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Kordell plays the race card

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Todd Klondike

Jan 3, 2002, 12:25:59 AM1/3/02
Have you seen the ESPN magazine article on Stewart? He and his old man play
the race card. I always knew it would happen. Kordell is not a man, he is a
BLACK man. He is not a quarterback, he is a BLACK quarterback. And his dad
is not a fan in the stands, he is a BLACK man in the stands afraid of the
white Steeler fans.

What a bunch of shit. Kordell and his old man can kiss my ass. He sucks and
will choke hard down this stretch, and cost us yet again. We will NEVER win
it all with this race fucker at the helm.

And read the article. His teammates think he is a FAGGOT of epic


Jan 3, 2002, 8:53:44 AM1/3/02
Well, then I am a BLACK fan, dammit. Not only that, but I think many of those
Steelers are homos who were hopeful about getting some KS. Especially Dewayne
Washington, what the hell is that fairy doing talking about a real man like KS
being gay. What a farce.

In article <>, Todd Klondike says...


Jan 3, 2002, 9:07:58 AM1/3/02
well firs tof all todd, you sound like a racist, and if you really was reading
with your eyes open his father was saying when the steelers fans booed
kordell, he was upset but what could he do... he wa sjust simply one black man,
he wasn't trying to highlight the black isue, but you have to understand his
father is from the deep south lousiana(sp) so it's kinda natural for him to
refer himself to being a black man. @ns point, kordell's teammates did not say
he was gay, they said once they heard the rumors they didn't know either way
becasue kordell was so private of a person, and didn't hang with anyone on the
team back in those days, but kordell cleared the air at a team meeting about

it's people like you with twisted comments tht's the problem in the first place

Ryde or Die...2002

Aunt Barb

Jan 3, 2002, 9:22:42 AM1/3/02
"Todd Klondike" <> wrote in message news:<>...

I can't say that I blame him. It is not easy being a gay, black
quarterback in Pennsatucky. I could only imagine the comments coming
out of the stands.

Todd Klondike

Jan 3, 2002, 11:23:32 AM1/3/02
Great. But WHITE fans are the ones paying the bills. Just ask Kordell's dad,
who was just one BLACK man in a sea of WHITE fans. And Dewayne Washington is
a class act, a class person, and a decently intelligent man. Kordell is an
idiot of extremely low intellect, and he can't even remember the plays in
this simplified dumbed-down offense (hence embarrassing wrist bands after
all these years).

Kordell always wanted to play the racecard. And now he has done it, and now
you show your true separatist colors. Good. Be a BLACK man. For me, I am a
man. Plain and simple.

"Burglebuck" <> wrote in message

Todd Klondike

Jan 3, 2002, 11:30:21 AM1/3/02
I sound like a racist? After what these men said? They open up the race
can-of-worms, and it is me who is the racist? Are you joking? And how can
you say that Kordell's dad was not trying to highlight the race issue when
he said what he said. He said he could do nothing because he "was only one
BLACK man" which implies that he could do a lot if there were LOTS of black
men. This clearly indicates that he thought he could make a race issue out
of it, as if to say "you only hate Kordell because he is BLACK and we big
bad black men are going to kick your ass for that." But being outnumbered by
so many white oppressors, he had to just sit and listen.

And as far as Kordell's teammates not believing he was gay and simply
hearing the rumors, that is bullshit. They were the SOURCE of the rumors.
Why else would Kordell ask them to not propagate the rumors?

The article also states what a bad locker room influence he has been over
the years. And it is clear that the gay issue was huge. This guy's
personality permeated the team. They wanted to cut him, but the cap hit was
too high. He had a pussy bad attitude, acted like a homo, played the race
card, and treated others with lack of courtesy.

It was worse than I ever thought.

"A.B." <> wrote in message


Jan 3, 2002, 1:05:08 PM1/3/02
"Todd Klondike" <> wrote in message news:<>...

I really feel bad for a guy who is so full of hate that he can't enjoy
his team having one of the best seasons you could ever hope to see.

Pravin Ratnam

Jan 3, 2002, 6:31:40 PM1/3/02
Kordell may have been guilty of whining. But I don't think the race card has
been played. Kordell also says that this is the same town that booed
bradshaw and others, so he is not implying he is any different in terms of
receiving that criticism. His father stated a very valid scenario he found
himself in. He did not say Kordell's critics were racist. he merely said he
found it uncomfortable saying anything when you had a bunch of white guys in
the room at one time. And when he said white, I don't think he meant a bunch
of white computer programmers. You know the type, there are rednecks among
the fans who speak like they would fit in better in the south. THey may not
be overtly racist either. But it can be intimidating to be in a room full of
them even when things are going fine. And most of my friends are white.
Imagine how it feels for a black man from Louisiana. Unless you are non-
white, it is tough to explain the feeling. While the Kordell family needs to
develop a thick skin regarding criticism, you have to a fool to think they
have not heard one racist comment. Sometimes it is tough to separate
emotionally the valid criticism from the racist shit. And I think that is
what happened in the case of Kordell's dad.

Just look at this newsgroup. I am not referring to the regular Kordell
critics like Brian Allen who havn't used racial rhetoric. But there have
been trolls spewing all kinds of racist crap over the years under fake
names. NOw imagine if just 10% of the fans said racist stuff in the real
world. That 10% is enough to sting people and get defensive. When you throw
beer on Kordell, there is a racial component because you are not viewing
that person as just an overpaid superstar. How many white players have had
stuff thrown at them in pittsburgh?? Stuff was thrown when either BOnds or
Bonilla came back, i Forget which one. Dave Parker had batteries thrown at
him. I am not black, but I am not white(indian origin) and I used to feel
uncomfortable if I felt like coming up with a dissenting opinion in bars
where every person was a white, some bordering on redneck. I was told to
wear a Gandhi cap in one New Castle place(i am never going back to that
piece of shit town).

If there is anything that reflects on Kordell negatively, it was his cliched
" i dont believe in Adam and Steve, but Adam and Eve" comment. There is no
need to be homophobic when you want to assert your straightness.
What if Kordell has a gay WR, wouldn't Kordell want that guy's privacy
respected just like he wanted to be understood for being different from his
teammates in the past. All he had to say was he was straight and any gay
rumor was bullshit.

"Todd Klondike" <> wrote in message


Jan 3, 2002, 11:17:42 PM1/3/02
"Pravin Ratnam" <> wrote in message news:<wR5Z7.2513$>...

> Kordell may have been guilty of whining. But I don't think the race card has
> been played. Kordell also says that this is the same town that booed
> bradshaw and others, so he is not implying he is any different in terms of
> receiving that criticism. His father stated a very valid scenario he found
> himself in. He did not say Kordell's critics were racist. he merely said he
> found it uncomfortable saying anything when you had a bunch of white guys in
> the room at one time. And when he said white, I don't think he meant a bunch
> of white computer programmers. You know the type, there are rednecks among
> the fans who speak like they would fit in better in the south. THey may not
> be overtly racist either. But it can be intimidating to be in a room full of
> them even when things are going fine. And most of my friends are white.
> Imagine how it feels for a black man from Louisiana. Unless you are non-
> white, it is tough to explain the feeling. While the Kordell family needs to
> develop a thick skin regarding criticism, you have to a fool to think they
> have not heard one racist comment. Sometimes it is tough to separate
> emotionally the valid criticism from the racist shit. And I think that is
> what happened in the case of Kordell's dad.

Well said. It's one thing to curse at a player because you think they
suck (and I'm not breaking any news when I say he was awful for the
better part of 3 seasons), but so much of the treatment I saw directed
at Kordell Stewart was intensely personal and, yes, racially
motivated. James Baldwin (not the White Sox pitcher!) wrote about the
need for African-Americans to put the injustices (real and perceived)
behind them rather than let it fuel them with hate, and ultimately
defeat them. While I have felt that Kordell has displayed immaturity
at times in his career, I do respect him tremendously for having a
like philosophy. I like to think I could do the same, but I'm not so

> Just look at this newsgroup. I am not referring to the regular Kordell
> critics like Brian Allen who havn't used racial rhetoric. But there have
> been trolls spewing all kinds of racist crap over the years under fake
> names. NOw imagine if just 10% of the fans said racist stuff in the real
> world. That 10% is enough to sting people and get defensive. When you throw
> beer on Kordell, there is a racial component because you are not viewing
> that person as just an overpaid superstar. How many white players have had
> stuff thrown at them in pittsburgh?? Stuff was thrown when either BOnds or
> Bonilla came back, i Forget which one. Dave Parker had batteries thrown at
> him.

I don't condone fans behaving in such a manner. In fact, I believe
people who do throw stuff from the stands should have season ticket
privileges immediately revoked and be prosecuted to the full extent of
the law. Having said that, I'm not so sure that guys like Bonds,
Bonilla, and Parker were singled out due to their race. As a lifelong
Pirates fan, I've seen more than a few stars leave town due to the
limited financial resources of this small market team. As frustrating
as that is, I would be appreciative of some of these guys showing at
least some degree of understanding for the Pirates' position. I would
have had a world of respect for Bonds or Bonilla if they would have
just said something to the effect of "I would love to stay here, but
the New York Mets (in Bonds case, the San Francisco Giants) are able
to pay me far more than the Pirates and, frankly, I want to make as
much money as possible. It's unfortunate that the league is set up in
such a way that some teams can't retain their own players, but I
understand the Pittsburgh Pirates' position." Do you know what I'm
saying? I really feel that if these guys would just level with the
fans and left with some grace it could have been different, and maybe
we could have taken some enjoyment over Barry Bonds' post-Bucco
success. Instead, we resent these guys and boo vociferously every
time we hear their names--but I don't think it's at all a racial
thing. Jaromir Jagr should be proof of the fact that white guys get
booed when they return to Pittsburgh as well. Of course, that's just
my opinion, I could be wrong. As for Parker, he was stuffing his
nasal passages with Colombian marching powder when the Pirates were
filling his wallet.

>I am not black, but I am not white(indian origin) and I used to feel
> uncomfortable if I felt like coming up with a dissenting opinion in bars
> where every person was a white, some bordering on redneck. I was told to
> wear a Gandhi cap in one New Castle place(i am never going back to that
> piece of shit town).

I'm sorry you had that experience. There are rednecks throughout the
country, and Pittsburgh is no different.

> If there is anything that reflects on Kordell negatively, it was his cliched
> " i dont believe in Adam and Steve, but Adam and Eve" comment. There is no
> need to be homophobic when you want to assert your straightness.
> What if Kordell has a gay WR, wouldn't Kordell want that guy's privacy
> respected just like he wanted to be understood for being different from his
> teammates in the past. All he had to say was he was straight and any gay
> rumor was bullshit.

Yeah, it is unfortunate that one has to take this tact to defend one's
own heterosexuality. I have had friends and colleagues throughout my
life who were homosexuals and I would hate to disrespect them. And
yet, heterosexual men really abhor the thought that others may think
that they are gay--and I'm no different, I'll admit. How many of us
have heard the Kordell rumors? It always starts with "my second
cousin's boyfriend's uncle is a Pittsburgh cop and he heard..." (or
something equally ridiculous) and usually has Kordell in some sort of
compromising position with a person of the same sex. What garbage.
How would you like these things said about you? I agree that
homophobia is equally disgusting, but I could understand being
frustrated and making a statement such as Kordell made. Then again,
if I were a superstar athlete and was single, I probably would quell
any such rumors by hooking up with Julie Bologna and/or Susan Barnett!


Jan 4, 2002, 12:13:21 AM1/4/02
>>Having said that, I'm not so sure that guys like Bonds, Bonilla, and Parker
were singled out due to their race.<<

I agree. They were not.

Parker was bashed for being a coke fiend in his final Pittsburgh years.

Bonds and Bonilla for being jerks, and I don't know which one said it (I think
Bonds), but one of them made it a point to say that the Pirates gave WHITE Andy
Van Slyke a new contract and they didn't get one.

Tom Barrasso (a WHITE American hockey player) has been hated in Pittsburgh for
years by both fans and media as well.

Russ Steele

Jan 4, 2002, 2:21:37 AM1/4/02

On 4 Jan 2002, KeithJFro wrote:

> Bonds and Bonilla for being jerks, and I don't know which one said it (I think
> Bonds), but one of them made it a point to say that the Pirates gave WHITE Andy
> Van Slyke a new contract and they didn't get one.

Actually, I think (but am not 100% sure) that it was Bonds who implied
that the Pirates gave the "Great White Hope" a big contract but not
*Bonilla* (which doesn't change the reverse-discriminatory nature of the
comment, but does make it a bit less self-serving). In other words, Bonds
was trying to stick up for his friend Bonilla by implying that Bonilla was
a better player than AVS, merely less white.

Pravin Ratnam

Jan 4, 2002, 2:49:58 AM1/4/02
But did anyone throw beer at Barasso on the ice??
((Barfights do not count)
"KeithJFro" <> wrote in message

Todd Klondike

Jan 4, 2002, 3:03:21 AM1/4/02
Ratman, are you Osama?

"Pravin Ratnam" <> wrote in message

Jan 4, 2002, 5:04:22 PM1/4/02
Guys like Todd are fire breathing racists. They try to force black
people to remove color from their life. They dont like to see black
people succeed in life. They only want black uncle toms. Black Guys that
worship white people and hate their own race. Todd, I love the fact that
you hate Kordell. Just knowing that he pisses you off makes me happy.
Guess what, Todd. The NFL will continue to draft these black QBs that
refer to themselves as such. Kordell is a black Qb. There is nothing you
can do to change that. It makes me very happy that he upsets racist
whites. Only a racist white would dislike a black man calling himself

Jan 4, 2002, 5:05:27 PM1/4/02


Jan 4, 2002, 10:40:36 PM1/4/02
Ok, I've been gone from the Burgh for over 20 yrs. Whos are these

"Anon69" <> wrote in message > frustrated and making a


Jan 5, 2002, 5:40:30 AM1/5/02
"John" <> wrote in message news:<%yuZ7.371867$>...

> Ok, I've been gone from the Burgh for over 20 yrs. Whos are these
> women...:)?

News babes. Julie Bologna is a weather chick on WPXI
( Susan
Barnett, a former Miss Pennsylvania, is an anchor at KDKA-TV

Jan 6, 2002, 4:18:08 AM1/6/02
Kordell is a black man playing Quarterback in the NFL. He was born black
and he will die black. If Peyton Manning refers to himself as a White
Quarterback he would be telling the truth. The only racist in the NG is
Todd and he is trying to use racist republican nonsense to harm Kordell.

Mike P

Jan 6, 2002, 9:04:19 AM1/6/02
I agree with you that Klondike is full of nonsense. I agree that Kordell can
refer to himself as a black man without it being "the race card." But
please, do not equate Todd Klondike, resident troll, with the Republican
party. Give me a break.

As for your comment about Manning, I'm afraid I disagree there too. If
Peyton said "I'm a white quarterback," there would be a lot of people who
would make a big deal about it, speculating on what he meant by it, how he
really feels about non-whites, etc. Now, in this case I think Kordell was
referring to the fact that he DOES get a lot of crap directed his way
because of his color. It's BS, but it happens, and he has to live with it,
so his comment was appropriate (IMO). Peyton has no reason to point out that
he's a white man.

Mike P.

<> wrote in message


Jan 7, 2002, 12:31:04 PM1/7/02
Robert Byrd was in the KKK...he's a Democrat. All of those scumbag
southerners who went after blacks in the 60's were Democrats.

Go eff yourself with your race baiting bullshit.

Derek Davison

Jan 7, 2002, 12:32:03 PM1/7/02
--On Monday, January 07, 2002 5:31 PM +0000 benrand
<> wrote:

> Robert Byrd was in the KKK...he's a Democrat. All of those scumbag
> southerners who went after blacks in the 60's were Democrats.

Not all. See Strom Thurmond.


Jan 7, 2002, 1:55:20 PM1/7/02
After Stewart stood in front of his teamates and said it was "Adam and
Eve, not Steve" that gay issue was dropped. Also not having his
teammates support him? Didn't it mention him having a party and a bunch
of his teammates showing up.
As for the race card who cares dead issue. his dad may of used it but he
didn't White or Black he is a Steeler

97+92+55+50=NO GAIN

New Mexico Mike

Jan 8, 2002, 9:46:37 AM1/8/02
Strom *was* a Dem, switched over in '64...

"Who Ride? We Ride!"

Derek Davison

Jan 8, 2002, 10:40:30 AM1/8/02
--On Tuesday, January 08, 2002 2:46 PM +0000 New Mexico Mike
<> wrote:

> Strom *was* a Dem, switched over in '64...

He was a Dixiecrat when he switched as I recall. Not quite the same thing.

Homer Simpson

Jan 10, 2002, 9:55:16 PM1/10/02

<> wrote in message

You are the racist here. I thought you disappeared last year ? Don't you
realize no one wants to hear your drivel ? Why does every post you make have
to be a race issue ? Don't you know how to talk football you buttonhead ?


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