronavirus treatment...”
> No, that is NOT Andy Borowitz or the Onion! That is an ACTUAL newspaper headline! You can NOT make this stuff up! This is way BEYOND satire! Can this insane monster be ANY more dangerous and horrific and pathetic? 🤬
yes , he could be just like you , just wait until ,
you have to pay back all the money he has given away

JD Chase

May 10, 2020, 11:53:45 PM5/10/20

Go ahead, shithole! Keep blaming Obama and Hillary and Adam Schiff and Chuck and Nancy and Democrats and various others... WE know and YOU know that it is YOU who is to blame! For the hatred and racism and division and corruption and chaos and death! YOU YOU YOU Are to blame!!! May you ROT in PRISON-starting YESTERDAY! 🤬


May 11, 2020, 9:23:38 AM5/11/20
On 2020-05-10 8:53 p.m., JD Chase wrote:
> Go ahead, shithole! Keep blaming Obama and Hillary and Adam Schiff and Chuck and Nancy and Democrats and various others... WE know and YOU know that it is YOU who is to blame! For the hatred and racism and division and corruption and chaos and death! YOU YOU YOU Are to blame!!! May you ROT in PRISON-starting YESTERDAY! 🤬
there is no yesterday

JD Chase

May 12, 2020, 11:41:18 AM5/12/20

“Transition to greatness”? Sorry Trumpy, the only tradition we need is YOU transitioning from the White House to the BIG House, where your orange jumpsuit will match up perfectly with your orange skin!

JD Chase

May 17, 2020, 7:07:27 PM5/17/20

Sorry, tRump; but you are the very LAST one who should
be commenting about ANOTHER president being incompetent!!! There has NEVER been ANY U.S. presidency even a TRILLIONTH as incompetent as YOURS, SHITHOLE!

JD Chase

Jun 7, 2020, 12:10:49 PM6/7/20

LIES LIES LIES! You just NEVER stop LYING!!! And there is NOTHING wrong with KNEELING!!! That IS peacefully protesting!!! When WHITE people protest, that is fine and to be encouraged, but when BLACK people protest, that is wrong- according to YOU! You are one SICK, DESPICABLE NUT! 🤬


Jun 7, 2020, 2:19:14 PM6/7/20
On 2020-06-07 9:10 a.m., JD Chase wrote:
> LIES LIES LIES! You just NEVER stop LYING!!! And there is NOTHING wrong with KNEELING!!! That IS peacefully protesting!!! When WHITE people protest, that is fine and to be encouraged, but when BLACK people protest, that is wrong- according to YOU! You are one SICK, DESPICABLE NUT! 🤬
do you think this is news

Jordy C

Jun 14, 2020, 3:55:55 PM6/14/20

Let’s see here, having trouble lifting a glass to his face, slurring words, having difficulty walking down a ramp... face it Trumpy, you are UNWELL! Physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, morally, spiritually... you need to exit the White House, and enter a hospital or a rest home or mental hospital, or prison or perhaps you’d prefer some estate in Russia, where you can visit your Comrade, Putin... just GO!!! LEAVE! Starting YESTERDAY, shithole! 🤬


Jun 14, 2020, 4:02:54 PM6/14/20
On 2020-06-14 12:55 p.m., Jordy C wrote:
> Let’s see here, having trouble lifting a glass to his face, slurring words, having difficulty walking down a ramp... face it Trumpy, you are UNWELL! Physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, morally, spiritually... you need to exit the White House, and enter a hospital or a rest home or mental hospital, or prison or perhaps you’d prefer some estate in Russia, where you can visit your Comrade, Putin... just GO!!! LEAVE! Starting YESTERDAY, shithole! 🤬
it is impossible to start something yesterday when it's already today ,
which makes you most of the nouns you used here

Jordy C

Jun 18, 2020, 1:09:56 PM6/18/20

3 cheers for the Supreme Court! Actually doing the RIGHT and FITTING thing not once, but TWICE this week! What an exceedingly pleasant and welcome surprise! 👍🙏☺️😊🍸❤️ Keep it up, ladies and gentleman!

Jordy C

Jun 20, 2020, 11:53:30 PM6/20/20

More non stop lies, more racism, more demagoguery, more endless projection(YOU are the bad person and THUG, MORON!!), a lot less people showing up than expected, the scumbag bragging about wanting to DECREASE testing... so much WINNING, SHITHOLE! Can NOT wait for you to vacate the White House and enter the BiG HOUSE where your 🍊 jumpsuit will match up just perfectly splendidly with your 🍊 skin!

Jordy C

Jun 25, 2020, 3:59:19 PM6/25/20

“Law and order”, shithole? You REPEATEDLY say that, but obviously that only applies to OTHERS, particularly to MINORITIES, NOT to YOU! And you have the unmitigated gall to call OTHER people corrupt???!!! You are a lying, bullying, corrupt, racist, hateful, heinous, abominable, disgusting, disgraceful, despicable, evil, murderous, monstrous sexual predator and POS THUG who should be ROTTING in PRISON! 🤬


Jun 25, 2020, 4:17:15 PM6/25/20
On 2020-06-25 12:59 p.m., Jordy C wrote:
> “Law and order”, shithole? You REPEATEDLY say that, but obviously that only applies to OTHERS, particularly to MINORITIES, NOT to YOU! And you have the unmitigated gall to call OTHER people corrupt???!!! You are a lying, bullying, corrupt, racist, hateful, heinous, abominable, disgusting, disgraceful, despicable, evil, murderous, monstrous sexual predator and POS THUG who should be ROTTING in PRISON! 🤬
and you do the same thing

Jordy C

Jun 27, 2020, 4:19:21 AM6/27/20

FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY people are TRULY starting to GET that we just CAN NOT have another 4 years of this insane, racist, corrupt, heinous, vile, despicable MONSTER as President!!! He has LITERALLY been the DEATH of us!!! Next stop for you is PRISON, shithole!!! 🤬


Jun 27, 2020, 5:15:15 AM6/27/20
x-no-archive: yes

On 6/27/2020 1:19 AM, Jordy C wrote:
> FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY people are TRULY starting to GET that we just CAN NOT have another 4 years of this insane, racist, corrupt, heinous, vile, despicable MONSTER as President!!! He has LITERALLY been the DEATH of us!!! Next stop for you is PRISON, shithole!!! 🤬

The whole situation is tragic. If he loses, it's game over the USA,
Biden is going to pick some far left wing demon for VP, and when he dies
in office that person will be president, and allah help us all when that

I'm hoping and praying for more autonomous zones and more police-free
zones, the more and the sooner the better.

It's sad Trump was the only national figure with the cajones to stand up
to the totalitarian, racist left. He's so pathetic, but at least he
doesn't back down from the fight. That's the problem though, his
strength is his weakness. The only other national figure I see capable
to being intelligent, rational, decent, and courageous, is Tucker
Carlson. I will be writing him in in November. Tilting at windmills,
what else can one do?


mixed nuts

Jun 27, 2020, 5:43:18 AM6/27/20
You could move to a country that doesn't allow leftist presidents and
doesn't have a legislative body or a judiciary that is allowed to
disagree with the president.

Grizzly H.
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