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REP: Star Trek: Outwardly Mobile (OCC - TNG era) Episode 41 - The Minor Nagus, [PG] 1/1

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Jay P Hailey

Dec 1, 2004, 2:29:25 PM12/1/04
Title: Star Trek: Outwardly Mobile Episode 41 - The Minor Nagus

Author: Jay P Hailey (

Series: ST-OM, OCC - TNG era [41/57?]


Archive: Fine with me, just tell me where.

Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Star Trek. I claim Original
Characters and Situations for me.

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Star Trek: Outwardly Mobile

Episode 41 - The Minor Nagus

(Stardate 49673)

By Jay P. Hailey,

Dennnis Washburn


The Star Trek Players

Captains Log, Stardate 49673.1

The USS ShiKahr is continuing an uneventful patrol of the rimward frontier.
We have entered the Pang Sector and will stop by at a number of quiet
Federation worlds before continuing with our patrol.

Li'ira out.

Li'ira restrained a yawn and sat back in her Captain's chair comfortably.
The ShiKahr's patrol had been deadly dull for the last several weeks. The
crew was now adjusted to life on the ship and there were no more mechanical
failures to overcome. Life was quiet and Li'ira resolved to enjoy it while
it lasted.

It didn't last.

The day shift operations officer's board chirped. He looked at it briefly
and then reported. "Captain, we're receiving a distress call."

"On screen." Li'ira said.

"Sorry, Sir, the source is too weak. I can only give you audio."

"Let's hear it, then."

Li'ira could almost feel the rest of her crew grow tense around her. A
distress call always meant a response.

"This is the SS Faithful, 14 days out of Martise, heading for Melkor. We
are under attack by Pi..." The transmission was cut off by static.

"Transmission jammed at the source, Captain." Tyson reported quietly.

"Yellow alert." Li'ira ordered "Birdy, I'll need the best speed you can
give me."

"You have it now, Captain."

"Ensign Tyson, did you get enough from the transmission to plot the location
of the merchantman?" Li'ira asked.

"Yes Captain, I can put us within a light year cubic." He said.

"Refine that as we go. Give me best speed for the Faithful. Engage."
Li'ira said.

The ShiKahr turned and streaked off towards the stricken freighter.

"Time to intercept?" Li'ira asked.

"Three days, seven hours." The helmsman reported grimly.

Li'ira sat back and grimaced. "Stand down from yellow alert. We'll go back
to alert when we get closer. Tyson, keep a close eye on the sensors if
anyone gets close to us I want to know it."

"Aye, Sir."


Just slightly over three days later the ShiKahr roared into the vicinity of
the freighter, but it was too late. The mangled hulk of the freighter
drifted silently with no life signs.

"Helm, close to within transporter range." Li'ira said "Crystara, what is
the life support situation like over there?"

The Efrosian Science Officer took a careful look at her scans. "No life
signs noted. The life support system is operational at minimal levels,
powered by emergency batteries.

"Suval, pick an away team and beam over there. I'm looking for any
survivors or any clues to the identity of the pirates." Li'ira ordered.

"Yes, Captain. Draxil and Tyson will accompany me." Suval said.

"And me." Sunshine the Healer said over the open channel to sickbay.

"And the Chief Medical Officer." Suval confirmed.


The four crew people beamed over to the SS Faithful. Inside it was dark and
smelled of smoke and blood. There was a slight pall of smoke hanging in the

Phasers out, Tyson and Draxil checked out the corridors as they moved
towards the bridge. On the bridge they discovered that most of the consoles
had been damaged by weapons fire and three bodies were lying on the deck.

Suval took the cover off of the helm console and spent a few moments working
with it. It grudgingly returned to life, but Suval had to use his tricorder
as a control panel to replace the one destroyed by weapons fire.

"The control functions have been locked out, but I believe that I can break
through their security. The rest of you please search the ship for
survivors. Please remain alert for booby traps."

"Yes, Sir. The other three moved out to search the rest of the ship.


Several hours later, Suval was briefing the Captain and the rest of the
command crew on what he found.

"The captain, executive officer, an apprentice and the chief engineer of the
Faithful were killed. Their bodies were beamed to sickbay where Sunshine is
conducting a post-mortem now. There are eight crew members and dependents
unaccounted for. No survivors or dead attackers were discovered."

Li'ira sat back and sighed. She had been born and raised on a similar ship.
It frustrated and saddened her not to be able to protect these people
better. "Do we have any idea of who did it or why?"

"That is the most disturbing thing so far. We have recovered good
recordings from the Faithful's flight recorder." Suval said uncomfortably.
He touched a few keys on the small panel mounted on the conference table.
One of the two large wall screens cleared and showed a Federation Nebula
class starship slowing to impulse and approaching.

"Have they answered our hails?" A recorded voice asked.

"That is the captain of the ship." Suval said.

"No, Captain. They have not answered. I'm not reading a subspace beacon
either." Another voice said.

"The Faithful's first officer." Suval informed.

"Raise shields." The merchant captain's voice said.

"Sir? Are you certain? I mean if it's a Federation ship, they might need
our help." A younger sounding voice said.

"Then they can ask for it, Apprentice. Until then we keep the shields up."
The Captain of the Faithful replied.

"Aye, Sir."

The crew of the ShiKahr watched as the unmistakable shape smoothly slid up
to the Faithful.

"Any response to our hails, yet?" The freighter captain asked.

"No, Captain-"

"Sir, the Federation ship is turning! They are heading straight for us!"
The apprentice cried.

On the screen the Federation ship executed a wrenching subspace turn and
swooped at the freighter.

"Open a general frequency." The merchant Captain ordered "This is a
distress call to any ship within range. This is the SS Faithful, 14 days
out of Martise, heading for Melkor. We are under attack by Pirates."
Static crackled.

"They're jamming our signal." The Faithful's First Officer reported.

"Helm, begin evasive-"

Before the trader Captain could finished his order, a blast leapt from the
nose of the Federation ship. The screen whited out and the recording ended.

"What sort of weapon was that?" Crystara asked.

"It wasn't a phaser." Garan Draxil said. "The energy patterns are all

"Not only that but it came from that ship's lounge." Birdy, the Chief
Engineer reported.

"What is the status of the freighter, Mr. Byrd?" Suval asked.

"She's a wreck. That one big shot you saw has permanently damaged her hull.
With a Starbase's facilities she could be repaired, but she'd never be the
same." Birdy reported.

"The freighter's records state that they were carrying a load of viridium
alloy. This alloy has many industrial uses and is noted for being heat
resistant." Suval reported. "The entire shipment was apparently stolen."

"All right, first we'll drop a subspace buoy by the wreck and then we'll
begin a search pattern. If those pirates are still in the area, then I want
to find them." Li'ira said. "Let's get to work."


For the next several days, the ShiKahr spiraled out from the location of the
attack, all sensors alert for a sign of the pirates.

Li'ira and Tyson were on the bridge again during alpha shift when the next
call came in.

"There was a partial signal from the Ruger system." Tyson reported. "But
it's gone now."

"Set course for the Ruger system." Li'ira said.

"Aye, Captain."

The ShiKahr sped for the source of the signal.


"The Ruger system is the site of a mining colony and a science station. In
the 2290's it was thought that the nebula in the system was coalescing to
form a planetary system. This was found to be in error, but the station was
left intact in order to take long term readings of the nebula. The mining
station refines xenon gas from the nebula. The gas was extensively used for
phaser and engine coolant in the 2290's, however in 2325 the current system
was developed. The Federation demand for xenon gas declined steeply. The
station was still in reduced operation to supply export markets." Suval

"How soon until we reach the Ruger system?" Li'ira asked.

"Another 20 hours, Captain."

Li'ira sighed deeply and shook her head. "I can't see any pattern to this."

"There is much too little data to work from at this time." Suval gently

"It doesn't matter how much data I have." Li'ira growled "I'm supposed to

this sort of thing, data or not."

"You are not expected to do the impossible." Suval said.

"That depends on how you look at it." Li'ira replied.


Both the science station and the mining station in the Ruger system were
destroyed. They had both been hit with a single powerful beam from close
range. Both black box recorders showed a Federation starship approaching
wordlessly and then attacking.

The mining station was attacked first. Then the science station. The
mining outpost's entire supply of xenon gas was gone. The mining station
used old scoop ship shuttles to scoop the gas out of the nebula. Three were
listed in the station's manifest, the wreckage of two were present.

"We have to find that surviving shuttlecraft, if it's still out here."
Li'ira said. She was desperate to find so much as a single survivor.

"Illogical. The shuttle could be anywhere in the nebula. The time
necessary to locate it would be prohibitive, Captain."

"Besides, if your mining station was wiped out by a Federation ship and
another came looking for you, what would you do?" Garan Draxil asked. "I
bet the guy's hiding out until the coast is clear."

"If anyone survived the destruction of the mining station." Suval pointed

"How long could the pilot of the scoop-ship hold out?" Li'ira asked Birdy.

The Chief Engineer shook his head. "Not too long. They aren't meant to fly
more than twenty hours or so."

"So he's already dead?" Garan asked sadly.

"No. The life support system is regenerative. It'll last as long as the
scoop-ship's power does. But he's going to get pretty hungry and thirsty
before long." Birdy said.

"Then here's what we'll do." Li'ira said. "Load a shuttlecraft with
survival supplies. We'll drop it here for the pilot of the scoop ship. If
he's alive and comes out after we leave, he'll find supplies and a subspace
radio waiting for him. That way we can continue searching for the pirates
until we hear something."

"Aye, Sir." Birdy got up to go stock the shuttlecraft.

"We have a tentative identification of the ship in the scans. Suval said.

"Which one is it?" Li'ira asked. Had some Starfleet Captain gone rogue or
had some enemy captured a Federation ship?

"From markings on the hull the ship would appear to be the USS Palomar, NCC
65784." Suval said.

"What do our records say about the Palomar?"

"USS Palomar," Suval quoted "Commanded by Gar Wilkar until Stardate
44001.3. Destroyed at Wolf 359 with all hands."


"It must be a ship posing as the Palomar." Garan Draxil said.

"That much is obvious." Suval replied. "The mystery is how."

"It's not a hologram." Crystara Acnapma said. "The energy patterns would
be all over the scans."

"Let get back to our search. If anyone comes up with any clever ideas about
what this is, then please let me know." Li'ira said ending the briefing.

The ShiKahr moved on.


Li'ira said "The ShiKahr is too slow to catch up with these pirates."

Suval looked doubtful. "The ShiKahr's cruising speed is comparable with
most other cruisers in known space. Only the newer Federation ships are
generally faster."

"Yes, but not as fast as two or more ships searching this sector instead of
one." Li'ira said.

Suval nodded. "Logical."

"Please locate the nearest Starfleet ships and tell me what their missions
are." Li'ira said.

Suval checked his computer screen. "The closest Starfleet unit besides
ourselves is the USS Stargazer under Captain Loas."

"The Stargazer?" Li'ira asked. Everyone knew that the Stargazer was at the
Starflight museum.

"A new one, launched recently." Suval said.

"Send a subspace message to the Stargazer." Li'ira ordered. "We request
the pleasure of their company to hunt pirates."


Although the Stargazer was a whole sector away she showed her speed by
arriving within the week. The ShiKahr was still plugging through a
fruitless search pattern in the vicinity of the Ruger system.

The Stargazer was an Intrepid class starship, with a long running shoe
shaped primary hull and a sleek shark like secondary hull. She was two
thirds the size of Li'ira's starship.

Captain Loas and his First Officer, Commander Garrovick beamed aboard the

Loas was tall, handsome man with a facial tattoo that marked him as a
Zibalian. Garrovick was shorter but more intense.

"Pleased to meet you Captain." Loas smiled sincerely at Li'ira. She
carefully restrained a shock. He was younger than she was.

"This is my Exec, Suval of Vulcan." Li'ira introduced.

"Live long and prosper gentlemen." Suval said.

They saluted in kind "And you, Commander."


Back in the ShiKahr's briefing room Li'ira laid out her plan.

"Since the Stargazer is so fast, I'd like you stay towards the center of the
sector. You can respond to distress calls much more quickly than we can."
Li'ira said.

"Where will you be, Sir?" Loas asked.

Li'ira was still trying to get used to the idea of being the senior captain.
"The frontier has been stalled out here for a long time. Pirates have had
plenty of time to establish a base right at the edge of the sector or just
beyond. We'll start digging out there and see if we can turn anything up."

Loas was thoughtful. "That sounds interesting, but I'd hate to split up our
forces. The Stargazer and the ShiKahr working together can handle a lot
more than either ship working alone."

"I agree except for one factor." Li'ira pointed out "That would be a
defensive position. We'd be waiting for the pirates to decide where to
strike next. I want to apply pressure to them and this is the only way I
can see to do it."

Loas nodded. "Okay. So I'm the zone defense and you're the power forward?"

Li'ira failed to get the reference. "Something like that, I guess."


The Stargazer moved off to continue the search pattern while aboard the
ShiKahr, Li'ira spoke to Suval. "Kiro and Mallamas are the furthest planets
in the sector aren't they?"

"Yes, Captain. Neither one has an official relationship with the
Federation, due to a long standing war between them." Suval said.

"Helm, set course for the Kiro and Mallamas region and engage."


They got to the area twelve days later. By then messages requesting updates
on the situation had arrived from Starfleet Command. Li'ira carefully
composed her reply and sent it off. She was the local commander on the
scene. How she handled the situation would reflect on her record.

"As well as a number of others." Li'ira thought to herself. She was
thinking of the notation "Deceased" that had been added to many people's
records recently.

The yellow alert klaxon went off and Li'ira was moving before she heard the
intercom say "Captain to the bridge."


Li'ira entered the bridge to see a group of four starships bracing the

"Open hailing frequencies." Li'ira said immediately.

The four ships were small, blocky things. They were utilitarian warships,
there was nothing about them that had any real character.

A face came on the screen. A pleasant looking humanoid man with absolutely
no humor in his face and body armor said "I am Group-Captain Zamas of the
Mallamas Military. Please identify yourself."

"I am Captain Li'ira of the Federation starship ShiKahr." Li'ira said.

"What can we help you with today, ShiKahr?" Zamas asked pleasantly.

"Well, Group-Captain, we have been having something of a pirate problem in
this sector. We wonder if your people have seen any strangers moving in and
out of the sector." Li'ira reported bluntly.

"Pirates, eh?" Group-Captain Zamas said thoughtfully. "It's probably the

"Really?" Li'ira blinked.

"Oh, yes. Their situation has grown quite desperate. I certainly wouldn't
trust them around unescorted merchant men even if you are neutral." Zamas
said. "They already work slaves and prisoners of war to death in labor
camps trying to make up for losses in battle."

"So you think our pirates are the Kiro?" Li'ira said.

"Yes. I am nearly certain of it. If you wish to undertake a punitive
action I volunteer myself and my squadron to escort you." Zamas eyes
gleamed at the thought.

"No, Sir. You understand that we remain neutral in the conflict between
yourselves and the Kiro." Li'ira said. "Do you have any direct evidence of
Kiro involvement in pirate attacks on the Federation?"

Zamas grimaced. "No. I have no direct evidence. Still, I know it in my
bones. If there is treachery and dishonorable action afoot, you'll find the
Kiro at the bottom of it."

"Thank you." Li'ira ruthlessly suppressed a sigh. "Remember that the
Federation is an organization of peace. If your government feels that a
cease-fire or a negotiated peace is a viable possibility, then the
Federation stands ready to help."

"Negotiate!? On the eve of our final victory!?" Zamas snorted derisively.
"I think your Federation values peace too much. We will conquer the hated
Kiro, then we will treat with your Federation as equals."

"We welcome peaceful contact." Li'ira said. "Group-Captain I must continue
to pursue the pirates. Perhaps we can speak again later under less pressing

"Do you intend to contact the Kiro, Captain?" Zamas asked smoothly.

"Yes, Group-Captain. I must find out if they know anything about these

"I'm sorry Captain but my government has decreed an embargo of the Kiro. We
can not let you pass." Zamas said.

Suval began to type on his console. Li'ira could see orders to got to red
alert silently pass by on her repeater screens.

"We are neutral in your conflict, Group-Captain. I don't think you have the
right to impede our travel." Li'ira said. The ShiKahr's shields went to
stand by. The main reactor started to generate near maximum power.

"Rights are interesting things, ShiKahr. It's much easier to demand them
when you're armed and prepared to shed blood. We have the right to control
the space that our forces have bled and died for. I am prepared to back up
my rights. And I assure you, I am not a man of peace." Zamas said. His
charm had grown wintry.

"Red Alert." Li'ira stood up. The thought of getting her ship shot up and
her crew killed made Li'ira sick, but the thought of giving in to such bald
bullying made her very angry. "Raise shields. Arm phasers and photon
torpedoes. Group-Captain Zamas, I will not be bullied. I am beginning to
see why the Kiro fight so desperately. I would too if the alternative were
to be powerless before you."

Zamas froze for a second. The threat of driving the Federation into the
arms of their enemy is what kept the Mallamas and the Kiro from including
the Federation into their war, whether the Federation wanted to be or not.
"I don't think it's necessary to let the situation come to that extreme,
Captain. We can arrange an escort for you through our blockade. You may
then see for yourself what sort of mad men and crackpots the Kiro truly

"Thank you. Group Captain. I knew you'd be reasonable."

"You may want to pass word of our blockade to your neighbors and civilian
ships, Captain. We will fire on ships violating the war zone. Even the

"What? The Ferengi were here?" Li'ira asked.

"Yes. Minor Nagus Grall made a deal with the Kiro. We were outraged of
course, but he invoked your alliance. We filed a diplomatic protest, but it
went unheeded." Zamas said. He seemed suspicious that Li'ira didn't know.

"Alliance? Group Captain, I can assure you that the Federation has no
alliance with the Ferengi." Li'ira said. "When did the Ferengi leave

"The Ferengi lied to us?" Zamas asked. He sounded surprised and outraged.

Li'ira shook her head ruefully "The Ferengi are famous for that. I'm sorry
that no one warned you."

"Well. I will inform my government immediately. I have no doubt that they
will issue specific orders regarding Ferengi shipping." Zamas sounded
dangerous. "The Ferengi ship Ghato left here twenty-two days ago."

"If I see them, I will inform the Ferengi that you consider them...
unwelcome." Li'ira said.

"Thank you." Zamas said. "I hope you understand that I hope that I look
forward to delivering that message personally."

"I understand, Group-Captain."


The ShiKahr was making for Kiro held space when a message caught up with

"This is the most puzzling attack of all." Suval informed Li'ira. The
Vulcan had taken the message and had analyzed the data. "A ship closely
resembling a Federation starship made an unauthorized approach to Kuar, an
agricultural colony. The colony activated its defenses but the pirate
disabled them after a brief battle."

"How many casualties?" Li'ira was torturing herself with the thought of
deaths she couldn't prevent.

"None on the colonial side. The defenses were automated." Suval said.
"They were old but had been upgraded within the last fifteen years."

"Was the raider damaged?" Li'ira asked.

"It is impossible to say with any certainty, but it appears probable that it

"You said that the colony's defenses were destroyed, but they suffered no
casualties." Li'ira said, confused. In some areas of known space the slave
trade flourished. Healthy colonists already used to hard labor would be
worth something. "What were the raiders after?"

Suval looked troubled. "Kuar has a reputation in this sector as a prime
agricultural world. Plants grow better, producing food and other products
with greater efficiency there than anywhere else in the sector."

"How does that relate to the attack?"

"The soil of Kuar is the key to its productivity. Kuar is an exceptionally
friendly environment for plants. Several tons of this soil were taken."
Suval said.

"So they destroyed the colony's defenses and got their ship shot up to steal
some dirt." Li'ira said.

"That is correct. It is most illogical."

"That's easy. Someone wanted to grow something." Li'ira said.

"That seems true, but the attack was uncalled for. The colonists would
cheerfully sell their soil or allow a ship to take as much as they wanted.
The factors that make the soil so effective for agriculture are environment
specific." Suval said. "Within three days of leaving the planet several
beneficial micro-organisms die off. The soil becomes for all intents and
purposes completely normal dirt."

"So the pirates attacked a colony, possibly taking damage in the process
only to steal something that lost it's value almost as soon as they got away
with it? Something that the colonists would have had no trouble giving
them? Is that correct?"

"Yes, Captain. That is an effective summary." Suval said.

"We obviously don't know enough about what's going on here." Li'ira
decided. "That's just too weird."

Suval's raised eyebrow was his only comment.

"The Stargazer is there now?" Li'ira asked.

"Yes, Captain. They are giving the Colonists technical and material aid to
rebuild their defenses." Suval said. "Captain Loas says that he will be
ready to resume his search pattern within the week."

"Good." Li'ira said. "The sooner we find these pirates the better."


"The Ferengi were here, but they left empty handed." The Kiro
representative said.

"Do you have any idea what they wanted?" Li'ira asked. She was speaking to
the Kiro foreign minister over subspace. The Kiro had denied permission for
the ShiKahr to orbit their home world. They feared that the Federation ship
might scan vital defense secrets.

"They wanted to sell us unspecified war materiel." Minister Gerat sneered.
"They heard of our impending victory over the Mallamas and wanted to get in
the good graces of the winning side."

"Ah. And you have no idea what Minor Nagus Grall wanted." Li'ira said.

"He invited us to send a representative to view a weapons demonstration. He
said that his new weapon system would insure our victory over the Mallamas
and he would prove it, for a price." Gerat sneered some more. He was very
good at it. "His price was outrageous. We made a counter offer to host a
demonstration on our world and he refused. Seeing no benefit to further
contact with us, Grall left."

"Hmmm..." Li'ira was sure that somehow Grall was connected to the piracy.
Now she needed to confirm the connection. "Did Grall do or say anything
violent while he was here. He may have demonstrated his new weapons on
innocent people in this sector."

"I sympathize. Our civilians are often the victims of Mallamas
'demonstrations'. After we win the war, their fleet commanders will have
much to answer for. As for Grall, no. We noted little offensive capability
to his ship. Although he did make several improper advances to our female
officers and personnel. He offered them great amounts of money and freedom
from our terrible war. I am sorry to say that a few of our less resolute
sisters went with him." Gerat huffed. He was offended that any Kiro woman
could prefer a filthy rich little troll to a fine specimen like himself.

Li'ira realized that she would be hard pressed to choose between the two.
"Thank you very much for your help Minister Gerat. Once again I must
emphasize that the Federation is an organization dedicated to preserving and
encouraging peace. Would you like us to help negotiate a settlement or a
cease fire?"

"On the eve of our final victory!?" Gerat sounded horrified "That would
mean all of our sacrifice and blood have gone towards an insufficient end,
Captain. But perhaps when this terrible war is over we can approach the
Federation and treat with you as equals."

"Thank you for your time, Minister." Li'ira signed off. "ShiKahr out."


Once again Li'ira and Suval were in Li'ira's office trying to puzzle out the

"We'll send a message to all Federation Planets in the sector." Li'ira
said. The ShiKahr was clear of the Kiro/Mallamas war zone and heading back
towards Federation territory. "I want to know if anyone sights a Ferengi

"You suspect the Ferengi of involvement?" Suval asked.

"We had a Ferengi presence on Deep Space Ten. We learned to always suspect
the Ferengi." Li'ira said wryly. "Now, what planets are left in the sector
that haven't been hit?" Li'ira called up a map of the sector.

"The planet B'Ten has suffered no attacks." Suval said. "They are a
millennial cult that insists that the end of the universe is imminent. They
desire complete isolation."

"If they desire isolation then why did they join the Federation?" Li'ira

"Part of the treaty between the Federation and the B'Ten requires us to

and enforce their isolation if necessary." Suval.

"So they joined the Federation and pay their taxes to help insure that they
stay isolated?" To the Green Orion Woman it sounded self-contradictory.

"That is correct." Suval nodded. He didn't see any contradiction at all.

"Who else hasn't been hit?"

"The Melkor system." Suval said. The screen obligingly highlighted the
Melkor system.

"Most of the outer system is occupied by asteroids." Suval read. "Although
there is a class M planet where most of the populace resides, by far the
chief industry is asteroid mining. They have over ten thousand mining ships
in operation."

"And they export a lot of minerals." Li'ira guessed.

"Correct. They are the chief source of building material and metals for the
entire sector." Suval said.

"You'd expect them to get hit." Li'ira said.

"Yes. One would." Suval said.

"Let's go there, then and see if we can get ahead of the pirates."

"Aye, Sir."

"What's that one? Pang?" Li'ira pointed to an obscure planet near the
center of the sector.

"It is listed as an abandoned Starfleet research outpost." Suval said.

"Oh. Well then let's set course for Melkor."

They got up and walked out onto the bridge.


"Welcome to the Melkor system, ShiKahr." The Melkor Space Control officer
was a friendly human woman. She was also a very busy one, with all the
traffic in her system.

"Thank you, Melkor Control. We seek permission to approach your world."
Li'ira said. It was nice to get a friendly greeting.

"Permission granted." The woman grinned. Then her tone turned
conspiratorial. "I don't suppose you could tell me what you were doing
nearby a couple of weeks ago. You made several of my boys nervous."

"We were nearby a couple of weeks ago?" Li'ira repeated.

"Well I assume it was you. I don't know how many other Excelsior class
starships are in the sector." The woman breezed. "We figured it had
something to do with that Ferengi ship that stopped by."

"Ah, well, it may have." Li'ira allowed.

"Captain, you should know better. Not only is it illegal, but it's
dangerous to run with your subspace beacon off. I can understand it in deep
space if you're stalking a pirate, but inside the system it could lead to an
accident. Especially in this system. We'd hate to see that." The Space
Control woman scolded.

"Do you suppose we could get copies of those scans, please?" Li'ira asked.
"You see, that wasn't us."

The woman paled briefly and then quickly recovered. "Roger, ShiKahr. That
file is coming now."


The ShiKahr's authorized course into the Melkor system was slow and
roundabout. The course took into account many planetoids and loaded
freighters moving around the system as well as mining ships that had been
waiting longer for an approach.

"It was definitely our bogie again." Crystara Acnapma reported. "There is

still no hint of how they're doing it, but the ship appeared to be an

Excelsior class vessel. There was no subspace beacon and no consistent


"So what were they after?" Li'ira asked.

"Captain, I gotta tell ya," Garan Draxil said. "I'd hate to try this
system if I were a pirate."


"Oh, yeah. Hypothetically of course."

"Of course. Tell me why you wouldn't like to come here as a pirate."
Li'ira prompted.

"Well, look at the mining ships. They have no warp drive, right? No
weapons, no defenses, you'd write 'em off, right? Wrong! They have
oversized impulse engines to carry heavy loads across the system. Unloaded
they'd walk all over anything else at sub-light speeds. They have mining
phasers. Big ones. Not great for combat, but they could run an emulator
and get decent accuracy out to ten or fifteen thousand kilometers. They
have real heavy navigational deflectors to keep from getting squished by
rocks out in the belt. It'd take a little bit of doing to convert them to
defensive shields, but they'd do okay. The punch line is that there are ten
thousand of 'em flying around out there. The ShiKahr could inflict heavy
damage on 'em but they could run us off. Anything a pirate could get hold
of wouldn't last too long attacking this place."

"Ah, so it's naturally a hard target." Li'ira said.

"Uh huh." Garan confirmed. "Now the bad news. We have an escort. About
twenty mining shuttles are shadowing us as we go. Now, I've eavesdropped on
the comm-channels. They aren't seriously encrypted. Most of the pilots
seem more interested in what sort of party we'll throw when we get to the
planet and declare shore leave than defending the system, but a couple of
these guys are seriously paranoid. They have already conducted the proper
modifications to their ships to shoot at us if they feel like it."

"You sound like you don't approve of paranoid, armed civilians." Birdy, the
Chief Engineer said.

"I don't. As a Gatherer, armed civilians cost me a couple of friends. If
too many more people went armed, we would have had to go get real jobs. Now
that I'm a Security Chief I'm scared of armed civilians screwing up my work
or killing a couple of my people by mistake." Garan said. "There's victims
and then there's players. I hate it when the victims don't play by the

"Poor Draxil." Li'ira sympathized. "The frontier uses up the victims
pretty fast. All you have left are the players."

"Yeah, but try to hit some of the fat civilian targets closer to the center
of the Federation and people get real upset. It's like they don't expect to
play by the same rules as everyone else." Garan griped.

"The point of all this is that Melkor is not a good place for pirates to
attack." Suval said.

"That's right, Sir." Garan replied.

"Would it be fair to say that our bogie was testing the situation and quit
when he discovered how tough these people could be?" Li'ira asked.

"Well, I haven't had the chance to ask any of 'em in person, but that's a
good guess." Garan said.


The planet Melkor had primitive life forms and a lot of impact craters
before humans came to live on it. These days imported ecology, and very
accurate near-space navigational control altered the face of the planet.

The main city was called Joshua's Landing. It was a relatively small city
of a million humanoids, but the area around the space port zone was an area
of friendly, genteel debauchery.

The ShiKahr was docked free of charge to Melkor's central station and Birdy
was getting a state of the art overhaul on the ShiKahr's basic systems.

Li'ira called down to the surface and requested an appointment with the
space control officer, She was hoping to be able to track the Ghato after
it left the Melkor system.

Instead Li'ira was asked to appear the following afternoon at the office of
the Colonial Governor.

Li'ira authorized shore leave and beamed down to Melkor herself as soon as
opportunity allowed.


Governor Gloria Franklin was an attractive older woman with a striking
presence and genuine warmth about her. Li'ira and Suval fell easily into
conversation with her.

"Now, Captain, I had two specific reasons for inviting you to visit me."
Governor Franklin said.

"What can we help you with, Gloria?" Li'ira asked. She was already on a
first name basis with the Governor and felt as though she had known the
woman for quite a while.

"First tell me everything you can about the pirates that have been on a tear
hereabouts. I won't divulge anything you tell me unnecessarily, but I have
to know enough to try and safeguard my boys." She gestured at the sky.

Li'ira realized that Franklin's warmth was not a put on. She felt genuinely
concerned for her constituents. Li'ira gave her a complete briefing,
holding as little back as Starfleet regulations would allow.

"Hmmm. And you suspect Minor Nagus Grall." Franklin looked thoughtful.

"Well, I've learned not to take my eyes off the Ferengi." Li'ira admitted.

"There are many people who would say the same about an Orion." Franklin
quietly said.

Li'ira was taken aback. The Governor was correct. She had been applying a
stereotype to the Ferengi. If it was wrong to consider a Green Orion woman
an "animal woman" then it was equally wrong to consider all Ferengi pirates
until they proved otherwise.

Seeing Li'ira's expression Franklin continued. "I think you see my point.
With Grall, sadly, your assumption might be correct, but I can say that
about him because I met him personally not two weeks ago."

"Was that when the Ferengi were here?" Li'ira asked.

"Yes. Grall came in and bought a load of duranium and other structural
material. He paid us very well but he was very rude to my traffic control
officer and myself, at least by our standards." Franklin said.

"I understand." Li'ira said wryly. It was a rare Ferengi who could meet
her and not make a lewd financial offer.

"Do you know where the Ghato went after it left here?" Suval asked.

"Just a moment." Franklin turned on her desk's screen and said "Get me
traffic control, please."

"Working." Her computer said in a smooth male voice.

The screen lit up to show the traffic control officer from yesterday. "Mom,
Hi! What can I do you for?"

"Jennifer, did the Ghato file a flight plan?"

"Yep. For what it's worth, they claimed to be heading for Pang."

"Thank you, Dear."

"Will we be seeing you for dinner tonight, Mom?"

"You know I wouldn't miss it." Gloria smiled.

"See you then." Jennifer grinned. The screen went dark.

"Obviously a false report." Suval mused.

"What makes you say that?" Governor Franklin asked.

"Our records indicate that the Pang system was abandoned by the Federation
eighty years ago." Suval explained.

"Abandoned by the Federation, yes, but there's still a colony there."
Franklin said. "A bunch of stubborn mules elected to stay and try to make a
go of it on their own."

"Really?" Li'ira asked. "Then there's something we might want to look

Franklin nodded. "I know some of the people from Pang. It's been harsh for
them. I'd hate to see them on the wrong end of a malicious businessman, no
matter his race."

"Well, then if you don't mind we'll load up and make for Pang." Li'ira
stood up. "If Grall isn't tied up with the pirates then his yacht will make
a tempting target for them. Either way I'd like to be there."

"I understand. I hope you get to pass through here again and make a real
stop." Franklin said.

"What was the other thing?" Suval asked.

"Other thing?" Franklin said.

"You said you had two reasons for inviting us here, Governor."

Franklin nodded. "It's you, Captain Li'ira."


"Yes. You see, when I was much younger I worked down near the space port as
an exotic dancer."

Li'ira kept her face carefully still.

"One of the people I worked with there, and one of my best friends during
that time in my life was a Green Orion Woman. When I was with her I got to
hear all the hateful and stupid things people could say to a Green."
Franklin breathed deeply and seemed sad. "As time went on, I quit that
business and went to work in other areas, but Tira could never get a break.
No one would trust her. Eventually I lost track of her."

Li'ira understood. "I'm sorry. I've never heard of a Tira."

"I don't expect you have. I just wanted to see a Green in your position,
Captain. I wanted to see for myself that it was possible." Franklin said.
"Maybe Tira didn't make it but you made it for her."

"Thank you." Li'ira whispered.

"I think Tira would have been proud." Franklin said, standing up.
"Congratulations, Captain."

Li'ira smiled weakly and left before Governor Franklin could see her cry.

"I will see if I can find word of Tira for you." Suval said.

"Thank you, Mr. Suval." Franklin said. She wasn't ashamed at the tear
running down her cheek.


As the ShiKahr warped for Pang, Li'ira, Suval and Birdy sat in the captain's

"Computer, release all information about Pang." Li'ira said.

"State authorization code." The Computer replied.

Li'ira gave the computer her access code. It has been upgraded since her
promotion to Captain.

"The following information is considered need to know only. It should not
be divulged or discussed unnecessarily as per section 194 of the Starfleet
Code of Uniform Justice. The Pang system was settled in Stardate 8894.0 as
part of the Minute Man program."

"The Minute Man program was established to covertly develop and maintain a
war fighting capability that would survive the fall of the planet Earth to
the Klingons or the Romulans in the event of all out war."

"Pang was a weapons research and manufacture facility. It was in the
process of being upgraded to full Starbase status when the Khitomer Accords
of 2291 were signed."

"Following the general peace with the Klingons, the Minute Man project was
discontinued. Its resources were phased back into general Starfleet
operations, mothballed or abandoned."

"In 2293 operations at the planet Pang were officially discontinued. Some
workers and scientists decided to stay on Pang and create a civilian colony
there. No information has been entered about the current status of planet

Everyone sat stock still for a moment digesting the news.

"Call Starfleet Command and then raise the Stargazer." Li'ira said. "I get
the feeling we're going to need back up."


"This is the Federation starship ShiKahr." Li'ira said. "We request
permission to approach."

The traffic control officer for Pang looked slightly panicked and
disheveled. "Ahh... Negative ShiKahr, we're ahhh... All full up right

"I beg your pardon?" Li'ira said in a frosty tone.

"Our traffic patterns are full. We're adjusting now, but ahhh... I don't
know how long it will be until we can clear a slot for you." The traffic
control man improvised. "You'll have to call back later."

"Scan the Pang system." Li'ira ordered. She could see Tandala MacBier
scanning from her station.

"Scan complete, Sir." Tandala said. She was never closer to regulation
than when there was this sort of crisis.

"How many ships do you read in the Pang system?"

"Two starships in orbit, five sublight cargo vessels in bound." Tandala

"Five lighters is too many for you?" Li'ira asked.

"Oh, our computers are very primitive. We're a backwards colony, you know."
The traffic control officer was so sincere Li'ira could almost see a halo
spring into existence over his head.

"Pang Traffic Control." Li'ira said firmly. "We suspect that a crime may
be happening which involves other planets besides Pang. We are therefore
approaching. If your computers get un-jammed before we get there, then we'd
like an authorized approach corridor. If not, then we'll just have to take
our chances in your heavy traffic."

"Wait, ShiKahr, negative. I repeat negative. Do not approach-"

"Close channel." Li'ira said. As the screen went black, Li'ira said "Helm
take us to Pang, three quarters impulse."

"Aye, Sir." Tyson said. He plotted the course and the Federation ship slid
smoothly into the Pang system.


Twenty minutes later, the ShiKahr was hailed by Pang.

"On screen." Li'ira said. She expected the traffic control officer's
supervisor. Then there would be another round of dueling officiousness
followed by threats of reprisals and complaints to the highest levels of the
Federation. Instead the screen cleared to show a short man with well coifed
hair and an expensive civilian suit. It was cut the latest earth style.

"Starship ShiKahr I am Governor Chilton of Pang." The man introduced

"Governor Chilton, I am Captain Li'ira of Starfleet."

"Pleased to met you, Captain. I apologize for any misunderstandings. Our
traffic control officer was new today and he didn't know how to read our
traffic control computers." Chilton said seriously.

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience, Governor." Li'ira said.

"I have ordered a priority approach corridor for you. You should be getting
that data soon."

Li'ira looked at Tyson who nodded. His station beeped merrily at the
incoming data.

"We're getting that now, Governor. Thank you." Li'ira said.

"With that settled I hope I can look forward to a briefing from you when you
arrive, Captain. I'd hate to think of a crime spree that affects the whole
sector visiting us here." Chilton said.

"I'll be there, Sir." Li'ira said.

"Thank you, ShiKahr. Pang out."

The screen cleared. Li'ira looked at her bridge crew. A variety of
significant looks were exchanged.

"Fascinating." Suval said.


"I have a better scan of those ships in orbit, Captain." Tandala said.

"What have we got?" Li'ira asked.

"One is a Ferengi Marauder class starship." Tandala called up the scans.
"It's the Ghato, apparently. Her life support system is drawing heavily on

"Almost as though the ship was struggling under the weight of too many
luxuries and extravagant systems?" Li'ira guessed.

"If it were Kwan's ship that's the way I'd guess." Tandala said, referring
to a Ferengi merchant that they knew from Deep Space Ten.

"How about the other one?"

"It's a standard class M Federation general purpose cargo ship." Tandala

"What else might we have to deal with?" Li'ira asked.

Tandala called up the next item on her list. "They have pretty heavy
defenses for an abandoned research facility. The only blessing there is
that all of their weapons and defense satellites are old. Their weapons are
weaker and easier to jam than modern ones. However, there are a lot of
them. We'd be in real trouble except that about half of the defense system
is not active. It seems like it's been a long time since maintenance was
done on them. A lot of their defenses have just broken down from age."

"Ugh. Depressing." Li'ira said.

"There's one worse." Tandala called up the last object in orbit. It was a
half complete space station. It was a standard Federation starbase design.
Out of two hundred decks it had maybe seventy-five complete and active. The
rest of the station was incomplete frame and open structure. Of the two
great fusion reactors that would have powered the station one was complete
and running at low capacity. The other was hanging in space half complete.
Its cooling fin hanging dark and cold. "The starbase that never was."
Tandala said.

"Hmmm." Li'ira said thoughtfully. "Is it armed?"

"Not real well." Tandala replied.

"Then we'll worry about it later. Mr. Tyson, please plot a course into
standard orbit."

"Standard orbit, Aye."

"Any word from the Stargazer?" Li'ira asked.

"They are a light year and a half away. They report their ETA at six
hours." Suval replied.

Li'ira shook her head ruefully. "It must be nice. How about Starfleet

"We have a message from Starbase 111 telling us to continue our
investigation and advise them of any developments. Admiral Kowalski says
that he is arranging ships for back up in case we need it. Starfleet
Command tells us to proceed with caution, keep them advised and to stand by
for further orders."

"All right then. That's what we'll do." Li'ira decided.

"Standard Orbit achieved Captain."


"Well Federation Captain Li'ira." Grall smarmed. "I see they have finally
grown eyes at Starfleet Command. With Captains as lovely as you the
Federation will soon have friendly relations with everyone."

"Thank you, Minor Nagus." Li'ira said through her teeth. "May I ask what
business brings you to Pang?"

"Why the business of business!" Grall laughed heartily. "That is what
takes Ferengi wherever they go."

"Could you be a little more specific?"

"I will be as specific with you as you can possibly want." Grall made being
specific sound like a lewd proposition.

"What cargo are you carrying?" Li'ira asked sweetly. "May I examine your

"Eh heh heh hehhh." Grall leered, then his business sense caught up with
him. "My manifest? Why?" He asked suspiciously.

"Well I'd like to know what you sold the people of Pang. I'd like to know
what a poor colony could purchase that would lure a Minor Nagus this far
into Federation territory." Li'ira said.

"Captain, I don't know if you're familiar with the Rules of Acquisition, but
number twenty says that a wise man can hear profit on the wind, while number
fifty seven says good customers are rare as latinum, treasure them." Grall

"And that means..." Li'ira prompted.

"I have not made large amounts of profit on this trip, but I have laid the
foundation for a very lucrative relationship in the future." Grall said
smugly. "The Federation left some talented people out here. Your loss is
my gain."

"So your purpose out here is to help the colonists of Pang get back on their
feet financially speaking?" Li'ira said doubtfully.

"That's correct." Grall said "When all is said and done I'll have happy
and productive planet working for me. It's taken some work and a lot of
latinum, but I'll come out well ahead on the deal. It's called market
development. Your Federation ought to try it some time."

"Will you let me examine your manifest, Minor Nagus?" Li'ira persisted.

"Why, Captain!" Grall made a show of looking shocked. "Do you have reason
to suspect that a crime has occurred on my ship?"

Li'ira grimaced. "No direct evidence, no Sir."

"Then without probable cause you cannot search my vessel." Grall sounded
sad. "I must help you uphold your own laws, Captain."

"Thank you for your assistance." Li'ira grated.

"You're welcome!" Grall said happily. "What else are friends for? By the
way Captain, if you can find the time away from your diligent search for
pirates, I would like to invite you to my ship for dinner. I have an offer
to make that might be to your benefit."

Li'ira knew exactly what Grall wanted to offer her. "Thank you, Minor Nagus
perhaps later."

"Perhaps!" Grall grinned. "Good day!" He cut the channel.


"You know, I think Lieutenant MacBier could use some more command
experience." Birdy said.

"No way, Sir." Tandala demurred.

"You're in charge, Birdy." Li'ira said stepping up to the transporter pad.
"Set the watches as you see fit."

"Aye, Sir." Birdy grinned. Li'ira had just given him permission to order
Tandala to take command on the bridge while he returned to engineering.

"Please start scanning the colony. Try not to hurt anything but I want to
know if there's anything hinky going on down there." Li'ira said.

"Um, Captain? Many of their domes are scan-shielded. I won't be able to
get good scans." Tandala said.

"Do your best." Li'ira said. Seeing that Suval was ready she gave the
command. "Energize."


The main dome of the Pang colony had a wonderful view out of its clear
duranium ports. Outside beautiful but deadly vegetation grew in riotous
color. A wind filled with clear but noxious fumes swept trees laced with
heavy concentrations of selenium and mercury. An accident of nature left
Pang a life bearing world, but one deadly to most humanoid life in the

The place where Suval and Li'ira materialized resembled nothing so much as a
generic office building's reception area. At a low desk an attractive young
human woman smiled prettily and said, "Hello. Are you the people from the

"I'm Captain Li'ira and this is Commander Suval of Vulcan." Li'ira

"Please have a seat and I'll tell the Governor you're here. I'm Becky and
if you need anything, please call me." The young woman went through a large
door behind her desk.

Over a balcony, Li'ira could see that atrium in the core of the
administration dome of Pang. In the very center of ground floor of the
atrium there was a large plot of dirt with fresh seedlings planted in it.
It seemed to be an indoor victory garden. Li'ira and Suval exchanged a

"Kuar, I presume?" Li'ira said.

Suval merely raised his eyebrow. He would not be so gauche as to whip out a
tricorder and start scanning.

Li'ira went over to the seats that Becky had indicated. There was a low
coffee table with a centerpiece of plastic plant and a collection of old
fashioned PADDs on the table.

Li'ira scooped one up and turned it on. It was linked to the local public
access data net. The Federation news service articles were all several days
old. Pang didn't have a powerful subspace booster to get messages more
quickly. Li'ira quickly paged through the political news. Admiral Leyton
had retired to run for Federation President. Li'ira didn't know if she
supported Leyton for President because he was Starfleet's former C-in-C or
if she distrusted him because he was another Earthman in the upper echelons.
Li'ira resolved to study the question more thoroughly later. Right now, her
interest was in the local news.

Pang was chatting happily with itself about its new redevelopment program.
Things were looking up and the Colonists wanted their living areas to
reflect it. There was a large amount of discussion about just what that
might entail.

"Captain, this is interesting." Suval said.

Li'ira looked at the data he had called up.

"There appears to be a labor shortage on Pang." Suval said.

"And they're paying in gold pressed latinum." Li'ira said.

"I could earn a good living here as a researcher." Suval said. "However, I
have no idea how this compares to the Federation wide job market."

"Hmmm," Li'ira keyed her own PADD to the want ads. "They don't have any
warp capable ships of their own, but they're asking for pilots for their

"And how do the wages compare?" Suval asked.

"It's been ten years since I last looked seriously," Li'ira said, "and
I'm more a purser or a watch officer than a pilot, but these wages seem

Suval nodded "The Pang economy seems to have rebounded sharply in the last
six months."

Then Becky and three others came out of the office behind Becky's desk. One
Li'ira recognized as the Colonial Governor.

"Very good doing business with you, Gentlemen." Chilton grinned

"Governor, Gentlemen, these are the Starfleet Officers." Becky said a
little insistently.

Li'ira noted an immediate change in the body language of the three men.
Governor Chilton and one of the men immediately became tense although both
hid it well. The third man had body language that was smooth and yet gave
nothing away.

"Ah! Captain Li'ira!" Chilton said. He seemed to be greeting a long lost
friend. He swarmed into Li'ira and Suval's space quickly all handshakes and
smiles. "May I present our latest business partners."

"Ahh, ahh." The shorter man seemed taken aback. He was balding and had an
expressive face. The taller man was almost Vulcan in his restraint.

"I am Avon." The taller one introduced. "This is Vila."

"Ah. Um!" Vila said as he shook hands with Li'ira.

"They're from the freighter in orbit." Chilton explained. "These men have
just agreed to undertake a regular run for us into the core worlds. Things
are really looking up!"

"Looking up." Vila agreed weakly.

"Well Governor, I wouldn't want to keep your first shipment from the core
worlds waiting." Avon said smoothly. He made Li'ira nervous but she
couldn't say exactly why.

"We'd best be getting back to our ship..." Villa

"Is that your ship in orbit?" Li'ira said brightly.

"Yes." Avon said. "Not the fastest or the most powerful ship, but she's
all ours."

"What her name?" Li'ira asked "I've never seen the inside of a class M

"Oh, you haven't missed anything!" Vila said quickly.

"I'm sure it's very dull compared to your cruiser, Captain." Avon said

"Well gentlemen, we won't be keeping you!" Chilton said happily, herding
Avon and Villa to the transporter stage. They quickly got on it and
triggered communicators on their wrists. A transporter whisked them away.

"Well Captain, if you'll just step into my office we'll get down to

The Governor's office was a large executive's office. All the furniture was
new and decoration was right out of the latest magazines, but Li'ira saw
many structural touches that reminded that this office was ninety years old.

Waving at a pair of comfortable looking seats in front of his large desk
Chilton asked "May I get you anything? This replicator is brand new. All
the scanners are in perfect sync."

"No, Sir. I really have just one question, but I am very serious about
getting a detailed answer." Li'ira said.

Chilton turned around with a glass of synthehol in his hand. "and what
question is that, Captain?"

"What business did the Minor Nagus have here?" Li'ira asked.

"That's an interesting question Captain. If I didn't know better I'd say
that you suspected him of something. The fact is that Grall has become a
backer of our colony. He has given us an influx of new capital and he's
going to connect us to new markets for our products here."

"What products are these, Sir?" Suval asked mildly.

"The products that this colony was built to make. Weapons." Chilton said

"You know the Federation has very specific restrictions on weapons sales."
Li'ira said.

"I know it. I know it all to well. That's what has kept this colony
moribund since the Federation pulled out. Eighty years of just scraping by
while the Federation slowly cuts our throats with weapons export and sales
restrictions." Chilton said bitterly. "But if I have my way that will
change very soon."

"What do you mean?" Li'ira asked.

"We have a referendum coming up. Soon we'll have a vote on whether to pull
out of the Federation and join the Ferengi Alliance." Chilton said smugly.
"Your jurisdiction here is about to end, Captain."

"You can't be serious." Li'ira said, shocked to her core.

"What, you're surprised that we've had enough of being the Federation's
patsy? I'm very serious. Your interfering do gooder regulations have done
nothing but create poverty and misery here. I don't think Pang is alone in
that regard. But in any case, soon Pang will be free to make as much money
as we can pull out of the galaxy and use our knowledge and facilities to our
own benefit."

"By selling Federation weapons technology." Li'ira growled.

"Eighty year old weapons technology." Chilton countered. "We don't have
anything that will threaten your precious Starfleet," he smirked, "yet."

"If your technology is outdated, then it's market value will be somewhat
lower." Suval said.

"Right at first maybe, but you'd be surprised at how many lower end
customers there are. The Brekkians, the Ekosians, the Iotians, many
independent Orion colonies, The Satarrans and the Lysians would pay us
double for exclusive contracts, Hell, the Kiro and the Mallamas will
probably sell us both planetary economies lock, stock and barrel once they
find out we're ready to sell." Chilton grinned. "Listen to me. I'm
beginning to sound like a Ferengi already."

"You sure are." Li'ira sounded dangerous. "May I remind you that until
this referendum of yours is held that you're still a Federation planet and
bound by Federation laws?"

"Huh! If you try to smear us now, you'll simply guarantee the passage of
the pro-Ferengi referendum. Worse, you'll be interfering in our internal
political affairs. That's strictly against the Prime Directive." Chilton

"What do you know of the pirate attacks that have been happening in this
sector?" Suval asked.

"Nothing." Chilton said. "I'm not even sure there have really been any
attacks. It may have been staged by the Federation to give you an excuse to
interfere with our referendum. If a Federation colony secedes, then it
looks awfully bad for the Federation."

"Tell that to the crew of the Faithful." Li'ira growled.

"Who?" Chilton said. "Never mind. If there really are piratical attacks
happening in this sector then you have better things to do than
goose-stepping all over one small little colony on the frontier. And I can
guarantee you that the people of this sector will feel much safer once
they're well armed with weapons and shields made right here on Pang."

"I'm going to find out if you've broken any Federation laws, Mr. Chilton."
Li'ira stood up and walked towards Chilton. "I'm going to find out if
you're complicit with these acts of piracy. And if I discover that you have
been, I'm going to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law." Li'ira
found herself nose to nose with the Colonial Governor.

Chilton coldly held her gaze. "It's too late for that. I think you'd
better get out of here before you embarrass yourself, Captain."

Li'ira took a step back and said "We'll see." She turned and walked out of
the Governor's office.


"Captain, the freighter is leaving orbit." Tandala reported.

"Keep a couple of sensors tracking it, but otherwise, let it go. I want
evidence on the surface of Pang more than anything else."

"Captain the Minor Nagus is hailing." Crystara reported.

"On screen."

The Minor Nagus' face again filled the ShiKahr's main view screen. "Well
Captain. I take it you've heard the bad news?"

"I've heard about the referendum on Pang if that's what you mean." Li'ira
said irritably.

"I see that you have. Well, Captain I must take my leave of you now, but be
assured. We have agents on the surface of Pang watching you. Your conduct
towards our prospective Alliance member will be viewed closely by worlds all
over known space." Grall grinned.

"Thank you for the warning, Minor Nagus." Li'ira said.

"And if you ever get tired of being a 'goose-stepper' for the Federation, I
believe I can find you several cushy, well paid... positions. Hee hee hee
hee!" The screen went black.

Li'ira could feel her head throb. "Mr. Suval, you have the bridge. Find me
some probable cause on that damned planet!" She stomped off the bridge to
go get a headache remedy from the sickbay.


By the time the Stargazer rolled into orbit, Li'ira's headache was cured if
not the root cause behind it. Since Pang had been a classified weapons
development station, many of its domes were shielded against sensors.
Despite hours of effort, Tandala could only get the vaguest scans inside of
them. Nothing that was enough to justify a search or landing parties.

Suval had requested permission for shore leave from Pang, but they refused.

Captain Loas and Commander Garrovick beamed over and listened carefully to
the briefing.

"I agree that it's blow to the Federation to have a colony vote to pull out,
but I don't think it's all that bad." Loas said.

"I see this as a clear matter of the Prime Directive." Garrovick said.

"I agree." Li'ira said. "To a certain extent. This will have side effects
for the sector and for the whole Federation. What if the Cardassians buy
old Federation weapons technology and are able to reverse engineer our
modern systems?"

"All due respect, Sir, that sounds a little naive. What makes you think the
Cardassians don't already know a lot about our weapons technology?"
Garrovick said.

"My point is that the people of Pang want to irresponsibly spread weapons of
mass destruction around. They have the right to choose for themselves.
Their rights stop where harm to other people begins." Li'ira said.

"That's a common argument and it's the most corrosive." Captain Loas said.
"We can't let a paternalistic argument for protecting people turn into an
instrument for taking away freedoms. Remember the United States in the late
20th century?"

"I never learned a lot of Earth history." Li'ira said. "I'm not saying
that these people shouldn't join the Ferengi Alliance or the Klingon Empire
if that's what they want. I'd just hate to see anyone else suffer for it."

The intercom beeped and Suval's voice said "Captain, please come to the
bridge. I believe that I may have found your probable cause."

"We're on our way!" Li'ira jumped up and hurried from the briefing room.


"Avon was a computer systems engineer for the Federation Council's state
department. He is charged with fraud, embezzlement and theft of Federation
property. Vila was a convicted sneak thief who followed Avon when he
escaped from Federation custody. They're both considered current members of
the Maquis." Suval explained. In his screen two mug shots of Avon and
Villa appeared, along with long blocks of text describing their violations.

The mug shot really didn't do Avon justice, Li'ira mused. "We've got him."

"The freighter carrying Avon and Vila went to warp five hours ago, roughly.
Perhaps the Stargazer could still catch it?" Suval said.

"We'll get right on it." Captain Loas said. As he and Garrovick turned for
the turbo lift Li'ira stopped him.

"Captain Loas, could you lend me about half of your security force? We have
some searching to do on the surface of Pang."

Loas and Garrovick glanced at each other. "Aye, Sir. We'll start the
transfers right away." They left.

"The first place we'll hit is the administration dome." Li'ira said. "I
want to secure all computer records and written evidence."

"Yes, Captain. I shall require Lieutenant Commander Byrd's expertise with

"Take who ever you need." Grinned Li'ira.


Li'ira walked into the administration dome thirty minutes later. Colonists
were milling about uncertainly while Starfleet security stood patiently at
random intervals.

At the heart of the building stood the colony's main administrative
computer. Suval and Birdy were working diligently on it.

"What's your report, Gentlemen?" Li'ira asked.

"This is a Ferengi computer, Captain." Birdy said happily.

"It is evidently an older but unfamiliar type. Much of the software is
state of the art, especially certain security routines." Suval sounded

"Carry on. Let me know when there's a development." Li'ira said happily.

She went to governor Chilton's office. Ensigns Milu and Postelwaite stood
outside of the door, holding back a crowd of concerned colonists.

"Excuse me, excuse me." Li'ira said trying to push through the crowd.

"You the Captain around here, right?" A big human man with a red face a
large gut asked.

"That's me, Mr...."

"Donlan. I'm the systems engineer. I need to get a decision out of the
Governor about our waste reclamation system or it might break down soon."
The man waved a PADD with technical details all over it.

"Okay. Maybe I can help. What are the choices here?"

Donlan explained what options were available.

"Which one do you prefer?"

"What I prefer is that the energy drain be corrected so I'm not in this jam
to begin with." Donlan yelled.

"Where is the excess energy drain?" Li'ira asked.

"The defense systems. They've been on stand by all day, and that means our
power reserves are in the crapper." Donlan said.

"Who's in charge of the defense systems?" Li'ira asked.

"I am, Captain." A sullen man in blue military fatigues said. "Colonel
Marston. Colonial Constabulary."

"Li'ira, USS ShiKahr." Li'ira introduced herself.

"I know who you are." Marston said.

"Colonel, would you please take the defense systems off alert, you won't
need them anymore." Li'ira said.

"I guess not. The war's over isn't it?" Marston said petulantly.

Li'ira turned to the rest of the crowd. "Listen I'm terribly sorry for the
inconvenience and the bother. We'll get this matter cleared up as quickly
and as soon as possible. Until then please go about your daily tasks and
your business as usual. If there are any questions please ask me or my
executive officer Commander Suval, Okay?"

The crowd nodded somewhat sullenly and started to break up. Li'ira managed

get to the door of Chilton's office.

Inside she found Chilton sitting on his expensive couch while Draxil leaned
against his desk with a phaser pointed nowhere in particular. Crystara
Acnapma was systematically searching the chief executive's desk. Li'ira
almost smirked to see that Chilton had a shiner coming in over his left eye.

Chilton glared at her sullenly.

"What happened to him?" Li'ira asked Draxil

"Your goon assaulted me! I'm going to sue you! I'll make Starfleet very
sorry they ever heard of Pang, John Chilton or you, Captain Li'ira."
Chilton snarled.

"He went for this." Draxil handed Li'ira an old style phaser. "I had to
quell him."

Find anything?" Li'ira asked Crystara.

"Just these." Crystara gestured towards a couple of bars of gold pressed
latinum, a couple of isolinear chips and a three strips of paper with
handwritten notes on them.

Li'ira picked up the isolinear chip. "What's this?"

"See for yourself." Crystara smirked. She gestured at the desk's built in

Li'ira slid the chip into the slot and the screen lit up. There were very
graphic pictures of well built humans doing very graphic things to each
other. It was pornography.

Li'ira smirked and pulled the chip out of the slot. "Both chips?"

"Uh-huh." Crystara smiled too.

"You naughty boy." Li'ira scolded.

Chilton blushed making his black eye that much more prominent. "Bitch."

"Mr. Chilton, you are under arrest on charges of aiding and abetting the
Maquis. You have the right to have counsel." Li'ira said.

"Damn right I want counsel! I want my lawyer here NOW!!" Chilton bellowed.

"Okay." "Draxil beam him into the ShiKahr's brig, then see if you can track
down his council."

"Sure thing Capt'n." Draxil looked bored as he hauled Chilton to his feet.
"ShiKahr, two to beam up."

"What are these?" Li'ira looked at the hand written notes.

This time Crystara did snicker. "Those are the Governor's access codes."

"Great!" Li'ira grinned.


Several hours later Garan Draxil reported to Li'ira. "Captain, I'm having a

"What is it, Mr. Draxil?"

"Well you asked me conduct searches of the domes that were scan shielded,

"Yes, Lieutenant."

"Well I've got all of my guys out doing crowd control now. That includes
the new guys you borrowed from the Stargazer."

"How bad is it?" Li'ira asked.

"Not too bad. No one's getting violent yet, but there have been a couple of
incidents. The problem is that we're just maxed out keeping it from getting
any worse." Draxil explained.

"Hold on, I'll see if I can get some colonial constabulary out there to
support you." Li'ira said.


Li'ira went out to the front of Chilton's office. "Becky, would you ask
Colonel Marston to come and see me please?"

"Right away, Captain." Becky chirped. As long as she had her desk and
someone was in charge, Becky wasn't moving.

A few moments later Colonel Marston came in. He stood rigidly at attention
in front of Li'ira.

"Colonel we're having trouble controlling the crowds and conducting our
investigation at the same time. Do you think you could get some of your
constables out there to reinforce the my people?" Li'ira asked.

"No, Captain." Colonel Marston said.

"Excuse me?" Li'ira said. She didn't expect anyone holding attention that
tightly in front of her to say no.

"Captain Li'ira, on behalf of myself and every member of the Pang Colonial
Constabulary, We resign, effective immediately."

Li'ira squeezed the bridge of her nose. "Please reconsider, Colonel."


"We need to be able to maintain order until after this investigation. Then
everything can get back to normal. I don't want to think of what might
happen if there's rioting in an enclosed environment." Li'ira said "Pang
needs you."

Colonel Marston took off his constable's badge and tossed on the desk.
"That's too bad." With military precision he whirled and marched out of the
Governor's office.


Li'ira was awakened out of a fitful sleep by the intercom beeping. "Yes,
what is it?"

"Captain," Becky chirped. "I have the Stargazer on line one."

"Ugh. Okay. Put it through." Li'ira staggered over to the executive desk
and found a sour Captain Loas looking out of the screen.

Yawning Li'ira said "Good morning Captain Loas. How was your hunting

"I don't know how they did it but they managed to give us the slip. I have
no idea where those people went." Loas said.

"They've had lots of practice out at the DMZ, I'm told." Li'ira said. "I'm
glad you're here. Please send down all security and every command officer
you can spare. The entire constabulary quit last night and we've only just
been able to keep on top of the situation."

"We'll be right there. Stargazer out."

Then Li'ira had to beam back up to the ShiKahr to shower and change.


Loas, Li'ira, Garrovick and Suval were holding a morning briefing before
beaming down to Pang.

Garan Draxil reported by screen from the surface "We've seen protesters out
all night long. We've had a few assaults on Starfleet people, but nothing
too serious. They should recover. The only problem I have is that it's
getting worse. They should started out energetic and then wind down, but
there's more people out there now than there were yesterday afternoon." The
ShiKahr's Chief of Security seemed his usual happy go lucky self, except
that his eyes were red and he seemed even more disheveled than usual.

"We're getting new people to you as soon as possible." Captain Loas said.

"Here they come now. Thanks Loas. You're cool!" The screen blanked.

Suval put an isolinear chip into a slot in the briefing table. The screen
lit up to show columns of tables and figures. "We now have good evidence
that Pang was selling material to the Ferengi for some time. At least the
last two years."

"There's one major violation." Loas said.

"Recently there have been other payments from unknown sources. One of them
seems to be the Maquis. We're attempting to confirm that now." Suval said.

"Anything else?" Li'ira asked. She was happy her suspicions had been
completely justified.

"One of the sources seems to be Roygon." Suval said.

"The pirate?" Garrovick asked.

"Yes. Most recently seen to be working with the Anti-Matter Pirates in the
Beta Quadrant." Suval said.

"Looks like you've got everything you need by way of evidence, Captain."
Loas said to Li'ira.

"Now to keep the colony in one piece until we get past this." Li'ira said

"There is every indication that the people of Pang were knowledgeable and
complicit in these sales." Suval said.

"Are were going to charge and arrest them all?" Li'ira asked.

"That would pose certain logistical problems." Suval admitted.

"We'll just have to try to set things back the way we found them and hope
that they've learned a little better." Li'ira said.

"Aye, Captain." Loas said ruefully.

"Mackey to Captain Loas." A voice said over the intercom.

"Go ahead Mister Mackey."

"Captain, I think we just hit the jackpot. You might want to bring science
officers and engineers to look at this thing." The Stargazer's Chief of
Security said.

"We're on our way." Loas said as he moved.


Li'ira waited until Becky said "Now."

"People of Pang." Li'ira said to her communications pick up. Her message
was being broadcast across the comm channels to everyone on Pang. "My name
is Captain Li'ira of Starfleet. Recently I found it my regrettable duty to
arrest your duly elected governor John H Chilton for gross malfeasance in

"Our evidence indicates that Governor Chilton knowingly dealt with the
Ferengi, the Maquis and various smaller pirate groups, selling them weapons
developed here on Pang and then lining his own pockets with the ill gotten
gains of his sales. We have discovered access codes to an account in the
Bank of Orion that held more than two hundred thousand bars of gold pressed

Li'ira could hear Becky screaming from the receptionist's desk. "That dirty
rotten son of a bitch!!"

"We know that you are as shocked as we to find such corruption at high
levels in the planetary government of a Federation world. We hope that this
will not damage your faith in the Federation's system of planetary
self-direction and interstellar cooperation. I have temporarily taken over
the duties of Governor, but I am not suited to these duties. As a Starfleet
Officer I am loath to take on such a role. Starting tomorrow I will begin
interviewing volunteers to act as Governor Pro-Tem pending the free and
unfettered election to take place in thirty days. Also on this ballot will
be the question of whether Pang stays with the United Federation of Planets
or withdraws to become part of the Ferengi Economic Alliance."

"Speaking personally, I have come to know and value the people of Pang. I
feel that the Federation will be diminished if Pang decides to leave. I
know also that I have no right to force a decision upon the people of Pang.
In thirty days you will make you decision and I will honor and uphold that
decision. Good Day to you, People of Pang."


Birdy and Wu the chief engineers were poring over a device in a lab on the

"It's really remarkable." Birdy said. "The force field configurations are
really imaginative. I've never seen anything like 'em."

"It's a perfect camouflage device if you assume that you can't use a cloak
for some reason." Wu put in. "There are papers on this sort of device and
once a version was made to work on the dreadnought USS Federation. But we'd
be able to easily detect the Federation's version with today's sensors."

"But this one works like a charm today." Birdy jumped back in. "This thing
can project a holographic image of a ship or object that is difficult or
impossible to tell apart from the real thing with sensors."

"But the Federation ships we saw mimicked didn't have the proper subspace
signatures." Li'ira said.

"That's correct. We speculate that the device cannot create the illusion of
subspace fields. The ships that used it in the pirate raids were not
Starships and so did not have the correct subspace signature as a starship."
Wu explained.

"I heard a report that the Maquis sometimes alter their warp drives to
appear to be freighters or civilian ships at a distance. If they were able
to do that convincingly enough, then with this device there would be no way
to tell that the ship wasn't a freighter until it did something that
freighter couldn't do." Birdy said.

"Which is how those Maquis got away from us." Loas said.

"I'd guess so." Wu nodded sagely. "A nice trick."

"Now that we have a copy, eventually we should be able to penetrate it."
Birdy said.

"How long until we can see through it?" Li'ira asked.

"Beats the hell out of me, Sir. I'll have to work on it some."


"Well, ummm, you know. I always thought that um... You know, I could just
sorta do better than that dork face who got elected." The candidate said.

"Which 'dork face' are you talking about?" Li'ira asked.

"What do you mean 'which dork face'?" The man seemed confused by the

"Which 'dork face' can you do better than?" Li'ira said. "What is a 'dork
face'?" She thought to herself.

"All of 'em!" The man said happily.

"Which dork face was office, last?" Li'ira asked.

"Ah..." The man looked to see if he could catch a glimpse of the last
person in the office before he got all the way out the door. He was far too
late. The hairdresser whose platform amounted to "Run alla them aliens off
<No offense, Miss>" was ten minutes gone from her interview.

Li'ira repressed a heavy sigh and said "Thank you, Sir. I'll let you know
what the committee decides." Li'ira had taken to blaming everything on a
selection committee after a very unpleasant man had listed his
qualifications as "I got friends who won't be very happy if you don't pick

"Alright, then. Look if you can't find me at home, 'cause I'm hardly ever
there, then try down 't the Dew Drop Inn (get it?) 'cause I hang out there a
lot." The man said. He got up and sauntered out of the office whistling an
off key version of "God Save the Queen."

Li'ira sighed and got up. Who would have thought that a small colony could
generate so many loonies?

Li'ira walked out of the office and over to the transporter pads in the
reception area. The primary disqualification for being governor was the
actual desire for the job. Li'ira had found over the last several days that
most people who wanted to be the Colonial Governor were either too dim to
realize what the job meant, to venal to care or frequently both.

Li'ira briefly considered going out and dragooning some helpless so and so
into the job, but faced a serious flaw in that plan. How would she know if
caught someone honest and smart enough to want to stay away from the job, or
just some looser who thought she was the cops?

While thinking about this, Li'ira's eye fell on Becky. The executive
secretary was tireless and well organized. Li'ira frequently felt like a
used dishrag at the end of a day but some how Becky managed to come through
it looking sharp. Moreover, Becky knew where everything was.

Something clicked in Li'ira's mind.

"Becky?" Li'ira said.

"Yes, Captain?" Becky chirped.

"You're the Governor pro-tem. Good Luck." Li'ira said.

Becky leapt up from behind her desk with her eyes wide. "I'm WHAT!?" There
was not a lot of chirp left in her voice.

Li'ira tapped her comm-badge. "ShiKahr, beam me up now."

"Hey!" Becky yelled. "You can't just... Hey!"

Li'ira felt herself start to sparkle away. "Congratulations."

"Come back here!" Becky wasn't chirping at all now. "Damn!"


The intercom wouldn't shut up.

"Tell Becky that she's stuck with it." Mumbled Li'ira. "If she wants out,
she can withdraw her name from consideration during the next election."

"Captain, another Federation starship has arrived." Suval said.

"I'll be right there." Li'ira was wide awake now.


Birdy whistled in appreciation. The ship that slid into orbit next to the
ShiKahr and the Stargazer was longer than a Galaxy class starship but
thinner and more graceful looking than one of those. It was new design that
no one on the ShiKahr had seen before. It was as long as the ShiKahr and
the Stargazer laid tip to tail. It was just as speedy in warp as the
smaller, sleeker Stargazer but held more people than the ShiKahr.

"The USS Royal Sovereign is hailing us, Captain." Tandala said. Her tone
was wry. She thought the Federation was far too wrapped up in the size of
their starships. The Royal Sovereign merely made her point for her.

"On screen." Li'ira said. What brave and true Captain had the Federation
chosen to command this monster?

The screen lit up to show the ruggedly handsome face of Captain Neil
Collins. "ShiKahr, this is Captain Collins. May I have permission to beam

"Granted Captain Collins." Li'ira said. She hoped her face and voice
didn't give away any of her disappointment.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." Collins said. The screen went blank.


Collins strode into Li'ira's office like he owned the place.

"Captain." He said. It was as close as he'd get to hello. "How have you

"Fine, Sir." Li'ira said standing up. She should have offered to shake
hands with Collins, but couldn't bring herself to. Collins hadn't changed a
bit since their first meeting on Deep Space Ten, two years ago.

"May I get you something?" She asked.

"Yes. I'd like an orange juice please." Collins said. "May I sit down?"

"Certainly. Make yourself at home." Li'ira said with false politeness.

"Starfleet Command has put me in charge out here, Captain." Collins said.
"I'll need a complete briefing on the situation."

Li'ira nodded, handed Collins his juice and sat down behind her desk.
Gathering her wits together, Li'ira told Collins the whole story in detail,
from the beginning.

Collins listened carefully asking a few questions about Li'ira's decision
making process as she went. At the end he nodded slowly.

"I heard about you at Deep Space Ten after we met." Collins said.

"Really?" Li'ira didn't know whether to feel flattered or suspicious.

"Your record is really remarkable. The As'Taan conflict followed by the
peace treaty. The Thasite attack. The discovery of the Trinaries."
Collins ticked off the highlights of Li'ira's career as station commander.
"It put you in really good odor at Starfleet Command."

"Thank you." Li'ira was sliding towards flattered.

"Some of us saw other things. Garan Draxil and the Prime Directive incident
at NFGC-2458. The corruption investigation." Collins leaned forward.

"Draxil got demoted and stripped of seniority." Li'ira pointed out.
"Captain Dawson cleared us of any wrong doing."

"Yes, well. This one won't fade away as quickly." Collins said.

"What?" Li'ira said stunned.

"Captain, you overthrew a civilian government. You single handedly declared
martial law on a Federation world. Sort of heavy handed, don't you think?"
Collin's eyes gleamed.

"Chilton was in collusion with the Maquis. He was complicit in pirate
attacks that have led to four deaths, over thirty disappearances and I don't
know how much property damage. He's lucky I am a Starfleet Officer or I
would have shot the son of a bitch!" Li'ira said angrily. She immediately
regretted it.

Collins grinned. "That's the way I like to hear you talk."

Li'ira stiffened.

"I am not pleased with your handling of this situation. My report will so
indicate. Oh, by the way, please transfer custody of Governor Chilton to
the Royal Sovereign." Collins said. "I have always said that giving you a
command was a mistake. You might have just proven my point for me."

"Why? " Li'ira grated. "Why are you doing this?" She could almost feel
tears at the corners of her eyes.

"You expect me to say something racist and sexist about Green Orion Women,
don't you?" Collins sighed. "I'm no racist. It's not the color of your
skin I object to. It's your attitude. You violated Starfleet orders
wholesale when we first met. Do you think we didn't know about your new
prefix codes? Or about the backup copies of the logs that you were ordered
to delete? We knew about it. You received specific orders from Starfleet
Command regarding the subject and you disregarded them. You got on your
high horse and started judging Starfleet and people who have been in the
service for twice as long as you have. What gave you the right to judge?"

"It's my responsibility-" Li'ira started.

"Don't hand me that. You're good at judging other people but when push
comes to shove, your actions out here prove that you're just as quick to
start playing fast and loose with the rules." Collins went on.

"There's one major difference." Li'ira said. "Your orders were designed to
cover up and hide the truth. My actions were designed to uncover it."

"What a load of Bull! Tell me Li'ira, how long have you been in Starfleet?"
Collins said angrily.

Li'ira thought about it briefly. "Eleven standard Earth years."

"I was in for twenty years before I made Captain. I have friends from the
academy who have never been promoted beyond Lieutenant." Collins said
angrily. "Your rise to Command was one of the fastest on record."

"All due respect, Sir what's your point?" Li'ira didn't see where Collins
was going with this.

"My point is that it was a mistake to promote you as quickly as was done.
Most of the rest of us had to work for years and years to earn our seats.
There's a group of people you get to know, certain ways of doing things that
all of us have learned over time. You made an end run around the procedures
that I had to fight for years. I'm not alone in feeling this way. You
weren't discriminated against because of your race, Li'ira, you were
unfairly advantaged by it." Collins said angrily.

"What?" Li'ira could believe her ears.

"You wear the uniform, but you're not one of us. We don't know you. You
don't play by the rules, Li'ira. You come in with that Pollyanna morality,
never mind that your best officers are thieves, pirates and weirdoes and you
get away with murder."

"That's not true!" Li'ira yelled. "I've been shot at and injured and
captured and terrorized and all the rest of it. I've earned my seat right
along with the rest of you. Maybe you don't know that, maybe you don't want
to know the truth, but that won't make it go away, and neither will I."

"Tell me about the refit on the ShiKahr." Collins said with a smirk.

Li'ira sighed and grabbed the bridge of her nose.

"That's right. Colonel Flagg taught you how to defeat computer security and
cover your tracks, but who do think taught him? Starfleet Intelligence has
complete records of what you did." Collins said. "You robbed Starbase 35
blind to refit this ship. The rules don't apply to little Li'ira."

Li'ira just stood there looking at Collins, her fists bunched at her sides.
Then something occurred to her. "If that was so bad then why don't you
charge me? It's not much but I suppose if so many people resent me, then I
could be drummed out of the service behind that. You haven't relieved me of
command. You haven't charged me with any crimes. You're just talking. You
don't have anything behind you."

Collins glared bitterly at Li'ira. "I can review your performance here.
And I will. I already have."

Li'ira shook her head. "You are simply a bitter man."

Collins became more angry "Before you point your finger at me or at
Starfleet Command you'd better look in the mirror and see if any thing is
stuck to your heel."

Li'ira had an epiphany "There is one difference between you and me,
Captain. The difference is that your actions were designed to obscure the
truth, to cover things up. You spend your life playing this political game.
My first duty is to the truth. I bend the rules sometimes, but my first
priority is to get the truth out. It always will be. I don't care if you
relieve me. I don't care if you drum me out of Starfleet. I don't care if
you stall my career and leave me here on the ShiKahr for the rest of my
working life. She's a good ship and we're a good crew. We will discover
the truth and bring it home. Even if I have to set out in a shuttlecraft or
a freighter, I will seek the truth and I will set it free. It doesn't
matter what rank I hold or how well perceived at Starfleet Command I am."
Li'ira discovered at that moment that it was true. Collins made her worry
less about Starfleet and the Federation than she had in years. Finally she
knew exactly what it was about.

"You go ahead with your Pollyanna dreaming." Collins said. "But not under
my command. You have a ship that should have gone to someone more deserving
and a position you haven't earned. I can't do anything about it today, but
I'll be watching and waiting. Someday I'll have you right where I want

"If that's what makes you happy, Neil, then I wish you all the luck."
Li'ira said.

"I'll cut your orders as soon as I'm back on the Sovereign." Collins turned
and left Li'ira's office.


The door to Li'ira office chimed two hour later. Her orders were already
logged. As soon as all crew were aboard the ShiKahr would head halfway
across the Federation to Starbase 94. Li'ira and her crew were being
transferred with a black mark on their collective records.

"Come in." Li'ira said.

Captain Loas came in.

"Hello, Loas." Li'ira said.

"Li'ira." Loas grinned ruefully. "I just heard what Collins wrote about
you in his review."

"How did you hear about it?" Li'ira asked.

"He showed it to me as a warning in case I should think about getting out of
line." Loas said.

Li'ira could feel anger building back up in her. "That was a dumb thing to

Loas nodded. "I agree. I have said so in my log and I will continue to say
so, despite Collin's threats."

"Hmmm." Li'ira said. "You could hurt yourself that way. I already wrote
off my career earlier this afternoon, but there's no reason for you to
follow me down."

Loas grinned. "It wasn't that so much. I just resented being lectured to
like a wet behind the ears cadet. I am a Starship Captain. Starfleet and
the Federation has a certain amount of trust in my judgment or I wouldn't be
here. Collins has no right to assume such a pompous attitude even if he is
senior by several years."

How long have you been in Starfleet?" Li'ira asked.

"Huh? Oh, ah... Twelve years last month." Loas said. "Why?"

"Nothing." Li'ira shook her head. "Do me a favor, Loas. Never forget why
we come out here. Let's never forget what all this is about, Okay?"

"The great quest for the truth?" Loas grinned. "I heard a lecture to the
effect from Admiral Picard last year at the Starfleet Academy commencement."

"Hmph." Li'ira said. She didn't have much faith in podium speeches by

"Well, even if it was delivered from the comparative safety of Starfleet
Academy it's the truth. That's what makes us different from the
Cardassians. It's what makes us different from the Klingons. It's what
sets the Federation apart from pretty much everything else. Without our
insistence of the truth then we're bleeding and dying out here for nothing.
I don't believe that." Loas said. "But that's really not what I came here

"Oh? It was a stirring speech anyway." Li'ira replied.

"Thank you." Loas sketched a quick bow. "What I really came for was to ask
maybe if someday we're both docked at the same starbase, you'd like to go
have dinner with me?"

Li'ira laughed until she fell out of her chair. Nevertheless, she agreed to
a date with Loas.


Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and
situations in this story for me.

This story posted by permission of the author. Unauthorized reproduction

Jay P. Hailey

N 5004 Lee St.

Spokane WA


For the complete collection of Star Trek: Outwardly Mobile on the Web -

Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
MSNIM - jayphailey ;
AIM -jayphailey03;
ICQ - 37959005

"An' dey gots my beer! DAT'S DE LAST STRAW!!!!!!!" - Anna Steven

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