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Oct 23, 2015, 10:50:25 AM10/23/15
Sábado, 17 de Octubre, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Joseph is a fruitful tree, a living tree that is rooted at the river bank for his branches reached over the wall thus to hold you with his wounded hands until you are eternally saved and secured in his arms. He has been attacked by archers who shot at him and harassed him on the cross, but his bow remained strong, and his arms were strengthened because the Mighty One of Jacob, the living-rock of Israel, helped him until he became eternally victorious, conquering everyone's salvation over the wounded rock.

These were the words of Jacob as he was blessing all his children by their tribes and families, and he asked them to take his bones with them when the Living-rock of Israel will descend over the mountaintop to rescue them, by the power of his atoning-blood shed at the altar, burning wildly over the nonstop holocaust that blesses them. For the rock of salvation had descended over Mount Sinai to bless Israel with powerful blessings from heaven above, as Moses stood over holy ground, where the Lamb of God's atoning-blood had been shed to remove sin always from Israel, and granted them also the holy name that enriches them with liberating powers thus to return to the safety of His living-rock.

For these are powers not only from heaven above, because it was over the mountaintop that our heavenly Father, His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit manifested to Moses and Israel that he alone is the living God of Israel, but also bless them with blessing from the earth and from under the earth. For this is the rock of Israel's salvation that Moses saw from far, because of our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ fire was burning wildly not only to destroy darkness, shackling and chaining Israel in Egypt's captivity for four hundred years, but also because they needed to taste the Holy Spirit's wonderful life, granted to them already over the rock.

Meaning that, the burning love that Abraham and his only son Isaac had offered to our heavenly Father over Jerusalem's holy hill, resting at Moriah, had descended with the Holy Spirit's burning power, liberating Israel from Egypt's captivity, so they may walk in His Son's way, truth and life, leading to this wonderful love that is endless in the promised land. For this is the rock of our heavenly Father's salvation manifested not only to Abraham and Isaac over Jerusalem's holy hill, resting at Moriah, but also to Jacob in his dream thus to make an eternal pact that will never die since it is a sealed, as a complete deal, written with His Son's atoning-blood shed in his heart for Israel.

And because of this powerful pact of life that our heavenly Father began with Abraham and his son Isaac, as he laid him over His altar over Jerusalem's holy hill, then He was not only obligated to descend thus to liberate Israel from captivity but also grant them blessings from heaven above, from the earth below, and from under its waters. For Israel needed to begin to receive all the blessings that our heavenly Father had not only granted to Abraham, and Isaac lying on His altar over Jerusalem's holy hill, resting over Mount Moriah, but also for our heavenly Father to grant them powerful blessings and richness from His Creation, so they may know that they are His beloved ones, perpetually.

For they are His children that had been born from His image by the power of the Holy Spirit, so they may live in the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood that grants them the Holy Spirit's rebirth, in a moment of faith and truth, thus to enter into heaven's glory forever liberated from Satan's deceptions. For the reason that, the same enemy that our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ had always had in heaven's glory is that of every man, woman and child these days, and this is since Adam and Eve were deceived by Lucifer's lies through the serpent to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Besides, our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has to fight against the same enemies, beginning with Lucifer, that He fought in heaven's glory, so He may not only save the glory of His holy name but also His angelic hosts that love Him and His only Son so much through the living Holy Spirit's powers. For this is the same fight that our heavenly Father continues against Lucifer and his fallen angels, so he may not only be defeated by His Son as he is born from the Holy Spirit's powers and gifts to live the glorified life of everyone within Israel and the families of the nations, but also return to heaven forever victorious into everlasting.

For this is the victory over Satan and his fallen angels that our heavenly Father had always wanted to conquer through His Son's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of the glorified body, by the Holy Spirit's powers and gifts, so every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations may finally find rest for their living souls in paradise. Given that, it was never our heavenly Father's will that Israel will become eternal captive in Egypt, but His will was that they will begin to love, worship and serve His holy name over His rock from where they were born, so they may begin to enjoy all the blessings that He has poured over it to inherit progressively as His children.

Now, Israel entered into Egypt as a family of seventy persons, but they were led into Egypt to become our heavenly Father's dream nation of priests on earth and in heaven's glory forever, nevertheless they became captives to the Egyptians eventually because Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, and so, they had to pay for everyone's sin at last. That is the only reason that Israel entered into Egypt not only to become our heavenly Father's dream nation that will not only will retake on Jerusalem's holy hill, as their personal home-sweet-home thus to love, serve and glorify His holy name forever, but also finally to feed the nations with milk and honey, for peace and glory to rule humankind everlastingly.

Certainly, that our heavenly Father could have raised Israel somewhere else later to take them into Canaan, by the powers of Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground, as the beginning of Israel's life, but humankind nonetheless had to pay for the sin of the forbidden fruit, and that is why of Egypt's captivity for hundreds of years. More exactly, Israel had somehow to pay for the darkness that Adam and Eve began in paradise, as they both were deceived by the serpent to eat from the forbidden fruit, and so, pay first for this evil, and then, they could have the King Messiah born with the glorified body to destroy Satan's realm of darkness, thus conquering everyone's salvation, forever.

And so, Joseph not only descended in Egypt to be sold to the captain of Pharaoh's guard, but also to interpret the dreams that our heavenly Father was manifesting, and that no one could interpret them, except him, so he may finally become second in command thus to administer our heavenly Father's richness that He was sending for seven years upon earth. Then, Pharaoh's first dream consisted of seven fatten cows that were eaten by seven ugly looking ones that as the ugly cows ate the good looking ones, then the ugly cows did not look that they had eaten the seven good looking ones at all, because the seven ugly cows continued to be skinny and ugly, as in the beginning.

The first dream from Pharaoh meant that for seven years the entire earth was going to enjoy abundance of crops from all the fruit and vegetables according to their kind, and Joseph will be the second in command throughout Egypt that will administer wisely the abundance of these seven years, by storing them in suitable warehouses throughout the land of Egypt. And so, it was the same with the seven scorched kernels that the Pharaoh saw in his dream that they were destroyed by the east wind, and that they could only continue to damage the other good kernels that Joseph said to Pharaoh these are seven years of famine throughout the lands of the nations that people will die from hunger.

Therefore, these dreams meant to Pharaoh and the whole of Egypt that they will not only were going to suffer the terrible days of famine for seven years, but also the nations from everywhere, that they will finally find themselves coming to Egypt to buy food from the warehouses, so they may survive along with their live stocks in their homelands. Consequently, it came a time when Egypt was feeding the nations, because famine was worldwide and spreading that no one could eat anything from the fields, because they were dried bare, and so, they had to travel to Egypt to buy from Joseph the food that they needed--otherwise, they would die of hunger and thirst along with their live stocks.

Besides, all these things had to happen within Egypt, because Israel had become the nation that our heavenly Father needed to turn it into a nation of priests that will learn to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name over the eternal rock that is Jerusalem's holy hill, God's home and Gate to heaven's glory for Israel and the nations. Thus, Israel had to pay for the sin of our human bodies for having eaten from the forbidden fruit as Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and that is why that Israel had to enter into captivity for four hundred years, so they may finally depart from Egypt eternally rich to conquer Canaan.

Now, Israel after they had suffered the sin of our rebellious human bodies in Egypt's captivity for hundreds of years, then they were ready to conquer Canaan for our heavenly Father's rock of salvation, so, it may someday receive His Son's atoning-blood, where He is ready to meet every man, woman and child from everywhere, thus to bless them powerfully, and everlastingly. For Israel had been called not only to escape Egypt very rich with gold, silver and brand new attires for them to dress properly in our heavenly Father's presence, but also to cross the Red sea in dried ground, where no one has ever walked except our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts.

It is under the Red sea dried bed where our heavenly Father baptized every man, woman and child escaping from Egypt's captivity, because now they were ready to begin not only to see His Son Jesus Christ standing over Jerusalem's holy hill, resting over Mount Sinai, but also they were going to drink from the rock of salvation. In the desert, our heavenly Father called Moses to follow Him to where the rock of Israel salvation was waiting for them, so they may drink from it, His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water, so they may quench their thirst along with the live stock that was with them.

Accordingly, our heavenly Father told Moses to speak to the rock, because His Son is in there, hidden along with the atoning-blood that is the memory of His holy name, and so, as he may speak to it, then it will burst into His Son's atoning-blood turned into living-water, so they may drink the eternal salvation, needed to live His Son's life. However, without realizing it, Moses was very angry with the Israelis that had caused him to fall deep into anger, that he failed to remember what our heavenly Father had instructed him to do, and this was to speak to the rock and never to strike it, and so, in anger Moses said: We will convert this rock into living-water.

Here, Moses failed to honor our heavenly Father before Israel, and so, without realizing what he had done, then he sinned, because he was to treat kindly His Son Jesus Christ that is hidden in the rock with the atoning-blood that is the memory of His holy name, and that is why that he was not allowed to enter into Canaan. Moses prayed to our heavenly Father to forgive his sin, so then he may walk along with Israel into the promised land, because for this he had worked all the days of his life with Israel through the desert thus to introduce them into Canaan, but now, he was shunned from entering, so he may finally eat from the milk and honey.

This was all that concerned Moses throughout his transit with Israel in the desert, heading into Canaan, for he just wanted to get there to eat from the milk and honey that was awaiting to indulge himself with Israel, but because he sinned against the rock of Israel's salvation, then he was shunned deliberately by our heavenly Father from ever entering. Truthfully, our heavenly Father never allowed anyone to enter into Canaan that had offended the rock of Israel's salvation, because this is the rock of Jerusalem's holy hill that is not only His home-sweet-home but it is also heaven's gate for those that believe in their hearts for justice, by confessing with their lips for salvation His Son's anointed name.

However, although our heavenly Father did not allow Moses to enter into Canaan with Israel, because of his sin over Jerusalem's holy hill, as he struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it, then our heavenly Father had a better place for him, because he ascended directly into the promised land from heaven above, and this is The New Jerusalem. There, at the mountaintop, which is the rock of Israel's salvation, our heavenly Father had the table from the tabernacle of reunion set up for him, so he may eat with our Living Father and His only Son the bread and wine that not only gave him a glorified body living into everlasting, but also welcomed him into heaven's glory forever justified.

That is to say, that our heavenly Father allowed him to enter into the promised land in heaven's glory, so he may eat and drink from the eternal rock the milk and honey that He had so graciously promised to Abraham and the children, but also to the families of the nations, and so, he was satisfied at last to the full. Now, our heavenly Father did not allow Moses to enter into Canaan, because he failed to honor His holy name over the rock before the congregation, nevertheless He allowed him to sit with Him at the Supper Table, so he may eat all the milk and honey that he was craving to eat through the desert on his way to Canaan.

What's more, our heavenly Father did not want Moses to enter into Canaan with Israel, because He wanted His Son Jesus Christ to be exalted over the rock, as he may finally shed his atoning-blood to the ground at the foot of the cross of Adam and Eve, and so, Moses had to diminish while His Son increase in glory before Israel. That was unquestionably the main reason our heavenly Father did not allow Moses to enter into the promised land, although He had promised that he will enter it to conquer it by destroying all the nations that were living there, because, again our heavenly Father needed him to diminish while His Son Jesus Christ may increase in glory over the rock, forever.

Lawfully, only His Son had to be exalted over Jerusalem's holy hill with His marvelous golden altar, where the atoning-blood was to be shed at the foot of the cross of Adam and Eve, so He may meet the children into a one-to-one encounter with them, always standing over the sacred ground to have their sins forgiven at last, into everlasting. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to leave Moses behind in the desert with the rest of the Hebrews that rebelled against His eternal rock of salvation, so Israel may walk into Canaan only to know His Son, because he alone was the one that Israel needed to wait for his coming, as the eternal liberator.

For this is the rock that our heavenly Father did not want to see Moses dishonor Him again before the congregation, because He needs to be exalted always along with His holy name over it, so this rock that gave His Son's atoning-blood turned into living-water for Israel to drink, then it will burst again for the nations to drink into everlasting. That is why, that it is still important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ exalted over Jerusalem's holy hill just as in Israel's birth, whether this was over Mount Moriah or in Egypt's captivity or in present day Canaan, nevertheless every day His Son has to be exalted over the rock for living-water to flow into the nations.

This is our heavenly Father's Jerusalem's holy hill, where He needed to be exalted greatly over Israel and the nations, as His holy name was finally nailed to the wooden cross first, so His Son Jesus Christ will be nailed to Adam and Eve, so not only they may receive the glorified body to return to paradise, but also the children. And once His Son was finally nailed to Adam and Eve on the cross over the rock, instantly all the powers and glories that Satan wanted to trade with him over the mountaintop, as Satan told him all these glories I will give to you, if you worship me, later, victoriously our savior reconquered them for Adam and the children, forever.

Moreover, our heavenly Father was not only able to reconquer all the glories and richness that He had personally granted to Adam and the children, including Eve, but also, His Son conquered greater glories and richness that had been failed to be conquered yet, so His children may live a wonderful life on earth and in heaven's glory, forever enriched into eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to establish His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, as Israel brought into it from Mount Sinai, after they have drunk from it the living-water that they needed, so they may take in the power of the Holy Spirit thus to conquer hostile nations, finally to conquer Canaan for the living-rock's new glories.

For it was the living-rock over the Israelis' heads that over shadowed them with amazing powers, giving them all the water that they needed through the desert, moreover gave them the manna (angels' food) to eat, so they may nourish the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones, and the atoning-blood, received from His only Son, as Isaac was born miraculously from Sarah's barren-womb. Thus, it was important for our heavenly Father to defeat and push out every nation that had rooted within the lands of Canaan, because only the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood of the gloried body of His Son may prevail throughout the land with Abraham's children and the families of the nations that love His holy name over His living-rock.

For our heavenly Father require every one, beginning with Abraham and Isaac, to love Him and His holy name over the living-rock, because this is not only His home-sweet-home and Gate to heaven's glory, but also this is where His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood is shed to the foot of the cross for everyone to reconcile with Him from sin. And this is the sin for having eaten from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge from good and evil, by eating again from His only Son willingly the sacred-flesh and drink the atoning-blood from the Lord's Table, so they may have life and have it abundantly in this life and in the next one, The New Jerusalem from heaven above.

Provided that, everyone that eats from His Son the sacred-bread and the atoning-blood that not only erases sins forever from heaven's books but also fills us with eternal life, as we dress with the glorified body that lived in Israel to conquer the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments, so we may love Him: then He will receive love from us, everlastingly. Otherwise, our heavenly Father was never ready to receive love from us, because the Holy Spirit of the commandments had not been properly fulfilled and glorified in us, and so, it was impossible for us to love Him much less for Him to receive our love, because the Holy Spirit needed to be exalted first for life to be possible for everyone.

Therefore, only our heavenly Father's Son could please the Holy Spirit in each one of us, as he was born from David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit's powers, so we may receive not only his glorified body, to dress it someday as our sinful body returns to the dust, but lastly he may fulfill the commandments for us for lasting salvation. That is to say, that only our heavenly Father's Son Jesus Christ could be born in the power of the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter thus to fulfill the commandments in a perfect and glorified body, totally unrelated to sin, so the fulfillment of the commandments will grant the Holy Spirit the needed glory that will dress us with eternal salvation.

Otherwise, without the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit of the commandments then salvation was totally impossible for every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations, because the fulfillment and glorification of the commandments had to take place within Israel and over Jerusalem's holy hill, for the door to open for everyone's forgiveness, healing, and justification into eternity. And because our heavenly Father had not only Abraham's children to take Jerusalem's holy hill from Mount Sinai to walk it through the desert, as it was feeding them daily the needed water and the manna, so the pact of the sacred-flesh will remain intact at entering Canaan, then He could conquer new glories through His Son for His children, forever.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father not only needed Jerusalem's holy hill stationed within Israel to establish His home-sweet-home and Gate to heaven's glory, but also, to have His Son destroy every lie, curse, infirmity, death, Satan and hell's torment in the lake of fire, so they may die with their wickedness for His lasting Kingdom of priests may prevail at last. For this is what our heavenly Father has been looking for through the years that His Kingdom of priests, Kings and sons of God may finally exist on earth, ascending into heaven's glory to unite the angelic hosts in daily love, service and worship of His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, so He may conquer new glories into eternity.

For these are glories to His holy name whenever every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations may ascend to the mountaintop to stand over the spilled atoning-blood of His Son to have their sins erased, so they may leave their sins, problems, infirmities and threats of death over His altar, so He may destroy them finally. For the reason that, our heavenly Father does not only get glory and honor to His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill every time someone on earth is saved within Israel and the families of the nations, but also, He gets glory and honor every time sin, problems, infirmities and deaths are removed and resolved forever from every one's daily life.

This is what gives glory and honor to our heavenly Father's holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is the rock of salvation for Israel, where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob established pacts with Him through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for Israel to become a nation, and the nations to become eventually saved from Satan's deceptions. For this is the rock that you will have to speak to, by invoking His holy name over it, so it may begin to flow living-waters from inside you, as from your belly, for example, bursting as a river of living-water that will not only satisfy your thirst but also of everyone's else around you, so you may live a peaceful life.

This is the rock that you will need to honor within your heart, because our heavenly Father had to seal it within Jacob's heart, so you may inherit it, as you were born from your mother's womb thus to begin a relationship with our heavenly Father and His Son always filled with the Holy Spirit's every day goodness from heaven above. Over this glorious rock from heaven above, that is our heavenly Father's home-sweet-home and Gate to heaven, you will know your life, as you have never thought that you will know it on earth and in heaven's glory forever into eternity, because it will be always there for you ready to bless you powerfully, so you may only know love, everlastingly.

For this is the love that our heavenly Father needed Abraham to begin to manifest to Him, that is, if he really wanted to become not only His child but also a rightful citizen from heaven's glory, so he may inherit eternal life within The New Jerusalem from heaven above where love prevails throughout all life, angelic and human alike. That is why, that our heavenly Father invited Abraham along with his 318 disciples to sit at the Lord's Table where His Son, as King of Salem and God's Righteousness, served the bread and wine, so salvation may be born from where life was impossible to exist, and this was Sarah's barren-womb, and so, by the Holy Spirit's power Isaac was born.

The day that Isaac was born from Sarah's barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit's powers, then our heavenly Father's love was born in them, so they may love it and live it to the full until He will call Abraham to bring his only beloved son to the mountaintop that He will show him, to sacrifice Isaac unto Him in heaven's glory. Brokenhearted, Abraham took his only beloved son Isaac to the place that our heavenly Father had shown him, so he may sacrifice him as a burnt offering of love unto Him in heaven's glory, so He may in turn receive his love within His home-sweet-home, inundating heaven's glory and the angelic hosts' holy-places with it that their hearts became eternally joyful.

Everyone in heaven's glory had become eternally joyful, because our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit was happy to receive this wonderful love that had risen from Sarah's barren-womb and Abraham's heart, causing all the angelic hosts to dance, sing and celebrate this wonderful love from humankind that will never die into eternity. Moreover, it was because of this wonderful love that our heavenly Father along with the entire angelic Kingdom that they had received from Abraham and Isaac that He decided, as well, to pour His greatest love over the same rock and altar with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, engulfed in the Holy Spirit's fire that will never cease to burn into eternity.

Our heavenly Father will put you over His rock, never allowing you to see Him, because He has His hands covering your eyes, since you cannot see Him if you are still sinful, that is, if you have failed to be cleansed by His Son's atoning-blood spilled over it, and as He passes you, then you will see His glory only. Meaning that, whenever you may need our heavenly Father to work for you against Satan's sin that have landed against you and your loved ones, then, He will put you over the rock, so you may not see Him until He has pass you by covering your eyes with His hands, and so, you will only see His glory overcoming evil.

Certainly, His holy presence at Jerusalem's holy hill will overcome powerfully the wickedness that Satan's lies in the mouth of his cronies that he may have launched against you and your loved ones, then He will defeat them, as He passes before you, covering your eyes with His hands, so you may see His glory at work in your favor constantly. Therefore, our Living God is the rock of our salvation, ready to bless you in anything that you may need from Him and the glory of His holy name, because He has caused His Son's atoning-blood to pour over it, and so, as you may ascend to it, then you will only find life, healing and blessings, filling you with goodness always.

For it is over this rock, the Living God of our eternal salvation, that called Abraham to offer unto Him the love of his life, and this was his only son Isaac that he had learned to love along with his wife Sarah and the adopted children from His household that caused Him to pour His holy heart's love upon humankind, forever. Surely, this is when that Abraham had not only started the nonstop sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill, but also, He started His divine family upon earth, as His only Son became widely manifested in Isaac for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in the midst of the nations, for everyone's abundant healing and salvation.

That is to say, also that as Abraham placed his only son Isaac over Jerusalem's holy hill ancient altar to begin the burnt offering sacrifice unto our Father in heaven, then our heavenly Father began to pour His Holy Spirit of unfailing love upon Isaac with the idea to bless every man, woman and child to become the nation of Israel, forever. In other words, as Abraham presented onto our heavenly Father the love of his life through his son Isaac, then He perceived this wonderful love coming up from Sarah and Abraham's family that not only He enjoyed but also His Son that the Holy Spirit poured abundantly His divine family's unfailing love upon Isaac's children that has not ceased until now.

Besides, this is when our heavenly Father's Son Jesus Christ began to pour of his divine love and never-ending grace within not only of Isaac's children to be born in future generations to constitute the nation of priests upon earth bound into heaven's glory forever blessed, but also, upon every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations. For it is our heavenly Father's will to reach the lost souls of humankind, by touching them with His love with the wonderful and bountiful grace of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed on the rock, at the cross of Adam and Eve that they became restored instantly into heaven's glory, because now they are dressing His Son's glorified body, enjoying life everlastingly.

For there is lasting forgiveness, healing, peace, prosperity and never-ending happiness over the rock of Israel's salvation, where our heavenly Father had said to everyone, starting with Abraham: you come up to the mountaintop, and I will be standing with you over the holy ground of the atoning-blood, so you may have your sins erased, to dress your glorified body, at last. For it is here, over the rock that you will not only meet our heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed at the cross to remove the forbidden fruit from Adam and Eve, but also to remove it from you right now, so you may ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory never to return to earth again, if you wish that.

Given that, once you ascend over the rock to step into heaven's glory to meet our heavenly Father and His Son, because you have been Holy Spirit's born that has granted you eternal life with your name written in the book of life, then, you will live your eternal life, filled with the life that really knows and loves you perpetually. This is the divine life that our heavenly Father has given to you, as you were initially born from His image by the Holy Spirit's power, only to live and know the goodness of eternal life until Satan's lies entered your heart, so you became contaminated from the forbidden fruit's evils, and that is why you failed to know life since then.

However, with our Lord Jesus Christ living in your heart, because he alone is the rock of your eternal salvation, given that he has the power of the atoning-blood to blot out your sins from you, forever, then you will return to the life that knows and loves you every step of the way into eternity, so you may enjoy happiness everlastingly. This is the glorious life that reigns in heaven's glory these days with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts, and they all know you from head to foot, because you were born from our heavenly Father's image to live as His legitimate child, loving, serving and exalting His holy name within His Son's glorified-body.

That is why, that our heavenly Father not only gave you birth at His home-sweet-home over Jerusalem's holy hill but also blessed you with powers from heaven above, from the earth below, and from the waters under the earth, so you may live a blessed life knowing only love, blessing, prosperity, and amazing happiness of your eternal living-soul into all eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father is doing everything that He may need to do, so you may ascend to His rock, enjoying around the clock His divine life with powerful blessings that He has pronounced for you thus to live the glorious life that once you get to know it, then, you will never want to depart from it.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the rock your savior, because he is the only savior of Israel that descended from heaven above, filled with our heavenly Father's unfailing to be poured not only upon Abraham and Isaac but also the children that He had granted them, so they may live their lives, enriched with His Holy Spirit's abundant daily powers and gifts. These days, our heavenly Father will only allow anyone to enter into His world over the rock of His lasting salvation, because it is over it that He blessed Adam and Eve thus He needs to bless you over the same place where His Son's atoning-blood is waiting to wash your sin, so you may dress the glorify-body that only knows love.

This love is what Abraham and Sarah needed to live, before they were to pass away, because of this glorious life from over the rock of salvation, then, they could abandon sin forever, by the power of His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground, so they may never know poverty from darkness but, instead only amazing richness from the rock's nonstop-sacrifice burning fire. Presently, you need to contact this glorious life that it has already been lived by the Son of David, because he was born from David's virgin daughter not only to bring eternal life into Israel but also the glorified body to live it, and he ascended to the rock, leaving it there for you to retake it, filled with amazing daily victories.

That is why, that away from our heavenly Father's rock then you will never find another life so amazing that His Son has already lived it for you in heaven, so you may not only enjoy the victories against Satan for having fulfilled and glorified the Holy Spirit of the commandments, but also, because you regained the right to be God's child. For our heavenly Father, you are as Joseph the fruitful tree that is at the river bank, giving fruit constantly, and your branches have reached over the wall from heaven above already because you have been to the mountaintop, although you have been attacked and harassed with arrows by the enemy, nevertheless you are victorious today, because the living-rock helps you always.

May our heavenly Father and God of our ancestors help you from His everlasting rock, with the blessings from the high heavens above, from the earth below and from the waters under the earth, so you may live a wonderful and very rich life in His holy presence, for the families of the nation to know that you are blessed always, forever. For these are the blessings that our heavenly Father has already ordained, so you may eat from the best of His living-rock that is His Son Jesus Christ filled with the Holy Spirit of love and never-ending happiness from the wonderful world from heaven above, as The New Jerusalem that loves you with all its everlasting powers of perfect ancient holiness.

Today, you need to return to the living-rock of Israel with your loved ones and friends, because our heavenly Father does not want to see you anymore causing this wonderful love from Jerusalem's holy hill and its eternal city of His Great King to wait for you--because, it needs from your love just as you need from His love, right away. For it is over the eternal rock where your life began with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelic hosts from heaven above, so you may become, as in these days His divine family, and it is over this mountaintop where your life will begin yet again, and this time for all eternity.

Over the mountaintop with our heavenly Father and His Son's atoning-blood is no other place like His home-sweet-home for you and for your loved ones, where you will be dressed with the glorified body that the Holy Spirit has granted you, as you are reborn from Him, entering into The New Jerusalem only to know everlasting goodness from now on. Today, you need to keep speaking to your supply rock from heaven above, so you may hear soon our heavenly Father and His only Son speaking to your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit expressions of living words that will enrich you with glory and power thus to know love, healing, peace, prosperity and every day everlastingly Holy Spirit's happiness. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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