Sábado, 14 de Julio, 2018 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Timely, our heavenly Father called Abraham to step outside his home to look up into the sky to try to count the stars that he could see, because he was to inherit not only a great wealth from our heavenly Father but also the children to enjoy them on earth and in heaven’s glory. For Abraham was saying to our heavenly Father that he had received already great wealth but he failed to have a child with his wife Sarah to inherit his blessings that have come from Him, therefore, he continually failed to see why he was going to be blessed more than what he was already and without a son to inherit his wealth.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Abraham to step out his home with Him to gaze at the sky’s countless stars and to try to count them, because they are impossible to count, however, the child that he was about to receive along with the children through the generations were as countless as well into all eternity to come. Thus, our heavenly Father needed Abraham cherishing His words and promised blessings within his heart, because he was going to be blessed not only with his newly born that was about to be born from Sarah his wife’s barren-womb, but also, the children coming after him filled with blessings that will cause the families of the nations to be blessed greatly.
Surely, as Abraham stood outside his home with our heavenly Father gazing at the heavenly skies trying to count the stars then he believed in His words that promised him not only many more blessings as endless as his promised children to be born within his household through the generations that he was declared as His Righteous servant upon earth at last. For our heavenly Father needed someone from the families of the nations that will begin to believe in His words that He had already determined to fulfill them upon earth and throughout the families of the entire human race that needed to have Him disparately along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, blessing their every day lives continually.
Abraham was that chosen one that our heavenly Father needed to have upon earth to begin to believe in His words, and this is the oath sworn to Isaac that he needed to believe it already although he had not received yet his promised child, Isaac, but Abraham believed the Father’s words, and his faith was count as just and righteous forever. Our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit had finally found the first man upon the entire human race that began with Adam and Eve in paradise finally believing in His words of the oath sworn to Isaac although Abraham had not yet received his son Isaac, but, still he was blessed and enriched from heaven above.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to continue to bless Abraham and his wife Sarah along with the adoptive children living within his household, bought with money from strangers willing to sell them, and so, he may become their number one provider for them thus to live a life where they will learn to love, serve and honor our Father in heaven through life. Besides, our heavenly Father never thought of stopping to pour His daily blessing upon Abraham and his loved ones, including his adoptive children and neighbors nearby and those from faraway places, because He needed for His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac to live in His daily richness that the promised children through the generations will learn to enjoy them as well.
Given that, our heavenly Father never thought to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac along with every one of the promised children to be born through the generations to lack His daily blessing from heaven above, because He never wanted anyone reading the birth and history of His children to be seeing that they were born in poverty. Our heavenly Father wanted the families of the nations reading the written history of Abraham and his children that they were born blessed and filled with daily blessing and endless richness that will give them the power always to walk as an example to everyone else around the world acknowledging that He is an extremely rich Father caring for His children’s well-being progressively.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had to count Abraham’s faith as perfect Justice and Righteousness because he had believed along with his wife Sarah in His words of the oath sworn to Isaac that He was going to pour it entirely over His altar of His eternal love for the families of the nations, so they may become blessed someday soon. Besides, our heavenly Father needed Abraham believing in His words although he had not received yet his promised child to be born by the power of the Holy Spirit from Sarah’s barren-womb thus for him and his loved ones, including friends, to enjoy the powers of His oath sworn to Isaac that was to come soon upon earth in great abundances continually.
For our heavenly Father needed a man in paradise or upon earth to believe in His words sworn to Isaac and the Holy Spirit thus to pour upon Abraham and his family along with the families of the nations the new glories of a new earth with amazing glorious skies, where His perfect will is honored perpetually by His baptized/reborn children. This was Abraham’s secret of faith unto our Father in heaven, because he believed in His words spoken to him not only about Isaac to be born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, but also, he believed that he will have the children countless as the stars from heaven above with Canaan to live with them forever enriched through eternity.
This was something that was important not only for Abraham and Sarah to understand but also his children born through the generations, because they needed to be born enriched with the richness that our heavenly Father purposely poured upon Abraham to be channeled to each one of them through his faith, and this is the words of the oath sworn to Isaac. For our heavenly Father needs every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations clearly to understand through His oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers that He is a very rich God in heaven with the angelical hosts and the same is true with the families of the nations, begin with Abraham’s household thus they may live enriched throughout life.
Certainly, our heavenly Father is an amazing God in heaven with the angelical hosts and the same is true upon the entire earth with the families of the nations, because He needs them to give them glory, honor and the love of their hearts to His holy name fire nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, His ancient altar and home-sweet-home forever. What’s more, our heavenly Father never wanted to see Abraham with his wife Sarah and the adoptive children suffering the every day need, but, instead, He wanted them to be always blessed and enriched from His richness from heaven above, so the families of the nations may learn that He loves to see His children serving Him in His abundant richness always.
Thus, inviting every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations to join Him along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may become one with Him in His faith that He Had Abraham believing first to grant him his promised son Isaac, where He poured His entire faith upon earth to enrich it at last. For this is the earth that our heavenly Father had chosen to live with His holy ones baptized/reborn from His image nailed along with His holy name fire over the wood from ancient Israel that had to be raised from the Valley of the dried bones with His blessing that He sent directly from Zion as Aaron’s children stood in holy ground.
Prophetically, these were Aaron’s children that needed to invoke His holy name fire that had been nailed to hang over the tree along with His loved Son Jesus Christ, because they realized that not only the King Messiah claiming to be the King of Jews was hanging where it was considered that anyone hanging from it, is a curse. Therefore, Aaron’s children were hurt to see our heavenly Father’s holy name fire nailed and hanging over the tree, considering that anyone hanging from it is a curse, that is why, they needed the Romans to bring it down to rewrite it by saying that he says that he is King of the Jews—but the gentiles refused to please them.
Then, after talking with the Romans for a while trying to get them to bring the sign down to rewrite it by saying in Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic that he says that he is King of the Jews, then they had to abandon the mountaintop, because the Romans where in authority finally to decide that the sign will not change forever. Besides, the soldiers had the spears and shields with them ready to defend our heavenly Father’s holy grounds therefore nothing that had taken place divinely over Jerusalem’s holy hill was to be changed at all, because prophesy had been fulfilled, then the blessing descended from Zion to bless the children of Israel thus to see the LORD on the Third Day.
That is to say, also that when Aaron’s children finished invoking our heavenly Father’s holy name fire that they saw it at the wrong place, where it should never be, because it was hanging on the top of the tree and anyone hanging from it, is a curse, thus they were hurt extremely to leave behind them the holy name fire hanging. However, what Aaron’s children considered to be a curse as they left behind our heavenly Father’s holy name fire along with the King Messiah hanging over the tree for the families of the nations to see through generations, then, it was done to remove everything considered a curse within Israel and in the outermost corners of earth by turn it into an endless-blessing.
For our heavenly Father needed to nail not only His holy name fire over the tree but also His shining glorious face to turn into a blessing what the forbidden fruit had done with Eve and Adam along with the children as they both ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that were warned never to eat from it. That is why, that because of the sin to have eaten from the forbidden fruit then not only Adam and Eve’s faces were disfigured as a curse, because the forbidden fruit entered into their lives through their mouths, by eating it, then our heavenly Father’s face had to be placed where was a curse to turn it into a blessing throughout eternity.
This is our heavenly Father’s holy name fire nailed along with His shining glorious face over the tree as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to it by the roman soldiers, because Moses and Aaron had prepared their children to invoke it divinely over the children of Israel while lying in the Valley of the dried bones, so they may live again. This is the moment that our heavenly Father with His holy name fire along with His shining glorious face nailed to the wood along with His Son Jesus Christ, then through His amazing and glorious mouth ate from the bread of life finally to drink from the cup of the atoning-blood, giving life again to the children of Israel with abundant blessings.
This is the day our heavenly Father had been waiting through time to give to eat the bread of life and drink from the cup of the atoning-blood that is really wine (or any drink at hand) that He ate and drank for His children from Israel and the families of the nations thus defeating Satan’s wilds from the forbidden fruit forever. For our heavenly Father through the Sinai’s desert was always ready and willing to feed His children from the house of Israel not only from the bitter waters of Marah sweetened by the tree, descended from His ancient altar, but also, He gave them to drink from the rock never to thirst again thus to give them to eat from His mouth.
Given that, our heavenly Father gave the children of Israel to eat from His table the manna that descended every day over the entire Israeli camp so they may eat as much as they may, and on every Friday a double portion of it they could gather from the ground to eat on the Sabbath, because on Sabbath no one should labor. Certainly, our heavenly Father had to give the Israelis to eat from the manna that descended from His table where He will sit down every day to eat and drink with them, because He needed to ensure that what they were eating was perfect and holy later to become the wood to nail His all-powerful name and glorious face to them forever.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to give them to eat from His mouth as He would normally eat His meal over His table in heaven’s glory along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because hanging on the wood they will become one with His perfect blessing, blessing the families of the nations at last. Therefore, every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness conducted throughout the Sinai’s desert with the children of Israel baptized in water thus not only to abandon every sin at the bottom of the Red sea, but also, for them to dress with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, because as priests of the Most High God they ate from His face the manna.
This was something that the entire house of Israel, even while lying in the Valley of the dried bones that is as dreadful, lifeless, hostile as the Sinai’s desert, then, they were going to eat and drink again from heaven above through His shining face nailed to them along with His holy name for His blessing to pour upon them with lasting-salvation. For our heavenly Father’s shining face had been nailed to them, therefore, His image in them was completely healed and restored, because of the wonderful work through the oath sworn to Isaac that our Lord Jesus Christ executed successfully throughout Israel along with the Holy Spirit’s powers and gifts that they could feel life again as when they were alive on earth.
For our heavenly Father’s image nailed to them was feeding again as when through the Sinai’s desert the manna and water from the rock, because with His glorious face implanted over theirs, then they could eat thus to begin to feel again the perfect righteousness that they were eating from His mouth as when they were underway to conquer Canaan forever. For the children of Israel, although they were lying in the Valley of the dried bones totally destroyed by Satan’s wicked lies and deceptions because of the forbidden fruit eaten by Adam and Eve in paradise initially, then, by eating again from our heavenly Father’s mouth bread of life in one day they return to life again never to die through eternity.
That is why, that the night that our Lord Jesus Christ was to be taken over Jerusalem’s holy hill with the wood of ancient Israel over his shoulders to be nailed to it along with our heavenly Father’s holy face and His holy name fire burning over it, then, he sat at the Lord’s Table to eat bread with His apostles. Our Lord Jesus Christ needed to eat bread and drink from the cup of wine with them over the Lord’s Table, because, he was about to begin to eat not only with the house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones: but also, he needed to eat and drink with the families of the nations through the coming generations.
Therefore, it was important for our Lord Jesus Christ to sit with his apostles at the Lord’s Table to eat bread and drink wine, granting them our heavenly Father’s eternal life that he had descended personally to give to ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones to see life again, but also, to save everyone else around the world. That is why, that the night that he ate bread with his apostles, then, he took the bread and gave thanks to the Father in heaven for it by breaking it in pieces thus to give to his apostles but also to everyone else around the world, for those willing to believe in the salvation work accomplished finally over Jerusalem’s holy hill.
Surely, our Lord Jesus Christ along with our Father and His Spirit had entered by the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers into every Israeli home to eat and drink from the Lord’s Table with them, because he was about to ascend over mount Zion, giving generously to eat to their ancestors lying in the Valley of death, so they may finally live again. Frankly, the same bread and wine that not only Abraham along with his adoptive children ate with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit as His Son Jesus Christ served the Lord’s Table, but also, later the children within Canaan and those lying in the Valley of the dried bones ate, for life’s richness thriving through the families of the nations finally.
Definitely, when our Lord Jesus Christ took the cup of wine from the Lord’s Table then he gave thanks to our Father in heaven for the apostles to drink from it but also ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones through His shining face nailed to theirs, so they may drink eternal life along with its daily blessings continuously. That is why, that when our Lord Jesus Christ gave his apostles to drink from the cup of wine then he said, drink from it everyone not only throughout the house of Israel but also every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, because this our heavenly Father’s personal eternal life, giving life abundantly to those that drink with Him.
For our heavenly Father is the first one drinking from the cup of wine and eating from the bread that descended from heaven above with His shining glorious face nailed to His children of Israel at the wood over mount Zion, so they escape from the Valley of death but also the families of the nations may escape to live forever enriched. That is why, that our heavenly Father is still calling every man, woman and child throughout Israel and the families of the nations to eat and drink from the Lord’s Table that is still served daily by His Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem’s hill, so they may finally find life with its daily blessings thus enriching their living-souls abundantly forever through eternity.
Because our heavenly Father’s shining face that ate the bread and wine first from His continuous burnt sacrifice that is His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the wood of ancient Israel, so His children may eat and drink finally through His image restored in them, but also, He is eating and drinking now with those still coming over Jerusalem’s holy hill. Therefore, through the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers and gifts, our heavenly Father has been able to do a great work with His children with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so His children desperate, hungry and thirsty in the Valley dried bones may finally eat and drink through His Shining face finally restored in them to live forever blessed.
Given that, no man, woman and child on earth could ever know what really is life, but only, after eating and drinking with our heavenly Father’s image restored and shining His amazing light on them that destroys constantly every darkness from Satan and his fallen angels, so they may know life as the ought to at last on earth and heaven forever. Because if truth be told: no one knows how really is to enjoy the produce that the earth yields through the seasons of the year that our heavenly Father has already blessed with His amazing daily powers and gifts from the oath sworn to Isaac that blesses human-life everywhere throughout water baptism with His image restored over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever.
For we are human beings born from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul thus to enjoy His personal every day life that He has always lived with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit before the angelical hosts, thus, we are to enjoy these daily blessings with His image stabled in us throughout our entire living-souls these days and through eternity. Otherwise, we will always fail to know life as our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit have always knowing it through eternity before the angelical hosts that are into the billions in heaven’s glory, and we are part of this wonderful kingdom, but, Lucifer contaminated our Father’s image in us with the forbidden fruit, so we may fail to live life.
Because with the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate in paradise from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then, we became contaminated with sin blocking through our days the blessings and glories to have our heavenly Father’s face shining upon us as it should be, since we are His children born from His image to know love only always. That is to say, that since Adam and Eve had eaten from the forbidden fruit then our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul in each one of us are contaminated, stained with sin that we continue to fail to see life as He along with His Son and the Holy Spirit intended us to know it in paradise and throughout His Creation.
Because our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul in each one of us are the light lighting up our path in life, and so, wherever we may walk in life then we will never stumble as walking in darkness, because His lights that is His face shining in us light up our living-souls to see life as we ought to, enriching us constantly. That is why, that Satan along with the serpent from the Garden of Eden deceived Eve, the virgin from paradise, so we eat from the forbidden fruit, blocking the light that is to be in each one us lighting up our eyes, ears, minds, hearts’ understanding and reasoning, and so, our human spirit will never navigate blindly but only in His light.
With the forbidden fruit that Eve gave to eat Adam then we all ate from it as well, because we are his children, so we may see life not as our Father, His Son and His Spirit see it, but only as how sin sees it, so we may die never to know life but only darkness throughout our days into eternity. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, so we may have our eyes, ears, minds, hearts restored in each one of us thus to live our lives with our living-souls walking in His light, where darkness fails to exist throughout eternity.
Our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit to become part of Abraham’s family, because He needed to bless Sarah’s barren-womb thus to cause it to give birth to His children as countless as the stars from heaven above, given that His kingdom of His perfect will is a kingdom of light well into all eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Abraham to live with his son Isaac filled with His unfailing-love that will become a fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill that will not only bless human life in His angelical kingdom entirely always but also in Canaan, where He is going to live with His children with His face shining upon them through eternity.
And His amazing light shining upon each one of His children is His image restored not only throughout the house of Israel, although they lied dead in the Valley of dried bones without hope to see life again, but also, He is restoring His image in every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations over Jerusalem’s holy hill. That is why, that as our heavenly Father descended from heaven above with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then it was mainly to let Moses know His name as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, because He needed to baptize them in water to conquer Canaan, where they will serve Him forever.
Inasmuch as, it was to be only within Canaan and over Jerusalem’s holy hill that He was going to take His Son along with His Spirit as Abraham did initially with His Son as Isaac, offering him as an eternal burnt offering by nailing His holy name fire along with His shining face to the wood thus restoring His image within humankind forever. That explains (Ex. 29: 4) why Moses told ancient Israel walking towards conquering Canaan that our heavenly Father had blessed them thus far with very important miracles not only within Egypt, to escape from it with powers displays, but also throughout the Sinai’s desert that He did not give them eyes to see, ears to hear and heart to reason.
Provided that, what was in our heavenly Father’s heart was nailing His eyes to see, His ears to hear, His heart to reason, with His Son Jesus Christ to the wood bitten by the venous serpent, but later, bitten by the bronze snake and nails to the Israelis’ hands and feet thus securing His shining face upon them to see eternal life finally. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to have had Israel born and living in Egypt’s captivity for more than four-hundred years, because with the oath sworn to Isaac sealed within each Israeli as an eternal covenant with heaven’s glory, then, He could live with them throughout eternity over Jerusalem’s holy hill nailed to them as their eternal Father.
Because this covenant of life that is the oath sworn to Isaac: it is about the Father loving His only begotten Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem’s holy hill, both united with the amazing daily powers and gifts of the Holy Spirit that blesses the families of the nations with His atoning-blood finally restored to them with perfect blessings and endless-richness these days. That is why, that our heavenly Father pulled Israel from Egypt’s captivity to baptize them at the Red sea where they will not only dump every sin that the oath sworn to Isaac had arrested with its powers thus liberating the families of the ancient nations someday to serve His holy name fire, but also, He dressed them with His divine-attires.
Given that, they needed to live and behave as His children wearing His high priest clothing moreover conducted very important rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, because they had shed the lambs' atoning-blood over every sin through the Sinai’s desert, finally to enter into Canaan to become one over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever. Considering that, only our heavenly Father is the eyes that see, the ears that hear, the heart that reason between both of them as Father and Son over Jerusalem’s holy hill united together through eternity along with every man, woman and child from all the families of nations, starting with Israel, to become one in His kingdom of His perfect will lastly.
For the reason been that if our heavenly Father can become the eyes that see, the ears that hear, the heart that reasons between Him and His children united together by the amazing daily powers and gifts of the oath sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill forever with eternal life, then, He can do the same with every nation upon earth. That is to say, as well that our heavenly Father wants to become your eyes to see, your ears to hear, your heart to reason with divine living-words that continually pour over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because this is where His holy name fire along with His shining glorious face is nailed to the wood of ancient Israel to save you right now.
It is here. Where you must ascend baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name fire, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because instantly you will abandon the spirit of error for the Holy Spirit that will usher you into the Holy of Holiest, where you will meet Him in person only to love you as a father loves his son. Surely, our heavenly Father sees you ascending as soon as you are baptized in water, because He will be standing nearby the rock of salvation that you have to eat from it abundantly from the water that the ancient Israelis drank with Moses in the Sinai’s desert never to thirst again, but also, it will feed you abundant love, joys, and endless-happiness.
This is the love that you have always searched through life but you failed to see it, or come close to it to cherish it, because it is always far from you, and it seems that you will never get it to touch you, so you may know that you are alive to love that which is always true, perfect and holy forever. However, when you ascend over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because the Holy Spirit ushers you into it to meet our heavenly Father in the Holy of Holiest, where the rock of salvation awaits, for you thus to feed your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit with its entire array of blessings, then, you will know life because of His unfailing-love for you.
Surely, once over Jerusalem’s holy hill our heavenly Father will bless you with His salvation rock, because fed by it from its gamma of endless-richness, making yourself a living-rock: giving love, joy, happiness and blessings as the Sabbath rest to our Father, His Son, the Holy Spirit and His holy name, guarded, loved, and worshipped by angels then you will know yourself finally. Inasmuch as, it is only over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest, where you will become reborn from our heavenly Father’s image that is nailed along with His holy name fire over the wood that Aaron’s children blessed as they tried to change His name by rewriting it to say that he says he is the King of Jews.
However, since the Romans refused to please the Sanhedrin’s Leviticus priests, then the sign that read King of the Jews in Aramaic, Hebrew and Latin was left alone by everyone around the altar that our heavenly Father sent His endless-blessing from Zion blessing every man, woman and child baptized in water for salvation to be possible with them and their loved ones. It is here. Where our heavenly Father will become not only the ancient Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones to be their eyes that see, the ears that hear, the heart that reason with His oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers but also for the families of the nations, believing in Him through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
It is here: over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Israel, where you will be received by a waiting loving Father that has always loved you even beyond eternity to do everything within His powers of the oath sworn to Isaac, to have you back with Him in eternal life, living it to the fullest in heaven’s glory, so you may know life, starting now. Only our heavenly Father loves you with His heart along with His Son and His Spirit by becoming your eyes to see, your ears to hear, your heart to reason, because His call is to be perfect and holy as He is before the angelical hosts, so you may see and live life to the fullest with His image restored in you.
That is to say, that only through His image and living-soul restored in you by the amazing daily powers of the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism that is the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers and gifts pouring over you constantly, then, you will see and live life only knowing richness with His image nailed to you these days until kingdom comes. These days, you may step out your home looking up into the heaven’s stars to count them, but you will fail since they are too many to consider, because these are as many blessings descending, causing you richness throughout your days on earth and in heaven’s glory that you will enjoy abundantly, if you only believe the Father’s image restored you already. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? Or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1