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在 1998年10月28日星期三 UTC+8下午4:00:00,Jeff Mac Intosh写道:
> I work for an amusement company based in Eastern U.S.
> We are a coin-op vendor for jukeboxes, video games, pool tables, and
> Merit's Scorpion Dartboards.
> I help run a soft-tip dart league, and I'm looking for a reliable
> supplier who will work with us.
> Right now alot of my shooters are buying stuff retail out of the mall or
> local sporting goods store, and in the process, are getting raped with the
> prices they pay here. I am having a hard time finding a timely supplier who
> is willing to give me about 400 catalogues to give to my shooters to buy
> stuff they need...tips, darts, shafts, cases, etc...
> MY GOAL: To find a supplier who will work with us. All orders go through my
> company, then distributed to my players. We buy a lot of tips and bar darts
> due to our large route in our area. Whomever we decide to work with will
> have carte blanche to set up a booth at our $9,000 annual tournament
> sponsored by Merit Industries, and have hundreds of shooters for potential
> customers as a captive audience.
> e-mail me with your name, address, day and evening phone, and I will return
> your message.