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Surrender TOS (tangentially only)

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Susan Legge

May 7, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/7/97

Okay I don't want to join this argument wholesale, I'm off-line for
most purposes *and* my news server is up the spout *and* disliking the bd
scenario, I deliberately did not read Surrender when Killa kindly offered it to
me but one thing Shannara said I want to disagree with vehemently - again.

Actually make that 2.

I was downloading something and did the vanity thing (don't tell me you've never
done it) of checking for your own stuff on Dejanews

1. Beside the Wells is by me, and much as I wish I could claim to be the author
of Bitter Glass and Turning Point, I'm not.

2. Beside the Wells most definitly does *not* glorify rape and I deeply resent
the suggestion that it does. BtW is all about how power corrupts even the best
people, and how a slave society will lead a good man into what he genuinely does
not perceive as rape, but which most definitely *is* the foul thing we know it
to be. A fact that even the rapist learns to his shame by the end.


Now back to the argument.


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Susan Legge

May 8, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/8/97

I'm sending this again as it doesn't seem to have got out the
first time.

Thanks to everyone who defended BtW - nice to know it made an impact.

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