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Reward money to return to donors in Mollie Tibbetts case

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May 10, 2019, 8:50:04 AM5/10/19
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — Administrators say most of a roughly
$400,000 reward fund aimed at gathering information about a
missing Iowa student will be returned to donors now that she's
been found dead.

Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa said Tuesday that most of the
donations from individuals and businesses were provided on the
condition of Mollie Tibbetts' safe return.

Group vice president Greg Willey says those donations will be
returned. Donations not linked to Tibbetts being found alive
will go to the group's general fund and Tibbetts' family.

Tibbetts vanished on July 18 while she was out running in her
hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa.

Police say 24-year-old Cristhian Bahena Rivera led them to
Tibbetts' body in a cornfield on Aug. 21. Rivera is charged with
first-degree murder in her death.

Her family also released the following statement on Tuesday:
"It has been brought to our attention that an individual known
as Samantha Lucas has been engaging in divisive online dialogue
on behalf of the Tibbetts family. Samantha Lucas is not a member
of our family nor does she speak for us. This is a difficult
time for our family. We wish only to dignify Mollie’s life and
share our sorrow in private. If and when we wish to make a
public statement we will do so appropriately."


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