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You're A Loser, Charlie Brown

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Sep 11, 2004, 6:38:37 PM9/11/04
If Dave Wannstedt were to fly a kite, it would wind itself around the only
tree on the planet.

He is the Charlie Brown of the NFL.

Everything he touches gets ruined.

I used to believe that it was just a matter of time - that Wannstedt would
eventually find his groove and use his years of NFL experience and basic
good sense to produce a team we could be proud to watch. There is no such
thing as a born loser.


Yet... after five years of Dave, I now find myself actually being glad I
wasn't able watch the opening game of the season because the team played so
damn badly... 14 penalties? Three interceptions? Jay Fiedler didn't even
last the whole game before Wannstedt was booed into making the change he did
not have the balls to make without help from the crowd.

Life is so screwed up with this team that you need a Palm Pilot just to keep
track of all the things that have gone wrong over the last 9 months. If we
fans ever detect even a tiny air hole that allows us a sip of fresh air,
Wannstedt and his Peanuts gang will always manage to plug it shut in short

But Wannstedt CAN'T be Charlie Brown...

If Dave Wannstedt were Charlie Brown, you'd expect that he'd seize the
chance to acquire a promising but troubled player - but since nothing ever
works out for Charlie Brown - we'd soon learn that the player was never
without his security blanket and that he still sucked his thumb. That's
why we have SAD Ricky Williams winning the rushing title one year and then
just vanishing in a cloud of reefer smoke.

But Charlie Brown is also a moron....

When Charlie Brown allows Lucy to hold the football, we all think he should
know better. Yet Dave relied on a proven head case to fill a critical
roster need so he could ignore that position in the draft. Anyone not
wearing rose colored glasses knows that the ball wasn't going to be there
when Charlie arrived to kick it... yet Wannstedt tried to act surprised
when Boston blew out a knee while just running down the field and was lost
for the season....

Charlie Brown is a loser. He's a guy who never can catch a break. He's
also a guy who just makes dumb choices. Like when a franchise that has
consistently ranked at the top of the category fires it's special teams
coach - ostensibly because one of Dave's buddies needed a job. Well
asshole, there goes another air hole.

Who has time or patience to recapitulate the miserably long list of things
that have gone wrong for this team in the Wannstedt era? Better question:
Has anything gone right?

Fair or unfair, right or wrong, there are some people who simply attract bad
luck in much the same manner as a light will attract bugs. It would not
surprise me to learn that the name Wannstedt is actual from some old German
word that meant "loser who makes toilet seats."

Two years - no playoffs.

Two years - losing the home opener.

Dave just keeps racking up the records.


Ursa Major

Sep 11, 2004, 7:02:17 PM9/11/04
Being a Bears fan, and knowing how Bear fans felt under Wanny's oppressive
rule, I've copied and pasted your comments to the Bears newsgroup, Euph.
Great post, BTW.

I trolled here under a different name many moons ago when Wanny went to the
Fins. I now would like to take the oppurtunity to apologize for my misguided
efforts to fuck with you and other Dolphin fans, who seem to be good people
for the most part.

I really feel sorry for you guys. It'll take years to correct the wrongs
that Wanny has visited upon your once great team.

"eüphemism" <eü> wrote in message

Tim Lines

Sep 11, 2004, 7:56:09 PM9/11/04
eüphemism wrote:
> If Dave Wannstedt were to fly a kite, it would wind itself around the only
> tree on the planet.
> He is the Charlie Brown of the NFL.

But I LIKE Charlie Brown, and I don't like Wannstedt. See, when Charlie
Brown fucks up, he knows he fucked up. He doesn't blame anyone else.
He just stands there feeling like a sap. Wannstedt, on the other hand,
is a victim.

You've complimented Wannstedt with your comparison.



Remove CLOTHES to reply


Sep 11, 2004, 7:59:49 PM9/11/04

"Ursa Major" <> wrote in message

> Being a Bears fan, and knowing how Bear fans felt under Wanny's oppressive
> rule, I've copied and pasted your comments to the Bears newsgroup, Euph.
> Great post, BTW.
> I trolled here under a different name many moons ago when Wanny went to
> Fins. I now would like to take the oppurtunity to apologize for my
> efforts to fuck with you and other Dolphin fans, who seem to be good
> for the most part.
> I really feel sorry for you guys. It'll take years to correct the wrongs
> that Wanny has visited upon your once great team.

We all heard the comments, we all hoped they wouldn't turn out to be true.
There was, after all, nothing we could do but wait and see.

Many have been calling for the hook for more than two years now. Now the
owner is suspected of wearing a dress. In the mad scramble to make things
better, they have only gotten worse. The off-season has been a fucking
circus and the Dolphins make Iraq look stable calmly guided. They acquired
a promising guy to replace Jay Fiedler but, by returning only a single
starter on the offensive line they've haven't helped either guy and will
probably ruin whatever chance Feeley had of being a success. It has become
an article of faith that whatever Wannstedt does, it's wrong.



Sep 11, 2004, 8:55:16 PM9/11/04
Euphy, you have never made a more sad but poinant (sp??) post ever. Welcome
to our Hell, the Dave Wannstadt Era of Miami Dolphins Football.


"eüphemism" <eü> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2004, 8:56:28 PM9/11/04
cocoanutzdude wrote:

> Euphy, you have never made a more sad but poinant (sp??) post ever. Welcome
> to our Hell, the Dave Wannstadt Era of Miami Dolphins Football.
> Cocoanutzdude

Go Panthers?


Sep 11, 2004, 9:56:21 PM9/11/04

"Tim Lines" <> wrote in message

> eüphemism wrote:
> > If Dave Wannstedt were to fly a kite, it would wind itself around the
> > tree on the planet.
> >
> > He is the Charlie Brown of the NFL.
> But I LIKE Charlie Brown, and I don't like Wannstedt. See, when Charlie
> Brown fucks up, he knows he fucked up. He doesn't blame anyone else.
> He just stands there feeling like a sap. Wannstedt, on the other hand,
> is a victim.
> You've complimented Wannstedt with your comparison.

Actually, Charlie Brown whines all the time about being a loser. He even
pays Lucy 5¢ to tell him he's a loser. Charlie Brown never understands why
bad things always seem to happen to him - being as he's such an inoffensive,
round-headed nobody. Why can't he catch a break? Yet he never gets angry
and demands more from his team. Never winning a game doesn't prevent him
from putting himself in at pitcher for every game his team plays, foolishly
believing that doing the same wrong thing over and over will somehow
eventually lead to different results. So, Lucy calls him a BLOCKHEAD, and
she's right.

In Dave Wannstedt's world, the Lombardi Trophy is the little redheaded girl.
Bill Belichick is Peppermint Patty.

I have never heard Wannstedt blame anyone. He expresses his frustration,
points out the obvious flaws that have led the team to this unfortunate
moment, and then goes out and does the same stupid things over again,
believing that God rewards those who keep the faith.

The analogy is appropriate.



Sep 11, 2004, 10:41:22 PM9/11/04
Keith Armstrong would be PigPen.

I was going to have Jim Bates be Linus, but Linus actually has a clue
and is quite smart.


Sep 11, 2004, 11:05:26 PM9/11/04

"eüphemism" <eü> wrote in message

Is Peppermint Patty available?



Sep 11, 2004, 11:11:37 PM9/11/04
When Charlie Brown allows Lucy to hold the football, we all think he
> know better.

That is a brilliant analogy of trusting Jay Fiedler for 5 years,
mediocre to bad O-lines for 4, coaches that wouldn't even be employed
(Armstrong ...Trestman - ever notice that every team he goes to is among
the worst in the NFL during his tenure there or takes significant steps
backward over time- Arizon, Detroit, Oakland. That guy is a real loser
and it would only be fitting that our loser would not only hire him, but
make him the assistant head coach)


Sep 12, 2004, 12:31:03 AM9/12/04
Not really......I still love my Fins, I'll never trade them for another team
like Vandal.


"Joshua" <> wrote in message


Sep 12, 2004, 12:33:27 AM9/12/04
And remember Trestman left the Hurricanes because he didn't get the head
job, and they gave it to JJ.


"Sammie" <> wrote in message

El Durango

Sep 12, 2004, 4:25:25 AM9/12/04

"cocoanutzdude" <> wrote in message

> Not really......I still love my Fins, I'll never trade them for another
> like Vandal.

Amen, I've been a dolphins fan from the start and will remain one till the


Sep 12, 2004, 10:32:43 AM9/12/04
All of us are still DolFans. I never wish them to lose unless it will help
them in the long run, and losing NOW will help hasten the end of the
Wannfuck Era, that is a reason to wish for losses this year. This is the 1st
time I have EVER wished for Dolphins losses, and still while watching the
game yesterday, was rooting for them to do something and even found myself
hoping they would win. Yet deep in my heart I know that losing many games
this year will actually be for the better.

Convoluted thinking ? Maybe, but really logical if you look at it from a
very disappointed fan's POV.


"El Durango" <> wrote in message

Charlie Brown (aka Ciccio)

Sep 12, 2004, 10:57:18 AM9/12/04
Il Sat, 11 Sep 2004 17:38:37 -0500, "eüphemism"
<eü> ha scritto:

>Charlie Brown is a loser.

Tnx, ü... :(

Charlie Brown
Dolfan from Italy


Sep 12, 2004, 12:30:22 PM9/12/04
cocoanutzdude wrote:
> Not really......I still love my Fins, I'll never trade them for another team
> like Vandal.
> Kevin

Hey, I love my Dolphins too, it's just that living in NC the past few
years has endeared me to the Panthers.

Doug Ford aka The Phinatic

Sep 13, 2004, 8:46:56 AM9/13/04
Joshua <> wrote in message news:<ci1tj7$b6u$>...

Hey, be careful Jewshua, there are KKK in NC.

Jew Fiedler Sucks.

Doug Ford

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