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REP: Star Trek: Outwardly Mobile (OCC - TNG era) 36 The Klingon Overture, [PG] 1/1

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Jay P Hailey

Oct 17, 2004, 1:11:09 PM10/17/04
Title: Star Trek: Outwardly Mobile 36 The Klingon Overture

Author: Jay P Hailey (

Series: ST-OM, OCC - TNG era [36/56?]


Archive: Fine with me, just tell me where.

Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Star Trek. I claim Original Characters
and Situations for me.

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Star Trek: Outwardly Mobile

Episode 36 The Klingon Overture

(Stardate 49377)


Jay P. Hailey


The Star trek Players.

"Animal!" Bupos raged. "You seek to lure us into a trap!"

Miriah sighed. "Don't you want to contact the Homeworld?"

"If they didn't slaughter you on sight, then I'm not sure." Bupos sneered.

Kazak tapped on the table idly. "We might take the area of the Vortex in the
first push but holding it will present a challenge."

"No one is talking about conquering the sector. If we could negotiate a fair
use treaty with the Orions, then we'd all be better off." Captain Mitchell.

"Spineless patagh!" Bupos sneered.

"I want House Katasai to support this effort." Miriah told Kazak.

Kazak gave her a piercing look. "The Orions are not trustworthy. Any treaty
with them will hold just until they can get a free shot at our backs."

"Everyone knows that you can't trust an Orion." Bupos said, also looking at

She grinned back at him. "An if you had an advantage over the Orions?"

"Then we'd destroy them, and you." Bupos said.

"So the Orions would have the same problem. Nobody said that it had to be a
friendly treaty." Miriah said.

Kazak smiled ruefully. "An armed stand off over the Vortex? Amusing."

"That or lots of blood spilled for no good reason." Mitchell said.

"Spilling blood is all the reason a Klingon needs." Bupos said.

"Then why aren't you out fighting Orions right now?" Mitchell asked.

"Watch your tone, Human!" Bupos half rose.

Miriah, Watabe and Patton bounced out of their seats ready to defend

Bupos struck a ready pose. "Go ahead!" He growled. "We'll see what Kazak's
word of truce is worth."

Kazak breezed. "If you didn't want an honor duel, then you should not have
asked for one, Bupos."

"Honor duel? With two humans and a half-breed? Where's the honor in that!?"
Bupos sneered.

Kazak rose. "They are guests and allies of mine, Bupos. Their honor is

Bupos straightened and bowed slightly at the waist. "Far be it from me to
impugn your honor Kazak." His tone implied otherwise. He sat down glaring at
the humans.

Kazak turned to Captain Mitchell. "How would you rate a current Klingon
warship against your own ship, Captain Mitchell?"

Mitchell thought about it. "Because of technology exchanges between the
Federation and the Empire, many systems on Klingon ships and the Endeavor
would be compatible. If they weren't inherently compatible, then adapters
would exist. Militarily the big Vor'Cha class attack cruisers would be the
equal of the Endeavor. I've heard they've even built a couple of bigger
ships. There are still many K'Vort and K't'inga class cruisers. Of course
they've been systematically upgraded over time, just like our older
Federation ships."

Bupos looked at Mitchell. "Could they send us upgrade kits for our ships?"

"Perhaps." Mitchell allowed. If the Empire didn't send through a battle
group to conquer the area for themselves...

"Do you think that you could successfully negotiate the treaty with the

Kazak asked.

"I believe that I could." Mitchell said. "They were on the verge of
negotiating that last time we talked."

"On the verge of negotiating. Then they saw Miriah." Kazak said. "They
insisted on her death as a precondition to the negotiation."

Perhaps we should oblige them. After all, the Federation wants peace at any
cost." Sneered Bupos.

Miriah sighed. "Perhaps if I remain out of sight the negotiations can

"No true Klingon Warlord would speak so! No true Klingon would allow such

"Hmmm..." Mitchell said. "What if we could bluff the Orions?"

"What do you mean?" Kazak asked.

"Make the Orions believe that the whole Klingon fleet has massed on their
borders. It would give the Orions incentive to find a peaceful solution."
Mitchell said.

"You seek to advance your plan without my cooperation." Bupos said slowly.

Kazak laughed. "And if it succeeds, contact with technologically superior
Klingons rides with me alone."

"You're not even Real Klingons!" Bupos sneered. "Why would the home world
help you?"

"Because we'll be the only Klingons they see." Kazak grinned.

Bupos shook his head angrily. "I will agree to back your attempt to
negotiate with the Orions on one condition."

"What is that?" Kazak asked.

"You share access to the Vortex equally between the New Klingons and the
Real Klingons." Bupos said.

Kazak thought about it. Would it be worth it? His greatest enemies in the
sector were the Real Klingons. The Orions were close behind. "If there is a
war between the Orions and the Klingons for the use of the Vortex, then that
will be the proving grounds for our philosophies. If I share new technology,
I must not be handing my enemy the knife he uses to kill me."

"You've been dealing with the Humans for too long. You want a peace treaty?"
Bupos asked.

"Exactly. An agreement that Real Klingons and New Klingons will not kill
each other until our other enemies in the area are dead." Kazak said.

"No Real Klingon would consider himself bound by such a peace treaty! I
would be dishonored for suggesting it." Bupos yelled.

"What if it were not a peace treaty, but rather a stratagem?" Mitchell

"What?" Bupos asked. "What do you mean?"

"We both know that you'd only uphold such an agreement while it was in your
favor. Tell your people that it's a gambit to gain time until you can make
your decisive move." Mitchell suggested.

"How dare you question my honor so!" Bupos screamed. Mitchell realized that
Bupos didn't think that he would be so transparent.

"Explain to Bupos what it would benefit him to be cooperative." Kazak said.

"Silence dog! You speak like an Orion Lord always weighing cost and benefit!
Where is the honor in this?!" Bupos yelled.

"The honor of being able to return to our home world. The honor of having
the rest of the Klingon population know of us and our battles here! This is
our chance to stop being castaways always improvising and making do! This is
our chance to return to our true status and glory as Klingons!" Kazak yelled
at him.

"Whose true honor and status, Kazak? Miriah Katasai's? The Warrior Patton?
The rest of your half-breeds and would be Klingons? They HAVE no honor! They
AREN'T Klingon! You're getting ready to declare this question over and go
right back to Qo'noS with this mess still unresolved. They'll laugh
themselves sick! The only high technology we'll see is when they send a
battle fleet to install a politically reliable Over Lord over the Empire
we've built! All because of your soft heart and soft head. These people
AREN'T Klingons!" Bupos was on his feet shouting. "I'll tell you how it will
be. We'll declare all out war on you! Leave your data where we can get it.
We'll capture and enslave the human scientists and make our way back to the
Home world like true Klingons. Like REAL Klingons!"

Mitchell growled. "Try it and you won't see the home world in your life
time. I'll destroy the data, hide the scientists and do enough damage to
your fleet to make you an easy target for the Orions. All out war is a
losing proposition for you, Bupos. I guarantee it."

Miriah hid a smirk. She really wanted to jump up and cheer for the Captain.

Bupos looked at Mitchell. The Klingon's lips were pulled back in an
involuntary sneer. He looked like he was about to scream and leap on the
Federation starship captain. Watabe and the Warrior Patton readied
themselves. Mitchell held the Klingon's glare. He was crippled by an
assassination attempt. There was no way he could physically match Bupos. He
had to convince Bupos that he was serious without raising a hand.

The Real Klingon Commander locked eyes with the Human and realized that
Mitchell wasn't bluffing. He grinned and then laughed out loud. "Well done,
Captain! I

suppose that it really is in my interest to support your crazy scheme."

Kazak looked at Bupos dubiously. "You agree?"

"Yes, until the moment it suits me to attack you." Bupos grinned.

"Honesty is the best policy." Mitchell sighed.


Miriah was heading back for the Endeavor when Patton caught up with her.

"Lady Miriah." Patton said.

Miriah turned, puzzled. Lady Miriah? Oh, Patton was addressing her as the
leader of House Katasai. "Yes, Patton?" She liked Patton. He was physically
Human but he acted as Klingon as anyone she had ever met.

"I wish..." Patton seemed to stumble. "I wish to offer you my services."

"What?" Miriah was confused. What services?

"I want to serve you and House Katasai." Patton said.

"But, you serve Kazak." Miriah said. "Wouldn't he be upset if you left his

"Well, Kazak said that he would miss me as his personal assistant, but he
realizes that If I stay here and serve House Katasai, I'd be working closely
with Kazak anyway." Patton explained.

"Okay. Why me? Why House Katasai?" Miriah asked.

"Because in House Katasai, race is not as important an issue. My heart and
my performance are the important things. I want to see such a thing succeed.
I know many Humans, Orions and even Klingons who feel the same way." Patton
was excited. "Without realizing it, you have given us a chance to show our
real value."

"Hmmm." Miriah said. "Okay, Warrior. You're in."

Patton grinned widely, "Thank you, lady! I swear my life to you!"

"I swear to be worthy of your service, Patton." Miriah said. "Your first
assignment is to take over the administration of our holdings. Start getting
these people you mentioned together, and see what you can do about buying
ships from Kazak."

"Yes, Lady." Patton said. He bowed and waited.

"Okay, Dismissed." Miriah said.

Patton hurried off to be about his tasks. Miriah smiled to herself. Patton
had secured quite a promotion. From personal assistant to chief officer of a
Klingon House. She should have given him a suitable title like Colonel or
General or something, but she didn't feel comfortable promoting Patton to a
higher rank than she herself held. Oh, well.


The Endeavor, the Ascension and many Klingon ships rolled up to the disputed
zone between the Orion Empire and the Klingon Empire. "Hail the nearest
Orion Patrol ship." Mitchell said. He didn't realize how much he would miss
Miriah being on the bridge. He comforted himself that she was in the second
best possible position.

"Hailing frequencies open, Sir." Watabe said.

"This is the Federation starship Endeavor, Captain Kevin Mitchell
commanding. We wish to speak with the Orion Empire to negotiate rights
access to the Vortex. We are peaceful and wish to negotiate in good faith."
He finished and signaled Watabe to send the message.


NeBan carefully gauged the fleet assembling on the border. There were over
thirty Klingon ships massed on the border. He knew that sheer numbers would
carry the day if a battle started. He had no doubt that his cousin, the
Orion Emperor would respond with the full weight of the Empire. The Klingons
would have to be very good to win against that, but it would be an academic
point to him.

He considered the message that the big Federation ship sent. Captain
Mitchell evidently preferred to negotiate from a position of strength. NeBan
shuddered with revulsion. If they didn't have a monster on board he could
almost deal with him. On the other hand, NeBan didn't see much choice. He
had to try to string the Klingons and their human allies along until
reinforcements could arrive.

NeBan made his decision and sent two messages. One to his own high command
warning them of the Klingon fleet and one to Captain Mitchell.

"This is Viscount NeBan of the Great Orion Empire. Captain Mitchell, you
know our conditions for speaking to you. Destroy your genetically engineered
monster and cease all such experimentation. Have you done this?" This was
NeBan's message to Mitchell.

"Open frequencies." Mitchell told Watabe. NeBan appeared on the Endeavor's
screen. Mitchell took a deep breath. "Viscount, I will not let you dictate
to me the make up of my crew. Commander Katasai was a valued officer and a
trusted friend. However the discussion is academic at this point. She fell
in battle against the Klingon warlord Muk'Dok several weeks ago."

"The matter is hardly academic, Captain. What guarantee do we have that more
monsters of this type are not running around on you ship or in your
Federation?" NeBan said.

"There is no one else of mixed Orion heritage on this vessel, Viscount. As
for the rest, well, I can tell you what you want to hear, or I can tell you
the truth. It hardly makes a difference at this point, does it?" Mitchell

"It makes a large difference if you wish to attempt to travel the Vortex,
Captain." NeBan said. "The right to travel through Great Orion space depends
on it."

Mitchell sighed. "Miriah was created on the Vulcan Colony world of Nissus.
They have the most advanced genetic engineering facilities in our
Federation. I don't know who else they might have created this way. The only
way for you to stop such activity is to send a representative to our
Federation to protest." Mitchell said.

"And of course, the only way for this to happen is for us to help you with
your scheme, is that right?" NeBan said ironically.

"Yes, Sir. That is correct." Mitchell said.

"I'll have to think about this." NeBan said. "Do you suppose you could
transmit the details of your scheme to me? My superiors will definitely want
to know."

"I tell you what we can." Mitchell said. He signaled the channel closed.
"He's waiting for reinforcements." Mitchell said. "Paul, transmit an outline
of your plan to the Orions, will you?"

"Aye, Sir."


NeBan signaled back to his Empire. While the two fleets waited for the
response, he read through the proposal for maneuvering the Vortex. He could
see major technical problems with the scheme, but if they could be over
come, then the Vortex could be captured and tamed.

It was far too dangerous to let the Klingons have.


Kazak called Mitchell. "The Orions have waited too long. They are calling
for reinforcements."

"I agree. What can we do?" Mitchell said. He had an idea what Kazak was
going to say. He was hoping that the Klingon leader would surprise him.

Kazak surprised him. "Well, either we attack or you re-negotiate quickly."

Mitchell nodded. "I'll call NeBan."


"Captain Mitchell, really. You must think me simple." NeBan said. He knew he
should string the Klingon fleet along, but he really couldn't stand to have
the human patronize him. "The other end of the Vortex empties into Klingon
territory. If we allow them to have it they will have access to
reinforcements and advanced technology. The only way for me to negotiate a
usage treaty will be for you to assure that the Great Orion Empire can
somehow maintain technological parity with the Klingons."

"You're asking for technological aid?" Mitchell asked.

"Yes. Your starship should serve nicely." NeBan said.

"Let me get this straight. Your price for access to the Vortex is the USS
Endeavor." Mitchell almost couldn't believe his ears.

"That's correct."

"I'll have to get back to you about that." Mitchell temporized. There was no
way he'd give the Orions his starship. "You know the Klingons are simply
waiting for the excuse to attack you."

"If they attack now, then the battle will be fought on equal terms. That
ought to be to the Klingon's liking." NeBan breezed.

"Is it to your liking?" Mitchell asked.

"I'm not the one threatening an invasion, Captain. We Orions are much more
civilized than that." NeBan said primly.

"I'll consult with my allies and get back to you." Mitchell said.

"Take your time." NeBan encouraged.


"We have no choice. We must attack now." Kazak said. "Our long range sensors
have detected large numbers of Orion vessels moving this way."

"Sir?" Paul Durango interrupted. "I may have an alternative."

"What is it, Paul?" Mitchell asked.

Snokel, the Vulcan astrophysicist tells me that it may be possible to herd
the Vortex into Klingon territory. We'd have to use the same method that we
will use to herd it into the Endeavor, but it might work."

"Are you suggesting that we steal the Vortex from the Orions and take it
back to our space?" Kazak yelled.

"Yes, Sir." Paul said.

"Bwaaa Haaa Haaa! I love it!" Kazak howled.

"Get to work on it, Mr. Durango." Mitchell ordered. It would mean a shooting
fight with the Orions, but there didn't seem to be any way to avoid it.


Three Klingon cruisers and the Ascension leapt into Orion territory at high
warp speed.

"We're through the Orion Perimeter, Lady!" Patton said.

"Best speed for the Vortex." Miriah ordered. "Stand by for the download from
the Endeavor."

"Aye, Lady."

"Let's try Commander." Miriah said.

"All due respect, Lady Miriah. The proper form of address is Lady Miriah or
Lady." Patton said.

"I prefer Commander." Miriah said firmly.

"Yes, Commander." Patton said. He retrieved the scientific data from the
Federation starship. Now, it was hoped that the Klingon ships could project
warp energy at the Vortex without having their engines destroyed.


The Klingon ships closed with the mouth of the Vortex. They swooped around
so that their angle of approach caused the weird phenomenon to skip towards
the Klingon fleet.

As they got closer they increased power to their warp drives. The mouth of
the wormhole drained their warp bubbles and sped off at a high rate of
speed. The Klingon ships suffered for their close encounter with the
wormhole. It was not kind to warp drive systems.


"The Vortex is moving at... warp eight!" Patton reported.

"What's our top speed?" Miriah asked.

"Warp seven. The Klamoth has lost warp drive temporarily. They report that
they will be repaired in an hour."

Bring the other two ships into formation. Set course after the Wormhole."
Miriah said.


"The Vortex is heading right for us!" NeBan's sensor technician yelled.

"Remain calm. Reduce warp speed and come to heading 080 mark 50." NeBan

The Vortex swept into the Orion formation before it had time to absorb any
energy and turn. It closely approached a patrol cruiser and only at the last
minute absorbed enough of the Orion's warp energy to turn away. It was far
too late. The patrol cruiser's outraged engines exploded, destroying the


Alter course!" Miriah said. "We have to maintain possession of wormhole."
The tactical situation reminded Miriah more of the Earth game Soccer than a

More Klingon ships crossed the border to join the pursuit of the wormhole.

Bupos appeared on screen in a wide band broadcast. "This is Bupos. Real
Klingons attack!"

Along the border most of the Klingon fleet cloaked and moved in.


"The Klingon vessels have cloaked!" NeBan's sensor officer yelled.

NeBan thought quickly. He was in a terrible position. If he abandoned the
Vortex to protect Orion worlds, then the Klingons might bring advanced
Klingon ships back through the Vortex. If NeBan concentrated on recovering
the Vortex, then invading Klingon forces might make the question academic.

"Activate cloaks!" NeBan ordered. The Orion ships that could still cloak
did. "At least they won't know which way I'm jumping until it's too late."


"We've lost a lot of the Orion ships now, too. They've cloaked." Paul
Durango reported.

"I'm tracking subspace anomalies around us, Captain." Brekka Di reported.
"They're moving off into Orion Space."

"Great." Mitchell growled. "Helm take us to a position away from the border
and the fighting. That will be our staging area. Report the area to Miriah
on coded subspace frequency."

"Aye, Sir." Brekka Di said.


"Commander. We're receiving information on a coded channel. It's the
Endeavor. They're giving us our target for the Vortex." Patton said.

"Relay the phase variances to the other ships and engage." Miriah said.


The three Klingon cruisers caught up with the Vortex and began to carefully
herd it back to the staging area. They were pestered by Orion Patrol ships
but Kazak's ships would often appear and chase the harassing ships off.

Herding the wormhole was a touchy and delicate process. The Ascension and

other Klingon ships were repeatedly damaged by the adverse effects of the

wormhole. They stuck with it though and were eventually in range of the



"Engineering, report." Mitchell called.

"Engineering here, Sir." Genevieve Quest reported. "Everything with a
subspace coil that it is possible to shut down has been shut down."

"Very good. Mr. Watabe signal to the rest of the Fleet that we are ready to

"Aye, Sir."


The Orion Cruiser Helix hovered near the Federation ship. As the plan came
together, NeBan cursed himself. It was so simple! Why had no one ever
thought of it before? They were going to use the warp drives of the Klingon
ships to herd the Vortex onto the Federation ship. The Endeavor shut down
all subspace activity to avoid driving the Vortex away and hopefully to
survive the ride through the Vortex without being damaged.

"Impulse power only. Bring us to with in weapons range of the Endeavor."
NeBan ordered. He would refrain from using his subspace coils, too. At least
until he had a good shot at the Endeavor.


The Worm hole was moving towards the Endeavor at a leisurely warp four.

"Take us out of formation." Miriah ordered. "Begin our rendezvous with the

The Ascension slid out of formation and made a high-speed circle around the
Vortex. They were learning carefully how sensitive the phenomenon was, and
at what distance they could pass without unduly affecting it.


The Vortex was closing. If NeBan didn't attack soon then the Vortex would be
driven away from his warp drive destructively.

"Drop the cloak. Raise shields. Arm weapons." NeBan ordered. "All out attack
as soon as we're ready.


Red alert sirens started screaming on the Endeavor.

"Report!" Mitchell ordered.

"A big Orion ship has just decloaked one hundred thousand kilometers away.
They'll be in weapons range soon." Watabe sounded grim.

"Can we fight them?" Mitchell asked. He was sincerely hoping that Watabe

surprise him.

"No, Sir. Our shields are weak without main power. Our photon torpedoes are
nearly useless without the warp boosters. We can dish out some damage with
our phaser banks, but we can't fight them." Watabe said.

"Call Miriah and General Kazak. Until reinforcements arrive, do your best."
Mitchell said.

"Aye Sir."


"Commander! An Orion battle cruiser has just decloaked near the Endeavor!
They are on an attack vector!" Patton said.

"The Endeavor's helpless without her warp drives!" Miriah said, "Helm, burn
the impulse engines! I want to intercept that cruiser if it's the last thing
we do! Patton, raise the other herding ships. Ask them to please increase
their energy to hold the Vortex on course."

"Aye Sir! Message sent. The other ships respond Q'apla!"

"Make my compliments to them, Patton."

The Ascension roared towards her prey.


"Sire! A Klingon cruiser is coming up behind us!" The sensor officer warned.

"Will they be there in time to foil our attack?" NeBan asked.

"I cannot say, Sire."

"Well find out." NeBan snarled. "We've got to get the Endeavor before it
attempts the Vortex!"


The Helix and the Ascension raced towards the Endeavor. They started losing
power and shorting out systems as the Vortex closed. The Klingon herders had
to dangerously increase their warp power out put to keep the phenomenon on


The Helix arrived in firing position. "Fire!" NeBan roared.


"The Orion ship is in firing position, Captain." Watabe said.

"Return fire with the phasers. Fire at will, Mr. Watabe." Mitchell ordered.


The Helix fired on the Federation starship. They exchanged brilliant beams
of destructive energy. Force fields coruscated with the effect of redirected
energy. The Helix swept past.


"Report!" NeBan shouted.

"Our forward shield is fifty percent collapsed. Minor damage to forward
sections. Our hull is still intact. Our energy is still at full potential.
All weapons are still available." NeBan's tactical officer reported.

"Come about to attack again!" NeBan said.


"Damage report!" Mitchell called.

"Shield number two is down. There is moderate damage to sections thirty
five, thirty-six and thirty seven on decks six through eight. We have lost a
reserve reactor. No word of casualties, yet." Brekka Di reported.

"Bring us about. Keep that side away from him." Mitchell said.


"The Orion cruiser has fired on the Endeavor. I'm reading hull damage and
some atmosphere leakage." Patton reported.

"How long until we're in firing range?" Miriah asked.

"Twenty Seconds, Commander."

"Arm all weapons!" Miriah yelled.


As the Helix came around to begin another attack on the Endeavor, the
Ascension tore into the Orion cruiser with a full barrage of weapons fire.

The old Klingon ship and the big Orion cruiser spun around each other like
big cats fighting. Each searching for a weak point or some sort of advantage
with which to kill the enemy.

The Helix was designed by the Orions specifically to fight the Klingons.
It's weapons shields and drive were the toughest the Great Orion Empire
could devise.

Even with the occasional phaser shot from the Endeavor, the Ascension's fate
was sealed.


"Aft shields down, losing main power." Patton reported. "Heavy casualties
reported in engineering."

"Have them abandon ship. Have every one but the bridge crew get out." Miriah

"But Lady! To leave a ship before the battle is over?" Patton sounded

"For us it is!" Miriah snarled. "Those people are more valuable to me and to
Kazak alive than they are dead! It's their duty to go and fight well another
day! We'll be right behind them."

"Yes, Commander." Patton said.


"Escape pods are firing from the Klingon ship, Sire!" NeBan's sensor officer

"I didn't know that Klingon ships had escape pods." NeBan grinned. "Press
the attack! Let's get them and then get the Endeavor before the Vortex gets

"Aye, sir!"

The Helix turned to attack again.


"Range to the wormhole?" Mitchell asked.

"One point two million kilometers, Captain. It will be here in seconds!"
Durango said.

"Will Miriah be able to finish off the Orion ship and get back here in
time?" Mitchell asked.

Watabe said. "No Sir. She'll be lucky to survive. The Ascension is crippled
and the Orion ship is bearing down on her again."

"Reactivate transporters. We're not leaving anyone behind!" Mitchell

"Aye, Sir." Watabe said. "Reactivating transporters."

"Lieutenant Brekka, find me something to distract the Orion ship with until
the wormhole arrives." Mitchell said.

Um...Okay!" Brekka Di said cheerfully. She didn't have any idea of what she
was going to do, but she'd figure something out...


The Ascension came apart under the attack of the Helix. At the last second,
the bridge crew jettisoned in the forward boom section of the ship. The
explosion and general destruction hid them shortly from the Helix.


"Sensors being jammed, Sir!" The Sensor Officer shouted.

Activate counter measures!" NeBan ordered. "We almost have them!"


A shuttlecraft from the Endeavor shot through the space between the two
ships. Piloting by remote control, Brekka Di flew the shuttle into a weak
part in the shields of the Helix. The Helix shuddered as half a ton of metal
struck it at full impulse speed.


"Impact with the wormhole in fifteen...Fourteen...Thirteen..." Paul Durango

"Transporters! Do you have lock on?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Beam all the survivors off the Ascension's boom! Energize!" Mitchell

The Endeavor shuddered.

"The Orion ship is firing on us. Number four shield has collapsed." Watabe
said. "Returning fire."

"Helm, full impulse. Take us into the Vortex." Mitchell ordered.

The Endeavor turned and ran into the swirling spatial phenomenon.


The Helix shuddered as the Vortex approached.

"Helm, get us out of here! Engineering, shut down all..."

NeBan never finished his order. The Vortex caught the Helix and its strange
effects overloaded the already damaged engines. Driven by the Klingon herd
ships, the Vortex crawled up to the Helix almost to the point where the
Orion ship was forced through the Vortex. Its warp drive gave first and the
Orion ship exploded in a fiery display.


The starship Endeavor tumbled out of the swirling wormhole.

"Damage report!" Captain Mitchell called. He was barely clinging to his

Enrico Watabe clung to his station and read the reports. "Several auxiliary
power generators have overloaded. We took moderate damage from the last
attack. We're waiting on a casualty assessment now."

"Did we get the crew of the Ascension?" Mitchell asked. The Endeavor was
starting to settle down now. Mitchell didn't have to hold on quite as hard.

Watabe consulted his board. "We got fifteen of them, Sir."

"Is Miriah one of them?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Now, what's the status of our warp drive?"

"Genevieve reports that all subspace systems that were locked down survived
intact." Watabe reported.

"I ordered that all subspace coils be locked down. Which ones weren't?"
Mitchell asked.

"The impulse engines, Captain. We needed those to move."

"Oh. What's the status of our impulse engines now?"

"Crippled. We can manage one quarter impulse speed."

"Then give me best speed away from the wormhole's mouth. When we're safely
away, we'll report to Starfleet and The Klingons."

"Aye, Sir."

The Endeavor began to crawl away from the Wormhole.


"Thank you, Miriah. That was well done." Mitchell said. "The Endeavor might
not have made it home without you."

"Thank you, Sir." Miriah said quietly.

"What's bothering you, Commander?" Mitchell asked.

"What about my crew, Sir? The survivors of the Ascension. They had no
intention of coming through the wormhole with us." Miriah looked Captain
Mitchell in the eye. "Now we're back where we belong and they're stranded
thousands of light years away from home."

Mitchell looked at Miriah. "All right, Captain. Here's what I was thinking.
The Klingons will probably send an expedition back through the wormhole.
Your remaining crew can probably join them to act as guides and advisors.
They'll end their work for the Klingon Empire back where they belong."

"If the Klingon Empire doesn't accept them on the expedition?" Miriah said.

"Don't buy trouble. We'll try the Klingon Empire first. If that doesn't
work, then we'll try to figure something else out, Okay?" Mitchell answered.

"Okay." Miriah said. "Why Captain? The Ascension was destroyed."

"Well, Miriah, we arrived safely home, overcoming terrible odds. We solved a
mystery that's been plaguing this area for centuries. We've even managed to
arrange for lost Klingon and Vulcan colonies to contact their home worlds.
However, your first question was about the welfare of your crew. You're real
Captain material and that makes me happy."


The Endeavor crawled away from the wormhole. When it was safe, she activated
warp drives and subspace radio. The news of what lurked in the Delta Sector
and ate starships caused quite a stir.

The Endeavor warped into starbase Twenty-Four and docked. Repairs were made
and reports filed. Starfleet sent an Admiral to over see the investigation.
The Klingons sent a General.


"Do you know who might have survived the trip through the wormhole?" General
Martok asked. "Their families will want to know."

Miriah shook her head. "We didn't have the time to take a census, Sir. I
thought the Empire would do that when they initiated contact with them."

"If we do. Tell me of the two factions." General Martok said.

"There are two distinct ones. The Real Klingons are survivors and
descendants of earlier Klingons. They see other races either as enemies to
be slaughtered or enslaved. They won't ally with anyone else. They denied my
honor and standing and would have killed me out of hand because I'm not a
true Klingon. Muk'Dok was their leader until I killed him in honorable
combat. By Klingon customs his house and holdings reverted to me. Now Bupos
is the leader of the Real Klingons." Miriah explained.

"You killed the Leader of a Klingon house in an Honor duel?" Admiral Picard

Miriah flushed. "Yes, Sir. He tried to have Captain Mitchell assassinated."

Picard nodded slightly. "Go ahead."

"The other faction is the New Klingons. General Kazak allows non-Klingon
civilians to work his holdings. He allows half Klingons and even Patton who
is a Human raised as a Klingon to serve with honor in his fleet."

"I had an uncle named Kazak. He was junior lieutenant aboard a cruiser when
it was lost thirty years ago." Martok said thoughtfully.

"He did say that I was his cousin." Miriah said.

"Your report said that this racial bias was the basis for war between the
factions?" Picard asked.

"Yes, Sir." Miriah said. "Between the Great Orion Empire and the Real
Klingons, Kazak is in a tough position. Accepting non-Klingons gives him a
manpower advantage that he otherwise wouldn't have."

"You have put me in an interesting position, Miriah." General Martok said.
"Gowron isn't sure that he wants to open contact with these Klingons. Yet,
you have asked me to assign a regent to your holdings there. Family duty may
wind up conflicting with the orders Gowron gives me."

Miriah shot him a look. "I know how that will go. That's fine with me. I'm
certain that Kazak has it all under control. What about Snokel of Last
Chance Colony? What about the survivors of the Ascension?"

"The Vulcan is not my problem." Martok said. "As for the survivors of your
Klingon ship, bring them with you."

"Bring them with me?" Miriah asked.

"I want you to command one of my ships, Miriah." Martok said.

"Don't make any irrevocable decisions yet, Commander." Admiral Picard put

"Starfleet wants to offer me a command?" Miriah said.

"Nothing is settled yet, but we're leaning that way, yes." Picard smiled.

"Bah! Picard you sneak thief. Perhaps I should challenge you for her.."
Martok growled in mock anger.

"Only if I can name Worf as my champion." Picard said. "Commander. We'll let
you know more as soon as the issue is decided."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Don't thank me, you've earned it." Picard said.

"Indeed. Enjoy your moment in the sun, Miriah." Martok said.


"They've offered me a command." Miriah said to Mitchell. She worried what
would become of him without her to take care of him and the Endeavor.

"I know. I've recommended you for command of Endeavor." Mitchell said.

"You're moving on?" Miriah said. She couldn't picture Mitchell anywhere but
the Bridge of a starship.

"I realized during this last trip that I'm not really doing what comes
natural for me." Mitchell explained. "I joined Starfleet because my family
had that as a tradition. I ignored what Selak gave me. I suppose I was a
little upset at him for being killed."

"Selak, wasn't he..."

"He was the captain of the Ranger. He accepted me as a ward of the ship when
he really didn't have to. He adopted me in ways I wasn't clearly aware of
until the Vulcans rubbed my nose in it." Mitchell said.

"But to leave Starfleet?" Miriah was shocked. In the culture of Starfleet
leaving the service was tantamount to the end of living.

"Who said I'm leaving Starfleet?" Mitchell asked. "Not at all. I just wanted
to give back some of what Selak gave me. I'm taking a teaching post at the

Miriah shook her head. To leave a starship command to go teach at the
Academy? Mitchell did look comfortable with the decision. "What will you be
teaching there?"

"I will command the Excelsior." Mitchell said, proudly.

Miriah nodded. Who better but a Captain just in from the field to command
the Academy's traditional training vessel? "Good luck," she smiled.

"You, too, Miriah. The center seat is what we all aim for, but sometimes
it's no fun at all." Mitchell rubbed his neck where the Klingon assassin cut

"You've been a good Captain, Kevin. I am honored to have served with you."
Miriah said.

"Get out of here before you start me crying." Mitchell grinned. His eyes did
look a little glassy.


"Miriah, there is something we must discuss." Kevas said. He was the
Endeavor's half Betazoid counselor.

"What is that, Kevas?" Miriah didn't want to discuss anything important. She
was waiting for the other shoe to drop with her proposed command of the

"I am leaving the Endeavor." Kevas said.

Miriah rolled over and looked at him. Sadness welled up in her. "Why?" She

"I will go to Earth to serve with Captain Mitchell on the Excelsior. When I
return I will be qualified to be your second in command." Kevas said.

Miriah sniffed a little. "Oh. You really want to serve with me? You want to
be my First Officer?"

"Nothing less important would draw me away." Kevas said looking into her

Miriah stared back. "I'm going to miss you."

"And I you."

Miriah thought about it. "Let's make our relationship official."

Kevas said. "All right. How?"

"Well there's the Klingon style, the Orion style and the Betazoid style."
Miriah counted off.

"How do the Orions become mates?" Kevas asked.

"They don't officially. How do Betazoids do it?"

"For Betazoid weddings, everyone is naked." Kevas said.

"Really?" Miriah pictured it.

"Yes. It's an old joke that at a Betazoid wedding everyone can see who the
best man is."

Miriah guffawed.

Kevas stood up. He took a deep breath and shouted the Klingon marriage oath.
Miriah rolled onto her knees on the bed in her quarters. Her replies were
equally loud.

When they were finished, they made love again. Miriah lay in Kevas' arms for
a long time. She was filled with joy at being officially mated. Fear for
what it might mean for the future. Sadness at the fact that Kevas would be
going away. Joy again at the certainty that he would return.


"Lady Miriah, may I ask a question?" Patton asked.

"Certainly, Patton." Miriah said.

"Will you stay here in the Federation or return to your holdings in the
Sagittarius arm?"

Miriah sighed. "I'm not sure, yet.'

"I wish to stay with you." Patton said.

"You're needed back at New Klinzai, Patton." Miriah said.

"I gave my oath to serve you. It doesn't matter where you go. I am your
first Warrior. I'll stay." Patton said firmly.

Miriah sighed. "All right."

Patton grinned. "You won't regret it, Lady."

"Maybe. Are you sure you won't?"


Alpha found Miriah. "May I ask your help?"

Miriah briefly ran though a mental checklist. The Green Orions who had been
rescued from slavery in the Great Orion Empire were much fewer, now. Telos,
Alpha's chief rival for power had taken a ship to Earth as soon as they
docked at Starbase Twenty Four. Only a handful of Greens remained with the
Endeavor, among them Alpha and Zorn.

Miriah thought that Alpha and the rest of the Greens would do very well on
Nissus, the multiracial Vulcan Colony. It was Miriah's home world. She had
great faith in the tolerance of the people of Nissus. "Certainly, Alpha.
What can I help you with?"

Alpha placed a PADD in front of Miriah. "Please advise me."

Miriah picked up the PADD and read. It was a business proposal. Alpha wanted
to take over the lounge of the USS Endeavor and run it. The idea wasn't
unprecedented. Several of the bigger starships had privately run lounges. It
gave the ship a better sense of identity and community. But a Green Orion
running it? Miriah grinned ruefully to herself. She thought that the
Admiralty would bust a gut and override her decision. Miriah altered a few
of the details, while explaining to Alpha "I don't know what ship I'll be
commanding, but whichever one it is, you're in."

"You will command a starship?" Alpha asked.

"That's the rumor." Miriah said. "Captain Mitchell has taken a post teaching
cadets at Starfleet Academy."

"Hmmm. Thank you. I would like to go with you. But now I must go find
Captain Mitchell and tell him good bye." Alpha rose.

"I think he would enjoy that." Miriah smirked.

Alpha sighed. "The damage the Klingon assassin did reduced his physical
energy. But we appreciate what he did for us, and so I want to let him know

"I think he'll enjoy that." Miriah said more seriously.


Miriah's terminal rang with an incoming message. Miriah was already there
working on the huge amount of record keeping that operating a starship
required. Computers could handle most of it, but at critical points people
had to review the process and make sure that no errors were cropping up.

Miriah keyed the new message. It was a notification from Starfleet Command
that she was promoted to Captain. Miriah looked at the simple notification
and shuddered briefly. The promotion to flag rank meant that she was now a
potential policy maker and ambassador for the Federation. Whatever happened
now, Miriah's life would never be the same.

Miriah wondered what she would do next.


Admiral Picard's transport was getting ready to leave for Earth. Miriah and
the crew of the Endeavor were there saying good-bye to the people who would
be leaving.

Captain Mitchell was getting the lion's share of the good-byes and
affection. Paul Durango, the former Chief Science Officer of the Endeavor
was retiring. He secretly felt that the last several years with the Endeavor
had used up his life's supply of good luck and he didn't want to push his
luck any further. Enrico Watabe was there, speaking with people and smiling,
a strange habit that he'd picked up since having his mind altered by
telepathic invasion.

You're leaving Mr. Watabe?" Miriah asked. She was sure that Watabe was one
of the people they'd have to carry away from Starfleet in a bag.

"Yes." He said. "I too have agreed to take a teaching position on Earth."

"I thought you'd stay in space until they made you come home." Miriah said.

"Well, my outlook on matters has changed drastically. I no longer have
anything to prove. It's time for me to move on with my personal life and
relax a little." Watabe said thoughtfully.

"Well good luck to you." Miriah said. She didn't like Watabe, but oddly she
was sorry to see him go.

"You know, I never really liked you before." Watabe said.

"Really?" Miriah said. It wasn't news.

"Now that I think about it, all the reasons that I had for not liking you
actually make you very likable." Watabe grinned. "You were right about the
Green Orions."

"Thank you, Enrico. That means a lot to me." Miriah said quietly. "We'll
miss your touch as Tactical Officer."

"That's all right. You'll be able to find some other gung ho maniac, I'm
sure. Soon I'll be training them and then everyone will benefit." Watabe

Admiral Picard broke in. "I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen. It's time."

The last of the people stepped on the transporter pad. "Energize." Picard
said. They sparkled away.


Miriah met General Martok in a secure meeting room on the Starbase.

"Captain Katasai reporting as ordered, Sir." Miriah said. She was still
trying to get used to her new rank.

"I wanted to show you a new Klingon ship. This is all confidential and not
to be discussed outside of this room. Starfleet Command already knows of
this ship, so don't worry about that. Tell me you won't discuss this."
Martok said.

"On my honor, I will not discuss it." Miriah said.

Martok nodded. "Fine. Computer, display file Martok One."

The computer replied. "That file is restricted. Please identify."

"Martok, Begagh Chu!" Martok yelled.

"Identity confirmed." The Computer said. A hologram appeared over the
conference table.

Miriah recognized the basic outline of a Klingon starship. It was a flat
wedge shape, with the usual Klingon neck forward and main body aft. It was
all in a single plane. Miriah looked closely. It was not nearly as large as
the last two new Klingon ship types. It was about 300 meters long, and would
weigh 220,000 metric tons. The new ship would carry approximately 300 crew
people. It would be able to cruise as fast as the Endeavor. It had new
engines based on the latest Federation technology. It's weapons and shields
were similarly advanced. So were its research labs. It had extensive support

The ship was not a battle cruiser, although it would serve well in that
role. Miriah realized that she was looking at a Klingon exploration cruiser.
She whistled with appreciation. It would be three or four times as expensive
as a K'Vort class battle cruiser or a K't'inga class ship.

"This is the newest class of Klingon ship. He is a Dagger class cruiser."
Martok said.

"Why are you showing me this?" Miriah asked suspiciously.

"The mission specifications for the Dagger class are closer to your
Starfleet ships than a Bird of Prey. I have many fine commanders for Birds
of Prey. How will they handle an exploration ship?" Martok said.

"Um, I'm sure you could find someone..." Miriah prompted.

"Probably, but I want you." Martok said. "Your training and background make
you uniquely suited to command this ship."

"What would they say on Qo'noS?" Miriah asked.

Martok looked troubled. "There would be some controversy at first. The first
of a new class of ship should go to a well regarded war hero. However, the
Dagger is not solely a warship. Your battles have been recorded in our
family archives. They will stand any scrutiny. Together we could force them
to accept you."

"I am already accepted here in the Federation." Miriah said. "Not that I'm
not tempted, General, truly. I've been fighting a long time. I'm up for a
command of a starship. You're asking a lot to re-fight that battle again."

Martok grimaced. "I have offered you a great honor Miriah! You won't get a
chance like this again!"

"I brought you the holdings of House Katasai with no questions asked! Don't
talk down to me, General!" Miriah snapped.

Martok took a deep breath. "You're right. You are not a junior member of our
family any more. You are the Senior Female. But don't overestimate your
support in the Federation. Admiral Picard had to return to Earth to fight
for your command assignment. They don't want you to command a starship

"General you're promising me a lot, but you haven't even built the Dagger,
yet have you?" Miriah asked.

Martok rolled his eyes. "No. The Dagger was begun last month. It will take
at least another year to complete."

"Well, I'll tell you what. I'll take whatever assignment that Starfleet
hands me. When the Dagger is finished, then you come back and talk to me
then. If Starfleet has short changed me, then I'm yours." Miriah said.

"You speak like a Ferengi making deals and offering conditions!" Martok

"This is not about deals. It's about my honor!" Miriah yelled. "You wouldn't
be interested in offering me the Dagger if I hadn't served on the Endeavor
first. I would never have had the chance to join your service at all, except
that Starfleet gave me the chance first! I owe it to them to give them first
refusal for my services! Call it what you want!"

Martok glared. After a few moments he relented. "You're right. I'll give
Starfleet their fair chance. After they put an Earther in command of the
ship you have earned, then we'll speak again."

Miriah smiled. "Thank you, General." She sincerely hoped he wouldn't be
proven right.


The Klingons gathered the survivors of the Ascension and Snokel of the
Vulcan colony of Last Chance. They prepared and sent a large cruiser through
the Delta Sector Wormhole. It was not heard from again. The Klingons next
sent a battle group of five starships through the Vortex. None of these
ships was ever heard from again.

In the end another Klingon ship was outfitted as a sleeper ship and given
the fast Federation engines. With Vulcan advisors for Last Chance and a crew
of Klingons in cold sleep the ship set out for the distant region. No one
would know what happened for at least six years.


Miriah was still assigned as the executive officer for the Endeavor. For the
next month she oversaw a refit of the ship.

Then one day, Admiral Grayson, the commander of the starbase came to see

"Captain Katasai, I have your new assignment." Green said.

"Sir." Miriah came to attention. "Ready for orders."

"You're to make the Endeavor ready and take her out on patrol.
Congratulations, Miriah. You're a starship captain!" Green reached out and
shook her hand.

"I'll need a First Officer." Miriah said.

"Your new First Officer and Chief of Security are on their way here, now.
We'll promote Joe-The-Scan to be your Chief Science Officer if you think
he's ready."

"Joe will do fine, Admiral. I already have a Chief of Security and

"Really? I thought Mr. Watabe had returned to Earth." Green sounded puzzled.

"My new security Chief is a Klingon Exchange Officer. His name is Warrior
Patton." Miriah said.

Grayson looked uncomfortable. "Uh, a Klingon national as a Chief of
Security? Is that wise?"

"Patton has sworn loyalty to me. His honor is at stake. I don't know if
you've dealt with Klingons enough to know what a powerful motivation that
can be for them."

Grayson shook his head. "I know. But I'm not sure what Starfleet Command is
going to say."

"We'll find out how much of a Captain they'll let me be." Miriah said.

"I'm going to soft soap this for a while. Admiral Picard had to work hard to
get you into the center seat. I'm going to try and keep you quiet for a
while." Grayson said.

"Well, you're the Admiral." Miriah said.

"Please don't make me regret it." Green asked.


"Captain Katasai?" The man was medium height, had a rugged face and brown

"Yes Commander?"

"I'm William Stroud. I'm your new First officer." He introduced.

"Pleased to meet you, Commander Stroud." Miriah shook his hand. "Let's get

"Aye, Sir." Stroud said.


The Endeavor undocked from Starbase Twenty-Four and continued on her way.


Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
MSNIM - jayphailey ;
AIM -jayphailey03;
ICQ - 37959005

"Have fun storming the castle!" - Miracle Max

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