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REPOST "Eye of the Prophet" 4/8

7 prikaza
Preskoči na prvu nepročitanu poruku


8. srp 1997. 03:00:0008. 07. 1997.

A DS9 STORY - "Eye of the Prophet"
by Me
Copyright April 4th 1997

This story is rated W for weird, S for slash and AR for age
restricted material.


<*>...Chapter Four...<*>


Ali began cutting into the corpse he'd placed in stasis 3
days before when he'd begun working to save Julian's life
rather than take it. He thanked god that he hadn't given in to
his decision to give the man a quick painless death. This time
the chief held all the cards. He had to produce a child, or
pay for the lack with his life. If all his work was going to
pay off, he had to find a way to insure the terran could
become a child bearer.
Ali began the process of removing the dead woman's
reproductive organs, with a little work, they could be
transplanted to the terran, who if the Gods were kind Ali
would be able to prevent rejecting them in the time he had to
play with. He was encouraged to note her organs had escaped
the damage inflicted on her before death, then disheartened to
discover the sadistic bastard hadn't been content with
inflicting harm of the usual kind.
'Damn him to the deepest of Damnation's pits' Ali cursed,
so close but yet so far. Perfect womb, perfect fallopian
tubes, why did that little cretin have to ruin all his plans
by destroying her cervix. Now he couldn't give the man a sex
change unless the little sadist found another women to take
his bad temper out, and soon.
Unless, there was another way to impregnate him, in which
case, all he needed was the womb and tubes.. A plan began to
take shape in Ali's mind. It could be done, risky as hell, but
then, they had nothing left to loose, and everything to gain.


Once certain the room was free from surveillance and
peepholes, Ali returned to the bedside where Julian lay
unconscious. Peeling back his eyelid she examined his eye,
still out. A quick check with the sensors confirmed he was not
only out, but out deep. Ali doubted he'd rouse for hours, so
much the better.
Julian didn't so much as twitch as Ali drew back the
sheet that covered him and then begin caressing and massaging
his body.
Somewhere in the deep recesses of his mind Julian became
aware that his body was being pleasured, then the memory of
the Chieftains assault, the threats made came to mind and he
retreated further into the depths.
Ali was patient and took his time, kneading and massaging
Julian's all over, passing over his sex to concentrate instead
on his legs and feet, yet, sweeping his hands up to brush
Julian's sex on the up and downward sweep, until he started to
respond. When he did, Ali transferred his attention to
Julian's sex and in response to the expert caress of Ali and
he was soon hot throbbing and hard.

The spark of awareness that was Julian grew brighter.

Ali smiled as a slow smile started to appear on Julian's
face. Nice to know on some level he was enjoying it. Then Ali
'Had he just moved?' Ali wondered, not for long as he
moved again, a slight thrust of the hips.
'So soon?'
With a shrug Ali reached for the specimen container and
grasped the now throbbing hard erection tighter and began
using strong, fast and tight strokes. Julian started making
little noises of pleasure as Ali worked.
"I'm glad you're enjoying it." Ali said with a voice
pitched deliberately husky and sultry.
Truth to tell, he was getting a slight kick out of it
himself, with a little more TLC and more weight on his bones,
the Terran would be quite luscious and Ali's tastes ran to
tall dark and handsome men, which was a pity because the ones
that shared his tastes saw a woman and looked elsewhere, and
the ones that looked Ali's way, tended to get annoyed on
learning he was a man.
'You never know,' Ali thought, perhaps with a little time
and TLC you might discover he's the kind to enjoy the pleasure
of another mans company.

Julian floated on a haze of pleasure, drifting through
the layers of consciousness before awakening. On some level he
became aware the wonderful dream he was having, wasn't quite
what it seemed, but he dismissed the thought, going with the
flow. It was even better now..More intense. A vision of
etherial loveliness appeared before him, drawing him down, and
he wrapped himself around her as she wrapped herself around
him and took him in. They moved together in perfect unison.
Though in his semi conscious dreaming state Julian didn't
know it, the husky breathless voice of the Etherial lovely of
his dream, was the voice of the same person, speaking in
French, the language of love, murmuring endearments in French
in return in her ear as he was encouraged to greater heights
of passion.

Ali was definitely enjoying himself, as Julian reacted to
the sultry voiced French love talk. Then he arched and cried
out in escasty. Ali collected what he needed and set it aside
to bring him down nice and slow. Working back up his body to
finally caress his face and tell him he was wonderful.
He turned his head opening his eyes reaching for Ali,
passing from fantasy to reality without realisation. Ali
captured his hand, kissing it, stroking and kissing him softly
interspersed with love talk. Julian was to weak to move much
and gave a little frustrated noise as Ali kissed him just
about everywhere but where he wanted to feel her lips. Then
she was there touching his face again.
"Don't try to talk, m'amie.."
He raised his face to Ali's with a supreme effort, to
kiss him back.
" you want to pleasure me, oui?"
Julian's response to kiss her face again, Ali cupped his
head and kissed him softly. Julian deepened the kiss and soon
the kisses became more passionate and Ali pulled away panting
with a groan as he felt himself growing hot and hard. So much
for being weak. Instead of drifting back off to sleep he was
only growing more active.
"No more.."
Julian tried to persuade Ali with lips at his throat
mouthing the words he couldn't speak. Ali reached out to find
the anethesizer and waited till Julian worked his way back up
to his mouth for another deep kiss, then he gave Julian a deep
kiss forcing him back gently and persuasively. When the kiss
broke up both men were panting and Ali gently touched the
anestizer to Julian's temple and stroked his face till he
slipped back under.
"Mon Dieu, I hope you think that was all just a dream my
responsive little warlock, because if you're not the kind to
appreciate another man's company, we're both going to be
bitterly disappointed if that happens again."
Then Ali collected the specimen canister and prepared it
before taking himself to the shower room, there to tend to the
raging hard on he had imagining as he did, Julian, hale and
hearty pleasuring him as enthusiastically as he'd been
pleasured just now.


Julian heard the approaching footsteps and feigned sleep.
"I know you're awake," a deep husky voice that was very
familiar said.
He opened his eyes to see Ali standing by the bed. He
smiled, remembering the events of the day before. He didn't
know who she was, or anything else, except the fact she had
come to rescue him from the clutches of that repulsive little
chieftain then made sweet love to him.
"I know exactly what's going through your mind," Ali said
and shrugged.
Julian watched the shrug dislodge the robe Ali wore,
revealing the glorious body underneath. His groin started
throbbing as he slowly ran his eyes down that slim body, only
to bolt upright in shock as he saw what lay between Ali's
"You're a man!" he cried, but his words were never spoken
all that issued was a strangle croak that hurt his throat.
"Now that's been cleared up," Ali said, pulling on the
robe again and sealing it.
"We can get on with discussing your situation without any
silly little misunderstandings."
Julian lay back wide eyed with shock a hand to his
throat. He cursed himself for letting his imagination run away
with him, then he felt Ali's hand shaking him and looked
"Do you remember what happened to you here, yesterday. I
know you saw me then."
He nodded slowly.
"My name is Ali, Ali Babar, and don't laugh, Babar is my
clan, Ali means Chief, the first born son of every Chief is
named Ali when they're born. I just happened to be first born,
besides my mother had a sense of humour and loves just daring
people to laugh when she introduces me."
"I bet," said Julian, who's hand shot to his throat.
"You can no longer speak, It was the Chief's express
order that I cut your vocal cords."
He looked at her in shock.
"I didn't do it..I just made sure you can't speak, if you
try it will cause you pain, and the longer it takes you to
learn to cease trying, the longer it will take to regain your
He looked hopeful.
"Yes, it will return in time, but you're very life
depends on you the chief believing you are a woman, that I
took away your voice, if you spoke and he heard you.. Both our
lives will be forfeit, do you understand?"
Julian nodded.
"Only time will restore your voice. Unless he dies first,
in which case, I'll surgically undo what I did and restore it
"Thank-you," he mouthed.
"Don't thank me yet."
"Yes, I can, as long as you don't babble, it's been a
long time...if your mouth is at warp, I won't be able to do
it, do you understand?"
He nodded.
"I also know the Terran language of sign, if you are not
versed in it, I will teach it to you, so that you can
communicate in that manner."
"I said, don't thank me yet, you don't know what I've
done, you may wish I'd given you the death I first intended to
when they brought you in."
Julian shook his head vehemently. His suicidal thoughts
gone, now, he knew he could move again, even though he was
weak and fast moves were painful, he wanted to live.
"Don't want to die."
"You don't know what you've been drawn into."
"Remember everything he said."
"Did he threaten you?"
Julian nodded.
"He rarely bluffs with those he can kill without
repercussion, and you fall into that category, or so he
thought.. But he will still put you to death if he comes to
the conclusion you're of no use. And trust me, he never just
kills a woman, he usually puts her through the most horrific
abuse you could imagine first.
"I'm a man."
"I know, but he doesn't and finding out you were a man
would have only made things worse, he was so furious when he
discovered I was a man that he beat me senseless, tied me up
and then subjected me to a week of sexual molestation, and
threats of being given to his guards as a play thing. And
after a taste of his idea of sex, I don't want to find out
what the guardsmen consider a good time. Which is what he
threatened to do to me if I didn't remove your voice, and do
what he wants."
"Did you do what I think you did to him?
"Desex the little pipsqueak. Yes."
"He'll kill you.."
"He can't, he can beat me, have me raped, humiliate and
generally make my life hell, but he can't kill me, unless he
wants a war that will destroy his clan. He had two good
reasons for having me snatched and brought here, and one of
those was that my father was ready to order his clan to go to
war against this one. If my father learned I was dead, nothing
would stop him doing it, and he'd settle for nothing less than
total obliteration of the clan."
"I'll explain it in detail later..For now..It's your
situation up for discussion. I take it you've discovered you
can move again. I took care of your other injuries when I had
you under on the operating table.
"I wouldn't suggest you get up to any strenuous activity
in a hurry, you're not in any shape to deal with this worlds
high gravity. You should rest all you can and let me help you
build up your strength before you try getting out of that bed
and walking around. Until I think you're fit to try it, I'll
carry you wherever you have to go. Understood?"
Julian nodded.
"Now, tell me, slowly what that pipsqueak told you when
you came around."
Julian told Ali of the chieftains threats, and his plans
and Ali nodded.
"I am my father's heir. My father was castrated for
sleeping with an outsider woman, he has no other children.
When this clans chief learned he had a child, he sent his
people after me. If my father died without an heir - Venda
would become chief of the Babar clan by virtue of being the
second born..His mother was first born of this clan's chief,
her mate was first born of the Babar clan, his brother was
first born and inherited the Babar seat, and Venda inherited
this clan's leadership when his grandfather died..He wants to
rule both clans, amalgamate them."
"I don't understand..If he killed you your father would
have no heir..If you have a son, there'll be another heir in
the way."
"Ah..But, I can never take the seat.. One look and
everyone assumes I'm female, which is another reason why the
chief keeps me around.. His first motive was to have a hostage
to gain time to prepare for war, but after he took one look
and called a meeting of chiefs and took me as his heir bearing
"He didn't find out you were a man till after the event."
"No, and the ritual he used to take me as his bride, is
unisexual, same sex relations are commonplace here, it doesn't
matter, he can't kill me because of what my father's clan will
do, and he will not admit that he took a male as his only
legal mate. And since he made it clear my son would be his
heir when he took me as his mate..
"No one else's son can become his heir."
"Precisely. No one else can give him an heir, only I can,
and he's been raiding, bringing back women for me to
impregnate, to try and produce one before his time runs out,
and that time is fast approaching, he has to prove he has one,
or can produce one in future or loose his seat, and his life."
"So..too keep his seat, he kept it a secret and everyone
thinks your a woman."
"Only he knows better."
"You're father.."
"My father had another mate, a legal mate, she was with
child when my uncle had her assassinated. That's why he went
after my mother and wooed her into bed, I hear they didn't
show their faces in public again till he got her pregnant.
Once she was, he left her, told her to let him know what the
child was when it was born, because a boy child would be
declared his heir. My mother returned to Earth, and when I
was born, contacted him and told him she bore him a daughter
because she was banking on the fact that the wouldn't send a
ship to collect a girl child."
"She didn't know, he wanted her to raise me regardless
of what sex I was, because it was the only way he could
protect his heir from his brothers assassins. And..Then my
uncle learned about me when my father had an almost lethal
accident, and told the priest he had a daughter, on
Earth..That he passed the seat onto my first born son."
"That's when your uncle found about you and sent his
people after you."
"Not quite..My father recovered, the priest kept his
silence, till my Uncle stood up in the council of chiefs and
demanded to be made heir apparent of the Babar clan since my
father had no children and would never have any.. That's when
my father called for the priest and told him to tell everyone
what he'd revealed when he thought he was on his death bed and
that's when my uncle learned about me, and it is now a legal
fact my first born son will inherit the seat after my father
dies, my Uncle take the clans seat, and my uncle had me
snatched and brought back here with every intention of making
sure no one could make a mother out of me, till he saw me and
decided, he'd do it."
"Incestuous bastard."
Ali laughed.
"He is, isn't he."
"He wants to kill your son when he's born, so the only
heir will be him."
"No..after what he did, he can't have a legal heir with
anyone but me, he will use my son to amalgamate the clans,
turn him into a drug addict who will do anything for his fix
so that by the time he becomes a man and old enough to take
the chieftainship, he'll have my father killed, and control
both clans through my son..who'll do everything he wants, or
die the most agonizing death as he goes into withdrawal."
"You should have let him bleed to death."
"There's no point, unless I have a son."
"You can make it known you're a male, as the only male of
the line, you'd inherit the chieftainship."
"If I killed him, his men would kill me, end of story."
"You're going to hate me for this..but while you were
under..I made it possible for you to bear children."
"He would have had you killed if he learned you were a
man. And if you don't get pregnant within three months, he'll
have you killed anyway..He's not a very patient man."
Julian lifted his robe and looked down it.
"No..I didn't give you a sex change, though I had planned
"Then what?"
"He had a woman killed for something the same morning you
were brought in. I took her reproductive organs and I
transplanted them, bar the womb in you, If you don't reject
them, then I will carry on with my plan to turn you into a
fully functional herm and if you're lucky, you'll have the
capability to enjoy sex in the female fashion as well as male,
in which case, you'll enjoy the process of being impregnated,
if not, I've already fertilised a dozen eggs, I need to
preform some genetic engineering on them to ensure they're
more Les'Inderian than Terran, because.. You wouldn't survive
it if they took after you."
"I don't.."
"I'm sure you noticed a significant difference between
him and me, genitalia wise."
"He's a pipsqueak in every way."
"Right, most of them are..I am by their standards,
grossly over endowed. I discovered that after I tried to
follow the order to impregnate a woman and have a son. I had
nothing but trouble, till the day I preformed an autopsy on
one and discovered the women fit the men like a glove, if you
get my drift."
Julian nodded.
"No wonder you had trouble."
"I got one I wanted to save pregnant..It killed her, the
babe took after me, it grew too large for her to
accommodate..she died of massive internal injuries. I am
trying to clone her womb..I took tissue from you and I'm
working on adapting it, if I can't..You'll get hers in which
case, the child must be more Les'Inderian than Terran or you
won't live to give birth."
"Obviously, you're a doctor."
"Interspecies Medicine was my speciality before I was
snatched and brought here."
Julian smiled faintly.
"It's another reason he rarely carries out threats
against me, we have visitors from other worlds at times, and
I'm the only trained Interspecies specialist who can handle
them when they need medical care, which makes me a valuable
asset to the clan."
Julian felt a spark of hope, if there were visitors from
other worlds, then there was a chance, that escape wasn't
impossible, if he could survive long enough to rebuild his
health, find Odo, if the changeling still lived, and then lie
in wait for one of the off world visitors to arrive.
"Now..I have to warn you, he's a voyeur. He has been
known to plant surveillance devices, bugs, drill holes in
walls, ceilings and floors to get his kicks through watching
others at their love play."
"Why am I not surprised."
Ali almost laughed, would have if it wasn't so serious.
"Now that I've taken away his ability to engage in sex,
he'll be more prone to satisfying him through voyeurism. And
it's a sure bet he'll try to observe us and use the excuse he
was just making sure I was doing my duty."
"But that's not a problem you have to worry about at this
"It isn't?"
"He know's your health isn't the best, I told him you
needed a significant amount of time to heal before it would be
safe to get on with the business of baby making. He won't come
creeping around here till thinks you're fit to bed. But, he's
not a very patient man. I have a time table to follow.."
"How much time.."
"You'll have three months before he expects me to jump
your bones and start making babies."
Julian relaxed, three months was good, if he worked hard
and didn't push himself too hard too fast, he could regain his
strength and make his escape before he was forced to have a
child which would severely curtail his efforts to escape.
"Now.. You're not the type of man who goes in for same
sex relations are you?"
Truth to tell, even finding out Ali was a man hadn't done
much to kill the attraction he felt, he'd probably enjoy the
attention of the etherial creature if Ali carried out his
plans to turn him into a herm.
"I've never..had a same sex relationship."
"You didn't..experiment."
He blushed.
"You have."
"Once or never..went anywhere."
Ali sat down on the bed.
"Sit up."
Julian sat up with an effort. Ali moved in behind him,
putting a pillow between his back and the bed head with it's
bars, there to put cuffs on when the company wasn't the
willing type.
Ali drew Julian back into his arms.
"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. You need
phsyiotheraphy anyway, and you need to get used to my presence
in your bed. Don't worry, rape is not my thing, I've never
taken anyone who wasn't willing to be there to my bed."
Julian relaxed.
"I don't blame him for pouncing on you, you are a
luscious creature..It's been a very long time since I've even
seen a man who makes me want to say hop up on my exam table
and lets get physical.."
Julian blushed and Ali slipped his hands under Julian's
top and began gently massaging him.
"You've got three months to get used to me. Perhaps by
then, you'll learn to take pleasure in my company."
Julian's blush grew deeper as he felt an ache start in
his groin.
"If not, there is nothing to fear, as I said, I've never
taken a lover who wasn't willing. I can just as easily
artificially inseminate you as impregnate you the other way.
You'll just have to learn to endure me getting close up and
personal when I think he's peeking, he won't be able to see
what's going on under the covers, so it won't be difficult to
fool him."
Ali's hands wandered over his chest, and he let out a
little sigh as Ali's fingers brushed over his nipples. Then he
felt Ali's breath on his neck and jumped as one of Ali's hands
slipped under the loose pants he wore to touch his sex.
"You're not totally adverse to my company, are you?" Ali
said, nibbling on his ear starting to stroke his sex.
Julian drew in a shuddering breath.
Time passed as Ali's hands moved over him massaging his
body in a way that was both therapeutic and intimate. He was
soon leaning right back into Ali's arms turning his head to
start nuzzling Ali's throat, mouthing words he couldn't speak.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?"
His answer was to give Ali a love bite. Ali let out a
pleased sigh.
"I don't expect you to return my attentions..I can take
pleasure in giving it to you."
Julian didn't have a problem with that. It wasn't
difficult for him to think of Ali in the feminine sense, so
long as he wasn't expected to confront the reality before he
was ready too, he could handle the attention Ali was giving
Ali's hands returned to his lap. He groaned against Ali's
neck, raising an arm to wrap a hand behind Ali's head pulling
it down to kiss him as Ali's fingers began working their magic
on his sex.
Ali let Julian kiss him once, then drew away, squeezing
his sex just enough to make Julian gasp and stop trying to
kiss him.
"Stop doing that.. I'm not made of ice and if you keep it
up, I'll have trouble keeping my word."
Julian got the hint. Ali renewed his soft gentle love


Had Ali but known how right he was about the possibility
of the chief's turning to heavy duty voyeurism to get his
kicks he would never have climbed onto the bed with Julian.
For as he worked to show Julian he could enjoy his company,
the Chief watched, and grew frustrated at the pace, and when
he realised the damned whelp wasn't going to take things all
the way with the witch, he growled and stomped off to issue an
order that changed everything.
By the time he'd seen his order carried out, as per his
instructions and returned to his peep hole, he was feeling
very pleased with himself, especially since it was now
becoming obvious, the little surprise he'd had added to the
air was having the usual affect it always did on Ali, and, for
a change, it was also working on his partner too.


Julian sighed with pleasure arching against Ali as felt
the man growing hot and hard against him and returned to his
throat nuzzling and bitting activities.
"I know you want this," he mouthed against Ali's throat.
Ali gave a little sigh of his own and stopped fighting
his ever growing desire for Julian to stop stroking his sex
and turn the man in his arms, to start kissing him, moving to
assist Julian to cover his body with his own.
Julian showed his appreciation with caress, nibbles,
kisses and moving his body against Ali's. As their activities
grew more passionate Ali called them to a halt long enough to
draw up the covers, and then seals started popping, as flesh
met flesh.
With a supreme effort, Ali fought his desire to roll over
and start taking his pleasure with the man driving him insane,
instead he locked his legs around Julian's and moaned in
pleasure as Julian began rubbing against him. Then Julian was
sliding down his body, his mouth closing on Ali's chest, to
start suckling there as his hands travelled down Ali's body.
Ali's hands flew to the bars to grasp them tightly
arching under him as Julian's hand began toying with his sex.
Then his eyes snapped wide open as Julian's fingers
travelled on beyond his sex and began touching him in a way no
one had ever touched him before.
"Mon dieu," Ali groaned as Julian followed it up, and
began to enter him.
Ali's teeth bit into his lip as Julian arched over him
and drove himself in deep with a strong fast thrust burying
himself deep in. Ali's legs tightened around his back, then
his own instincts kicked in and he gave in to his desires,
rolling Julian onto his back to straddle him and rose up,
drawing Julian's hands to his sex.
Julian didn't need any more urging, he began stroking it,
wrapping his hand around it to move with the same rhythm Ali
began moving over him.


From the cover of his hidey hole, The chief began
drooling, licking his lips and running his hands over himself.


Julian arched under Ali meeting his moves with strong
deep thrusts, panting and making strangled noises of pleasure
as his lips moved the words his passion fogged mind supplied
never being spoken, then he felt himself growing closer to the
point of ecstasy and his eyes rolled back as he thrust hard
and fast against Ali going in deeper feeling himself enveloped
totally as Ali met the thrust and then Julian slipped away,
drifting off, felt as if he was being enfolded in an embrace,
merging and joining becoming one, not just in body but spirit.
He didn't hear the flood of French love talk that spilled
from Ali's lips as he reached his peak meeting Julian's
frantic thrusts with his own, then falling over him, to bite
his throat as he reached the final climax.


When Julian came to his senses, he was alone in the bed,
every muscle aching in a way that was both painful but
pleasant, he heard Ali moving through the room, muttering
curses under his breath and sat up, clutching the blanket to
his chest as he remembered at the last second what Ali said
about peeping tom's.
His croak caught Ali's attention.
"The little bastard was peeping again."
"Did you find his peep hole?"
"Yes. I've plugged it."
"Then come here.."
"It's a big bed."
"That shouldn't have happened and it won't happen again
if I can help it."
Julian flushed faintly.
"You didn'"
Ali flushed and moved to the bed, to sit on the edge and
gave Julian's face a caress before taking his hand.
"My tastes have always been..male orientated..But, my
looks only attract men who's tastes run to women..I've
never..gone that far with a man before..Usually, it ended as I
got excited and he realised he was with another man."
"Then..that was the first time."
Ali nodded.
"Though I've been with women..I came so close to being
with you that way."
Julian flushed.
"That's why it won't happen again.'re ready to
be with me in that way."
Julian drew Ali's hand down for a kiss.
"If it's always going to be that good with you, I can't
Ali smiled, and moved to kiss his forehead, he tipped up
his head to make it a proper kiss.
"Do you believe in love at first sight..I do..and I
think..I've fallen under your spell."
"You're the witch in this relationship. That went against
all my better judgement."
Julian drew Ali down to the bed, and snuggled up beside
him, resting his head on Ali's chest, while his hand roamed
lazily over his body.
"I was..stranded here..With no way home, no hope of
rescue, and utterly helpless, but I wasn't alone."
"You had a companion."
"Yes..That pipsqueak lured him off to sic his men on me
and carry me off."
"Were you lovers."
"I'm sure your chief got the impression we were, but,
no.. Though at the end we were becoming..closer.. I used to
berate him for not letting me die. I wanted to die, wished I
had, but now.. I don't want that any more."
"Glad to hear it."
"And you're the one who's given me reason to live again."
"You know, flattery will get you everywhere."
Julian's hand wandered further and he turned his head to
start nuzzling and sucking on Ali's neck.
"I want you." He mouthed.
"You're insatiable."
Julian slid over Ali.
"He won't be back tonight, will he?" Julian inquired.
Ali's answers was to wrap his legs around Julian who
"Good," he said as he found his home and drove himself
"Mon Dieu."
"I never could be like this.."
Julian gave a little wiggle of his hips and began slowly
moving against Ali.
"I've been waiting for a man like you all my life."
Julian smiled and showed his appreciation by giving Ali a
lesson in love play he'd never forget.


* Eye of the Prophet is written by Red Skye *
* All subsidiary characters not belonging to *
* Paramount, are copyrighted to Red Skye *
* Copyright, March 1997. *
* Reprinting this story in whole or in part *
* is denied without the permission of Red *
* Skye - except in cases of review. *

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