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FINALLY! Student Reserved Season Tickets are here!

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Hoon Park

Jul 19, 2003, 3:41:43 PM7/19/03
I finally got an E-mail about the availability of Student Reserved Season
Tickets for this year. They've upped the prices everywhere:
$70 for Longhorn All-Sports Package
$50 for the upgrade
$52 for Rice (Reliant, lower level)
$75 for OU
$75 for A&M
$35 for IAU
$33 for Baylor
$45 for OSU
$6 processing fee (I guess we're paying for the new computer system)

But, at least they're finally here, and great seats, too. $126 for season
tickets no worse than 30 rows back on the 30 yard line... can't be that!

Hoon Park


Jul 20, 2003, 12:48:43 PM7/20/03
just curious where they have upped the price.

when they started student season tickets we paid $90 for the LASP and an
additional $30 for the season tix. The rest of the games you listed are
games in which the university didn't set the prices.

I think Rice is trying to hard to make this a huge pay day...they should
had the top ticket $50 not $75

The OU game, I think we all see this hitting $100 a ticket real soon if
both teams can remain in the top 10.

A&M is being a little overzealous in the their thinking that this game
has the same appeal as TX/OU, first their isn't a fair going on and I
seriously doubt both teams will ever come into this game undefeated.

ISU, Baylor, and OSU I would say are about right in their pricing


Jul 21, 2003, 8:42:36 AM7/21/03
Did you get an error trying to order your tix? I only talked to one other
person and he got the same error as me.


"Hoon Park" <> wrote in message

Hoon Park

Jul 22, 2003, 2:52:07 AM7/22/03
> just curious where they have upped the price.
> when they started student season tickets we paid $90 for the LASP and an
> additional $30 for the season tix. The rest of the games you listed are
> games in which the university didn't set the prices.

Ummm... I've been at the University since 1999, and when I started, the LASP
was like $50-60 and the upgrade was $30-35. I know for a fact it was under
$100. The LASP has *never* been $90. Last year, I'm pretty sure it was $65
and $40.

> The OU game, I think we all see this hitting $100 a ticket real soon if
> both teams can remain in the top 10.

The past 2 years, the OU game cost us student reserved season ticket people
$40 and $50. $75 is a pretty big jump, IMHO.

> A&M is being a little overzealous in the their thinking that this game
> has the same appeal as TX/OU, first their isn't a fair going on and I
> seriously doubt both teams will ever come into this game undefeated.

And again, being overzealous, the price has been upped as well.

Hoon Park


Jul 22, 2003, 10:29:48 PM7/22/03
I graduated in 1999, and you might be right it might have been $60 and
then an additional $30 for the season tix, whcih didn't start till 1997,
prior to that you had to make the weekly trek down to Belmont for the
draw and often times had to camp out over night, especially OU, A&M, and
Notre Dame when they came to town. While I think ticket prices have
gotten out of control, all I can say is enjoy these seasons as long as
you can, cause once you graduate you will really learn how the athletic
department likes to rape you.

> Ummm... I've been at the University since 1999, and when I started,
the LASP
> was like $50-60 and the upgrade was $30-35. I know for a fact it was
> $100. The LASP has *never* been $90. Last year, I'm pretty sure it
was $65
> and $40.

My understanding is this is the first year they aren't giving students
any break on the OU tickets. Which it sucks for those who want to go to
the game, but maybe this will keep students from buying tickets to
scalp, especially to other students. IMHO, students have bought tickets
only to sell them have screwed the system for everyone.

Hoon Park

Jul 22, 2003, 11:26:40 PM7/22/03
> I graduated in 1999, and you might be right it might have been $60 and
> then an additional $30 for the season tix, whcih didn't start till 1997,
> prior to that you had to make the weekly trek down to Belmont for the
> draw and often times had to camp out over night, especially OU, A&M, and
> Notre Dame when they came to town. While I think ticket prices have
> gotten out of control, all I can say is enjoy these seasons as long as
> you can, cause once you graduate you will really learn how the athletic
> department likes to rape you.

Oh yeah, I'm enjoying and savoring every minute of it. That's why I stuck
around for an extra year :) (I like to call myself a "Super Senior"...
taking my "victory lap"... actually, I have changing majors to blame, but

To me, not having to wait in line every week is worth the upgrade alone.
Also, it's incredibly tough to get any OU or away A&M tickets if you don't
buy season tickets. This year's application said that they don't expect
anyone but seniors getting A&M tickets.

> My understanding is this is the first year they aren't giving students
> any break on the OU tickets. Which it sucks for those who want to go to
> the game, but maybe this will keep students from buying tickets to
> scalp, especially to other students. IMHO, students have bought tickets
> only to sell them have screwed the system for everyone.

Actually, I didn't think we students ever got a break on the price of OU
tickets. While I may be wrong on that, I do know that all OU tickets that
students buy are "student tickets", in that they tear off one of the stubs.
Supposedly, this means that only students with IDs can use them (of course,
sometimes this isn't checked, but I've had my ID checked every year), so
even if they're scalped, they're not scalped for as much as regular tickets.

Hoon Park

Michael Mosteller

Jul 23, 2003, 1:10:03 AM7/23/03
Ah the days of student season tickets (sniff, sniff)! Like Roger, I remember
having to wait in line at Belmont just to get a freaking wrist band which
would let you maybe get the option to buy a ticket to a high profile game
like OUsucks, ND, or the Braggies. My wife then girlfriend and I jumped at
the opportunity to get the student season ticket package just for the peace
of mind in knowing every game we had a ticket to including OUsucks. Hoon, I
think there will be no deliniation about what is a student ticket and what
is an alumni ticket to Texas/OUsucks anymore considering all the tickets are
now $75. At least I hope that is the case since I have to scalp for that
game and it widens the pool I can choose from. 39 days left boys!

"Hoon Park" <> wrote in message


Jul 23, 2003, 7:30:18 AM7/23/03
When I was in school we definitely used to get $15 off the regular price
of tickets to the OU game. $30/45 and then $35/50
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