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OT: Jerry Brown for Gov

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The Inconvenient Truth

09.06.2010, 18:34:5509.06.10
Jerry Brown came into office after the Ronald
Reagan disaster and brought a halt to Reagan's wasteful spending and
taxing. Brown closed up the brand new fancy mansion Reagan had built
for himself and sold it. Jerry Brown was the last
California Governor to balance a budget without raising taxes.
California needs Jerry Brown. Go Jerry Go.


09.06.2010, 19:18:2609.06.10
On Jun 9, 3:34 pm, The Inconvenient Truth

I believe he will win. He spent time with Mother Teresa serving the
poor. he's anti death penalty from what i know about him.


09.06.2010, 21:44:0409.06.10
On Jun 9, 3:34 pm, The Inconvenient Truth
<> wrote:

I am all for recycling, however, where politicians are concerned I am
only interested in recycling them if the word mulch is involved.

The Inconvenient Truth

09.06.2010, 22:34:1109.06.10
NZDude wrote:

well, that's a bit much don't you think? But I get the sentiment. There
are a few goods lawmakers out there, doing what they were elected to do.

I think the bigger problem is the corrrupt way our political sysytem has
been operating for years,

The Inconvenient Truth

09.06.2010, 22:35:0609.06.10
miss9er wrote:

I hope he wins. We need more people like Brown willing to step up and do
what's right for everyone, and not just the special interests.

John Walsh

09.06.2010, 23:19:5409.06.10

Governor Moombeam isn't going to balance the budget this time around.
He might reduce the deficit a bit, but it's going to be more about the
economy picking up than it is about selling off useless government
property, which wouldn't make a small dent in the current problem.

The Inconvenient Truth

09.06.2010, 23:30:4609.06.10
John Walsh wrote:

I think that the days of business as usual are coming to an end. That
said, you might be surprised at what Brown might do, once elected. It's
sad that all republicans can come up with are two bit actors who do an
equally bad job at pretending to be governors, such as Reagan did and
the Gropinator© is doing. And just as bad, are the republican voters who
repeatedly put these morons in office.

My best advice to you?
Never agree to karaoke Frank Sinatra's "My Way" in a Filipino Bar.

© Bozak


09.06.2010, 23:33:4709.06.10

"The Inconvenient Truth" <> wrote in
message news:hupm96$67t$

Brown wanted to be a Catholic Priest (from Wikipaedia)


09.06.2010, 23:58:5209.06.10
On Jun 9, 8:19 pm, John Walsh <> wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Jun 2010 22:34:55 +0000 (UTC), The Inconvenient Truth

I don't think the budget will ever be balanced but Moonbeam will
restore some of the programs taken away from
a lot of the disabled people. That means something will have to be
taken from someplace else.


10.06.2010, 12:57:5010.06.10

And that is the entire problem in a nutshell. CA has been entitlement
central for a long time. And that is fine when the economy is such
that we can afford to show so much generosity that it is not impacting
the government's ability to deliver on its jobs (security/policing,
education, etc). At this time however, we cannot afford entitlement
programs. We cannot afford that same level of generosity. Whom-so-
ever gets the job next is going to have to face the reality that
massive cuts to entitlement programs are needed. They will likely
have to enter true bare knuckle negotiations with several State
Employees unions because they cannot currently afford the ongoing
legacy costs for retirees (both state workers and legislators) who
retire with like 90% pay and 100% benefits. These are not nice
things, or necessarily even fair things, but they are real things that
must be done.

The truth is were California a private concern, we would be foreclosed
on and all the state's assets would be under the gavel at an auction
house to pay some part of our debt back to our creditors. Yes things
really are that bad. Last year the state and many municipalities made
the "easy" cuts and cities like SF exhausted their "rainy-day funds"
to avoid any more painful cuts to services. This year the state, in
spite of all the cuts is still running over a 25 billion dollar
deficit. Simply put they must make the hard choices and cut
entitlements or they must face statewide bankruptcy. Our bonds are no
longer rated and are not selling, short of selling assets like state
park lands, they have no way to make up this money.
This is no longer a Democrat v Republican issue. This is a full
bankruptcy v Economic survival issue.


10.06.2010, 12:58:0110.06.10
On Jun 9, 7:34 pm, The Inconvenient Truth

I agree the biggest problem is the corruption that permeates all
levels of our political system.


11.06.2010, 01:16:4511.06.10
In article
NZDude <> wrote:

When the alternative is Meg Whitman.

Or worse, Carly Fiorina ...

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