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Re: Oh, goody.......Aaron Rodgers endorses RFK Jr.

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Nike Budweiser Success Stories

Apr 14, 2023, 1:34:31 AM4/14/23
On 13 Apr 2023, bigdog <> posted some

> al-presidential-candiate/ar-AA19OCYq?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=c545482
> 56cec41ffb295713ced5e1603&ei=46
> One head case endorsing another.
> In the NFL, it's common to have diva wide receivers and cornerbacks.
> It's unusual and problematic when you have a diva QB. Rodgers is
> extremely talented but has underachieved for most of his career with
> only one Super Bowl ring. In recent years, he has laid an egg in the
> biggest games. The New York Jets seem desperate to trade for him. Be
> careful what you wish for.

When you can do this:

And this:

Aand this:

You got game and can prima any donna you want.

In spite of the shitty coach who failed numerous times to call offensive
plays leveraging the strengths of his quarterback(s), while totally
mismanaging time game after game, said coach who is now with the Dallas
Cowpies and will have to put up and shut up using Dak Prescott without
Kellen Moore, now with the San Diego Chargers.

Fat Andy talked a lot of off-season shit. Now lets see him back it up.

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